
(本试卷共60小题 满分120分 考试时间100分钟)
第一部分 听力(共30分)
一、听对话,选图片。 (本题共4小题,每小题2分,共8分)
1. When will the movie start
2. What is the boy's plan for this Saturday
3. Where is the woman going
4. What does the man want to buy
二、听对话,选答案。 (本题共6小题,每小题2分,共12分)
听下面2段对话。每段对话后有3个小题,从 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。
5. Which student activity center is the tennis club in
A. No.1. B. No.2. C. No.3.
6. When do they play tennis
A. On Thursday. B. On Friday. C. On Saturday.
. What club is Nick in
A. The movie club. B. The dance club. C. The swimming club.
8. Where did Mrs. Smith lose her bag
A. In a bookshop. B. In a supermarket. C. In a shopping centre.
9. What color is Mrs. Smith's bag
A. Red. B. Brown. C. Black.
10. How much money was there in the wallet
A. 15 dollars. B.25 dollars. C.150 dollars.
三、听短文,补全信息。 (本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
Alice's life in ten years
The place to live in 11. _______
Job A 12. _______
Weekend activities Take a walk, 13. ______.
The way to shop She will shop 14. _______.
She will have a 15. _______ life in the future.
11. A. Beijing B. Shenzhen C. Shanghai
12. A. teacher B. doctor C. manager
13. A. watch movies B. go shopping C. do exercise
14. A. on TV B. on the Internet C. in the shops
15. A. fantastic B. busy C. comfortable
第二部分 笔试 (共90分)
四、阅读理解 (共20小题,每小题2分;满分40分)
第一节 阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Kids’ Book Club
For 4-6th Graders
4 Fridays in September,2024
Join us for a surprising activity(活动)! Register for(报名) it by sending an email with “KC Book Club” as the subject to alicebakerlibraryyouth@ to receive more information.
New Kid
Pick up your book NOW!
●You may win a prize(奖品) in October if you read over 3 topics.
●There will be free snacks (零食) for you.
Get started now in our book club!
For more information, please call Alice at 262-594-2800 or Brandy at 262-495-4605.
16. When will the reading activity start
A. In July. B. In August. C. In September. D. In October.
17. You can send a (an) to register for the reading activity.
A. letter B. remail C. photo- D. card
18. The activity has free for you,
A. drinks B. lunches C. snacks D. T-shirts
19. The activity in the book club is about .
A. having a party B. writing a story C. making a plan D. reading New Kid
Wang Le from Tianjin likes keeping a journal(记日记) in English. Last winter holiday, she went to Harbin with her dad and mum. Let's see what she kept in her journal.
Thur.1st February
We spent about two hours getting to Harbin by plane. Then we took a taxi to our hotel. We visited Harbin Polar land first. The sea lions, polar bears, and penguins there were so cute.
Fri.2nd February
We went to the Harbin Ice and Snow World. There were many ice sculptures (雕塑) and fun games. When it was dark, all the colourful lights were on. The Harbin Ice and Snow World looked very beautiful.
Sat.3rd February
We went to the Central Street. I tried some special food like frozen pears(冻梨) there. Later we walked to Saint Sophia Cathedral. It was a very different building. My dad took a photo of my mum and me.
Sun.4th February
Goodbye, Harbin. I think I will visit you again one day.
20. Wang Le went to Harbin with her .
A. classmates B. parents C. friends D. teachers
21. What did Wang Le do in the Harbin Ice and Snow World
A She made ice sculptures.
B. She saw cute animals.
C. She ate frozen pears.
D She enjoyed colourful lights.
22. How did Wang Le feel about Saint Sophia Cathedral
A. Interesting. B. Modern. C. Different. D. Beautiful.
§3. What can we know from Wang Le's journal
A. She went to Harbin by plane.
B Her favourite animal is sea lions.
C She visited two places in Harbin.
D She stayed in Harbin for five days.
Our family lived in Los Angeles for two weeks. “LA is not a bad place, Sonny.” Dad said. But I didn't like the city. I missed Michigan. I missed my old friends and even the trees there.
That afternoon, I went out to find a basketball court (球场) . Dad said there was one around, but it was twenty-minutes' walk away! When I got there, I saw three children playing some kind of one-on-one. Two of them were taller than me, and one was about my size.
