Unit 3人称代词(重点语法提升练)【2024秋季(牛津译林2024版)七上英语单元分块精准训练】(原卷版+解析版)

Unit 3人称代词(重点语法提升练)
主格 放句首,作主语 I am a student. 我是个学生。
宾格 放在动词后,作宾语或表语 My mother likes me. 我的妈妈喜欢我。
放介词后,作宾语 The boy is standing in front of us.这个男生站在我前面。
例如: I help you. 我帮助你。You help me. 你帮助我。
这两句里“我”分别担任主语和宾语,但担任主语时是“I”,担任宾语时是“me”。 两句中的“you”虽然形式相同,但实际担任的成分是不同的,只不过因为“you”的主格和宾格“长得一样”罢了。因此代词的主格、宾格内容是英语初学者容易犯错误的地方。需要同学们加以注意。
单复数 单  数 复  数
主  格 I you he,she,it we you they
宾  格 me you him,her,it us you them
1.(23-24七年级上·江苏南通·期末)Miss Xu is a good teacher. She teaches ________ how to tell China’s stories well in English.
A.we B.us C.our D.ours
2.(23-24七年级上·江苏南通·期末)—Dad, ________ my new classmates, Simon and Daniel.
—OK. Glad to see you, Simon and Daniel.
A.this is B.there are C.that is D.they are
3.(23-24七年级上·江苏盐城·期末)—The shoes must fit you very well.
—Well, let me ________ first.
A.try on them B.try on it C.try them on D.try it on
4.(23-24七年级上·江苏盐城·期末)Yuan Longping, known as the father of hybrid rice. People will never forget ________.
A.he B.his C.them D.him
5.(23-24七年级上·江苏无锡·期末)The young parents name the baby boy Charles because they hope ________ can be strong.
A.she B.he C.her D.him
考查代词。this“这个”,指代单数名词;there are“有……”;that“那个”,指代单数名词;they“他们”,指代复数名词,后接be动词are。根据“Simon and Daniel”可知,这里用they指代两个人。故选D。
考查代词。try on 意为“试穿”,根据选项可知,“动词+副词”结构所带的宾语,如果为代词,只能位于动词和副词之间(动词+代词+副词),故排除选项A和B,根据“The shoes”可知,其为复数名词,故下文中再次提到应用them指代。故选C。
考查代词辨析。he他,主格;his他的,物主代词;them他们,宾格;him他,宾格。此处在动词后作宾语,用宾格,指“Yuan Longping”,故选D。
考查代词用法。she她,人称代词主格;he他,人称代词主格;her她/她的,人称代词宾格/形容词性物主代词;him他,人称代词宾格。根据“The young parents name the baby boy Charles”可知,此处是希望他强壮起来,排除A和C;再根据“they hope…can be strong”可知,此处应用人称代词主格作宾语从句的主语。故选B。
6.(22-23七年级上·江苏扬州·期末)Let Simon and ________ be friends.
A.I B.me C.my D.mine
7.(22-23七年级上·江苏连云港·期末)I have many new friends. I like to play with ________ after class.
A.you B.him C.her D.them
8.(23-24七年级上·江苏连云港·期中)Miss Wu is our Math teacher. ________ is very nice to us.
A.Her B.She C.Him D.He
9.(23-24七年级上·江苏无锡·期中)Let ________ look after our mother at home.
A.my sister and I B.me and my sister C.I and my sister D.my sister and me
10.(23-24七年级上·江苏南京·期中)—Judy, is that boy in the blue coat our new classmate
—Yes. Let’s say hello to ________.
