【2024中考真题特辑:热点时文阅读】03 科学技术(原卷版+解析版)

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1 2024·江苏苏州·中考真题 阅读理解 介绍了中国在电动汽车行业的发展以及面临的机遇和挑战。
2 2024·湖北武汉·中考真题 阅读理解 介绍人工智能的优缺点。
3 2024·四川宜宾·中考真题 阅读理解 介绍孙先生利用AI换脸技术制作了一段来自他已故父亲的视频信息,以此来安慰他的奶奶。
4 2024·四川广安·中考真题 阅读理解 介绍了面向未来世界的一些新技术以及这些技术的优缺点。
5 2024·吉林·中考真题 阅读理解 介绍了四种可以在学校应用的科技。
6 2024·山西·中考真题 阅读理解 介绍了中国研发的高铁动车CR450和电动飞机AG60E。这表明了技术是第一动力,展现了中国的领导作用和强大力量。
7 2024·重庆·中考真题 阅读理解 介绍了无人机的应用以及未来的产业。
8 2024·云南昆明·二模 阅读理解 介绍了VR技术的应用让游客走进剧场,体验古老洛阳的生活,感受中国传统文化的魅力。
9 2024·广东中山·三模 阅读理解 讲述了人工智能在天气预报领域的应用,包括其优点和缺点。
10 2024·广东佛山·三模 阅读理解 介绍了大型活动中的无人机灯光秀。
(2024·江苏苏州·中考真题)China has become the world’s largest producer and market of EVs (电车). According to a report, 9.58 million Chinese-made EVs were produced and 9.49 million were sold in 2023. Among the total sales, 1.2 million EVs were exported (出口).
The Chinese government has been encouraging EVs as part of its effort for green, high-quality development. As a result, China’s EV industry develops very quickly. At Auto (汽车) China 2004, BYD was the only company showing EVs there. At Auto China 2024, there were 278 different EV models on show, including BYD, SAIC, Geely, Li Auto, Nio, Xpeng and other brands (品牌).
China’s EV industry is now facing both challenges and chances. It’s reported that 71% of EV brands cut prices in 2023. EV makers without the ability of innovation (创新) will face growing risks. In order to be both green and smart, Chinese EV makers are trying hard to improve technologies like battery qualities and AI support. At the same time, the government is adding even more charging points (充电站). On the other hand, more Chinese people are aware of the environmental problems. It is encouraging more buyers to choose EVs.
EVs are the way of the future. In an ideal world, everyone benefits from innovation and green transport. Some might get there sooner than others, and will gain greater rewards. It is very likely that China will hold the lead.
1.How many Chinese-made EVs were sold in China in 2023
A.8.38 million. B.9.49 million. C.9.58 million. D.8.29 million.
2.What is the purpose of Paragraph 2
A.To introduce different EV brands in China. B.To give some information about Auto China.
C.To show the development of China’s EV industry. D.To advise people to buy Chinese-made EVs.
3.EV makers can most probably reduce growing risks by ______.
A.improving innovation ability B.winning the government’s support
C.adding more charging points D.dealing with environmental problems
4.What’s the writer’s attitude (态度) towards the future of China’s EV industry
A.Uncertain. B.Hopeful. C.Doubtful. D.Worried.
1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B
1.细节理解题。根据“According to a report, 9.58 million Chinese-made EVs were produced and 9.49 million were sold in 2023. Among the total sales, 1.2 million EVs were exported (出口).”可知,2023年中国制造的电动汽车销量为949万辆,其中包括出口120万辆,故在国内销售了829万辆。故选D。
2.段落大意题。根据“At Auto (汽车) China 2004, BYD was the only company showing EVs there. At Auto China 2024, there were 278 different EV models on show”可知,2004年的汽车展上只有一家展示电动汽车的品牌,但是到了2024年有了多家品牌,文章第二段的内容表明了中国电车行业的发展。故选C。
3.推理判断题。根据“EV makers without the ability of innovation (创新) will face growing risks”可知,没有创新能力的电动汽车制造商将面临越来越大的风险,故可知电动汽车制造商可以通过提高创新能力来降低风险。故选A。
4.观点态度题。根据最后一段“EVs are the way of the future…It is very likely that China will hold the lead.”可知,作者认为电动汽车行业大有可为,且中国在未来会居于领先地位,故可知作者对中国电动汽车行业的未来是充满希望的。故选B。
(2024·湖北武汉·中考真题)You may have a house robot that can do housework for you. But is it so smart Meet Laura, a robot in the National Library in Madrid, Spain, copying out the old books and writings in its collection. See Aurora, a headless dog-sized robot used to keep birds and other animals away at an Alaskan airport. Watch another 1.8 meter-tall legless robot called EveR6, waving its arms to guide musicians through a performance.
Those robots above require artificial intelligence (AI) (人工智能). AI is a computer system (系统) that can understand languages, make decisions and solve problems. AI can be taught skills using a process called machine learning. Humans give AI information such as books, photos or videos to train it. The more information it studies, the better it can do its job.
________. For example, when you watch TV, AI is watching you. It’ll know what your favorite is and suggest similar ones. In hospitals, AI is very good at suggesting treatments and can even invent new medicines. To cut down food waste, some schools introduce online systems for the students to choose meals ahead of time. In cities, AI is used to watch out for cars that make black smoke. It works together with the police and transportation teams to stop them and keep the air clean. AI can help us fight climate (气候) change by finding clever ways to reduce energy use.
Some people worry that AI will take away a large number of jobs and also fear that AI could develop out of our control and bring danger to humans. However, AI is expected to be a more powerful production tool that will help humans achieve more in less time. It is believed that the flying car will be made to offer an easier way out of the morning traffic jam (交通堵塞). Humans imagine AI might even find a way to solve the problems of our energy needs completely. Anyway, there is still a long journey for humans and AI.
