Unit 1 短文首字母填空精准练【2024秋季(牛津译林2024版)七上英语单元分块精准训练】(原卷版+解析版)

Unit 1(短文首字母填空精准练)
Simon is my classmate. He is a good football p 1 . He is thirteen years o 2 . Now he l 3 with parents in Yancheng. He looks very s 4 and tall. He is a m 5 of our school football team. He often watches football m 6 on TV. Simon likes l 7 to music when he is free. He also enjoys reading, so he goes to the Reading Club on W 8 afternoon. He w 9 to play in the next World Cup. I hope his d 10 comes true.
1.(p)layer 2.(o)ld 3.(l)ives 4.(s)trong 5.(m)emeber 6.(m)atches 7.(l)istening 8.(W)ednesday 9.(w)ants 10.(d)ream
2.句意:他十三岁。根据“thirteen years”以及首字母提示,可知指的是十三岁,thirteen years old“十三岁”。故填(o)ld。
3.句意:现在他和父母住在盐城。根据“with parents in Yancheng”可知指的生活在盐城,live“生活”,主语是he,该句是一般现在时,动词用三单。故填(l)ives。
4.句意:他看起来又高又壮。根据“and tall”以及首字母提示,可知此处需要一个形容词作表语,strong“强壮的”,符合语境。故填(s)trong。
5.句意:他是我们学校足球队的一员。根据“of our school football team”以及首字母提示,可知指的是member“成员”;a接可数名词单数。故填(m)emeber。
6.句意:他经常在电视上看足球比赛。根据“watches football”以及首字母提示,可知是观看football matches“足球赛”,用复数名词表类别。故填(m)atches。
7.句意:Simon有空的时候喜欢听音乐。根据“to music”以及首字母提示可知是“听”音乐;likes doing sth“喜欢做某事”,此处用动名词。故填(l)istening。
9.句意:他想参加下一届世界杯。根据“to play in the next World Cup”以及首字母提示,可知是“想要”参加下届世界杯。want“想要”,主语是He,应用三单。故填(w)ants。
10.句意:我希望他的梦想成真。dream“梦想”,根据“comes true”以及首字母提示,指的是“梦想”成真,谓语动词使用了“三单规则”,主语填单数。故填(d)ream。
Dear e-friend,
Thank you for writing to me. I want to tell you about my class and l 11 .
My class is very special .The students come from different c 12 . Six of them come from America, the o 13 come from Canada, Japan, Australia and England. They are good friends. They s 14 together and play together. They help each other. All of our teachers are Chinese, b 15 they teach us in English. They work hard, and they are very kind and helpful.
I get up at 6:00 in the morning. F 16 breakfast, I usually have an egg and some bread. I have l 17 from 8:25 to 11:50 every morning. After 4:40 in the afternoon, I often do some after-school a 18 with my classmates for about one hour and then I go home.
Sometimes I watch TV before I go to bed. At 9:30, I must go to bed b 19 I will go to school the next day.
That’s my class and life. What a 20 yours Please e-mail me soon!
11.(l)ife 12.(c)ountries 13.(o)thers 14.(s)tudy 15.(b)ut 16.(F)or 17.(l)essons 18.(a)ctivities 19.(b)ecause 20.(a)bout
11.句意:我想和你说说我的班级和生活。根据下文“That’s my class and life.”可知,空处是life,表示“生活”,故填(l)ife。
12.句意:同学们来自不同的国家。根据下文“Six of them come from America, the o______ come from Canada, Japan, Australia and England.”可知,空处表示“国家”,英文表达是country,可数名词,且根据语境可知,应用复数形式,故填(c)ountries。
13.句意:他们中的六人来自美国,其他的同学来自加拿大、日本、澳大利亚和英国。根据上文“Six of them come from America”可知,空处表示“其他的”(剩余所有的),故填(o)thers。
14.句意:他们一起学习,一起玩耍。根据“together and play together”可知,空处表示“学习”,时态为一般现在时,故填(s)tudy。
15.句意:我们所有的老师都是中国人,但是他们教我们英语。根据“All of our teachers are Chinese, b______ they teach us in English.”可知,前后句是转折关系,空处应是but“但是”,故填(b)ut。
17.句意:我每天上午8:25到11:50上课。根据“from 8:25 to 11:50 every morning”可知,本句表示为“我要上课”,“上课”的英文表达是have lessons,故填(l)essons。
18.句意:下午4:40之后,我经常和同学一起做一些课外活动,大概做一小时,然后回家。根据“after-school a______”可知是课外活动,英文表达是activity,可数名词,这里应用复数形式,故填(a)ctivities。
20.句意:你的班级和生活怎么样?what about...表示“……怎么样”符合语境,故填(a)bout。
My name is Li Zihao. I’m 12 years old and I’m from Wuhan—a big city in central China. I have a pen pal (笔友) from America. H 21 name is Alan White. Alan is in Grade 7, too. We a 22 talk or play computer games online together on weekends. We are good f 23 . Look. This is a photo 24 my family. In the middle 25 (be) my father and my mother, and these are my g 26 . This girl is my cousin Lingling. She is my uncle’s d 27 , but she i 28 a student. She is only three. She is a cute and n 29 girl. Everyone in our family l 30 her.
