
Daily proverbs:A young idler ;an old beggar.
1.Laws against_______________________(race)prejudice must be strictly implemented.
2.We_______________________(string)paper lanterns up in the trees.
3.The train left late that night and arrived in Montreal_______________________dawn the next morning.
4.Everyone is supposed to put books back to the_______________________(shelf)when the closing bell is sounded.
5.The flowers in the park are_______________________blossom,attracting a lot of visitors to appreciate them.
6.The little problems_______________________we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions.
7.Our teacher typically assigned daily homework,which would_______________________(recite)in class the following day.
8.Whether from jealous or fear of someone who looked so different,my older brothers sometimes teased me_______________________my unpleasing skin.
9.Together they compare thoughts on bringing up children and working,admit long-hidden_______________________(sorrow),and enjoy precious memories.
10.It seems that every time I check my e-mail,I have an endless series of advertisements and other_______________________(correspond)that do not interest me at all.
二、 阅读理解
Various kinds of theme parks exist almost everywhere in the world. Whichever and whatever you like, there is always an incredible theme park that will appeal to you!
Disneyland, which can be found in several parts of the world, will bring you into a magical world and make your childhood dreams come true. Travelling through space, visiting a pirate ship, or meeting an adorable fairy tale or cartoon character are all possible at Disneyland. Of course, Disneyland also has many exciting rides to amuse you, from enormous swinging ships to scary free-fall drops.
Dollywood is unique because it shows and celebrates America's traditional southeastern culture. Famous country music groups put on performances there all year round. People come to see skilled workers make wood, glass, and iron objects in the old-fashioned way. Riding on the only steam engine still working is a special treat. And for those who like rides, Dollywood has a superb old wooden roller coaster, Thunderhead.
Chimelong Ocean Kingdom
Chimelong Ocean Kingdom in Zhuhai, China, is one of the leading ocean-themed parks in the world. Here you can walk under the Whale Shark Aquarium. Watching the dolphin and sea lion shows is both educational and fun. The park has more rides than you can imagine: join a water fight against pirates or get turned upside down by an exciting roller coaster... Hungry The park has plenty of restaurants with tasty food for every appetite.
1. What is special about Dollywood
A. You can ride a roller coaster there.
B. You can meet some cartoon characters there.
C. You can experience a water fight against pirates.
D. You can learn about America's historical southeastern culture.
2. What do the three theme parks have in common
A. They all have exciting rides.
B. They all offer educational animal shows.
C. They all provide tasty food for every appetite.
D. They all can be found in several places of the world.
3. Where is this text probably taken from
A. A fairy tale. B. A travel brochure.
C. A history book. D. A documentary.
Perhaps one of the most famous sayings in China is, "Worry before all others worry; rejoice after all others have rejoiced." Written by Fan Zhongyan, this 11th century proverb provides a goal for all Chinese government officials to aspire to.
Fan Zhongyan (989-1052) himself was a good example of someone who lived by these words. When he was just one or two years old, his father died and his mother married another man, but he was always content with what he had.
From a very young age, he was very diligent in his schoolwork. In 1015, Fan passed the imperial examination (科举考试) and became a government official. While serving in Taizhou, he always had the people's best interest at heart, and he proposed building a sea wall to protect homes from flooding. Serving with distinction, he helped build up defenses when the country was threatened by war. Then, once the country was at peace again, he was promoted to a high-level position in the capital.
As an advisor to the emperor, Fan then tried to institute government reforms. However, many conservative officials opposed him, so the reforms were stopped and Fan was forced to go into exile (流放). While in exile in 1045, Fan wrote an essay entitled Memorial to Yueyang Tower. In the essay, he wondered if it was possible to find government officials who would be firm in their desire to look after the needs of the common people, and not worry about their own personal welfare.
After retiring, he bought a farm and used it to provide jobs for local people. The profits from the farm were then used to pay for the education of poor children.
It is refreshing to think that there was once such a person who did not just speak wise words to live by, but who also put those words into practice during his own life.
