
You may know the song Happy Birthday very well. But do you know about its writer It was written by an American girl. And now she 1 a very rich woman already.
When she was a child, she was poor. Once a friend of 2 invited her to a birthday party. She was very pleased but sad because she didn’t have enough money 3 gifts for her.
Late that night, she was in bed. While she 4 about the gifts, the door opened and came in her grandma. “What happened ” her grandma asked. After hearing the 5 story, she said, “Don’t worry. My dear, cheer up. I think I 6 help you. How about singing a song together “Happy birthday to…” What a beautiful song! They sang and sang. Suddenly, she woke up. 7 it was a dream, she decided to write it down at once and sang it to her friend at the party.
When she sang the song at the party the next day, the people at the party were very happy. “How 8 she sings! The song is one of 9 songs we have ever heard. Thank you for giving me the special gift.” her friend said. And they learned to sing 10 song together. Later, the girl became well-known in America.
( )1.A.becomes B.became C.has become
( )2.A.her B.hers C.she
( ) buy C.bought
( ) thinking B.thought C.was thinking
( )5.A.girl B.girl’s C.girls’
( )6.A.can B.need C.should
( )7.A.But B.Because C.Though
( )8.A.wonderfully B.wonderful C.wonder
( )9.A.beautiful B.more beautiful C.the most beautiful
( )10.A.a C.the
At the beginning of this term, my PE teacher asked me to take part in the marathon (马拉松赛跑). I was very 11 because I was never a good runner. But I decided to have a try.
I ran every day in the morning before school. And after school, I practiced 12 with many other runners on the sports ground. I even had the special food for sportsmen. I heard that the special food could 13 me to get good results.
When the 14 of the marathon arrived, I was very nervous. As usual, I got up in the morning, had my breakfast, and listened to some music. All my family wished me good luck, they 15 me to do my best. Then I went to the marathon race.
My competitors looked like sportsmen. I was 16 that I would be last. However, when I started to run, I thought only about the race. I just paid much attention to the race itself. When did I 17 the other runners I didn’t remember. 18 I realized that I had come first. I was very happy when I 19 the race. From the experience, I learn that 20 always comes out of hard work.
( )11.A.happy B.surprised C.angry D.relaxed
( )12.A.running B.jumping C.drawing D.singing
( )13.A.teach C.expect D.order
( ) B.week C.month D.year
( )15.A.helped B.invited C.introduced D.encouraged
( )16.A.amazed B.lucky C.afraid D.shocked
( )17.A.pass B.follow C.touch D.push
( )18.A.Usually B.Suddenly C.Recently D.Actually
( )19.A.began B.watched C.beat D.won
( )20.A.feeling B.interest C.success D.competition
Read in the library We provide comic books for children 12. E-books with music and readings are offered as well. You are not allowed to eat or drink indoors and should keep quiet. Time: 8:30—18:00 (Weekday s only) Add: 26 Greenfield Street Tel: 204-942-6302 Web: Listen to a concert It is the biggest concert of the year. You can enjoy wonderful music played by famous bands from twelve countries. Time: 19:30—23:30, October 25th Tickets:$20 (Adults only) Info Hotline: 204-986-7681 Call 204-888-4302 to book tickets. Web: www.
Draw a Watercolor It’s a great place to learn how to paint! You will have fun painting watercolors in a friendly environment. Costs: Adults $10 a class, Children (6-15 years old) $8 a class Time: Tuesdays 6:30 pm-8:30 pm Saturdays 9:30 pm-11:30 pm Tel: 204-945-5831 Web: www. Play in a Soccer Player We are free for children over 14 on weekends. Wear sportswear, please. Coaches teach you how to play soccer well. And there are wonderful matches every afternoon on weekends. Address: 226 Golden Road, City Stadium Time: Monday- Friday 6:30 am-11:30 am and 7:00 pm-10:00 pm Saturday and Sunday 6:30 am-10:30 pm Web: www.
( )21.Which number can you call for more information if you are interested in reading
A.204-888-4302 B.204-942-6302 C.204-986-7681 D.204-945-5831
( )22.How can you book a ticket if you want to listen to a concert
A.By app. B.By e-mail. C.By phone. D.By web.
( )23.How much should Mrs. Rosa pay for a painting class with her 10-year-old daughter
A.$8. B.$10. C.$12. D.$18.
( )24.Who can teach you how to play soccer
A.The teachers. B.The coaches. C.The parents. D.The keeper.
( )25.Where can you see the article
A.In the storybook. B.In the guidebook. C.In the newspaper. D.In the science fiction.
Have you ever heard of water bears They have lived on the earth for more than 500 million years, long before dinosaurs (恐龙). Though they are called“bears”, they look completely different from bears! The largest ones are only about 1.4 mm long. Each of their eight legs ends with a claw (爪). They also have sharp mouths.
Some of the places they live may surprise you! They live deep down in the ocean. It’s too dark to see well, and the pressure of the water in the deep sea is very heavy. But water bears can survive in such a difficult environment. In space, there is no air, water or food. But water bears can live there! Astronauts took some water bears outside the spaceship. Surprisingly, most of them lived. Some even laid eggs and turned into healthy babies!
There is no rain in dry places for about two million years. But water bears can survive in such a place! How First, they curl (卷曲) into a ball. Then they do nothing. They can stay in this way for many years! When they get wet again, they uncurl and start to move around. Sometimes wind or water moves away when they curl up in a ball.
