
满分:120分 时间:90分钟 页数:8页
A.听句子 (本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
( )1.What does the speaker need to buy
A. B. C.
( )2.What should Andy do
A. B. C.
( )3.What does the speaker’s sister do after school
A. B. C.
( )4.What did Jim’s grandpa give him as his 13th birthday gift
A. B. C.
( )5.Who explained about our hearts
A. B. C.
( )6.Where does Linda want to go this weekend
A.To the history museum. B.To the science museum. C.To the art museum.
( )7.What place has Billy visited
A.Tian’anmen Square B.The Great Wall C.The Bird’s Nest
( )8.Where will Lily and her father go today
A.To the zoo B.To the park C.To the cinema
( )9.How did Tom go to the Shanghai Disneyland Park last week
A.By subway. B.By taxi. C.By bus.
( )10.What is Claudia’s favorite Chinese food
A.Rice. B.Noodles. C.Dumplings.
听第六段对话,回答第11-12 小题。
( )11.Where does Helen come from
A.Japan. B.China. C.Singapore.
( )12.How long has Helen been in America
A.For half a year. B.For one year. C.For one year and a half.
( )13.How long will the movie festival last
A.For four days. B.For five days. C.For six days.
( )14.What are the movies about
A.Old Chinese stories. B.Chinese music. C.Chinese paintings.
( )15.When will the two speakers go to the movie festival
A.On Thursday B.On Friday. C.On Saturday.
( )16.What does Mr. Miller do in Guangzhou
A.A doctor. B.A keeper. C.A teacher.
( )17.How did the Millers get tickets to Shanghai
A.From their friends. B.On the Internet. C.At the train station.
( )18.What did the Millers do in the dining car(车厢)
A.They ate some vegetable dumplings.
B.They bought some hamburgers.
C.They had a rest.
( )19.How long did it take the Millers to arrive in Shanghai
A.Two hours. B.Six hours and a half. C.Eight hours and a half.
( )20.What did the Millers think of this train ride
A.Interesting. B.Expensive. C.Boring.
A trip to Shanghai Disneyland Park Date: On 21 25th Place: Shanghai Disneyland Park, the 22 one in the world. Transportation(交通): By 23 . Activities: I took 24 with Mickey Mouse and his friends. At night, we watched the 25 firework shows. Feelings: I was tired but happy and I wished to visit it again.
E.情景对话 (本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
A: Hello, Peter! You look tired. 26
B: Oh, yes. I didn’t go to sleep until midnight.
A: 27
B:I read a book called The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe(《鲁滨逊漂流记》).
A: 28
B: It’s about a man named Robinson Crusoe and his exciting experience. He leaves his comfortable home and lives on an island all alone for 28 years.
A: 29
B: I think it’s really interesting.
A: Could you please lend it to me after you finish reading it
B: 30 I’m sure you’ll like it.
A.Of course! B.What’s it about C.What did you do D.How do you like the book E.Did you stay up late last night F.What kind of book do you like
Chinatown in Toronto is very big. But the two ones in San Francisco and New York are 31 than that in Toronto.
I 32 the Chinatown in Toronto since last year. I found all the different kinds 33 lights so beautiful. You couldn’t see so many beautiful lights 34 in other places. I also loved the food that was on show(展出) everywhere. 35 delicious it was! Many shops offered you 36 beautiful gift. You probably have never seen it before. It was fun for English speakers 37 around. The clerks (职员) at many shops couldn’t speak English. They could only speak Chinese. But there was Chinese writing on the windows in the shops.
I found all types of things at Chinatown 38 there were many shops along the roads. Chinatown was always crowded and noisy during the weekends. Thousands of people visited it and they enjoyed themselves. There were many 39 in the neighborhood as well. Most of 40 sold food such as pork, seafood, noodles and rice. Do you want to come to Chinatown
( )31.A.big B.bigger C.the biggest
( )32.A.visit B.visited C.have visited
( ) C.of
( )34.A.easy B.easiness C.easily
( )35.A.What an B.How C.What a
( )36.A.a C.the
( )37.A.walk B.walked walk
( )38.A.and C.but
( ) B.restaurants’s
( )40.A.they B.them C.themselves
Last Sunday morning, I had a yard sale with my sister. We set up a long table in the 41 and placed many old things on it. We told people that we wanted to 42 some money for a student. The student was ill but her parents didn’t have money to take her to the 43 . Maybe because of our kindness, our sale held 44 . We were very happy. Just then, a boy came to our sale. He looked at many things and finally 45 a necklace(项链).