4. How does the author introduce the topic of the passage
A. By using a quote. B. By giving examples.
C. By providing data. D. By making comparisons.
5. What's the right order of the events
①Fan built a sea wall in Taizhou. ②Fan wrote the essay Memorial to Yueyang Tower.
③Fan's father passed away. ④Fan retired and bought a farm.
A.③①②④ B.①②③④
C.③①④② D.①②④③
6. What did Fan express in his famous essay
A. His concern about the needs of the common people.
B. His determination to set a good example for government officials.
C. His hope to find government officials looking after common people.
D. His desire to find government officials putting people's needs above their own welfare.
7. What qualities can best describe Fan Zhongyan according to the passage
A. Loving and demanding. B. Selfless and devoted.
C. Modest and hardworking. D. Strong-willed and tolerant.
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I was born and live in Seattle, and for forty-five years, not. a day has gone by that I haven't drunk coffee. I've also come to understand how and why coffee 1 me. It is caffeine, of course.
Recently, noticing the 2 in my consumption over the years, my wife innocently 3 that I “take a little break” from coffee. The very suggestion made me mad.
“Here's an idea,” I 4 , heart rate rocketing.
“Why don't we just live apart for a year so it feels more like it did when we were first married ” A(n) 5 I think not.
Assuming that coffee does keep me 6 for an extra few days or decades, I know how I'll spend them: drinking more coffee, or darker and darker roasts, whose 7 smell helps fight age-related loss of taste and smell.
My Spanish mother-in-law, whom I loved like my own mother, died last summer at the age of 93. She was sharp as ever and the 8 person I knew, up to the very end. She also 9 multiple cups of coffee every day until her last. Our 10 love of coffee drew us together before we even spoke the same language, and 11 our relationship for more than three decades.
In her last weeks, I was lecturing in Barcelona and spending my 12 time with her, downing many 13 and chatting about the 14 to happiness. Here was her formula: ——love, faith, and coffee. In my opinion, that sounds 15 indeed.
1. A. harms B. greets C. addicts D. confuses
2. A. increase B. hesitation C. excitement D. curiosity
3. A. offered B. ordered C. negotiated D. proposed
4. A. encouraged B. discovered C. replied D. demanded
5. A. expectation B. imagination C. warning D. overreaction
6. A. fit B. alive C. inspired D. wise
7. A. sour B. strong C. familiar D. strange
8. A. happiest B. cleverest C. nicest D. prettiest
9. A. sold B. served C. consumed D. recommended
10. A. special B. luxurious C. shared D. remarkable
11. A. restored B. maintained C. established D. supported
12. A. free B. precious C. formal D. meaningful
13. A. pots B. kits C. buckets D. cups
14. A. clue B. secret C. answer D. solution
15. A. right B. funny C. interesting D. silly
While 1 (visit) Lijiang, learn about Naxi culture, which differs from the Han culture in its writing system. The Naxi writing system, known only by a handful of people, 2 (use) hieroglyphs(象形文字). This people group is the only one in the world 3 they still uses hieroglyphs. Also be sure to enjoy traditional Naxi music in the Old Town.
Sifang Street, located in the center of the town, hums with activity. Don't overlook the chance 4 (try) the different kinds of food that are specific 5 the area.
Lijiang is also a great place to see the beauty of the natural world. Lion. Hills, 6 looks like a sleeping lion, rises from the middle of the city. The Wangu Tower on the hill provides views of the Old Town and surrounding villages. The view includes Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the most 7 (south) snow-capped mountain north of the equator. At 5,596 meters high, it offers an amazing view to 8 (that) willing to climb it.
You can also see Jade Dragon Snow Mountain 9 (reflect) in the waters of the Black Dragon Pool. This pool, located in Black Dragon Pool Park, is 10 (nature) formed where springs flow together.
Lijiang's beauty, history and rich culture make it a fascinating place to visit.
一、1.1.racial 2. strung 3. at 4. shelves 5.in 6.that 7.be recited 8. about 9. sorrows
二、1-3 DAB 4-7 AADB
三、1—5. CADCD 6—10. BBACC 11—15. BADBA
四、1. visiting 2. uses 3. and 4. to try 5. to 6. which 7. southern. 8. those 9. reflected 10. naturally

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