21.(H)is 22.(a)lways 23.(f)riends 24.of 25.are 26.(g)randparents 27.(d)aughter 28.(i)sn’t 29.(n)ice 30.(l)ikes
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了“我”以及“我”的朋友Alan White和“我”的家人。
24.句意:这是一张我的家庭照。由于“photo”和“my family”之间是所属关系,因此此处应是介词of。故填of。
25.句意:在中间的是我的爸爸和我的妈妈,这是我的祖父母。根据提示词be、“ my father and my mother”以及语境可知,此处须填are。故填are。
27.句意:他是我叔叔的女儿,但是她不是学生。根据上文“This girl is my cousin Lingling.”可知,此处应是daughter表示“女儿”。故填(d)aughter。
28.句意:他是我叔叔的女儿,但是她不是学生。根据下文“She is only three.”和首字母“i”可推测,此处应是isn’t表示“不是”。故填(i)sn’t。
30.句意:我们家里的每一个人都很喜欢她。根据上文“She is a cute and nice girl.”可推测,此处是like表示“喜欢”,且主语是“Everyone”,要用like的第三人称单数形式。故填(l)ikes。
My name is Lily. I am friendly and honest. I like playing computer games, r 31 books and travelling. I also like playing basketball with my c 32 . We practise it every F 33 afternoon. I want to b 34 a famous basketball player like Yao Ming.
I am good at English and H 35 . Of all the subjects, I like English best because I have a good English t 36 . She w 37 very hard. She is always the first to get to school. She tries to make her class i 38 and make us happy. Mrs Liu is very k 39 to us. And we’re getting on well with each other. A 40 the students in my class respect and love her very much.
31.(r)eading 32.(c)lassmates 33.(F)riday 34.(b)ecome/(b)e 35.(H)istory 36.(t)eacher 37.(w)orks 38.(i)nteresting 39.(k)ind
32.句意:我也喜欢和我的同学打篮球。根据“I also like playing basketball with”和首字母提示可知,和同学一起打篮球,故填(c)lassmates。
33.句意:我们每周五下午练习。根据“We practise it every”和首字母提示可知,周五下午练习,Friday符合句意,故填(F)riday。
34.句意:我想成为一个著名的篮球运动员像姚明。根据“a famous basketball player like Yao Ming”和首字母提示可知,成为一个篮球运动员, become/be“成为”符合句意,to后接动词原形。故填(b)ecome/(b)e。
35.句意:我擅长英语和历史。根据“I am good at English”和首字母提示可知,擅长历史,History“历史”符合句意,故填(H)istory。
36.句意:在所有科目中,我最喜欢英语,因为我有一个好的英语老师。根据“She is always the first to get to school.”和首字母提示可知,有一个好的英语老师,teacher符合句意,故填(t)eacher。
37.句意:她工作很努力。根据“very hard”和首字母提示可知,工作努力,work hard符合句意,句子时态是一般现在时,主语是三单,谓语动词用三单形式,故填(w)orks。
38.句意:她努力使她的课有趣,让我们开心。根据“make us happy”和首字母提示可知,让课堂很有趣,interesting“有兴趣的”符合句意,故填(i)nteresting。
39.句意:刘老师对我们很好。根据“And we’re getting on well with each other”和首字母提示可知,be kind to sb“对……友好”,故填(k)ind。
40.句意:我班上所有的学生都非常尊敬和爱戴她。根据“the students in my class respect and love her very much”和首字母提示可知,所有学生都尊重她,all符合句意,故填(A)ll。
My n 41 is Jim Smith. Smith is my l 42 name. I’m f 43 England. Now my parents are in C 44 with me. I’m 12 y 45 old and I’m i 46 Class Two. I can play t 47 piano and I can play tennis. I can speak English, b 48 I can’t speak Chinese. This is Jane. S 49 is my friend. She is a doctor at a h 50 .