5.In which pictures can we see Aurora and EveR6
A.a, c B.b, d C.b, c D.a, d
6.What BIG question does paragraph 2 answer
A.What is AI B.Why are AI robots made
C.Where is AI used D.How many AI robots are mentioned
7.Which of the following can be put in ________
A.AI will be developed rapidly B.Humans depend too much on AI
C.Humans wonder if AI could think D.AI has become part of daily life
8.In the future, AI is expected to be able to ________.
A.suggest TV programs B.cut down food waste
C.invent new medicines D.help produce enough energy
9.What would the author write about after the last paragraph
A.The end of AI. B.The history of AI.
C.The way to get along with AI. D.The skill of making AI robots.
5.B 6.A 7.D 8.D 9.C
5.细节理解题。根据“See Aurora, a headless dog-sized robot used to keep birds and other animals away at an Alaskan airport. Watch another 1.8 meter-tall legless robot called EveR6, waving its arms to guide musicians through a performance.”可知,Aurora是一个无头狗大小的机器人,在阿拉斯加机场用来驱赶鸟类和其他动物;EveR6挥舞着手臂引导音乐家完成表演。故选B。
8.细节理解题。根据“Humans imagine AI might even find a way to solve the problems of our energy needs completely.”可知,人类想象人工智能甚至可以找到一种完全解决我们能源需求问题的方法。所以未来人工智能有望帮助生产足够的能源。故选D。
(2024·四川宜宾·中考真题)In a heartwarming story, Mr. Sun from Fushun, Liaoning province, made a video using AI technology to make his grandma happy. He used a special computer technology to make himself look and sound like his dad, who had been dead. It took him almost half a month to finish it. Then he sent the video to his 91-year-old grandma. Sun had lots of feelings while making the video. He felt a lot of sadness thinking about his dad and how much he missed him.
Sun’s dad died in 2023 because of a serious disease. Sun’s grandma didn’t know about it because her family worried it would make her too sad. They told her that her son was still in hospital far away. However, the grandma missed her son a lot and wanted to talk to him.
Sun got a creative idea from movies. He decided to use a computer program to make a video where he looked like his dad. He even had his hair cut to look more like his dad. With the computer program, he changed his face into his father’s in the video and said, “Mom, it’s Jihai, your son. I’m doing well in Beijing.” The video wasn’t very clear, but the grandma believed it was really her son.
In fact, Sun made the video to help himself say goodbye to his dad as well and to start a new page in his life. Although it’s hard, Sun wants to be strong like his dad and take care of his family. Now, Sun is taking care of his grandma like his dad would have.
10.What did Mr. Sun use to make the video
A.Some stories. B.AI technology. C.Some movies. D.His family photos.
11.How long did Mr. Sun spend making the video
A.Half an hour. B.Two days. C.Almost a week. D.Almost half a month.
12.Why did Sun’s grandma know nothing about her son’s death
A.Because she was too old to remember her son.
B.Because her family wanted her to start a new page.
C.Because she was very busy looking after her family.
D.Because her family worried it would bring her much sadness.
13.What’s Sun’s possible opinion about AI technology
A.It’s helpful. B.It’s terrible. C.It’s worrying. D.It’s unknown.
14.Which can be the best title for the passage
A.The Importance of AI B.Mother’s Great Love
C.A Heartwarming Story D.Ways of Saying Goodbye
10.B 11.D 12.D 13.A 14.C
10.细节理解题。根据“Mr. Sun from Fushun, Liaoning province, made a video using AI technology to make his grandma happy”可知,孙先生用人工智能技术制作了一段视频。故选B。
11.细节理解题。根据“It took him almost half a month to finish it.”可知,他花了将近半个月的时间才完成。故选D。
12.细节理解题。根据“Sun’s grandma didn’t know about it because her family worried it would make her too sad. They told her that her son was still in hospital far away.”可知,因为她的家人担心这会让她太伤心,所以没有告诉奶奶她的儿子去世了。故选D。
13.推理判断题。根据“In fact, Sun made the video to help himself say goodbye to his dad as well and to start a new page in his life.”可知,AI技术做的视频帮助到奶奶,帮助自己告别父亲,开启人生新的一页,所以他会认为这很有用。故选A。
14.最佳标题题。根据“In a heartwarming story, Mr. Sun from Fushun, Liaoning province, made a video using AI technology to make his grandma happy.”及全文可知,本文介绍孙先生利用AI换脸技术制作了一段来自他已故父亲的视频信息,以此来安慰他的奶奶,这是一个非常感人的故事。故选C。
(2024·四川广安·中考真题)What will the world of tomorrow be like Many people today believe that technology is going to help solve some problems we have today. New technology may solve old problems, and it may also create new ones. No technology is perfect. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Here are three examples.
When we dream about the future, many of us think that we will be able to fly to the sky in our own flying cars. We could fly at 480 km per hour, avoiding traffic lights and busy roads. However, if too many flying cars are in the air, there will be trouble with traffic control.
3D printing is another new technology for the future. 3D printers are already used to make life-size models of car parts (部件), and man-made body parts, like ears. As we move into the future, 3D printing will change the way we make things and the way we treat sick people. The disadvantage is that such a machine is very expensive.
Finally, people are trying to make a robot suit (套装). This is an electronic suit. It allows people to lift heavy things and walk a long way. It might help people walk again after an illness or an accident. However, one disadvantage at the moment is the cost.
It is easy to imagine a future. We will be able to fly to work, print out a new pair of shoes or lift a car above our heads. Although there are some problems to solve, we can certainly dream of a world. In this world, technology makes people’s life easier and safer, and it can solve some of the most difficult problems we have today.
15.How does the writer start the passage
A.By asking a question. B.By giving a report.
C.By giving advice. D.By telling a story.
16.Which one of the following is NOT true
A.If too many flying cars are in the air, there will be problems with traffic control.
B.3D printing won’t change the way we make things.