Besides the places mentioned above, water bears also live around us, but we need some effort to find them. If we are careful and lucky enough, maybe we can find one.
( )26.What does a water bear look like
A.It has eight claws. B.It doesn’t have a mouth.
C.It looks like a bear. D.It is as big as a ping-pong ball.
( )27.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “survive” in this passage
A.Fall ill. B.Wake up. C.Stay alive. D.Keep healthy.
( )28.What happened to the water bears when they were in space
A.Some water bears laid eggs there.
B.They couldn’t eat normally there.
C.Water bears could only live inside a spaceship.
D.The eggs of water bears couldn’t turn into healthy babies.
( )29.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage
A.Water bears can only live in the ocean.
B.We can easily see water bears around us.
C.Water bears appeared on the earth earlier than dinosaurs.
D.Water bears always stay in the same place as they uncurl.
( )30.What’s the best title of the passage
A.Water bears in space. B.Places water bears to live.
C.Things happening to water bears. D.An introduction to water bears.
31.My cousin is a 5- year- old girl. One day when we were eating lunch, she couldn’t breathe because there was some food in her throat. What should I do 32.My clothes caught fire during a fire or by accident. What should I do 33.When I ran 100 meter race, I ran so fast that I fell down on the ground. My leg was broken. What should I do 34.My right hand was burned when cooking. It hurt a lot. What should I do 35.It’s a hot school day. I am suddenly having a nosebleed. What can I do at this moment A.If this happens, don’t run! Instead, stop, drop to roll (滚动). This will cut off the air and put out the fire. B.Stand behind the person and put your arms around her waist (腰). Use your hand to hit her stomach. Do this up to five times. If the food still doesn’t come out, call 120. C.Quickly cool it with cold running water. You should do this for at least 10 minutes. Then call an adult for help or go to hospital. Do not use ice. It can make burned (烫伤) area even worse. D.You can put your head down and press the nose. If the bleeding doesn’t stop after five to six minutes, find your teacher for help. E.You should do CPR (心肺复苏术) to the person in .10 minutes if you’ve got trained. F.You can hold the broken leg with your hands or clothes to stop movement. Then, find an adult or call 120 for help. G.The right way is to walk slowly to find out whether the leg is broken. Then, go to find an adult for help.
but go happy he how music park smart story win with worried
Big Head Son and Little Head Father is a very popular Chinese cartoon. It tells the 36 of a father and son. The father is a kind gentleman. He loves to read and play games 37 his son. The son is a 38 boy. He loves to find out the world around him.
One day, they went to the 39 . In the park, the son was running and having fun. Suddenly he got lost. The father looked everywhere for his son, 40 he could not find him. The father was very 41 and did not know what to do.
Just when the father planned to call the police for help, he saw his son running towards 42 . The father was so happy to see his son safe. He hugged (拥抱) his son warmly and told him 43 much he loved him.
The father and son went back home 44 and continued to enjoy their time together.
Big Head Son and Little Head Father is a great example of a happy family. It has already 45 the hearts of many Chinese children. They can always learn about the meaning of love and family.
Have you ever been somewhere interesting Let’s see David’s and Thomas’ experiences.
Have you ever been to Berlin Last summer I travelled to Berlin and stayed there for 5 days. I really had a good time. Berlin is a big city. In order to make my travel easy, I divided the city into some areas, and then travelled from area to area. It is better to ride a bike to visit the city than to walk around it. It provides a fast and easy way to move around Berlin. After this visit, I like Berlin more. Though I may not ever live there, I’d ha ppily go back and visit it again.
I’ve been in England for two months so far. I hope you don’t think I have forgotten you. There are so many places to see and so many things to do that I don’t have enough time to write letters. I’ll soon be starting my study at King’s College. So far I’ve been learning about England and British ways of living. I find some of the customs are new and interesting. People here don’t shake hands as much as we do in Germany. During the first few weeks, I was often surprised because people didn’t put out their hands when I met them. Men raise their hats to women but not to each other.
46.How long did David stay in Berlin ’
47.What is the better way to visit Berlin according to David
48.Which school will Thomas study at
49.What will Englishmen do when they meet women
50.Where does Thomas come from
参考词汇:capital首都;places of interest名胜古迹
Dear Amy,
I am very glad to know that you will come to China. _____________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
1-5:CBBCB 6-10:ACBAC
11-15:BABAD 16-20:CABDC
21-25:BCDBC 26-30:ACACD 31-35:BAFCD
36.story 37.with 39.park 40.but
41.worried 42.him 44.happily 45.won
五、读写综合(本大题分为A、B两部分, 共25分)
46.For 5 days. / David stayed in Berlin for 5 days.
47.To ride a bike. / The better way to visit Berlin is to ride a bike.
48.Thomas will study at King’s College.
49.They will raise their hats to women.
50.He comes from Germany.
Dear Amy,
I am very glad to know that you will come to China. I think Beijing, the capital of China, is a good place to visit. Beijing lies in the north of China, which has a long history. People there are very kind and friendly.
There are many places of interest in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Bird’s Nest, the Palace Museum and Tian’an Men Square. They are really good places to visit. As for food, Beijing Duck is the most famous and it is very delicious. You can’t miss it.
Welcome to Beijing and learn about Chinese culture. I’m sure you’ll have a good time.
Li Hua



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