41.(n)ame 42.(l)ast 43.(f)rom 44.(C)hina 45.(y)ears 46.(i)n 47.(t)he 48.(b)ut 49.(S)he 50.(h)ospital
41.句意:我名叫吉姆·史密斯。根据“My ... is Jim Smith.”及首字母可知,此处指我的名字;name“名字”,名词。故填(n)ame。
42.句意:史密斯是我的姓。根据“My ... is Jim Smith.”和“Smith is my ... name.”可知,史密斯是姓;last name“姓”,固定表达。故填(l)ast。
43.句意:我来自英国。根据“ I’m ... England.”及首字母可知,此处指来自英国;be from“来自”,固定短语。故填(f)rom。
44.句意:现在我的父母和我在中国。根据“ Now my parents are in ... with me.”和首字母以及下文“I can’t speak Chinese.”可知,吉姆·史密斯和他父母在中国;China“中国”,名词。故填(C)hina。
45.句意:我12岁,而且我在2班。根据“I’m 12 ... old”及首字母可知,此处指12岁;year(s) old“……岁”,此处用复数years。故填(y)ears。
46.句意:我12岁,而且我在2班。根据“Class Two”及首字母可知,在哪个班级应用介词in。故填(i)n。
47.句意:我会弹钢琴和打网球。play the piano“弹钢琴”,固定短语。故填(t)he。
49.句意:她是我的朋友。根据“This is Jane.”和首字母可知,“她”是我的朋友;she“她”,人称代词主格。故填(S)he。
50.句意:她是一家医院的医生。根据“a doctor”及首字母可知,此处指一家医院的医生;hospital“医院”,名词。故填(h)ospital。
Dear Jack,
Thank you for w 51 to me. I want to tell you s 52 about my life. I get up at 6:40 in the morning. At 7:10, I have b 53 . Then I do morning e 54 at 7:30. I have four l 55 from 8:00 to 11:40 every morning. After 4:00 in the afternoon, I often do some s 56 with my classmates. I play sports for about an hour, and then I go home. Sometimes I watch TV b 57 having supper. Before I go to bed, I do my h 58 . At 9:00, I go to bed.
That’s my 1 59 . What about you Please e 60 me soon!
Wang Lin
51.(w)riting 52.(s)omething 53.(b)reakfast 54.(e)xercises 55.(l)essons 56.(s)ports 57.(b)efore 58.(h)omework 59.(l)ife 60.(e)mail
51.句意:谢谢你写信给我。根据“Thank you for…to me.”可知,此处说的是“写信给我”,write意为“写”,for后跟动词-ing形式。故填(w)riting。
52.句意:我想告诉你一些关于我生活的事情。根据“I want to tell you…about my life.”可知,此处指“一些事”,用“something”表示,不定代词。故填(s)omething。
53.句意:在7:10分,我吃早餐。根据“At 7:10”可知,此处指“吃早餐”,breakfast意为“早餐”,名词作宾语。故填(b)reakfast。
56.句意:下午4点以后,我经常和同学一起做运动。根据“I play sports”可知,此处说的是“做运动”,运动:sport,此处用名词复数。故填(s)ports。
57.句意:有时我在吃晚饭前看电视。根据“Sometimes I watch TV…having supper.”可知,此处指“在晚饭前看电视”,before意为“在……之前”。故填(b)efore。
58.句意:睡觉前,我做作业。根据“I do my…”可知,此处指“做作业”,homework意为“作业”,不可数名词。故填(h)omework。
60.句意:请尽快给我发邮件!根据“Please…me soon!”以及首字母可知,此处指的是“发邮件”,用动词原形“email”。故填(e)mail。
Hello! M 61 name is Joanna. I a 62 forty years old. I work in a bank. Look, h 63 is a picture of my desk. There are many things on t 64 desk: a coffee cup, a book, a telephone, a photo, a c 65 and some p 66 . Where is the book Oh, it’s u 67 the telephone. Can you see the photo of me and my two daughters They are twins, and they l 68 the same. T 69 names are Jessie and Betty. They often have strawberry (草莓) cakes f 70 breakfast.