A.he B.them C.him D.you
【详解】句意: 让西蒙和我做朋友吧。
考查代词辨析。I我,主格;me我,宾格;my我的,形容词性物主代词;mine我的,名词性物主代词。根据“Let Simon and...be friends”可知,此处应填宾格,故选B。
考查代词辨析。you你;him他;her她;them他们。根据上文“I have many new friends.”可知,此处是指下课后,我喜欢与朋友们玩,应用they/them来指代“朋友们”;空前介词with后接人称代词宾格作宾语,应用them。故选D。
考查代词辨析。her她/她的,宾格/形容词性物主代词;she她,主格;him他,宾格;he他,主格。此空在句中作主语,应填主格。Miss Wu是女性,此空应填she,故选B。
考查英文常识。根据题干可知单数人称代词其顺序为:第二人称、第三人称、第一人称。let sb. do sth.让某人做某事,let后接人称代词宾格。故选D。
考查代词辨析。he他,主格;them他们,宾格;him他,宾格;you你。根据“is that boy...”可知此处指那个男孩,作介词to的宾语用宾格him。故选C。
11.(23-24七年级上·江苏宿迁·期中)—Who is the boy in front of the blackboard
— ________ is my brother. I often go walking with ________ after lunch.
A.She; she B.She; her C.He: he D.He; him
12.(22-23七年级上·江苏常州·期末)—Does ________ like meat for lunch
—Yes. It gives ________ energy for the day.
A.she; her B.she; she C.her; she D.her; her
13.(22-23七年级上·江苏宿迁·期末)—How much ________ the football cards
—________ 13 yuan.
A.is; They’re B.are; They’re C.is; It’s D.are; It’s
14.(22-23七年级上·江苏南通·期末)This pair of red shoes ________ leather. May I ________
A.are made of; try them on B.is made of; try it on
C.are made of; try it on D.is made of; try them on
15.(23-24七年级上·江苏无锡·期中)— Jim, is that boy ________ new classmate
— Yes, come with me and say hello to ________ .
A.our; he B.us; him C.our; him D.us; he
考查代词辨析。She她,人称代词主格;her她,人称代词宾格;he他,人称代词主格;him他,人称代词宾格。根据问句 “the boy” 可知,此处讲的是男孩,故排除选项A和B;由答句“…is my brother.”可知,第一空处缺主语,应使用人称代词主格he;由“I often walk with…”可知,第二空位于介词后,需使用人称代词宾格him。故选D。
【详解】句意:——她午餐喜欢吃肉吗 ——是的。它给了她一天的能量。
考查be动词和人称代词的用法。结合选项可知,时态为一般现在时,问句主语the football cards是复数形式,因此第一空的be动词用are;答语的主语须用they“它们”来指the football cards,因此第二空填They’re。故选B。
【详解】句意:这双红色的鞋子是皮制的。我可以试一下吗? 根据题干中“This pair of red shoes”可知句子的主语是pair 是单数形式,所以谓语动词也应该用单数形式,而用代词代替一双鞋的时候应该用them。故选D。
16.(23-24七年级上·江苏淮安·期中)I know ________ and her sister. They are my friends.
A.she B.hers C.she’s D.her
17.(23-24七年级上·江苏无锡·期中)Mr. Wang teaches ________ Chinese because ________ good at it.
A.my; his B.me; he’s C.my; he is D.mine; he’s
18.(23-24七年级上·江苏无锡·期中)I want to buy this white dress for my mum. It makes ________ pretty.
A.her look B.her looks C.her to look D.she looks
19.(23-24七年级上·江苏无锡·期中)________ are in different classes, but we often play volleyball after class.
A.I and David B.David and I C.You and David D.David and you
20.(23-24七年级上·江苏无锡·期中)Sandy and I are friends, and ________ have the same hobby.
A.we B.you C.they D.us
考查代词。she她,人称代词主格;hers她的;she’s她是;her她/她的,人称代词宾格/形容词性物主代词。动词know后接人称代词宾格作宾语,根据“and her sister”可知,此处指的是“她”,故选D。
考查代词词义辨析。my我的(形容词性物主代词);his他的;me我(I的宾格);he’s(=he is)他是;mine我的(名词性物主代词)。分析句子成分可知,此句是一个主从复合句,包含一个由because引导的原因状语从句,第一空是作宾语,因此要用宾格me;第二空从句缺少主语,由“Mr. Wang”可知,此处应填he is/he’s。故选B。
考查使役动词make的用法。make sb. do sth.“使某人做某事”,不带to的不定式作宾补;make是动词,后接宾格代词作宾语。故选A。
考查代词辨析。we我们;you你们;they他们;us我们(宾格)。根据“Sandy and I”可知,此处有两个人,所以这里代指前面提到的我们两个应该使用we并在句中作主语。故选A。
21.(22-23七年级上·江苏宿迁·期末)Mr. Johnson is ________ English teacher, and we all like ________.