The short boy played well, but the other two were too tall for him. One-on-one wasn't his game. He needed someone to pass to. I went down to the other basket and played alone. Then I heard someone calling me. It was the short boy.
“I'm Louie. Are you coming to join us Small against (对抗) tall.”
“Sounds good.” I thought for some time. “I'm Sonny.”
Louie introduced the other two boys. They were Chuck and David. We nodded to each other and started the game. Like I said, Louie really was a good player. He just needed someone to pass to.-Soon, Chuck and David found ▲ . The score was always close. Both teams had to try our best. In the end, Louie and I didn't win the game, but we made it interesting.
A little later, I saw Dad come. I said goodbye to them.
“Coming back tomorrow ” asked Louie.
The sun was going down behind pink and orange clouds. On the way back home, Dad said, “Who said Los Angeles doesn't have great sunsets ”
“LA is not a bad place.” I said. “Now, it could be home.”
24. From the beginning of the story, we can know the writer .
A. didn't have any good friends in Michigan
B. lived in Michigan for about two weeks
C. was very happy about moving to LA
D. had different ideas from Dad about LA
25. Which of the following is TRUE about the three boys on the court
A. Chuck was too small for Sonny.
B David played one-on-one with Sonny.
C. Louie asked Sonny to play together.
D. They came to the court after Sonny was there.
26. Which sentence can you put into ▲
A. the game was interesting B. it was a hard game to play
C. they could win the game easily D. it was a boring game to play
27. The writer said “Now, it could be home” because .
A. he made some friends in LA
B. he loved the great sunsets in LA
C. he found a good court in LA
D. he enjoyed playing with Dad
During the Jin Dynasty, there was a child named Che Yin. He loved to read. However, his family was too poor. They couldn't buy lamp oil(灯油)for him to study at night. One summer night, he was reading when he saw many fireflies(萤火虫). Suddenly he had a good idea. He found a silk bag, caught many fireflies, and hung up (悬挂) this bag. It wasn't as bright as a lamp, but it worked well. He could use the light to read. It's said that he spent all his summer nights reading like this.
Another child named Sun Kang in the Jin Dynasty also loved reading. One night during winter, Sun used up (用光) all of his lamp oil and couldn't study at night. When he woke up at midnight, he saw the snow reflecting (反射) the moonlight outside his house. “Oh, I can use the reflected light to read!” he thought. He took out his books and read, even though (即使) he was very cold.
Both kids later became successful because of their hard work. People were touched by their spirit(精神) and turned their stories into a Chinese idiom (成语) .
28. Why did Che Yin catch the fireflies
A. To use them as light.
B. To sell them for money.
C. To show them to others.
D. To play with them for fun.
29. Which is the right time order of Che Yin's story
①He used a silk bag to catch some fireflies.
②He became a successful man.
③He couldn't buy lamp oil because he was poor.
④He hung his special bag up as a light to read books.
A.①④③② B.①②④③ C.④①③② D.③①④②
30. What is the Chinese idiom behind the two stories
31. Which can be the best title (题目) for the text
A. Work hard at night
B The new way of learning
C. Old stories, hardworking spirits
D. Read more and become successful
第二节 阅读短文,从方框内所给的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有一个多余的选项。
Do you know “World Reading Day” It is on April 23rd. It is the 29th“World Reading Day” this year. 32
In Germany, more than 70% of the people like reading. They often read. They read in their homes. They read in libraries. They read in parks. 33 Parents often read books for their children.
34 There are many bookshops in Germany. They are in big cities and small towns. A bookshop can sell many books every day. Germans also like to buy books on the Internet. More and more people buy books on the Internet.
In Germany, people often have reading parties. 35 Do you love reading Hope you enjoy it!
A. They even read in hospitals.
B. Reading has many advantages.
C. It is easy to buy books in Germany.
D They read and share happily at the party.
E People think books are very important in life.
五、完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)
There were many plants in a forest. When spring came, a pine tree(松树) 36 a red rose nearby and said,“ What a beautiful flower! I wish I were that lovely.”
The rose said proudly(骄傲地),“I think I am the most beautiful flower in this forest.” Then the rose looked at a cactus (仙人掌) and said,“ Look at that ugly (丑陋的) plant full of thorns(刺)!”