C.A robot suit costs too much at the moment.
D.Technology can solve some of the most difficult problems we have today.
17.What might the robot suit help people do after an illness or an accident
A.It might help people fly to the sky. B.It might help people make models.
C.It might help people walk again. D.It might help people save money.
18.What would be the best structure (结构) of this passage
(Paragraph1=① Paragraph2=② Paragraph3=③ Paragraph4=④ Paragraph5=⑤)
A. B.
C. D.
19.What is the theme (主题) of the passage
A.Traffic. B.Machines. C.Clothes. D.Technology.
15.A 16.B 17.C 18.C 19.D
15.推理判断题。根据“What will the world of tomorrow be like ”可知,文章是以提问题的方式引出话题,展开论述的。 故选A。
16.细节理解题。根据“As we move into the future, 3D printing will change the way we make things and the way we treat sick people.”可知,3D打印技术会改变我们创造事物的方式,以及我们治疗病人的方式。因此选项B“3D打印不会改变我们创造事物的方式。”表述有误。故选B。
17.细节理解题。根据“It might help people walk again after an illness or an accident.”可知,机器人套装可以帮助人们在疾病或事故后再次行走。故选C。
19.主旨大意题。根据“No technology is perfect. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Here are three examples.”可知,文章主要是介绍面向未来世界的一些新技术的情况,故选D。
Technologies Making School Life “SMART”
E-booksIn the future, students may only bring e-books to school. In fact, some schools are already doing this. E-books can store notes and students feel relaxed with lighter schoolbags.
Robot teachersThere are robot teachers in the schools in some cities. These robots can help students with their studies. They can also help them solve problems.
E-skatesWith a pair of e-skates, you can walk to school faster! E-skates can be tied to your shoes easily. And there are four speed settings you can choose.
Flying aidsIf students get hurt and need help at schools, drones (无人机) can be of great use. They can offer help faster than people and they can also carry medicine or clothes.
20.How many technologies are mentioned in the passage
A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
21.How do students feel with lighter schoolbags
A.Worried. B.Relaxed. C.Bored. D.Surprised.
22.Who can help students with their studies according to the passage
A.The robot teachers. B.The parents.
C.The workers. D.The friends.
23.Which is the best choice if you want to walk to school faster
A.Flying aids. B.Clothes. C.E-skates. D.Schoolbags.
24.Where does the passage probably come from
A.A travel magazine. B.A movie magazine.
C.A technology magazine. D.A music magazine.
20.D 21.B 22.A 23.C 24.C
21.细节理解题。根据“E-books can store notes and students feel relaxed with lighter schoolbags.”可知,学生们对于更轻的书包感到放松。故选B。
22.细节理解题。根据“These robots can help students with their studies.”可知,机器人教师会帮助学生们学习。故选A。
23.细节理解题。根据“With a pair of e-skates, you can walk to school faster!”可知,用电子滑板可以更快到学校。故选C。
Technology is the first power!It is a great joy and a matter of pride to see China’s high technology is brightly shining from the sky to the ground. It is widely known that China has well-developed high-speed railway network (铁路网) in the world. Now, the country is breaking its own speed record with the CR450. The CR450 can travel at a top speed of 453 kilometers an hour. Once put into use, it will take just about 2.5 hours to travel from Beijing to Shanghai, which takes at least 4.5 hours at the moment. Even though it can travel so fast, it can also start braking (刹车) quickly, taking just 1.7 seconds, and its noise level keeps low. It creates a safe and comfortable environment for passengers. With the advantages, the CR450 shows China’s leading role and great power to the world.
The AG60E is China’s self-developed lightweight two-seat electric plane. It is 6.9 meters long, 2.6 meters high and 8.6 meters wide. It is mainly designed for pilot training, flight experience, and private travel. It uses an electric power pared with the traditional plane, it doesn’t send out greenhouse gases, and its noise level is much lower. The AG60E electric plane draws the world’s attention, for it is a practice of China’s aviation industry (航空工业) towards air pollution. The AG60E is only a starting point. It is expected to become an important force to achieve green and low-carbon development in the field of aviation.
25.How long will it take to travel from Beijing to Shanghai by CR450
A.1.7 hours. B.About 2.5 hours. C.At least 4.5 hours.
26.What is the advantage of the CR450
A.Fast and safe. B.Light and small. C.Warm and bright.
27.Why does the world pay attention to the AG60E
A.It is self-developed by China.
B.It can be used in many fields.
C.It’s environmentally friendly.
28.What do the CR450 and the AG60E have in common
A.Their noise level is low.
B.They have been widely used.
C.They can hold many passengers.
29.What does the poster want to show us
A.Chinese people’s wish for green travel.
B.The ways to cut down pollution in China.
C.Great achievements of China’s technology.
25.B 26.A 27.C 28.A 29.C
25.细节理解题。根据“The CR450 can travel at a top speed of 453 kilometers an hour. Once put into use, it will take just about 2.5 hours to travel from Beijing to Shanghai”可知,乘坐CR450从北京到上海需要约2.5小时。故选B。
26.细节理解题。根据“Even though it can travel so fast”及“It creates a safe and comfortable environment for passengers.”可知,CR450的优势是快速、安全。故选A。
27.细节理解题。根据“The AG60E electric plane draws the world’s attention, for it is a practice of China’s aviation industry (航空工业) towards air pollution.”可知,AG60E电动飞机是中国航空工业治理大气污染的一次实践,是环境友好型的创造,所以引起了全世界的关注。故选C。
28.细节理解题。根据“and its noise level keeps low”及“and its noise level is much lower.”可知,CR450和AG60E的噪音水平都很低。故选A。
29.主旨大意题。根据“It is a great joy and a matter of pride to see China’s high technology is brightly shining from the sky to the ground.”及全文可知,文章主要介绍了中国研发的高铁动车CR450和电动飞机AG60E,这两项的发明表明了中国高科技技术的发展,是中国科技的伟大成就。故选C。
①More than 100,000 people cheered at the breathtaking moment when 3,000 drones flew over Chaotianmen on the Chinese New Year Eve. The 15-minute drone show had 300 million views online.