61.(M)y 62.(a)m 63.(h)ere 64.(t)he 65.(c)omputer 66.(p)encils/(p)ens 67.(u)nder 68.(l)ook 69.(T)heir 70.(f)or
61.句意:我的名字是乔安娜。结合首字母提示,分析句子可知,此处是乔安娜在介绍自己的名字,“我的名字是乔安娜。”此处使用形容词性物主代词my,表示“我的”符合语境;my name“我的名字”,位于句首,首字母需大写。故填(M)y。
65.句意:这张桌子上有很多东西:一个咖啡杯,一本书,一部电话,一张照片,一台电脑和一些铅/钢笔。结合首字母提示,分析句子可知,此处使用可数名词computer,表示“电脑”符合语境,其前有不定冠词a修饰,因此使用名词单数;a computer“一台电脑”。故填(c)omputer。
68.句意:她们是双胞胎,她们看起来一样。根据“They are twins,”可知,她们是双胞胎,由此推断,她们长得一模一样。look“看起来”,look the same“看起来一样”;句子时态为一般现在时,主语they是第三人称复数,谓语动词用原形。故填(l)ook。
69.句意:她们的名字是杰西和贝蒂。根据后面的“Jessie and Betty”可知,此处指她们的名字;their“她们的”,形容词性物主代词,their names“她们的名字”,位于句首,首字母需大写。故填(T)heir。
70.句意:她们早餐经常吃草莓蛋糕。结合首字母提示,分析句子可知,此处使用介词for构成固定搭配have...for breakfast“早餐吃……”。故填(f)or。
I am an American girl. My name is Alice Green. I am a middle school s 71 . I am fifteen. I have two b 72 . They are middle school students, too. We go to school from M 73 to Friday. We don’t h 74 any classes on Saturdays or Sundays. My father and mother are teachers. They always say China is great. I like reading. I am reading a Chinese storybook. I t 75 it’s very i 76 . My brothers and I like p 77 football and basketball. What s 78 do you like Let’s b 79 good pen pals, OK Please w 80 to me soon.
71.(s)tudent 72.(b)rothers 73.(M)onday 74.(h)ave 75.(t)hink 76.(i)nteresting 77.(p)laying 78.(s)ports 79.(b)e 80.(w)rite
71.句意:我是一个初中生。根据“They are middle school students, too.”可知,他们都是学生。结合首字母s,可知是student。故填(s)tudent。
72.句意:我有两个弟弟。根据后文“They are middle school students, too. We go to school from M... to Friday”可知,他们是学生,结合首字母b,可知是有两个兄弟。故填(b)rothers。
74.句意:在周六周日我们没有课。根据前文“We go to school from M...to Friday.”可知,从周一至周五上课,所以是周末不上课。结合首字母h,可知是have。故填(h)ave。
76.句意:我认为它很有趣。横线上是对“a Chinese storybook”的观点,结合首字母i,可知这故事书是有趣的。故填(i)nteresting。
77.句意:我和我的兄弟们喜欢踢足球和打篮球。根据横线后“football and basketball”,可知是play,结合like doing,可知填playing。故填(p)laying。
80.句意:请赶快写信给我。根据前文“pen pals”可知,是写信成为笔友 。故填(w)rite。
My n 81 is Jenny. Today is my b 82 . I am eleven years old. Mum and Dad b 83 a big cake for me. Now it is on the table. I will share it w 84 my parents and my brother. Jack is my b 85 . He is twelve years old. He is a tall boy. He l 86 playing basketball and knows many famous(著名的) b 87 players. There are some pictures of basketball players on the wall in h 88 bedroom. I like basketball t 89 . We o 90 play basketball after school together.
