


) 延边州2023—2024学年度第二学期期末教学质量检测
I. 从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(10分)
1. — Lisa, can you play ______ badminton
— Yes, I can. I can play ______drums, too.
the, / B. /, the C. the, the
2. —______ the weather today I want to go to the park.
— It’s cool and cloudy, just right for walking in the park.
A. What’s B. When’s C. How’s
3. My grandpa always ______ a walk after dinner, but now he ______ music in the living room.
A. is taking, listens to B. takes, is listening to C. take, is listening to
4. —The mascot(吉祥物)of the Olympic Games is the _______of good luck.
A. symbol B. number C. color
5. —Where did you go last weekend,Tony
A. I played soccer. B. I went to Changchun. C. I had dinner with my mom.
6. — Bob, _______ is it from the hospital to the library
— About (
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) 20 minutes’ walk.
how long B. how far C. how much
7. — Excuse me. Is there a park near here
—_______ And you can have a good time in it.
A. No, there isn’t. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, there is.
8. Don’t _______ too late, or you will feel sleepy in class.
A. stay up B. get up C. put up
9. Yang Hongwei, 56, is an inheritor(继承者)of making kites. It’s_______ for her to let
more people know Chinese art.
expensive B. delicious C. important
—Yes, I’d like some fish, salad and vegetables.
A.What would you like B. May I take your order C. Can you eat in this restaurant
II. 从方框中选择正确选项,其中有一个选项与对话内容无关。(5分)
I like pandas best.

s kind of boring.
What are you doing
What time shall we go
Would you like to go with me

s meet at the bus stop at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
F.Thank you so much!
Mary: Hello! This is Mary speaking.
Dave: Hi, Mary.This is Dave. 11
Mary: I’m watching a talk show on TV with my parents.
Dave: Really What do you think of it
Mary: 12 What about you
Dave: I’m thinking about going to Mount Liuding(六鼎山)this afternoon. 13
Mary: I’d love to, but I can’t. I have to go to the swimming club then.
Dave: That’s too bad. How about tomorrow
Mary: Tomorrow is fine.
Dave: Great! 14
Mary: What about ten o’clock in the morning I don’t want to get up too early.
Dave: No problem. 15
Mary: OK. See you then.
III. 根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、正确。每空词数不限。(5分)
Lily: Hey, Ben! Where did you go last summer vacation
Ben: Hi, Lily! I went to Harbin and stayed there for about three weeks.
Lily: 16
Ben: I took the high-speed train there. It was so fast.
Lily: 17
Ben: I swam in the pool and visited some famous places, like parks and museums.
Lily: Sounds interesting. By the way, did you like the food there
Ben: 18 . I enjoyed Harbin sausage(香肠)and rice there a lot.
Lily: Oh, you must have a great time there. 19
Ben: I lived in my aunt’s home. And my cousin Jeff showed me around the city.
Lily: Lucky you! 20
Ben: Yes, I want to go there again next year. Hope you can go with me together!
Wang Fei is a Chinese girl, but now she is in the US. She lives and 21 with Mr. and Mrs. Black in New York.They are very 22 to her. But they don’t like the same food. Mr. and Mrs. Black like milk, eggs and some vegetables for breakfast.Wang Fei likes milk and eggs, 23 she doesn’t like vegetables. For lunch, Mr. and Mrs. Black usually have large hamburgers. Wang Fei doesn’t like them. She likes to have
rice and soup. Mr. and Mrs. Black usually have soup, beef, vegetables and fruit for dinner.
Wang Fei doesn’t like 24 beef. She likes noodles. So Mrs. Black 25 a medium
bowl of noodles for her last night.
21. A. talks B. plays C. eats
22. A. friendly B. bad C. strict
23. A. but B. for C. or
24. A. some B. any C. many
25. A. cooked B. cooks C. cook
V. 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,其中有两个选项是多余的。(10分)
) Look! A boy is doing kung fu in the sun. He is Mike from Africa. He is studying in Hebei, China.