A.our; him B.her; he C.their; her D.him; her
22.(22-23七年级上·江苏镇江·期中)Quan Hongchan, a 15-year-old girl, is a sports star. We all like .
A.he B.him C.her D.she
23.(22-23七年级上·江苏宿迁·期中)I hope ________ in the next World Cup.
A.her to play B.she to play C.her will play D.she will play
24.(22-23七年级上·江苏淮安·期中)________ is my classmate. Do you want to play with ________
A.He; his B.She; her C.She; him D.He; her
25.(22-23七年级上·江苏常州·期中)Listen to ________, please. ________ am Daniel from Nanjing.
A.me; me B.I; I C.I; me D.me; I
考查代词辨析。our我们的;him他;her她/她的;he他;their他们的。第一个空修饰名词English teacher用形容词性物主代词,排除D;第二个空代指“Mr. Johnson”,作宾语用代词宾格him,排除BC。故选A。
考查人称代词。he他;him他;her她;she她。根据“Quan Hongchan, a 15-year-old girl, is a sports star. We all like... .”可知,此处指代的是女孩,且动词之后应用宾格。故选C。
考查宾语从句。“I hope”后接to do作宾语或者宾语从句,没有hope sb to do的用法;接宾语从句时,人称代词的主格she作从句主语,根据“in the next World Cup”可知,从句的时态为一般将来时。故选D。
考查代词辨析。He他,人称代词主格;his他的,形容词性物主代词;She她,人称代词主格;her她的,人称代词宾格或形容词性物主代词;him他,人称代词宾格。根据“…is my classmate.”可知,第一个空缺主语,应用人称代词主格;根据“Do you want to play with… ”可知,第二个空位于介词with后,应用人称代词宾格;且两个空的性别要一致。故选B。
26.(22-23七年级上·江苏无锡·期中)—Who teaches ________ English
—Mrs. Chen is their English teacher.
A.their B.them C.they D.themselves
27.(23-24七年级上·山东菏泽·期末)________ are in Class 6, Grade 7.
A.He and me B.I and he C.He and I
28.(23-24七年级上·江苏泰州·期末)—Who’s _________ English teacher, boys and girls
—Miss Wu. She teaches very well and everyone likes _________.
A.your; him B.our; he C.your; her D.our; she
29.(22-23七年级上·黑龙江鸡西·期末)—Excuse ________, ________ am Kate. What’s your name
—________ name is Sam.
A.me; I; My B.My; I; me C.I; me; My
30.(23-24七年级上·山东青岛·期末)Our aunts are cooking in the room. Let’s go to help ________.
A.her B.him C.us D.them
考查代词辨析。them为第三人称复数的宾格;their为第三人称复数的形容词性物主代词;they为第三人复数的主格;themselves为第三人称复数的反身代词。teach sb sth“教某人某物”,空处应用宾格。故选B。
考查代词辨析。your你们的;him他,人称代词宾格;our我们的;he他,人称代词主格;her她(的),人称代词宾格或形容词性物主代词;she她,人称代词主格。根据“boys and girls”可知问谁是“你们的”英语老师;再由“She teaches very well”可知都喜欢“她”,likes后接宾格her。故选C。
考查代词的用法。第一空位于“Excuse”动词后,因此应用人称代词的宾格“me”,作宾语,“Excuse me”表示“打扰一下”;第二空位于句首作主语,应用人称代词主格“I”;第三空修饰名词“name”,应用形容词性物主代词“My”。故选A。
考查宾格辨析。her她,人称代词宾格形式;him他,人称代词宾格形式;us我们,人称代词宾格形式;them他们/她们/它们,人称代词宾格形式。根据“Our aunts are cooking in the room”可知,此处帮助的是“aunts”,故用them指代。故选D。
31.(23-24七年级上·河北石家庄·期末)—I lost my keys. I must find them.