81.(n)ame 82.(b)irthday 83.(b)uy 84.(w)ith 85.(b)rother 86.(l)ikes/(l)oves 87.(b)asketball 88.(h)is 89.(t)oo 90.(o)ften
82.句意:今天是我的生日。根据“a big cake for me”可推测,今天是作者简妮的生日,因此空处是birthday“生日”,故填(b)irthday。
83.句意:妈妈和爸爸买了一个大蛋糕给我。结合“a big cake for me”和提示字母“b”可推测,空格处表示“买”,英文表达是buy,根据语境可知,时态是一般现在时,主语“Mum and Dad”表示复数,因此空格处是buy的原形,故填(b)uy。
85.句意:杰克是我的哥哥。根据“my parents and my brother”和提示字母“b”可知,空格处表示“哥哥”,英文表达是brother,故填(b)rother。
86.句意:他喜欢打篮球,而且他知道很多著名的篮球运动员。like/love doing sth.表示“喜欢做某事”,根据语境和提示字母“l”可知,空格处表示“喜欢”,时态为一般现在时,且主语he是单数代词,因此空格处须用like/love的第三人称单数形式,故填(l)ikes/(l)oves。
87.句意:他喜欢打篮球,而且他知道很多著名的篮球运动员。根据“There are some pictures of basketball players on the wall...”可知,空格处表示“篮球”,英文表达是basketball,故填(b)asketball。
88.句意:在他房间的墙上有很多篮球运动员的照片。根据“There are some pictures of basketball players on the wall in h... bedroom.”可知,空格处表示“他的”,英文表达是his,故填(h)is。
89.句意:我也喜欢篮球。根据“We o... play basketball after school together.”可推测,作者也喜欢打篮球,因此空处是too“也”,故填(t)oo。
Hello, everyone! Do you know who this boy in the picture is Yeah, he is Jason Hill. He is an English b 91 . What’s his f 92 name Do you know Yes, it’s Hill. And Jason is his first name. Now he is in a middle s 93 in Beijing.
There are f 94 people in his family. His parents and sister are in Beijing, t 95 . His father is a doctor in a hospital. His mother is a t 96 in our school, and we all like her English classes. His s 97 Anna is also in our school. His family all like Chinese food. And they t 98 China is a great country.
Jason and I are good friends. He always h 99 me with my English. Next Sunday is Jason’s birthday. To thank h 100 , I want to buy a gift(礼物) for him. But I’m not sure what to buy. Can you help me
91.(b)oy 92.(f)amily 93.(s)chool 94.(f)our 95.(t)oo 96.(t)eacher 97.(s)ister 98.(t)hink 99.(h)elps 100.(h)im
【导语】本文主要介绍Jason Hill的个人信息及家庭人员信息。
91.句意:他是一个英国男孩。根据“Do you know who this boy in the picture is ”可知,他是一个英国男孩,boy“男孩”,结合an可知,此处用名词单数。故填(b)oy。
92.句意:他的姓是什么?根据“Yes, it’s Hill.”可知,应是询问姓什么,结合首字母f,所以是family name“姓氏”。故填(f)amily。
93.句意:现在他在北京的一所中学。根据首字母s,可知是短语middle school“中学”。故填(s)chool。
95.句意:他的父母和姐姐也在北京。根据“Now he is in a middle ... in Beijing.”可知,他们都在北京,所以是too“也”。故填(t)oo。
96.句意:他的妈妈在我们学校是一个老师。根据“and we all like her English classes”可知,妈妈是一个老师。故填(t)eacher。
97.句意:他的姐姐安娜也在我们学校。根据前文“His parents and sister are in Beijing”可知,是讲述姐姐。故填(s)ister。
98.句意:他们认为中国是一个伟大的国家。根据“China is a great country”可知,是观点,所以是他们认为“think”,主语是复数,谓语动词用原形。故填(t)hink。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Unit 1(短文首字母填空精准练)
Simon is my classmate. He is a good football p 1 . He is thirteen years o 2 . Now he l 3 with parents in Yancheng. He looks very s 4 and tall. He is a m 5 of our school football team. He often watches football m 6 on TV. Simon likes l 7 to music when he is free. He also enjoys reading, so he goes to the Reading Club on W 8 afternoon. He w 9 to play in the next World Cup. I hope his d 10 comes true.
Dear e-friend,
Thank you for writing to me. I want to tell you about my class and l 11 .
My class is very special .The students come from different c 12 . Six of them come from America, the o 13 come from Canada, Japan, Australia and England. They are good friends. They s 14 together and play together. They help each other. All of our teachers are Chinese, b 15 they teach us in English. They work hard, and they are very kind and helpful.