“What a proud flower!” 37 the tree.
As the days passed, the red rose often looked at the cactus and said 38 words about it, like “This plant is useless. How 39 I am to be his neighbour!”
The cactus never got angry (生气) and said, “God did not make any form of life without a purpose (目的) .”
Time passed, and the weather became very hot. Because there was no 40 , the red rose began to wilt (枯萎) .
One day the rose saw birds 41 their beaks (鸟嘴) into the cactus and then fly away. The red rose asked the pine tree what the birds did. The pine tree said that the birds got some 42from the cactus.
“Did the cactus have it ” asked the rose.
“Yes, you can also drink some from it.”
The red rose felt 43 . It couldn't ask for water because it wasn't friendly to the cactus before. 44 finally it did ask for help. And the cactus agreed (同意) .
The rose learned a 45 and never judged(评价) anyone by their appearance (外表)again. From then on, the rose got along well with other plants.
36. A. saw B. lost C. drew D. sold
37. A. asked B. thought C. answered D. arrived
38. A. bad B. wonderful C. great D. exciting
39. A. friendly B. comfortable C. unlucky D. afraid
40. A. sun B. wind C. cloud D. rain
41. A. close B. find C. check D. put
42. A. flowers B. water C. meat D. leaves
43. A. sorry B. warm C. excited D. afraid
44. A. But B. Because C. So D. And
45. A. song B. name C. lesson D. poem
六、语篇填空 (共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分)
Xiao Yan is 46 middle school student. Last year, she 47 (go) to a summer school in France and stayed with a local family, the Laurents.
At first, things didn't go well 48 she couldn't speak French. Simple things like finding the right bus stop or shopping in the supermarket became big problems(问题). The Laurents helped her a lot and treated her like part of the family. They played 49 (game) and shared traditional food with her. Xiao Yan was helpful as well, She did some housework with the family every day. Soon they got on well 50 each other.
On the weekend, Xiao Yan 51 (join)a community club and did volunteer work. For most of the time, she used body language to communicate. People showed(表达) 52 (they) thanks with smiles and she would always smile back. Language 53 (be) not a problem for her any more. As a new member of the club, Xiao Yan went to have parties with the other members. Day by day, she made more friends. Xiao Yan 54 (begin) to love her new life. “A smile is a 55 (two)language we were born to speak. It is also the best gift I have got, ”she often said proudly.
七、阅读与表达(共4小题, 56~58小题, 每小题2分, 59小题4分; 满分10分)
When Peng Jingxuan began playing the guzheng on the streets of France in2018, she did not think that the traditional instrument (乐器) would change her life.
Peng, now 28, began to study the guzheng when she was 7 years old. In2017, she went to France to study music. She was surprised to find that very few people in France knew about the guzheng.
“I wanted to make this instrument known to more people,” Peng said. She began to do street performances(表演). The more Peng played on the streets, the greater pride(自豪) she felt in sharing Chinese music and culture.
To make this traditional Chinese instrument better known to people in France, Peng carefully chose each song. She chose traditional guzheng pieces and some pop songs with strong Chinese influences (影响).
“To get more people to know about it, understand it, and love it . .. is the biggest wish of Chinese artists playing the traditional musical instrument,” she said.
56. When did Peng Jingxuan start studying the guzheng
57. Why did Peng play the guzheng on the streets of. France
58. What kinds of songs did Peng play
59. What do you think of Peng Why Write 20 words or more.
八、书面表达 (满分20分)
(1)活动内容 (2)未来计划 (3)发出邀请
(1)词数 60~80,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数:
参考词汇: 做实验 do experiments
Dear friends,
I'm Li Hui. I'm happy to share something about our science club with you.
Thank you.
1-4 BCAC
16-19 CBCD 20-23 BDCA 24-27 DCBA 28-31 ADBC
32-35 EACD
36-40ABACD41-45 DBAAC
46. a 47. went 48. because 49. games 50. with 51. joined 52. their 53. was54. began 55. second
56. At the age of 7.
57. To make more people know about the guzheng.
58. Traditional guzheng pieces (and some pop songs with Chinese influences).
59. Open-ended.
60. Omitted.



