【新课标核心素养】Unit 2 Section B 分层作业(含答案)人教新目标九全Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!
Section B分层作业
1.Halloween in North America is a festival for g .
2.The illness s all over the country fast. It caused panic.
3.“Trick or treat” means kids will play a t on you if you don’t give them a treat.
4.Although Mary is an adult, her parents still t her as a child.
5.He likes wearing suits and t .
6.I b you are right.
7.I w if it’s similar to the Water Festival in Yunnan.
8.People go on the street to t water at each other.
9.Chinese people have been celebrating Mid-Autumn F and enjoying Mid-Autumn night.
10.I have been s for English since 10 years ago.
1.The story happened in a (haunt) house.
2.I believe you can find a good hotel in the (neighbor).
3.Tom (put) some flowers on the table just now.
4.The word “reach” (mean) “get to”.
5.Which festival do you think is the (popular) in China
6.Do you know the (important) of sharing and giving love to the people around us
7.He (happy) celebrates Christmas with his family.
8.What is the true (mean) or spirit of Christmas
9.Look! The dog is (die) soon.
10.It’s a famous short novel (write) by Lu Xun.
He realize that he was wrong.
it is to drive after drinking wine!
I wondered to my party tomorrow.
When I was young, I often the clothes before going to bed.
What do you the Dragon Boat Festival
1.He thinks that he needs to take more exercise because he’s _________ weight.
A.putting off B.putting up C.putting out D.putting on
2.Her father warned her _________ alone at night.
A.not go out B.not to go out C.don’t go out D.to not go out
3.This photo reminded the old man ___ the days when he was young.
A.with B.for C.by D.of
4.- ______________ it is today!-Yes. Shall we go hiking
A.How fine weather B.What a fine weather
C.What fine weather D.How fine the weather
5.Nowadays people who smoke in public places will be _________ .
A.hurt B.stolen C.punished D.admired
6.Mr. Lee used to _________ dinner in the restaurant, but now he is used to _________ every meal with his family at home.
A.have; eat B.having; eat C.have; eating D.having; eating
7.He told me _________ he wanted to buy a present for his father.
A.where B.that C.if D.why
8.The man is listening to the radio, _________ on the bed.
A.lie B.lies C.lay D.lying
9.Bill is a new student. You should _________ him.
A.look at B.care about C.listen to D.take after
10.David doesn’t know _________ for Guangzhou, because the boss hasn’t decided who should go.
A.when he will leave B.when will he leave C.if he leaves D.if he’ll leave
The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival, which falls on Oct. 4th this year. “Chong” means “double” in Chinese. 1 , as double ninth was pronounced the same as the word to express “forever”, Chinese ancestors considered it a good day worth celebration. That’s 2 ancient Chinese began to celebrate this festival long ago.
People follow several customs on Double Ninth Festival. For example, people often 3 the cornel (山茱萸) on their arms or heads because they believe this plant can prevent diseases and avoid disasters. Besides, people like to climb 4 on this day, so Double Ninth Festival is 5 Mountain Climbing Festival. The 9th lunar month often has autumn skies and fresh air. It is a good time 6 sightseeing. When people stand on a high mountain, they will have a good view of a blue sky and dark green mountains, which makes 7 carefree and joyful. Chongyang Cake is also known as “flower cake”. It is said that the 8 was originally (最初) prepared after autumn harvest, because farmers wanted to have a 9 of what was just in season. Then gradually it became the cake for people to eat on Double Ninth Festival. Double Ninth Festival is a festival for the 10 . People get together to show their love and concern for their parents and their grandparents.
1.A.But B.Though C.Also D.While
2.A.when B.why C.where D.how
3.A.wear B.dress C.put D.carry
4.A.trees B.stones C.rocks D.mountains
5.A.called B.known C.made D.seen
6.A.in B.with C.for D.on
7.A.him B.you C.us D.them
8.A.flower B.cake C.drink D.festival
9.A.taste B.sound C.smell D.touch
10.A.young B.old C.rich D.poor
When is the best time for us to enjoy the bright moon Of course, it is the Mid-Autumn Festival, one of the most important holidays in China. We look at the moon, eat moon cakes, and get together with our family. The tradition is thousands of years old.