“How much is this ” he asked. “Twenty yuan,” I answered. He took out some coins from his pocket and 46 . Then he asked us, “Could I have it for 15 yuan ”
I asked him, “Why do you want to buy it ”
“Tomorrow is my mother’s birthday. I want to give her a 47 . At the same time, I can also do something for the student. I think my mother will be 48 about what I do.”
What a kind boy he is! We 49 to let the boy buy it for 15 yuan. He went away with the necklace happily. We were happy, too, because we do a(n) 50 thing for someone.
( )41.A.bedroom C.yard
( )42.A.throw B.raise C.check D.lend
( ) C.park
( )44.A.carefully B.slowly C.successfully D.badly
( )45.A.gave up B.looked for C.put down D.picked up
( )46.A.counted B.cleared C.searched D.listened
( )47.A.sign C.prize D.secret
( )48.A.sad B.angry C.happy D.crazy
( )49.A.agreed B.reminded C.remembered D.stopped
( )50.A.brave B.honest C.helpful D.stupid
请阅读A、B 两篇短文,从每小题所给的选项中选出最佳答案,并将答题卡对应题目所选的选项涂黑。
With the help of apps(应用程序), we can use our mobile phones to do many things. Here are parts of the most popular apps.
Ctrip can help you when you feel it is hard to buy the train or plane tickets. You can buy tickets at any time if you have a mobile phone or a computer.
Ximalaya Reading has millions of books such as poems(诗), short stories, novels and even fairy tales for children to listen.
For children under three years old, Baby Bus is a very good friend. Kids can learn to speak, understand numbers and draw pictures with the help of this app.
With the app, you can find cheap foods, wonderful KTVs, ice - cream rooms, clothes shops for girls and even shopping centers.
Many middle school students are using Shanbay Word to learn English. It can help them with English words in many ways, such as pictures, English songs and movies, games and listening.
( )51.Ctrip is a useful app for ______.
A.ordering meals B.buying tickets C.drawing pictures D.learning English
( )52.What can we know about from Ximalaya Reading
A. B. C. D.
( )53.Mr. and Mrs. White use Baby Bus to help their two-year-old son practice ______.
A.speaking B.listening C.writing D.swimming
( )54.To remember English words in a fun way, students can choose ______.
A.Ctrip B.Baby Bus C.Shanbay Word D.Meituan
( )55.What can we even find by the Meituan app
A.Fairy tales. B.Plane tickets. C.English songs. D.Wonderful KTVs.
I’m Jenny. I was moved by a story last summer. When I went to a friend’s house as a guest, I found a wooden sign hung on the door. It reads, “Before entering(进入), please put down your trouble. When returning, bring back your happiness.”
After entering the house, I saw the wife and the husband were both harmonious(和睦的), two children were friendly and polite and warmth filled the house. I naturally asked them about the wooden(木制的) sign. The wife looked at the husband with a smile, “You tell the story.” The husband then looked back at the wife, “You say because it was your creativity(创意).”
Finally, the wife said softly and slowly, “Once when I got home, I was surprised to see a sleepy and tired face in the elevator(电梯) mirror, with the worried eyes. So I thought when my children and husband faced this worried face, what would they feel If I also faced such a face, what would I feel Then I could imagine my children’s silence and my husband’s indifference(冷淡) at the dinner table. The next day, I wrote a wooden sign and hung it on the door to remind myself. As a result, the sign reminded myself and the whole family. Something surprising happened in this way. Not only our family but also the guests to our house always become happy.”
( )56.The writer found a wooden sign ______.
A.on the door of her own house B.on the door of her friend’s house
C.on the wall of her friend’s house D.on the wall of her friend’s office
( )57.It’s ______ idea to hang the wooden sign.
A.the wife’s B.the husband’s C.the family’s D.the guests’
( )58.The words on the wooden sign mean that everyone should have a ______ face before entering the house.
A.worried B.tired C.happy D.sleepy
( )59.“Something surprising”in the last paragraph means ______.
A.the children usually kept silent at home B.the wife returned home with a worried face
C.the husband was indifferent at the dinner table D.the guests to their house also become happy
( )60.The best title for the passage is “______”.