—OK. Let ________ help you.
A.I B.he C.my D.me
32.(23-24七年级上·山西朔州·期末)Han Hong is a famous (著名的) singer. ________ often helps people in trouble.
A.She B.Her C.Hers
33.(23-24七年级上·四川成都·期末)Mr. Wang is coming to our school. I can’t wait to see ________.
A.her B.him C.them
34.(23-24七年级上·云南玉溪·期末)These socks are only 3 dollars. Do you want ________
A.it B.them C.that D.they
35.(23-24七年级上·河北保定·期末)Gina and I want to go to the library. Can you go with ________
A.them B.us C.her D.me
考查代词辨析和动词短语。I我,人称代词主格;he他,人称代词主格;my我的,形容词性物主代词;me我,人称代词宾格。根据“Let...help you.”可知,对方钥匙丢了,需要寻找,可推测此处是让我帮你,let sb do sth表示“让某人做某事”,空处需填人称代词宾格,me“我”,宾格,符合语境。故选D。
考查代词辨析。she她,人称代词主格;her她,人称代词宾格;hers她的,名词性物主代词。分析句子结构可知,此处作主语,此处指代Han Hong,用人称代词主格She。故选A。
考查代词辨析。her她,人称代词的宾格;him他,人称代词的宾格;them他/她/它们,人称代词宾格。根据“Mr. Wang is coming to our school. I can’t wait to see…”可知,此处指代Mr. Wang,所以B项正确。故选B。
考查代词。it它;them他们,它们,是宾格形式;that那个;they他们,它们,是主格形式。此处these socks是复数形式,用代词they或them代指,作为动词want的宾语,用代词them,故选B。
考查人称代词词义辨析。them他们;us我们;her她;me我。根据“Gina and I want to go to the library.”可知,空格处应用人称代词的宾格us“我们”指“Gina and I”,故选B。
36.(23-24七年级上·安徽蚌埠·期末)I like your new trousers. Where did you buy ________
A.it B.them C.that D.one
37.(23-24七年级上·河北邢台·期末)—Is Bob ________ cousin
—No, ________ isn’t.
A.your; he B.you; he
C.your; his D.your; she
38.(23-24七年级上·吉林松原·期末)David often asks us ________.
A.help him B.to help him C.to help D.helps him
39.(23-24七年级上·吉林四平·期末)Jane has some ________ for lunch. She likes ________ very much.
A.apple, them B.chicken, it
C.potatos, them D.tomatoes, it
40.(23-24七年级上·吉林四平·期末)________ are good friends.
A.I and Jimmy B.Jimmy and I
C.Me and Jimmy D.Jimmy and me
考查代词辨析。it它;them它们;that那;one指代与前面事物同属一类的事物,并不是同一个事物。根据“I like your new trousers”可知此处应用代词them指代“your new trousers”。故选B。
考查非谓语动词和及物动词。ask sb to do sth“要求某人做某事”,固定短语,结合选项, 排除A、D;help“帮助”,是及物动词,其后应跟宾语,help sb“帮助某人”。故选B。
41.(23-24七年级上·河北邯郸·期末)I know ________ and his sister. They’ re my friends.
A.her B.him C.you D.them
42.(23-24七年级上·安徽合肥·期末)Her grandparents loves her very much, and she loves ________, too.
A.they B.their C.them D.theirs
43.(23-24七年级上·河北保定·期末)Mr. Wang is our English teacher. He is ________ to us, so we all like ________.
A.friend, her B.friendly, her C.friendly, him D.friend, him
44.(23-24七年级上·广东广州·期末)______ will attend the Club Fair tomorrow.