The moon, the key part of the festival, is special to most Chinese people. We enjoy and admire it. We use the round and crescent moon (新月) to describe reunion and separation (离别).
Our admiration of the moon dates back to ancient times. There is the legend (神话) of Chang’e flying to the moon—the most famous story about the moon. Many Chinese poets (诗人) connect the moon with homesickness (乡愁). For example, “Beside my bed a pool of light. Is it hoar frost (霜) on the ground ” from Jing Ye Si (Thoughts in the Silent Night) by Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai.
Today, the moon is still important to Chinese people. The Miao minority (少数民族) in Guizhou province has a special custom. On the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, young people dance under the moon to find their other half.
However, Western people see the moon differently. In some stories, the full moon is somewhat scary to people. The most well-known legend is the werewolf. A werewolf usually looks like a human, but changes into a wolf-like creature (生物) when there is a full moon. Also, if someone is very excited or even crazy about something, others may joke, “It must be a full moon.”
1.The underlined(划线的) word “werewolf” in the passage means “________” in Chinese.
A.吸血鬼 B.狼人 C.精灵
2.According to the writer, the Mid-Autumn Festival is the best time to ________.
A.eat cake B.hang out with friends C.admire the moon
3.What does Paragraph 3 try to explain
A.When the story of Chang’e started.
B.Why the moon is special to Chinese people.
C.How ancient poets described the moon.
4.When “It must be a full moon” is used to describe a person, the person ________.
A.likes the moon very much B.misses his or her home C.is very excited about something
5.What’s the story mainly about
A.Different holiday customs in China.
B.How the Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated in China.
C.Legends about the full moon in China and Western countries.
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内所给单词的正确形式。
World Hello Day is celebrated on November 21 every year. 1 (begin) in 1973, the day was first in response to the fight between Israel and a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria. And 2 then about 180 countries have taken part in this special day.
Anyone can take part in the day 3 (simple) by saying hello to and greeting at least 10 people he or she meets! Of course they can be family members and friends, but it is better if you are brave enough to say hello to 4 (strange) on the street. Many winners of the Nobel Peace Prize are among the people 5 have realized World Hello Day’s value as a way of keeping peace and as an occasion that 6 (make) it possible for anyone in the world to contribute to world peace.
“World Hello Day aims at developing peace all over the world and 7 (clear) up barriers between nations. People around the world use the occasion of World Hello Day as a chance 8 (express) their anxiety for world peace,” an organizer said. “We can only ever achieve a 9 (peace) world if we join together. The key is to communicate and to create peace through talking instead 10 through being violent to each other!”
1. 简单介绍一下这个中国传统节日;
2. 详细叙述你在这个节日里的一段难忘而又有意义的经历;
3. 简述你对经历的感想。
一 1.ghosts 2.spread 3.trick 4.treat 5.ties
6.believe 7.wonder 8.throw 9.Festival 10.studying
二1.haunted 2.neighborhood 3.put 4.means 5.most popular
6.importance 7.happily 8.meaning 9.dying 10.written
三1. came/began/started to 2. How dangerous 3. if/whether he would come
4. laid out 5. like best about
一1-5DBDCC 6-10CBDBD 二1-5 CBADA 6-10 CDBAB 三1-5BCBCC
一 1.Beginning 2.since 3.simply 4.strangers 5.who/that
6.makes 7.clearing 8.to express 9.peaceful 10.of
二One possible version:
As China continues to develop, even foreigners are becoming fascinated with Chinese culture and traditional festivals. As for me, one festival in particular that I enjoy is the Mid-Autumn Festival.
One year, I spent the Mid-Autumn Festival with my grandparents. We lit up the lanterns and walked around the park, admiring the beauty of the full moon. My grandfather told me that the full moon represents a reunion of the family and hope for the future. We also enjoyed delicious mooncakes, which were filled with egg yolks and chopped nuts. My grandfather shared stories about his joyful childhood experiences with the festival.
Through sharing our festival experiences, I hope to help others better understand the richness and diversity of Chinese culture.
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