②In fact, drones are easy to operate. People send orders to the control system. Rotors push against the air to make the drone rise or stay in the air. By changing the angle (角度) and the speed of different rotors, the drone flies in all directions.
③Drones can complete difficult and special tasks in a timely and effective way.
④After an earthquake, drones can fly over blocked roads to find people or record any possible danger. Reaching the mountain village by road may take several hours, but drones provide information in just a few minutes.
⑤For weak wildlife populations, drones can show where poachers are hiding and if they are carrying guns. At night, drones with infrared (红外线的) cameras can easily find them in the dark.
⑥Drones also provide convenience for the public. For example, at a sports event, drones are used to give a view from above or help coaches see how their players are doing.
⑦In a word, drones have been widely used in emergency (紧急情况), environmental protection, farming, transportation and others, with more fields on the way.
⑧As drones are cheaper, more practical and less dangerous than planes or helicopters, drone flight activities have become the important driving force for the growth of low-altitude economy (低空经济). Besides well-known leaders like DJI, more pioneering companies have appeared. At the end of last year, there were nearly 1.27 million registered (注册的) drones across the country. The drone industry is believed to be full of chances and possibilities.
30.What’s the purpose in writing Paragraph 1
A.To provide the background. B.To lead into the subject.
C.To compare differences. D.To introduce a festival.
31.What does the underlined word “poachers” in Paragraph 5 mean
A.非法捕猎者 B.动物保护者
C.无人机驾驶员 D.野生动物管理员
32.Which of the following shows the structure of this passage
A. B.
C. D.
33.What will the writer probably discuss after the last paragraph
A.The history of the drone industry. B.The advantages of drones.
C.The future of the drone industry. D.The standards of drones.
30.B 31.A 32.D 33.C
30.推理判断题。根据“More than 100,000 people cheered at the breathtaking moment when 3,000 drones flew over Chaotianmen on the Chinese New Year Eve.”可知本文通过超10万人观看无人机在新年飞行的时刻,引出对无人机的介绍。故选B。
31.词义推断题。根据“For weak wildlife populations, drones can show where poachers are hiding and if they are carrying guns.”可知携带枪支,猎杀野生动物的是非法捕猎者。故选A。
33.推理判断题。根据“The drone industry is believed to be full of chances and possibilities.”可知最后一句介绍无人机未来是充满无限机会和可能的,所以之后作者会介绍无人机未来的产业。故选C。
(2024·云南昆明·二模)The first “Luoyang Virtual Reality (虚拟现实) Project” has ever become a hit since it opened to public, attracting many drama fans and digital technology lovers. The project makes it possible to bring us back to the ancient Luoyang by using VR technology.
The project was set in a theater which covers about 300 square meters in Shanghai. It created a highly realistic environment using VR technology, Inside-out Tracking technology and other technologies to set up different props, such as horses, ships, and tools.
Users can have a “time travel” experience with an exciting 60-minute VR-powered journey, traveling back to 1,300 years ago to “visit” the ancient city of Luoyang. Inside the theater, they can not only play roles in the drama, but also choose costumes and take photos according to their interests.
The application (应用) of VR technology allows tourists to walk in the theater and experience the ancient life of Luoyang, and feel the charm (魅力) of traditional Chinese culture.
This project successfully creates a new way to spread Chinese culture through using VR technology. What’s more, it brings modern technology into our daily lives and creates an all-immersive (拟真的) experience.
34.Where was the project set in
A.A theater of Luoyang. B.A 3000 square-meter theater.
C.A thearter of Shanghai. D.A traditional theater.
35.What does the underlined word “props” most probably mean in Paragraph 2
A.道具 B.空间 C.剧情 D.成就
36.What can people do in the theater according to the text
①They can take photos.
②They can play roles in the drama.
③They can choose costumes that they like.
④They can make films about the ancient life of Luoyang.
A.①③④ B.①②③ C.②③④ D.①②④
37.What is the correct structure of the text (①=Paragraph 1)
A. B. C. D.
38.What could be the best title for the text
A.Traveling Changes the World B.Tourists Experience the Real-world Travel
C.VR Brings Ancient Luoyang Back to Us D.Modern Technology Makes A New City
34.C 35.A 36.B 37.A 38.C
34.细节理解题。根据“The project was set in a theater which covers about 300 square meters in Shanghai.”可知,该项目设置在上海一个占地约300平方米的剧院内。故选C。
35.词义猜测题。根据空后“such as horses, ships, and tools.”可知,马、船和工具都属于道具类。故选A。
36.细节理解题。根据“Inside the theater, they can not only play roles in the drama, but also choose costumes and take photos according to their interests.”可知,在剧院里,游客不仅可以在剧中扮演角色,还可以根据自己的兴趣选择服装和拍照。故选B。
(2024·广东中山·三模)AI is like giving superpower to computers. It helps them to learn things and do tasks that people usually do. According to scientists, AI could be used to tell the weather more quickly and correctly than traditional methods.
The traditional way to tell the weather is by collecting data on what is happening in the air. The data may come from places like weather satellites, planes and so on. Then the data is sent to supercomputers for weather reports. Although supercomputers are powerful, it can take many hours to produce results.
AI models have been developed to quickly tell future weather. They can tell the weather by using two sets of data: the weather at present and the weather from six hours ago. AI models are very helpful. They can be used on standard computers like office computers, and it only takes a few minutes to get the results. However, the results may not include as much information as those produced by traditional models.
Will AI take the place of traditional models Scientists say it probably won’t, but it will be used together with them. That’s because AI still needs to learn from the data collected by traditional methods. But hopefully, AI will be able to deal with tasks that older methods find difficult, such as telling when and how much it will rain in the near future. This could give people enough time to solve the problems caused by bad weather.