A.We B.Us C.Our D.Ours
45.(23-24七年级上·甘肃武威·期末)Please help ________ find the girl.
A.we B.our C.us D.ours
考查人称代词。her她的/她,形容词性物主代词/人称代词宾格;him他,人称代词宾格;you你/你们,人称代词主格/宾格;them他们,人称代词宾格。分析句子可知,此空位于动词know之后作宾语,应使用人称代词宾格;由空后的“and his sister”可知此处指代的是“他”,对应的人称代词宾格是him,意为“他”。故选B。
考查形容词的用法以及代词辨析。friend朋友,名词;friendly友好的,形容词;her她,宾格;him他,宾格。be friendly to sb“对某人友好”,第一空填形容词作表语。Mr. Wang是男性,第二空填him,故选C。
考查代词辨析。We我们,人称代词主格;Us我们,人称代词宾格;Our我们的,形容词性物主代词;Ours我们的,名词性物主代词。根据“will attend the Club Fair tomorrow”可知,本句缺少主语,应用we。故选A。
46.(22-23七年级上·辽宁丹东·期末)I like oranges, ________ my sister doesn’t like ________.
A.and; they B.so; them C.but; them D.but; they
47.(22-23七年级上·甘肃平凉·期末)—________ is that T-shirt
—________ 50 yuan.
A.How much; It’s B.How much; They’re
C.What color; It’s D.What, They’re
48.(22-23七年级上·安徽滁州·期末)—Who is the woman on TV
—________ is Wang Yaping—China’s ________ woman to walk (行走) in space (太空).
A.She; one B.She; first C.Her; one D.Her; first
49.(22-23七年级上·云南玉溪·期末)These ________ my cousins. ________ are my friends, too.
A.are; Them B.is; Them C.are; They D.is; They
50.(23-24七年级上·四川凉山·期末)After you get Frank’s photo, e-mail ________ at Mary234@.
A.I B.me C.my D.mine
考查连词和代词。and和;so因此;but但是。they它们,主格;them它们,宾格。根据“I like oranges.”可知,第一空表转折,用but;第二空动词like后用宾格,故选C。
考查特殊疑问句以及代词辨析。how much多少钱;what color什么颜色;what什么。根据答语“50 yuan”可知,此处对价格提问用how much。根据“that T-shirt”可知,第二空填It’s,故选A。
考查代词和数词用法。She她,人称代词主格;one一,基数词;Her她的,形容词性物主代词/她,人称代词宾格;first第一,序数词。根据“…is Wang Yaping”和“China’s …woman”可知,王亚萍是女性,且第一空缺主语,所以第一空应填人称代词主格She;根据“China’s…woman to walk (行走) in space (太空).”可知,第二空填first符合语境,表示中国“第一位”在太空行走的女性,用序数词first。故选B。
考查动词和代词。根据“These”可知后填复数,因此是are,排除B、D两个选项;根据“are my friends”可知句子缺主语,且是复数,应填they。故选C。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Unit 3人称代词(重点语法提升练)
主格 放句首,作主语 I am a student. 我是个学生。
宾格 放在动词后,作宾语或表语 My mother likes me. 我的妈妈喜欢我。
放介词后,作宾语 The boy is standing in front of us.这个男生站在我前面。
例如: I help you. 我帮助你。You help me. 你帮助我。
这两句里“我”分别担任主语和宾语,但担任主语时是“I”,担任宾语时是“me”。 两句中的“you”虽然形式相同,但实际担任的成分是不同的,只不过因为“you”的主格和宾格“长得一样”罢了。因此代词的主格、宾格内容是英语初学者容易犯错误的地方。需要同学们加以注意。
单复数 单  数 复  数
主  格 I you he,she,it we you they
宾  格 me you him,her,it us you them
1.(23-24七年级上·江苏南通·期末)Miss Xu is a good teacher. She teaches ________ how to tell China’s stories well in English.
A.we B.us C.our D.ours
2.(23-24七年级上·江苏南通·期末)—Dad, ________ my new classmates, Simon and Daniel.
