Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?暑假小练笔(含答案)

题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 总分
1.Your computer doesn't work now. There is ______ with it.
A. wrong something B. something wrong C. wrong anything D. anything wrong
2.Li Lei __________ the school bus last Friday.
A. misses B. missed C. was missing D. has missed
3.My grandparents decided ______ in the countryside, because it is quiet there.
A. living B. to live C. live D. lived
4.—When ______ you ______ here
—Two days ago.
A. did;come B. have; come C. will; come D. do; come
5.Nobody taught the old lady how to use WeChat. She learned it all by ________.
A. she B. her C. herself D. hers
6.The students didn t have fun on their school trip ________ the bad weather.
A. because B. because of C. so D. so that
7.—I like the ________ named the English World very much. —Me, too. I have read it for many years.
A. game B. program C. movie D. magazine
8.The dish smells delicious, but it a little salty.
A. looks B. tastes C. feels D. sounds
9._______of the land in that district______covered with trees and grass.
A. Two fifth;is B. Two fifth;are C. Two fifths;is D. Two fifths;are
Nobody likes staying at home on vacation, especially when the weather is fine. Last August we decided to spend the day in the countryside. The problem was that millions of (数百万) other people had the same idea. We moved out of the city slowly behind a long line of cars, but in the end we came to a quiet country road. After some time, we stopped at a farm near the town. We had carried enough food with us and we got it out of the car. Now everything was ready, so we sat down near a path at the foot of the hill. It was very quiet in the cool grass until (直到) we heard bells ringing at the top of the hill. What we saw made us pick up (捡起) our things and ran back to the car. There were about two hundred sheep coming towards (朝) us along the path.
10.From the passage we know the writer likes ________ on vacation.
A. staying at home B. spending a holiday in the open air
C. watching sheep D. playing with friends
11.What does the underlined word "path" mean
A. 山坡 B. 小路 C. 树枝 D. 岔口
12.Which of the following is NOT true
A. Few people wanted to spend the vacation in the countryside that day.
B. They spent their vacation in the countryside.
C. They had much food to eat.
D. They had their food on the grass.
13.What happened when the sheep were coming towards them
A. They stayed there. B. They called for the farmers.
C. They left the food there. D. They picked up their food and ran.
14.What can we infer (推断) from the passage
A. The weather was very fine that day. B. The traffic (交通) was very busy.
C. They found a quiet place. D. All of the above.
A Swedish couple on holiday were traveling around Italy, and they wanted to go to Capri. Capri is an island in the south of the country, famous for its beautiful beach. The couple put their destination into their car's GPS, but they made a spelling mistake(错误). They carelessly typed CARPI instead of CAPRI. There is a real place called Carpi in Italy, but it is a small town in the north of the country.
The couple followed the GPS. Although they were traveling to an island, it didn't worry them that they never crossed a bridge or saw the sea. When they arrived in Carpi, they went to the tourist office. They asked how they could go to the Blue Grotto, a well-known place in Capri. Of course, the office worker couldn't understand them. He thought they wanted to go to a restaurant called the Blue Grotto for dinner.
When the man realized that the couple thought they were in Capri, he explained their mistake. The couple got back into their car and started driving south. The office worker said, "They were surprised, but not angry."
It was a spelling mistake that took the couple 600 kilometers from their destination.
15.Where did the couple want to go
A. To Carpi. B. To Capri. C. To Sweden.
16.What does the underlined word "destination" probably mean
A. 计划书 B. 电话簿 C. 目的地
17.Why didn't they arrive at the right place
A. Because they forgot where to go.
B. Because they broke their car's GPS.
C. Because they made a wrong spelling.
18.Which of the following is TRUE
A. The Blue Grotto is a well-known restaurant in Capri.
B. Carpi is a small town in the south of the country.
C. Capri is a famous island in the south of the country.
19.What's the best title for the passage
A. A Beautiful Beach B. A Careless Mistake C. A Wonderful Vacation
Dear Gung,
My daughter Elena and I took our first dream trip to Thailand and you were our surprising guide(导游). We were worried a little about taking such a long trip, but you were welcoming from the very first meeting, going out of your way(特地) to do everything to make our father-daughter experience(经历) so special.