39.The data in traditional weather reports may come from ________.
A.clouds B.towers C.trees D.planes
40.How does AI know about future weather
A.By learning experience from satellites.
B.By comparing past and present weather.
C.By collecting data from different places.
D.By watching what is happening in the sky.
41.What does the underlined word “standard” in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A.Huge. B.Slow. C.Ordinary. D.Expensive.
42.Which task will AI probably do according to the last paragraph
A.Offering people weather maps.
B.Reporting how much it will rain.
C.Reporting when a snow will end.
D.Offering full weather information.
43.Which can be the best title for the passage
A.AI Will Cause Bad Weather.
B.AI Could Stop Bad Weather.
C.AI Could Tell Future Weather.
D.AI Will Change Future Weather.
39.D 40.B 41.C 42.B 43.C
39.细节理解题。根据第二段“The traditional way to tell the weather is by collecting data on what is happening in the air. The data may come from places like weather satellites, planes and so on.”可知,传统天气报告中的数据可能来自卫星、飞机等。故选D。
40.推理判断题。根据第三段“They can tell the weather by using two sets of data: the weather at present and the weather from six hours ago.”可知,人工智能可以通过使用两组数据来判断天气:当前的天气和六个小时前的天气。由此推知,人工智能通过比较过去和现在的天气来了解未来的天气。故选B。
41.词义猜测题。根据第三段“They can be used on standard computers like office computers”可知,人工智能可以用在像办公室电脑这样的电脑上,而办公室使用的电脑是普通电脑,由此猜测,standard意为ordinary“普通的”。故选C。
42.细节理解题。根据最后一段“AI will be able to deal with tasks that older methods find difficult, such as telling when and how much it will rain in the near future.”可知,人工智能可能能够预测未来几天的降雨时间和降雨量。故选B。
(2024·广东佛山·三模)Have you ever watched amazing drone (无人机) light shows They’re really cool to watch! These shows often happen during big events like the Olympics or national celebrations. People really love them.
You might be wondering how these shows work. Well, they use a lot of drones with bright lights on them. First, someone programs a computer to tell the drones what to do. Then, that program goes to each drone. After that, people on the ground use the computer to make the drones move. When everything is ready, the show starts. All the drones fly up at the same time and move in the sky in a beautiful way.
The number of drones can make different effects. For example, some shapes need more drones than others. Simple shapes need fewer drones, and more complicated (复杂的) shapes need more. The number of the viewers (观众) and how far away they are also decide how many drones are needed so everyone can see the show well.
Even though these drone light shows are really cool, there are still ways to make them better. New tools and technology can help make the shows even more amazing. Also, the people who design the shows are trying to find new ways to make them even better.
44.What does the underlined word “them” refer to (指)
A.The shows. B.The people. C.The events. D.The celebrations.
45.What is paragraph 2 mainly about
A.The people who set up the programs.
B.The place to watch drone light shows.
C.The reason why drone light shows start.
D.The steps to make drone light shows.
46.What decides the number of drones in a show
A.What the shape is. B.How tall the viewers are.
C.What the show is for. D.How high the drones can fly.
47.According to the last paragraph, what can we expect in the future
A.Lighter drones. B.Less expensive tools.
C.Smaller design teams. D.Greater performances.
48.Which is the best title of the passage
A.Drones Shows B.Sports Shows
C.Big Events D.Different Animals
44.A 45.D 46.A 47.D 48.A
44.细节理解题。根据“Have you ever watched amazing drone (无人机) light shows They’re really cool to watch! These shows”可知,them指代无人机灯光秀。故选A。
45.主旨大意题。根据“First, …Then, that program goes to each drone. After that, … When everything is ready,”可知,本段主要介绍了制作无人机灯光秀的步骤。故选D。
46.细节理解题。根据“The number of drones can make different effects. For example, some shapes need more drones than others.”可知,无人机的形状决定了一场表演中无人机的数量。故选A。
47.推理判断题。根据“New tools and technology can help make the shows even more amazing. Also, the people who design the shows are trying to find new ways to make them even better.”最后一段介绍了无人机等新的工具和技术可以帮助演出变得更加精彩,设计这些节目的人正在努力寻找新的方法,让节目变得更好。由此可知,我们期待无人机将来有更出色的表现。故选D。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
来源 题型 主要内容
1 2024·江苏苏州·中考真题 阅读理解 介绍了中国在电动汽车行业的发展以及面临的机遇和挑战。
2 2024·湖北武汉·中考真题 阅读理解 介绍人工智能的优缺点。
3 2024·四川宜宾·中考真题 阅读理解 介绍孙先生利用AI换脸技术制作了一段来自他已故父亲的视频信息,以此来安慰他的奶奶。
4 2024·四川广安·中考真题 阅读理解 介绍了面向未来世界的一些新技术以及这些技术的优缺点。
5 2024·吉林·中考真题 阅读理解 介绍了四种可以在学校应用的科技。
6 2024·山西·中考真题 阅读理解 介绍了中国研发的高铁动车CR450和电动飞机AG60E。这表明了技术是第一动力,展现了中国的领导作用和强大力量。
7 2024·重庆·中考真题 阅读理解 介绍了无人机的应用以及未来的产业。
8 2024·云南昆明·二模 阅读理解 介绍了VR技术的应用让游客走进剧场,体验古老洛阳的生活,感受中国传统文化的魅力。
9 2024·广东中山·三模 阅读理解 讲述了人工智能在天气预报领域的应用,包括其优点和缺点。
10 2024·广东佛山·三模 阅读理解 介绍了大型活动中的无人机灯光秀。
(2024·江苏苏州·中考真题)China has become the world’s largest producer and market of EVs (电车). According to a report, 9.58 million Chinese-made EVs were produced and 9.49 million were sold in 2023. Among the total sales, 1.2 million EVs were exported (出口).