—OK. Glad to see you, Simon and Daniel.
A.this is B.there are C.that is D.they are
3.(23-24七年级上·江苏盐城·期末)—The shoes must fit you very well.
—Well, let me ________ first.
A.try on them B.try on it C.try them on D.try it on
4.(23-24七年级上·江苏盐城·期末)Yuan Longping, known as the father of hybrid rice. People will never forget ________.
A.he B.his C.them D.him
5.(23-24七年级上·江苏无锡·期末)The young parents name the baby boy Charles because they hope ________ can be strong.
A.she B.he C.her D.him
6.(22-23七年级上·江苏扬州·期末)Let Simon and ________ be friends.
A.I B.me C.my D.mine
7.(22-23七年级上·江苏连云港·期末)I have many new friends. I like to play with ________ after class.
A.you B.him C.her D.them
8.(23-24七年级上·江苏连云港·期中)Miss Wu is our Math teacher. ________ is very nice to us.
A.Her B.She C.Him D.He
9.(23-24七年级上·江苏无锡·期中)Let ________ look after our mother at home.
A.my sister and I B.me and my sister C.I and my sister D.my sister and me
10.(23-24七年级上·江苏南京·期中)—Judy, is that boy in the blue coat our new classmate
—Yes. Let’s say hello to ________.
A.he B.them C.him D.you
11.(23-24七年级上·江苏宿迁·期中)—Who is the boy in front of the blackboard
— ________ is my brother. I often go walking with ________ after lunch.
A.She; she B.She; her C.He: he D.He; him
12.(22-23七年级上·江苏常州·期末)—Does ________ like meat for lunch
—Yes. It gives ________ energy for the day.
A.she; her B.she; she C.her; she D.her; her
13.(22-23七年级上·江苏宿迁·期末)—How much ________ the football cards
—________ 13 yuan.
A.is; They’re B.are; They’re C.is; It’s D.are; It’s
14.(22-23七年级上·江苏南通·期末)This pair of red shoes ________ leather. May I ________
A.are made of; try them on B.is made of; try it on
C.are made of; try it on D.is made of; try them on
15.(23-24七年级上·江苏无锡·期中)— Jim, is that boy ________ new classmate
— Yes, come with me and say hello to ________ .
A.our; he B.us; him C.our; him D.us; he
16.(23-24七年级上·江苏淮安·期中)I know ________ and her sister. They are my friends.
A.she B.hers C.she’s D.her
17.(23-24七年级上·江苏无锡·期中)Mr. Wang teaches ________ Chinese because ________ good at it.
A.my; his B.me; he’s C.my; he is D.mine; he’s
18.(23-24七年级上·江苏无锡·期中)I want to buy this white dress for my mum. It makes ________ pretty.
A.her look B.her looks C.her to look D.she looks
19.(23-24七年级上·江苏无锡·期中)________ are in different classes, but we often play volleyball after class.
A.I and David B.David and I C.You and David D.David and you
20.(23-24七年级上·江苏无锡·期中)Sandy and I are friends, and ________ have the same hobby.
A.we B.you C.they D.us
21.(22-23七年级上·江苏宿迁·期末)Mr. Johnson is ________ English teacher, and we all like ________.
A.our; him B.her; he C.their; her D.him; her
22.(22-23七年级上·江苏镇江·期中)Quan Hongchan, a 15-year-old girl, is a sports star. We all like .
A.he B.him C.her D.she
23.(22-23七年级上·江苏宿迁·期中)I hope ________ in the next World Cup.
A.her to play B.she to play C.her will play D.she will play
24.(22-23七年级上·江苏淮安·期中)________ is my classmate. Do you want to play with ________
A.He; his B.She; her C.She; him D.He; her
25.(22-23七年级上·江苏常州·期中)Listen to ________, please. ________ am Daniel from Nanjing.
A.me; me B.I; I C.I; me D.me; I
26.(22-23七年级上·江苏无锡·期中)—Who teaches ________ English
—Mrs. Chen is their English teacher.