You made sure Elena had the right trousers to wear when visiting a shrine… and bought her a special elephant schoolbag she had her eye on that she still loves it today. You were kind, light-hearted and funny and always with an easy laugh and a warm smile.
When our hotel in Chiang mai didn't have a pool, you arranged for(安排) the hotel down the street to open their pool for us to spend an afternoon there by their pool.
You made us experience so much of the Thai warmth, hospitality, and welcome. I would love to return again and again.
Thank you, Gung, for your part in creating(创造) such a special father-daughter experience!
(1) How many times did Mark go on vacation to Thailand ______________________________________
(2) What did the guide buy for Mark's daughter _____________________________________________
(3) What did Mark think of the guide ____________________________________________________
(4) What did the guide do when Mark found his hotel didn't have a pool _________________________
relax, wonder, most, time, vacation, visit, everyone, quite, anywhere, photo
Dear John,
Long (1) no see. How are you doing these days What are you going to do for the coming (2) Do you want to go (3) interesting I think (4) is waiting for the vacation. And (5) people choose(选择) to travel. What about you Last summer, I (6) Hainan with my family. It's a warm and (7) place. We saw (8) a few beautiful places. We took many (9) . Travelling is a good way (10) .
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
22. Anita worked hard in a restaurant last summer vacation. She wanted to make enough money to pay (1) school. She was eighteen years old. She (2) (think) it was time to learn to live on her own (独立地). She didn't want to get money from her (3) (parent) all the time.
Anita worked from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. every day. (4) (lucky), she was free in the afternoon and she often went to the library to do her homework or went out (5) (play) with her friends.
One week before (6) end of the summer vacation, Anita met a problem. Her friends would like to go to Hawaii for a trip, and they asked Anita to go with (7) (they). Hawaii is such an (8) (interest) place that Anita really wanted to go there, (9) she also wanted to save money for school. The money she made from the restaurant was not enough to afford both. (10) sad Anita was!
Anita did not go to Hawaii at last. She felt sorry, but she was proud of her decision.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
23.You can enjoy many (活动) such as swimming and tennis in the club.
24.Many of the b in London are along both sides of the River Thames.
25.My brother is old e to ride a bike by himself.
26.It's rainy today. You need to take an u with you.
27.Thisis an interesting book,you won't feel b______.
28.He looks (烦闷的) because he has nothing to do.
29.At that time, (任何人) should wear masks when they go out.
30.There are some new (建筑物) in the big town.
31.I (想知道) where Tom comes from.
32.We watched a (精彩的) game show last night.
33.假设你是李华。上周六,你陪同来自美国结对学校的中学生Peter体验中国文化。请根据以下信息,用英语写一篇短文向校刊English Journey投稿,介绍本次活动内容并分享感受。
Activities Feelings
◆make zongzi …
◆visit a tea museum
◆learn Chinese characters
【小题2】A special elephant schoolbag.
【小题3】Kind, light-hearted and funny and always with an easy laugh and a warm smile.
【小题4】The guide arranged for the hotel down the street to open their pool.
【小题6】visited【小题7】wonderful【小题8】quite【小题9】photos【小题10】to relax
22.【答案】【小题1】for【小题2】thought【小题3】parents【小题4】Luckily【小题5】to play
23.【答案】activities24.【答案】buildings 25.【答案】enough 26.【答案】umbrella27.【答案】ored28.【答案】bored29.【答案】anyone30.【答案】buildings31.【答案】wonder32.【答案】wonderful
33.【答案】Last Saturday, I took Peter, a student from America, to experience some Chinese culture. Everything he experienced that day was a great③ attraction to him.
In the morning①, Peter and I went to visit a tea museum, where he learnt a lot about Chinese tea. After that②, I took him home and taught him to make zongzi. Although② it was a bit③ difficult, he still enjoyed it. In the afternoon①, we had a Chinese class, learning the Chinese characters. He also tried to write some characters with a Chinese brush, and even lost himself in it.
Peter kept saying "amazing" all the way. It made me feel really proud of our rich culture.



