
学习字母组合:er ere ir
/ / river ['r v ]河,江 matter ['m t ]问题,麻烦 number['n mb ]数字 goalkeeper ['g lki:p ]守门员 presenter [pri zent ] (电视或广播节目 her [h ](宾格)她 better ['bet ]痊愈的,恢复健康的 interviewer [, nt ’vju: ]采访者 dancer [['dɑ:ns ]舞蹈演员 letter ['let ]信,书信
/ / here [h ]这里 /e / where [we ]哪里(在哪里)
there [ e ]在那里,在那边
/ :/ first [f :st]首先,第一;最先的,第一(次)的 thirteen [ θ :'ti:n]十三 thirty ['θ :ti]三十 bird [b :d]鸟shirt [ :t]衬衫skirt [sk :t]女裙,裙子
Test 4
/'bet / ( )/'ru:l / ( )
/h / ( ) / e /( )
/f :st/ ( )/'r v / ( )
/'de nd r s/( )/'θ ::ti/ ( )
/h / ( ) /'m t / ( )
of course not____________ in hospital__________
赢一场围棋比赛_________ 感到伤心________
在农场____________ all day ____________
in the kitchen___________ 在厕所里__________
践踏草坪____________ play hide-and-eek________
2.My grandma is ill in hospital.
4.Yesterday I helped my grandpa on the farm all day.
6. Don’t shout, please!
8.Where did you find Lingling
10. Let’s play hide-and-seek.
(一)阅读短文,判断句子正( T)误( F)。
Look, there are four photos of my friends.In the first photo, there is a girl. Her name's Kate. She was happy because she won a chess game.The boy in the second photo is Sam. He was feeling sad. He lost his new ball.
Was the girl feeling bored in the third photo Yes, she was. She is Lily.The boy in the last photo is Tom. He was hungry then. He was smelling the noodle soup.
( )1. The girl in the first photo is Kate.
( )2. Kate was happy because she won a chess game.
( )3.Sam was sad because he lost his new bike.
( )4.Lily was feeling bored.
( )5.Sam was smelling the noodle soup.
(二)阅读短文,判断句子正( T)误( F)。
Sara's house is very clean. There are four sofas in the living room. There is a big table in the kitchen. Sara's schoolbag is in her bedroom Her books are on her bed. Mike and his friends went to her house yesterday. They played hide-and-seek in her house. Sara found Mike in the toilet. They had a good time.
( )1. Sara's house is clean.
( )2. There is a big table in the living room.
( )3. Mike's books are on the bed.
( )4. Mike and his friends played hide-and-seek in Sara's house.
( )5. Sara found Mike in the bedroom.
(三)阅读短文,判断句子正( T)误( F)。
Jim's Family Rules
Jim is a good student at school. He never breaks the school rules(违反校规). All of his teachers like him a lot. But he is not a good boy at home. He doesn't clean his room. He puts his books here and there. He goes to bed very late and reads books in bed. So Jim's mother makes some family rules for him.
Family rules
You should keep your room clean.
2.You should eat healthy food.
3.You should go to bed early.
4.Don't read books in bed.
5.Don't watch TV till late.
6.Don't put your books here and there.
(  ) 1.Jim is a good student at school.
(  ) 2.He is a good boy at home.
(  ) 3.All of his teachers like him.
(  ) 4.His father makes the family rules for him.
(  ) 5.There are six rules in Jim's family.
Lingling is in the UK with Sam and Amy. Yesterday She 1_ to Sam and Amy’s school. And they all 2 in the playground. She 3 very happy. 4now she feels sad. Why 5 her grandma is ill in 6 hospital. She worries a lot. Later(之后), her grandma is 7now. Her mum 8 Lingling and 9 her that. She 10 happy now.
( )1.A. went B. go C. goes
( )2.A. play B. played C. plays
( )3.A. is B. was C. were
( )4.A. So B. And C. But
( )5.A. Because B. because C. Then
( )6.A. the B. a C. ×
( )7.A. good B. well C. better
( )8.A.called B. calls C. call
( )9.A.tells B. told C. tell
( )10.A. feeling B. feel C. feels
At the Zoo
Li Ming’s mother takes Li Ming and his friends to the zoo by bus. Danny is hurried. Li Ming says, “Don’t push. Let’s wait in line.”
They get on the bus and sit down. Then an old couple gets on the bus. Li Ming and Danny stand up and say, “Please sit here!”
They get to the zoo at nine o’clock. There are three pandas in the zoo. Li Mei is happy to see them. She says, “Let’s take a photo with them.” “OK. But don’t walk on the grass,” says Li Ming.
A panda comes to them. Li Mei wants to give it an apple. Danny says, “Look at the sign! Don’t feed it, please.”
They go to see the deer. Li Mei gives them some grass. Li Ming’s Mum says, “Don’ t feed them too much, my dear.”
“Ha-ha. I’m your dear, but I’m not a deer,” says Li Mei. They all laugh.
生词本: 1.push推 2.couple夫妇 3.feed喂 4.laugh笑
1. Don’t .
2. Let’s .
3. Don’t .
4. .
5. 文中“dear”与“deer”同音不同形,你觉得“dear”意思是 。
6. How do Li Ming and his mother go to the zoo
7.What time do they arrive at the zoo
8.Are there thirteen pandas in the zoo
9.Do they feel happy
————————————————————— 七、写作。
要求:1. 条理清楚,意思明确,语句通顺,语法正确。2. 书写清晰,规范。3. 不少于五句话。
提示词:get up, the train station, meet




下一篇:Unit 7 At weekends Checkout time—Ticking time同步练习(含答案)