The Chinese government has been encouraging EVs as part of its effort for green, high-quality development. As a result, China’s EV industry develops very quickly. At Auto (汽车) China 2004, BYD was the only company showing EVs there. At Auto China 2024, there were 278 different EV models on show, including BYD, SAIC, Geely, Li Auto, Nio, Xpeng and other brands (品牌).
China’s EV industry is now facing both challenges and chances. It’s reported that 71% of EV brands cut prices in 2023. EV makers without the ability of innovation (创新) will face growing risks. In order to be both green and smart, Chinese EV makers are trying hard to improve technologies like battery qualities and AI support. At the same time, the government is adding even more charging points (充电站). On the other hand, more Chinese people are aware of the environmental problems. It is encouraging more buyers to choose EVs.
EVs are the way of the future. In an ideal world, everyone benefits from innovation and green transport. Some might get there sooner than others, and will gain greater rewards. It is very likely that China will hold the lead.
1.How many Chinese-made EVs were sold in China in 2023
A.8.38 million. B.9.49 million. C.9.58 million. D.8.29 million.
2.What is the purpose of Paragraph 2
A.To introduce different EV brands in China. B.To give some information about Auto China.
C.To show the development of China’s EV industry. D.To advise people to buy Chinese-made EVs.
3.EV makers can most probably reduce growing risks by ______.
A.improving innovation ability B.winning the government’s support
C.adding more charging points D.dealing with environmental problems
4.What’s the writer’s attitude (态度) towards the future of China’s EV industry
A.Uncertain. B.Hopeful. C.Doubtful. D.Worried.
(2024·湖北武汉·中考真题)You may have a house robot that can do housework for you. But is it so smart Meet Laura, a robot in the National Library in Madrid, Spain, copying out the old books and writings in its collection. See Aurora, a headless dog-sized robot used to keep birds and other animals away at an Alaskan airport. Watch another 1.8 meter-tall legless robot called EveR6, waving its arms to guide musicians through a performance.
Those robots above require artificial intelligence (AI) (人工智能). AI is a computer system (系统) that can understand languages, make decisions and solve problems. AI can be taught skills using a process called machine learning. Humans give AI information such as books, photos or videos to train it. The more information it studies, the better it can do its job.
________. For example, when you watch TV, AI is watching you. It’ll know what your favorite is and suggest similar ones. In hospitals, AI is very good at suggesting treatments and can even invent new medicines. To cut down food waste, some schools introduce online systems for the students to choose meals ahead of time. In cities, AI is used to watch out for cars that make black smoke. It works together with the police and transportation teams to stop them and keep the air clean. AI can help us fight climate (气候) change by finding clever ways to reduce energy use.
Some people worry that AI will take away a large number of jobs and also fear that AI could develop out of our control and bring danger to humans. However, AI is expected to be a more powerful production tool that will help humans achieve more in less time. It is believed that the flying car will be made to offer an easier way out of the morning traffic jam (交通堵塞). Humans imagine AI might even find a way to solve the problems of our energy needs completely. Anyway, there is still a long journey for humans and AI.
5.In which pictures can we see Aurora and EveR6
A.a, c B.b, d C.b, c D.a, d
6.What BIG question does paragraph 2 answer
A.What is AI B.Why are AI robots made
C.Where is AI used D.How many AI robots are mentioned
7.Which of the following can be put in ________
A.AI will be developed rapidly B.Humans depend too much on AI
C.Humans wonder if AI could think D.AI has become part of daily life
8.In the future, AI is expected to be able to ________.
A.suggest TV programs B.cut down food waste
C.invent new medicines D.help produce enough energy
9.What would the author write about after the last paragraph
A.The end of AI. B.The history of AI.
C.The way to get along with AI. D.The skill of making AI robots.
(2024·四川宜宾·中考真题)In a heartwarming story, Mr. Sun from Fushun, Liaoning province, made a video using AI technology to make his grandma happy. He used a special computer technology to make himself look and sound like his dad, who had been dead. It took him almost half a month to finish it. Then he sent the video to his 91-year-old grandma. Sun had lots of feelings while making the video. He felt a lot of sadness thinking about his dad and how much he missed him.
Sun’s dad died in 2023 because of a serious disease. Sun’s grandma didn’t know about it because her family worried it would make her too sad. They told her that her son was still in hospital far away. However, the grandma missed her son a lot and wanted to talk to him.
Sun got a creative idea from movies. He decided to use a computer program to make a video where he looked like his dad. He even had his hair cut to look more like his dad. With the computer program, he changed his face into his father’s in the video and said, “Mom, it’s Jihai, your son. I’m doing well in Beijing.” The video wasn’t very clear, but the grandma believed it was really her son.
In fact, Sun made the video to help himself say goodbye to his dad as well and to start a new page in his life. Although it’s hard, Sun wants to be strong like his dad and take care of his family. Now, Sun is taking care of his grandma like his dad would have.
10.What did Mr. Sun use to make the video
A.Some stories. B.AI technology. C.Some movies. D.His family photos.
11.How long did Mr. Sun spend making the video
A.Half an hour. B.Two days. C.Almost a week. D.Almost half a month.
12.Why did Sun’s grandma know nothing about her son’s death
A.Because she was too old to remember her son.
B.Because her family wanted her to start a new page.
C.Because she was very busy looking after her family.
D.Because her family worried it would bring her much sadness.
13.What’s Sun’s possible opinion about AI technology
A.It’s helpful. B.It’s terrible. C.It’s worrying. D.It’s unknown.
14.Which can be the best title for the passage
A.The Importance of AI B.Mother’s Great Love
C.A Heartwarming Story D.Ways of Saying Goodbye
(2024·四川广安·中考真题)What will the world of tomorrow be like Many people today believe that technology is going to help solve some problems we have today. New technology may solve old problems, and it may also create new ones. No technology is perfect. Each has advantages and disadvantages. Here are three examples.
