
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分
评卷人 得分
A. panda B. reading C. west D. stopped
E. swimming F. took G. sheep H. east
1. elephant:
2. north:
3. drawing:
4. loved:
评卷人 得分
( )1. I'm sending email to Lingling.
A. a B. an C. any
( )2. I want to drink some .
A. spell B. speech C. milk
( )3. He's playing the suona for the time.
A. three B. third C. two
( )4. It's easy to make mistakes English words.
A. with B. all C. miss
( )5.—— can help me —I can help you.
A. What's B. As C. Who
( )6. I am happy for .
A. them B. they C. we
( )7. Yang Liwei spent about twenty-one in space.
A. cent B. hour C. hours
( ’)8. He many presents yesterday.
A. get B. got C. finish
评卷人 得分
1. I'm my room.
2. It will on Tuesday.
3. I was proud him.
4. Fangfang me the story.
5. I'm excited, and also .
6.Please write a in it.
评卷人 得分
1. She's watching TV. 2. Look at my car.
3. We brought some cups. 4. I'm going to study Geography.
5. The wind is blowing. 6. He helped me in sport.
评卷人 得分
( )1.它们看上去饿了,你可以说: A. Be careful.
( )2.告诉对方小心点,你可以说: B. She lived to be eighty.
( )3.你把它放在了床上,你可以说: C. He's going to study Physics.
( )4.她活到了八十岁,你可以说: D. They look hungry.
( )5.对方是个了不起的朋友,你可以说: E. I put it on the bed.
( )6.他打算学物理,你可以说: F. You're a wonderful friend.
评卷人. 得分
( )1. Why are you shouting A. He's sleeping.
( )2. When was he born B. It's four dollars.
( . )3. How much is a hamburger C. He was born in 2005.
( ) 4. What is Sam doing D. Because I'm angry.
( )5. How many letters are there E. I'm going to dance.
( )6. What are you going to do F. There are nine letters.
评卷人 得分
a. I went to the supermarket.
b. Yes. I bought you a pen.
c. I bought you a present.
d. Hi,Amy. Where did you go ”
e. What did you buy there
f. A present Did you buy me a pen
评卷人 得分
1. some, clouds, are, There, dark(.) .
2. falling, The, is, too, cake(! )
3. going, be, It's, sunny, to(.)
5. spoke, Chinese, They, little, very(.)
6. interested, He, the, was, in, book(.)
评卷人 得分
It's Sunday today. Emma is busy in her room. What is she doing Look, she's making cards. She draws flowers on the cards for the girls. She draws caps and footballs on the cards for the boys. In each card, Emma writes “Wishing you happiness every day”. Emma makes thirty-six cards. What a lot of good wishes! She will go back to New York in July. She wants her friends to remember her.
( )1. It's today.
A. Monday B. Sunday C. Friday
( )2. Emma draws on the cards for the girls.
A. flowers B. caps C. footballs
( )3. In each card, Emma writes“ ”.
A. You're my good friend B. Thank you very much
C. Wishing you happiness every day
( )4. Emma makes cards.
A.26 B.36 C.63
( )5. Emma will go back to New York in .
A. July B. September C. October
评卷人 得分
假设你是Jack,你将去湖心中学(Lake Middle School)上学,你将骑自行车上学,下午五点钟回家。请根据所给信息,用英语写一写。
八、1. There are some dark clouds.
2. The cake is falling too!
3.It’s going to be sunny.
4.They spoke very little Chinese.
5.He was interested in the book.
I'm Jack. Today I went to school by bike. I go home at five in the afternoon. But I rode too fast on the road. Suddenly I fell off my bike. I hurt my knee. What a terrible day!