Mike is of medium 26 . He has short curly hair with 27 big nose and a round face. Mike 28 doing Chinese kung fu. His love for it comes 29 the movies of Chinese kung fu actors like Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Jet Li. “I want to be a person like 30 . How cool they are!” says Mike, “I like Chinese kung fu, and I think it helps me learn a lot about Chinese culture(文化).But it’s not easy for me to do it well 31 I learn it for the first time.” To make his dream come 32 , Mike learns to do kung fu hard from his teacher and spends all his free time 33 it. “I want to open a kung fu center in Africa after 34 school. I hope more people will love it and people in these two 35 can be closer(更亲密的).” says Mike.
Would you like to relax yourself on your vacation Why not go somewhere interesting Here are some places for you to choose.
4 — Day Beijing Tour If you want to see beautiful places, how about going to Beijing Visit the Great Wall and other interesting places, and enjoy Beijing Duck! Tour price: $400 / person Call us at 800-820-6888.
7 — Day Colorful Yunnan Tour If you like warm weather and clean air, then Yunnan is the best place for you! Maybe you can take part in the Water Sprinkling Festival. (
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)Tour price: $1,200 / person (
装 订 线 装 订 线
)Call us at 800-820-8122.
4 — Day Beautiful Guilin Tour Do you want to enjoy fresh air Then come to Guilin for a few relaxing days to enjoy the river life! Tour price: $660 / person ($500 under 18 years old) Call us at 800-810-6562.
3 — Day Sanya Tour Sanya is famous for its wonderful sunshine and beaches. You can relax here by walking along the beaches and enjoying the fresh air! Tour price: $500 / person Call us at 800-810-5222. Attention: If you pay for your tour online (在线),you can get a discount(折扣)of 20%.
You may call _________if you go to Beijing on vacation.
A. 800-820-6888 B. 800-820-8122
C. 800-810-6562 D. 800-810-5222
37. What can you do in Yunnan
A. Visit the Great Wall and other places of interests.
B. Take part in the Water Sprinkling Festival.
C. Enjoy the river life.
D. Walk along the beaches and enjoy the fresh air.
38. If Mrs. Li wants to go to Guilin with her 16-year-old daughter and 14-year-old son,
they should pay ________ .
A. $660 B. $1,320
C. $1,160 D. $1,660
39. Which of the following places can you go if you want to enjoy the sunshine and beaches
A. Beijing. B. Yunnan. C. Guilin. D. Sanya.
40. Where can we read the text
A. A guide book. B. A cooking book. C. A history book. D. A science book.
( B )
Zhou Xiaotian, a school boy from Jilin often watches some short videos on TikTok (抖音短视频). When he opens it, he just wants to relax himself for a short time. But after an hour, he is still watching videos. Sometimes, he also has a talk with his friends on the WeChat(微信). Zhou said , “ I learn a lot by watching short videos. Some videos teach people to play the guitar, dance, cook, speak English and so on.”
According to a study, 20% of the students watch short videos in their free time. About 10% of the students check short video apps many times a day.
Li Yuhang, a school boy from Sichuan, likes short videos because they are interesting. “ It’s the best way to spend time. When I watch the videos, time goes quickly.” he said.


)Zhou and Li sometimes spend much time watching videos. It’s good that these apps now have functions (功能) to stop students from watching videos for too long. Students can use the “student mode (模式) ”, and they can watch videos for only 30 minutes a day. Zhou and Li think this mode can help them save a lot of time for their schoolwork.
41.What does Zhou Xiaotian do in his free time
A. He watches TV. B. He watches short videos.
C. He plays the guitar. D. He practices speaking English.
42. Why does Li Yuhang like short videos
A. Because they are useful. B. Because they are popular.
C. Because they are fun. D. Because they are different.
43.The underlined word “ check ” in Paragraph 2 means “________” in Chinese.
