人教新目标七年级上册(2024)Starter Unit 3 Welcome! Section B 同步练习(无答案)

七年级上 Starter Unit 3 Section B 同步练习
1__________ 2__________
3__________ 4__________
5__________ 6__________
7__________ 8__________
二、用in, on, under 或behind填空。每词限用一次。
1. My football is _________ the door.
2. ---Where is my schoolbag, Dad ---It's _________ your bed.
3. There are some apples _________ the tree.
4. There is a bird _________ the tree.
1. Mary _________ (have) a cute cat.
2. There are many _________ (lake) in our country.
3. This is my _________ (grandpa) farm.
4. Let's _________ (go) for a walk together.
5. There are ten _________ (sheep) on the hill.
1. 我两岁的妹妹会从1数到100。
My two-year-old sister can ________ from l to 100.
2. 服装店里有许多种类的衣服。
There are ________ ________ ________ clothes in the clothing shop.
3. 看草坪上的那只兔子。好可爱呀!
________ ________ the rabbit on the grass. How cute it is!
4. 很多农民正在农场工作。
Many farmers are working ________ ________ ________.
5. 你在照片上还看到了什么 ________ ________ can you see in the photo
6. 这件T恤衫太大。你可以给我拿另外一件看看吗
The T-shirt is too big. Can you show me ________ ________
1. My uncle has a big farm. (改为一般疑问句)
________ your uncle ________ a big farm
2. I have many things in my schoolbag. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ you ________ in your schoolbag
3. My cat is under the chair. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ your cat
4. She has two computers. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ computers ________ she ________?
5. The coats are red.(对画线部分提问)
________ ________ ________ the coats
6. What other things can you do (同义句转换)
________ ________ can you do
Mary lives on a farm. She likes animals very much. 1______
One day, Lisa, one of Mary's friends, goes to visit Mary. “I have
a white rabbit,” Lisa says.“ 2______ But I can't find a nice home for it
to live in. Can you give me some ideas ”
“Yes,” Mary says.“ 3______ I think it will be happy to live on my farm. And you can come to take care of (照顾) the rabbit at any time.”
Lisa is very happy to hear that. 4______ And the two girls give the rabbit a name---Bubbles. 5______ It lives on the farm happily.
A. It is from my cousin Jack.
B. Now, Bubbles has a nice new home.
C. There are six sheep, three horses and ten chickens on her farm.
D. The next day, Lisa takes her rabbit to Mary's farm.
E. You can bring your rabbit here.
There is a nice place in my life. That is my grandpa's 1 . My grandpa lives in a small village(村庄).
The village is far 2 the city, so it is very 3 . The village is near a hill with all kinds of flowers, 4 it's very beautiful. There 5 many trees on the hill, too, so the air in the village is very 6 . My grandpa's house is close to the 7 .
When I come in summer holidays, I catch fish in the water with other 8 in the village. The children are very kind to me and I'm happy to be with 9 . We sit under a big tree in front of my grandpa's house to 10 my grandpa's interesting stories. I take my computer to my grandpa's home. I teach them how to 11 the computer. They all like to watch basketball games on the 12
with me. We are very good 13 .
Now there is a new road (路) to the village. It is very 14 for me to go to my grandpa's home. I am 15 . I love the small village.
1. A.shop B.house C.room D.farm
2. A.from B.with C.for D.of
3. A.cute B.cool C.nice D.quiet
4. A.so B.for C.or D.but
5. A.have B.has C.are D.is
6. A.heavy B.good C.cool D.cold
7. A.cinema B.street C.hill D.garden
8. A.neighbors B. teachers C.farmers D.children
9. A.them B.us C.him D.her
10. A. look for B.ask for C.listen to D.think about
11. A.order B.make C.put D.use
12. A.TV B.computer C.movie D.phone
13. A.friends B. brothers C.boys D.children
14. A. difficult B.far C.easy D.right
15. A.sad B.happy C.fine D.tall
Hello, everyone! My name is Mark. I 1________ in my grandparents' yard now. There are many beautiful flowers in their yard. Look 2________ the apple trees. How many trees 3________ my grandparents have Oh, two. There are some red apples on the trees. 4________ is that behind the trees It is a black and white cow.It is strong. Look there! Some baby chickens are near the tomato plants. They are white 5________ lovely. I like the yard very much.




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