When we dream about the future, many of us think that we will be able to fly to the sky in our own flying cars. We could fly at 480 km per hour, avoiding traffic lights and busy roads. However, if too many flying cars are in the air, there will be trouble with traffic control.
3D printing is another new technology for the future. 3D printers are already used to make life-size models of car parts (部件), and man-made body parts, like ears. As we move into the future, 3D printing will change the way we make things and the way we treat sick people. The disadvantage is that such a machine is very expensive.
Finally, people are trying to make a robot suit (套装). This is an electronic suit. It allows people to lift heavy things and walk a long way. It might help people walk again after an illness or an accident. However, one disadvantage at the moment is the cost.
It is easy to imagine a future. We will be able to fly to work, print out a new pair of shoes or lift a car above our heads. Although there are some problems to solve, we can certainly dream of a world. In this world, technology makes people’s life easier and safer, and it can solve some of the most difficult problems we have today.
15.How does the writer start the passage
A.By asking a question. B.By giving a report.
C.By giving advice. D.By telling a story.
16.Which one of the following is NOT true
A.If too many flying cars are in the air, there will be problems with traffic control.
B.3D printing won’t change the way we make things.
C.A robot suit costs too much at the moment.
D.Technology can solve some of the most difficult problems we have today.
17.What might the robot suit help people do after an illness or an accident
A.It might help people fly to the sky. B.It might help people make models.
C.It might help people walk again. D.It might help people save money.
18.What would be the best structure (结构) of this passage
(Paragraph1=① Paragraph2=② Paragraph3=③ Paragraph4=④ Paragraph5=⑤)
A. B.
C. D.
19.What is the theme (主题) of the passage
A.Traffic. B.Machines. C.Clothes. D.Technology.
Technologies Making School Life “SMART”
E-booksIn the future, students may only bring e-books to school. In fact, some schools are already doing this. E-books can store notes and students feel relaxed with lighter schoolbags.
Robot teachersThere are robot teachers in the schools in some cities. These robots can help students with their studies. They can also help them solve problems.
E-skatesWith a pair of e-skates, you can walk to school faster! E-skates can be tied to your shoes easily. And there are four speed settings you can choose.
Flying aidsIf students get hurt and need help at schools, drones (无人机) can be of great use. They can offer help faster than people and they can also carry medicine or clothes.
20.How many technologies are mentioned in the passage
A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
21.How do students feel with lighter schoolbags
A.Worried. B.Relaxed. C.Bored. D.Surprised.
22.Who can help students with their studies according to the passage
A.The robot teachers. B.The parents.
C.The workers. D.The friends.
23.Which is the best choice if you want to walk to school faster
A.Flying aids. B.Clothes. C.E-skates. D.Schoolbags.
24.Where does the passage probably come from
A.A travel magazine. B.A movie magazine.
C.A technology magazine. D.A music magazine.
Technology is the first power!It is a great joy and a matter of pride to see China’s high technology is brightly shining from the sky to the ground. It is widely known that China has well-developed high-speed railway network (铁路网) in the world. Now, the country is breaking its own speed record with the CR450. The CR450 can travel at a top speed of 453 kilometers an hour. Once put into use, it will take just about 2.5 hours to travel from Beijing to Shanghai, which takes at least 4.5 hours at the moment. Even though it can travel so fast, it can also start braking (刹车) quickly, taking just 1.7 seconds, and its noise level keeps low. It creates a safe and comfortable environment for passengers. With the advantages, the CR450 shows China’s leading role and great power to the world.
The AG60E is China’s self-developed lightweight two-seat electric plane. It is 6.9 meters long, 2.6 meters high and 8.6 meters wide. It is mainly designed for pilot training, flight experience, and private travel. It uses an electric power pared with the traditional plane, it doesn’t send out greenhouse gases, and its noise level is much lower. The AG60E electric plane draws the world’s attention, for it is a practice of China’s aviation industry (航空工业) towards air pollution. The AG60E is only a starting point. It is expected to become an important force to achieve green and low-carbon development in the field of aviation.
25.How long will it take to travel from Beijing to Shanghai by CR450
A.1.7 hours. B.About 2.5 hours. C.At least 4.5 hours.
26.What is the advantage of the CR450
A.Fast and safe. B.Light and small. C.Warm and bright.
27.Why does the world pay attention to the AG60E
A.It is self-developed by China.
B.It can be used in many fields.
C.It’s environmentally friendly.
28.What do the CR450 and the AG60E have in common
A.Their noise level is low.
B.They have been widely used.
C.They can hold many passengers.
29.What does the poster want to show us
A.Chinese people’s wish for green travel.
B.The ways to cut down pollution in China.
C.Great achievements of China’s technology.
①More than 100,000 people cheered at the breathtaking moment when 3,000 drones flew over Chaotianmen on the Chinese New Year Eve. The 15-minute drone show had 300 million views online.
②In fact, drones are easy to operate. People send orders to the control system. Rotors push against the air to make the drone rise or stay in the air. By changing the angle (角度) and the speed of different rotors, the drone flies in all directions.
③Drones can complete difficult and special tasks in a timely and effective way.
④After an earthquake, drones can fly over blocked roads to find people or record any possible danger. Reaching the mountain village by road may take several hours, but drones provide information in just a few minutes.
⑤For weak wildlife populations, drones can show where poachers are hiding and if they are carrying guns. At night, drones with infrared (红外线的) cameras can easily find them in the dark.
⑥Drones also provide convenience for the public. For example, at a sports event, drones are used to give a view from above or help coaches see how their players are doing.
⑦In a word, drones have been widely used in emergency (紧急情况), environmental protection, farming, transportation and others, with more fields on the way.