A.their B.them C.they D.themselves
27.(23-24七年级上·山东菏泽·期末)________ are in Class 6, Grade 7.
A.He and me B.I and he C.He and I
28.(23-24七年级上·江苏泰州·期末)—Who’s _________ English teacher, boys and girls
—Miss Wu. She teaches very well and everyone likes _________.
A.your; him B.our; he C.your; her D.our; she
29.(22-23七年级上·黑龙江鸡西·期末)—Excuse ________, ________ am Kate. What’s your name
—________ name is Sam.
A.me; I; My B.My; I; me C.I; me; My
30.(23-24七年级上·山东青岛·期末)Our aunts are cooking in the room. Let’s go to help ________.
A.her B.him C.us D.them
31.(23-24七年级上·河北石家庄·期末)—I lost my keys. I must find them.
—OK. Let ________ help you.
A.I B.he C.my D.me
32.(23-24七年级上·山西朔州·期末)Han Hong is a famous (著名的) singer. ________ often helps people in trouble.
A.She B.Her C.Hers
33.(23-24七年级上·四川成都·期末)Mr. Wang is coming to our school. I can’t wait to see ________.
A.her B.him C.them
34.(23-24七年级上·云南玉溪·期末)These socks are only 3 dollars. Do you want ________
A.it B.them C.that D.they
35.(23-24七年级上·河北保定·期末)Gina and I want to go to the library. Can you go with ________
A.them B.us C.her D.me
36.(23-24七年级上·安徽蚌埠·期末)I like your new trousers. Where did you buy ________
A.it B.them C.that D.one
37.(23-24七年级上·河北邢台·期末)—Is Bob ________ cousin
—No, ________ isn’t.
A.your; he B.you; he
C.your; his D.your; she
38.(23-24七年级上·吉林松原·期末)David often asks us ________.
A.help him B.to help him C.to help D.helps him
39.(23-24七年级上·吉林四平·期末)Jane has some ________ for lunch. She likes ________ very much.
A.apple, them B.chicken, it
C.potatos, them D.tomatoes, it
40.(23-24七年级上·吉林四平·期末)________ are good friends.
A.I and Jimmy B.Jimmy and I
C.Me and Jimmy D.Jimmy and me
41.(23-24七年级上·河北邯郸·期末)I know ________ and his sister. They’ re my friends.
A.her B.him C.you D.them
42.(23-24七年级上·安徽合肥·期末)Her grandparents loves her very much, and she loves ________, too.
A.they B.their C.them D.theirs
43.(23-24七年级上·河北保定·期末)Mr. Wang is our English teacher. He is ________ to us, so we all like ________.
A.friend, her B.friendly, her C.friendly, him D.friend, him
44.(23-24七年级上·广东广州·期末)______ will attend the Club Fair tomorrow.
A.We B.Us C.Our D.Ours
45.(23-24七年级上·甘肃武威·期末)Please help ________ find the girl.
A.we B.our C.us D.ours
46.(22-23七年级上·辽宁丹东·期末)I like oranges, ________ my sister doesn’t like ________.
A.and; they B.so; them C.but; them D.but; they
47.(22-23七年级上·甘肃平凉·期末)—________ is that T-shirt
—________ 50 yuan.
A.How much; It’s B.How much; They’re
C.What color; It’s D.What, They’re
48.(22-23七年级上·安徽滁州·期末)—Who is the woman on TV
—________ is Wang Yaping—China’s ________ woman to walk (行走) in space (太空).
A.She; one B.She; first C.Her; one D.Her; first
49.(22-23七年级上·云南玉溪·期末)These ________ my cousins. ________ are my friends, too.
A.are; Them B.is; Them C.are; They D.is; They
50.(23-24七年级上·四川凉山·期末)After you get Frank’s photo, e-mail ________ at Mary234@.
A.I B.me C.my D.mine
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)




下一篇:Unit 3 My friends Part A Let's spell 同步练习(含答案)