A.Bring happiness back home B.Learn to cook food for the family
C.Hang a wooden sign on the door D.Help family members in trouble
( )61.Ken enjoys sports. He would like to rent(租) an apartment near a sport center so that he can exercise there. ( )62.Mrs. Green, wants to find a house near a primary school, so her son can walk to school by himself. ( )63.Dick is tired of driving. He hopes to live near the office building so that he won’t waste much time in heavy traffic. ( )64.Eve wants to buy a house for her parents. She hopes they can have a good place to take a walk after dinner. ( )65.Adam likes reading a lot. He would like to rent a house near a bookstore or a library. A.Walking along the street in front of the house, there is a primary school on the left. It takes only five minutes’ walk. B.There is a shopping center near the community. Opposite the shopping center, there is a middle school. Children can study in this school. C.The apartment is in the center of the city. Many office buildings are around here. You can walk to work. You don’t need to worry about the heavy traffic. D.The house is not far from a bookstore. You can read and buy different kinds of books here. E.There is a beautiful natural park near the house. You can take a walk after dinner every day. F.There is a big sports center next to the apartment. It’s good for those who love sports. G.Center Building is near the underground station. Opposite the Center Building, there is a city cinema.
when, from, take, interest, a, grow, but, either, think, I, too, story
I am Steve. I was born and 66 up in South Wales. I liked to play on the hills because I could think of many good ideas there. 67 I was thirteen years old, my family moved out of Wales. I went to 68 new school. That was the time when I started writing just for myself. I enjoyed sitting in the corner and I was 69 in writing.
I like writing fantastic 70 and I also write horror(恐怖的) stories. I think they can teach me important things. I am forty now 71 I think I am young. I like to listen to country music after dinner. Indian food and Chinese food are so delicious that I love to cook them. I enjoy drinking coffee, 72 . I live in a small village with 73 wife Mary. There are ducks, cats and lots of rabbits in my garden.
If you would like to know more about me and hope to buy my book, you can go to www.. After reading my book, you can write what you 74 about it. I hope to hear 75 you. My e-mail address is sweet home@.
六、读写结合 (本大题分为A、B两部分,共25分)
A.回答问题 (共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)
The blue whales are huge animals. They live in oceans around the world. They are about 30 meters long. The biggest blue whale is 190,000 kilograms and 98 feet long. This makes blue whales the largest animals on earth, even bigger than the largest dinosaurs (恐龙). The blue whale feeds on the smallest animals. There were many blue whales in the 19th century, but now there are only around 4,000 left.
The elephant is the largest animal on land. The largest elephant is 13,500 kilograms and stands 13 feet 8 inches tall. They mainly feed on grass, leaves and fruit. At the turn of the 20th century, there were a few million African elephants and about 100,000 Asian elephants. Today, there are about 450,000 to 700,000 African elephants and 35,000 to 40,000 wild Asian elephants. The tiger is the largest wild cat in the world. It lives in Asia, mainly in India, Bhutan, China and Siberia. Tigers love eating meat. Most tigers have orange fur with black stripes(条纹). The white tiger is the most special. Tigers are becoming fewer and fewer. Around the world, there are about 3,500 wild Bengal tigers.
76.Where do the blue whales live
77.How heavy is the biggest blue whale
78.What do elephants mainly feed on
79.What kind of tiger is the most special tiger
80.How many wild Bengal tigers are there in the world
81.动物的灭绝往往与人类的行为有关。为了增强学生保护动物的意识,你校英语校报“Protect Pandas”专栏开展征文活动。请你给该专栏投稿,内容包括:
提示词:bamboo forest(竹林);nature reserves(自然保护区)
1-5 ABACB 6-10 BCBAC 11-15 BABAC 16-20 CBACA
21.June 22.sixth/6th 25.exciting
26—30 ECBDA
31-35 BCCCB 36-40 ACABB
41-45 CBDCD 46-50 ABCAC
51-55 BCACD 56-60 BACDA 61-65 FACED
66.grew 67.When 68.a 69.interested 70.stories
71.but 72.too 74.think 75.from
76.They/The blue whales live in oceans around the world.
77.It/The biggest blue whale is 190,000 kilograms.
78.They/Elephants mainly feed on grass, leaves and fruit.
79.The white tiger is the most special tiger.
80.There are about 3,500 wild Bengal tigers in the world.
Do you like pandas Pandas live in China. They like eating bamboo. They are black and white. They look so cute and beautiful. They are one of the most popular animals in the world.
However, they are in danger now. One of the reasons is that people cut down many bamboo forests, so pandas are losing their homes and they don’t have enough food to eat. What’s more, some pandas die of illness and don’t live very long. I think we should do something to protect pandas. Firstly, we should set up more nature reserves. Secondly, We must stop cutting down bamboo forests and plant more bamboos.
If we can do these, I think there will be more and more pandas. Let’s take action now!