A. 查看 B. 下载 C. 察觉 D. 发现
44. How long can students watch short videos by using the “ student mode ”
A. For twenty minutes a day. B. For half an hour a day.
C. For forty minutes a day. D. For an hour a day.
45.What is the main idea(主旨) of this passage
A. Students can relax by talking with friends in their free time.
B. Only 20% of the students love watching short videos on apps.
C. Students can use apps like TikTok and WeChat to study.
D. The “student mode” can stop students from watching videos for a long time.
I’m Jack. Today is Saturday. I don’t need to go to school. I like cooking with my mom on the weekend. I can cook some special dishes. After finishing all my homework, I go to the supermarket with my mom.
There are different kinds of food in the supermarket. My mom likes vegetables and fruit. She buys some tomatoes, cabbages, carrots, bananas, apples and pears. She wants to make salad. All her food is 80 yuan. I buy two boxes of milk, ten eggs and some flour(面粉). Do you know what kind of food I want to make Yes, I want to make cakes. I also want to buy hamburgers but my mother says they are not healthy. So I don’t buy them.
When my mother and I are leaving the supermarket, I give the salesgirl(售货员)150 yuan and she gives 20 yuan back to me. But I return(归还)her 10 yuan and tell her why. “ Thank you. You’re a good boy, ” she says. Then I go home with my mom.
Jack likes shopping with his mom on the weekend.
Jack and his mom buy nine kinds of things in the supermarket.
Jack’s mother says that hamburgers are delicious.
49. From the passage, we know Jack wants to make fruit salad.
50. Jack spends 60 yuan buying his own food in the supermarket.
( D )
In my city, there is a big zoo. 51
Mona is a koala. She is from Australia. She is six years old. She is very cute. She likes
sleeping in the day. At night she gets up and eats leaves(叶子). Mona doesn’t drink water for months. 52 because she can get water from the leaves.
There is a big house in the zoo. A lion lives in it. His name is Dick. He is from South Africa. Dick likes meat very much. He is very lazy. 53 Today is Dick’s sixth birthday. The workers in the zoo are having a birthday party for him.
This is a big elephant. His name is Leo. He is from South Africa, too. He is ten years old. He likes to eat grass. He can’t see things clearly, 54 He is very smart and talented(有天赋的).
Yuanyuan is a panda. She is four years old. 55 She is very beautiful, but she ’s very shy. She likes eating bamboo(竹子)and drinking water. She relaxes about 10 hours every day.
A. He sleeps for 13 hours every day. B. There are a lot of animals in it. C. but he can draw very beautiful pictures. D. She is really scary. E. She is from China. F. But she is healthy,
( E )
56 Kids can learn Chinese painting here.They can learn how to draw plants
and fruit.Their teacher is Yang Yong. His English name is Jeff. His phone number is 351-1253.
57 I have an art lesson in the morning and a music lesson in the afternoon. I like them. I think they are really interesting and relaxing.Wednesday is a happy day for me. (
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58 Are you good with kids Do you like to play games with kids Can you sing or dance Can you draw Do you want to be a teacher We need a man teacher and a woman teacher for kids.
59 People always think of Qu Yuan, a great poet of Chu at the festival. Qu loved his country Chu very much.When Qin beat (打败) Chu, Qu Yuan wanted to die for his country. He jumped into the Miluo River. In order to keep fish away from his body, people threw rice dumplings into the river.
60 I think trains are safe. Train stations are usually in cities. When you are
late for a train, you can catch another one. You can walk around in the train.You can see
many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time.
A. I like travelling by train. B. Teachers wanted. C. My favorite day is Wednesday. D. Sun Painting Club. E. The Dragon Boat Festival. F. The Trip Last Weekend.
● If you want to learn Chinese 61 , you can call 351-1253. ● On Wednesday I have art and 62 lessons. I think they are interesting and relaxing. ● If you are good with kids, you can be a (an) 63 . ● When we think of Qu Yuan , we often eat 64 . ● When you want to go to another city, you can go there 65 . It’s very safe. But it takes a little more time.