⑧As drones are cheaper, more practical and less dangerous than planes or helicopters, drone flight activities have become the important driving force for the growth of low-altitude economy (低空经济). Besides well-known leaders like DJI, more pioneering companies have appeared. At the end of last year, there were nearly 1.27 million registered (注册的) drones across the country. The drone industry is believed to be full of chances and possibilities.
30.What’s the purpose in writing Paragraph 1
A.To provide the background. B.To lead into the subject.
C.To compare differences. D.To introduce a festival.
31.What does the underlined word “poachers” in Paragraph 5 mean
A.非法捕猎者 B.动物保护者
C.无人机驾驶员 D.野生动物管理员
32.Which of the following shows the structure of this passage
A. B.
C. D.
33.What will the writer probably discuss after the last paragraph
A.The history of the drone industry. B.The advantages of drones.
C.The future of the drone industry. D.The standards of drones.
(2024·云南昆明·二模)The first “Luoyang Virtual Reality (虚拟现实) Project” has ever become a hit since it opened to public, attracting many drama fans and digital technology lovers. The project makes it possible to bring us back to the ancient Luoyang by using VR technology.
The project was set in a theater which covers about 300 square meters in Shanghai. It created a highly realistic environment using VR technology, Inside-out Tracking technology and other technologies to set up different props, such as horses, ships, and tools.
Users can have a “time travel” experience with an exciting 60-minute VR-powered journey, traveling back to 1,300 years ago to “visit” the ancient city of Luoyang. Inside the theater, they can not only play roles in the drama, but also choose costumes and take photos according to their interests.
The application (应用) of VR technology allows tourists to walk in the theater and experience the ancient life of Luoyang, and feel the charm (魅力) of traditional Chinese culture.
This project successfully creates a new way to spread Chinese culture through using VR technology. What’s more, it brings modern technology into our daily lives and creates an all-immersive (拟真的) experience.
34.Where was the project set in
A.A theater of Luoyang. B.A 3000 square-meter theater.
C.A thearter of Shanghai. D.A traditional theater.
35.What does the underlined word “props” most probably mean in Paragraph 2
A.道具 B.空间 C.剧情 D.成就
36.What can people do in the theater according to the text
①They can take photos.
②They can play roles in the drama.
③They can choose costumes that they like.
④They can make films about the ancient life of Luoyang.
A.①③④ B.①②③ C.②③④ D.①②④
37.What is the correct structure of the text (①=Paragraph 1)
A. B. C. D.
38.What could be the best title for the text
A.Traveling Changes the World B.Tourists Experience the Real-world Travel
C.VR Brings Ancient Luoyang Back to Us D.Modern Technology Makes A New City
(2024·广东中山·三模)AI is like giving superpower to computers. It helps them to learn things and do tasks that people usually do. According to scientists, AI could be used to tell the weather more quickly and correctly than traditional methods.
The traditional way to tell the weather is by collecting data on what is happening in the air. The data may come from places like weather satellites, planes and so on. Then the data is sent to supercomputers for weather reports. Although supercomputers are powerful, it can take many hours to produce results.
AI models have been developed to quickly tell future weather. They can tell the weather by using two sets of data: the weather at present and the weather from six hours ago. AI models are very helpful. They can be used on standard computers like office computers, and it only takes a few minutes to get the results. However, the results may not include as much information as those produced by traditional models.
Will AI take the place of traditional models Scientists say it probably won’t, but it will be used together with them. That’s because AI still needs to learn from the data collected by traditional methods. But hopefully, AI will be able to deal with tasks that older methods find difficult, such as telling when and how much it will rain in the near future. This could give people enough time to solve the problems caused by bad weather.
39.The data in traditional weather reports may come from ________.
A.clouds B.towers C.trees D.planes
40.How does AI know about future weather
A.By learning experience from satellites.
B.By comparing past and present weather.
C.By collecting data from different places.
D.By watching what is happening in the sky.
41.What does the underlined word “standard” in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A.Huge. B.Slow. C.Ordinary. D.Expensive.
42.Which task will AI probably do according to the last paragraph
A.Offering people weather maps.
B.Reporting how much it will rain.
C.Reporting when a snow will end.
D.Offering full weather information.
43.Which can be the best title for the passage
A.AI Will Cause Bad Weather.
B.AI Could Stop Bad Weather.
C.AI Could Tell Future Weather.
D.AI Will Change Future Weather.
(2024·广东佛山·三模)Have you ever watched amazing drone (无人机) light shows They’re really cool to watch! These shows often happen during big events like the Olympics or national celebrations. People really love them.
You might be wondering how these shows work. Well, they use a lot of drones with bright lights on them. First, someone programs a computer to tell the drones what to do. Then, that program goes to each drone. After that, people on the ground use the computer to make the drones move. When everything is ready, the show starts. All the drones fly up at the same time and move in the sky in a beautiful way.
The number of drones can make different effects. For example, some shapes need more drones than others. Simple shapes need fewer drones, and more complicated (复杂的) shapes need more. The number of the viewers (观众) and how far away they are also decide how many drones are needed so everyone can see the show well.
Even though these drone light shows are really cool, there are still ways to make them better. New tools and technology can help make the shows even more amazing. Also, the people who design the shows are trying to find new ways to make them even better.
44.What does the underlined word “them” refer to (指)
A.The shows. B.The people. C.The events. D.The celebrations.
45.What is paragraph 2 mainly about
A.The people who set up the programs.
B.The place to watch drone light shows.
C.The reason why drone light shows start.
D.The steps to make drone light shows.
46.What decides the number of drones in a show
A.What the shape is. B.How tall the viewers are.
C.What the show is for. D.How high the drones can fly.
47.According to the last paragraph, what can we expect in the future
A.Lighter drones. B.Less expensive tools.
C.Smaller design teams. D.Greater performances.
48.Which is the best title of the passage
A.Drones Shows B.Sports Shows
C.Big Events D.Different Animals
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