I get up at 6:00 in the morning. F 16 breakfast, I usually have an egg and some bread. I have l 17 from 8:25 to 11:50 every morning. After 4:40 in the afternoon, I often do some after-school a 18 with my classmates for about one hour and then I go home.
Sometimes I watch TV before I go to bed. At 9:30, I must go to bed b 19 I will go to school the next day.
That’s my class and life. What a 20 yours Please e-mail me soon!
My name is Li Zihao. I’m 12 years old and I’m from Wuhan—a big city in central China. I have a pen pal (笔友) from America. H 21 name is Alan White. Alan is in Grade 7, too. We a 22 talk or play computer games online together on weekends. We are good f 23 . Look. This is a photo 24 my family. In the middle 25 (be) my father and my mother, and these are my g 26 . This girl is my cousin Lingling. She is my uncle’s d 27 , but she i 28 a student. She is only three. She is a cute and n 29 girl. Everyone in our family l 30 her.
My name is Lily. I am friendly and honest. I like playing computer games, r 31 books and travelling. I also like playing basketball with my c 32 . We practise it every F 33 afternoon. I want to b 34 a famous basketball player like Yao Ming.
I am good at English and H 35 . Of all the subjects, I like English best because I have a good English t 36 . She w 37 very hard. She is always the first to get to school. She tries to make her class i 38 and make us happy. Mrs Liu is very k 39 to us. And we’re getting on well with each other. A 40 the students in my class respect and love her very much.
My n 41 is Jim Smith. Smith is my l 42 name. I’m f 43 England. Now my parents are in C 44 with me. I’m 12 y 45 old and I’m i 46 Class Two. I can play t 47 piano and I can play tennis. I can speak English, b 48 I can’t speak Chinese. This is Jane. S 49 is my friend. She is a doctor at a h 50 .
Dear Jack,
Thank you for w 51 to me. I want to tell you s 52 about my life. I get up at 6:40 in the morning. At 7:10, I have b 53 . Then I do morning e 54 at 7:30. I have four l 55 from 8:00 to 11:40 every morning. After 4:00 in the afternoon, I often do some s 56 with my classmates. I play sports for about an hour, and then I go home. Sometimes I watch TV b 57 having supper. Before I go to bed, I do my h 58 . At 9:00, I go to bed.
That’s my 1 59 . What about you Please e 60 me soon!
Wang Lin
Hello! M 61 name is Joanna. I a 62 forty years old. I work in a bank. Look, h 63 is a picture of my desk. There are many things on t 64 desk: a coffee cup, a book, a telephone, a photo, a c 65 and some p 66 . Where is the book Oh, it’s u 67 the telephone. Can you see the photo of me and my two daughters They are twins, and they l 68 the same. T 69 names are Jessie and Betty. They often have strawberry (草莓) cakes f 70 breakfast.
I am an American girl. My name is Alice Green. I am a middle school s 71 . I am fifteen. I have two b 72 . They are middle school students, too. We go to school from M 73 to Friday. We don’t h 74 any classes on Saturdays or Sundays. My father and mother are teachers. They always say China is great. I like reading. I am reading a Chinese storybook. I t 75 it’s very i 76 . My brothers and I like p 77 football and basketball. What s 78 do you like Let’s b 79 good pen pals, OK Please w 80 to me soon.
My n 81 is Jenny. Today is my b 82 . I am eleven years old. Mum and Dad b 83 a big cake for me. Now it is on the table. I will share it w 84 my parents and my brother. Jack is my b 85 . He is twelve years old. He is a tall boy. He l 86 playing basketball and knows many famous(著名的) b 87 players. There are some pictures of basketball players on the wall in h 88 bedroom. I like basketball t 89 . We o 90 play basketball after school together.
Hello, everyone! Do you know who this boy in the picture is Yeah, he is Jason Hill. He is an English b 91 . What’s his f 92 name Do you know Yes, it’s Hill. And Jason is his first name. Now he is in a middle s 93 in Beijing.
There are f 94 people in his family. His parents and sister are in Beijing, t 95 . His father is a doctor in a hospital. His mother is a t 96 in our school, and we all like her English classes. His s 97 Anna is also in our school. His family all like Chinese food. And they t 98 China is a great country.
Jason and I are good friends. He always h 99 me with my English. Next Sunday is Jason’s birthday. To thank h 100 , I want to buy a gift(礼物) for him. But I’m not sure what to buy. Can you help me
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