( F )
Zhang Xiaoxiao is a 9-year-old girl from Zhoukou, Henan. One day, when she finished all vegetables and rice of the school lunch, she left four shrimps(虾)in her bowl. When people asked her why she did that, the girl with a clear smile and light in her eyes, said she wanted to take the shrimps home for her sick mother.
Zhang’s mother is in bad health and she is unable to do heavy work. The daughter brings fruit and milk home every day, but her mother asks her to eat the food herself.
Mr. Zhang, the principal(校长)of the school, plays an important part in teaching such a loving girl. There are more than 180 students in his school. Most of them are left-behind children (留守儿童). Some do not meet their parents even once a year.
Some children live in the school. They are too young to take care of themselves, so Mr. Zhang lives with them there. He wants to look after his students well.
Although there are government subsidies (政府补贴), Zhang spends all of his money buying food such as shrimps, beef and chicken for the children. The school lunch becomes the best meal for some children.
Mr. Zhang says, “ I want my students to grow up happily and healthily. If a child has not received sunshine and love, how can he or she love others ”
66. How old is Zhang Xiaoxiao
67. Why did the girl leave the shrimps in her bowl
装 订 线 装 订 线
)68. Can the girl’s mother do heavy work
69. How many students in Mr. Zhang’s school
70. What’s Mr. Zhang’s wish
VII. 根据要求,完成写作。(15分)
榜样的力量是无穷的。假如你们学校正在评选“品真、学真、行真 —— 最优少年”, 你想推选自己班的同学Wang Lei参选,请根据下面的写作内容用英语写一篇文章,介绍他的具体情况。
外貌 短发,戴眼镜
性格 待人友好,乐于助人
爱好 读书,擅长弹钢琴......
上学方式 每天骑自行车,从不迟到
事迹 上周六上午,在公园陪老人下棋,给孩子们讲故事; 上周六下午, 在图书馆做向导,帮助好朋友备考; 上周六晚上,......
你的看法 ......
(3)词数90-100词。开头已给出,不计入总词数。 (
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Wang Lei is the most popular student in our class. ________________________
I hope you can choose(选择)him as one of the Excellent Students. Thank you!延边州2023—2024学年度第二学期期末教学质量检测
I. 从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(10分)
1-5 B C B A B 6-10 B C A C B
II. 从方框中选择正确选项,其中有一个选项与对话内容无关。(5分)
11-15 C B E D F
III. 根据所给对话,填写适当的内容,使其完整、正确。每空词数不限。(5分)
How did you go (get) there / How did you go (get) to Harbin
What did you do (there)
Yes. / Yes, I did.
Where did you live (there)
Do you want to go there again
21-25 C A A B A
V. 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,其中有两个选项是多余的。(10分)
26-30 L C H J A 31-35 D G F B K
(A)36-40 A B D D A
(B)41-45 B C A B D
(C)46-50 F T F F T
(D)51-55 B F A C E
(E) (a) 56-60 D C B E A
(b) 说明:61-65小题答案仅供参考,其它不同答案请三位阅卷教师协
painting 62. music 63. teacher 64. rice dumplings 65. by train
(F) 96-100题答案使用完整或简略形式均可。能答出关键词即可给分。下面答案仅供参考,其他不同答案阅卷教师可协商,酌情处理。拼写、大小写及语法错误,每两处扣0.5分,有无标点不扣分。
66. She is 9 years old./ She is 9. / 9 years old. /Zhang Xiaoxiao is 9 years old.
67. Because she wanted to take the shrimps home for her sick mother.
68. No./ No, she can’t.
69.There are more than (over) 180 students in his school. / More than (over)180
students in his school./ More than (over)180 students.
70. He wishes / wants his students to grow up happily and healthily.



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