【2024中考英语真题分类汇编(全国第01集)】07 单项选择之情景交际(原卷版+解析版)

专题07 单项选择之情景交际
1. (2024·安徽·统考中考真题)—The National Museum of China is just five minutes’ walk away. We don’t have to take a taxi.
—_______ We can go there on foot.
A. My pleasure. B. Take care. C. That’s right! D. Good luck!
【解析】句意:——中国国家博物馆离这里只有五分钟的步行路程。我们不需要坐出租车。——没错!我们可以步行去那里。考查情景交际。My pleasure.我的荣幸;Take care.当心;That’s right!没错;Good luck!祝你好运。根据“We don’t have to take a taxi.”及“We can go there on foot.”可知,此处指同意对方的观点,That’s right符合语境。故选C。
2. (2024·甘肃白银·中考真题)The bird in Picture ________ is between the boxes.
A. B. C. D.
3. (2024·甘肃白银·中考真题)—After being out in the rain, Tom’s feeling ________.
—He’d better go to see a doctor.
A. on top of the world B. under the weather
C. like a million dollars D. like a kid again
考查习语。 top of the world世界之巅;under the weather身体不适;like a million dollars像一百万美元;like a kid again又像个孩子。根据“He’d better go to see a doctor.”可知,此处指汤姆淋雨后身体不舒服,最好去看医生。故选B。
4. (2024·甘肃白银·中考真题)What does Jane want Lucy to do
A. Go to the school with her. B. Explain the homework.
C. Watch a movie together. D. Lend her a book.
考查情景交际。Go to the school with her.和她一起去学校;Explain the homework.解释作业;Watch a movie together.一起看电影;Lend her a book.借给她一本书。根据“I left my math book at school! Can I use yours ”可知,简的数学书落在学校了,想要借用露西的。故选D。
5. (2024·甘肃白银·中考真题)—Teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions.
—________ They are not old enough.
A. I don’t think so. B. I’m afraid so.
C. I couldn’t agree more. D. I hope so.
考查情景交际。I don’t think so.我不这么认为。I’m afraid so.恐怕是这样。I couldn’t agree more.我完全同意。I hope so.我希望如此。根据“They are not old enough.”可知,不同意对方的观点,故选A。
6. (2024·甘肃白银·中考真题)Which of the following tells that you should keep quiet
A. B. C. D.
7. (2024·甘肃省临夏州·中考真题)Which picture shows the dog is behind the house
A. B. C. D.
8. (2024·甘肃省临夏州·中考真题)—We should take action against school bullying (欺凌).
—________ School bullying must be stopped.
A. I hope not. B. I don’t think so. C. I agree with you. D. I’m afraid I can’t.
考查情景交际。I hope not.我希望不是;I don’t think so我不这么想;I agree with you.我同意你的看法;I’m afraid I can’t恐怕不行。根据“We should take action against school bullying (欺凌).”和“School bullying must be stopped.”可知,此处是同意对方的观点。故选C。
9. (2024·甘肃省临夏州·中考真题)We can’t turn right when we see the sign ________.
A. B. C. D.
10. (2024·甘肃省临夏州·中考真题)Which of the following is true according to the picture
A. They are reading books. B. They are doing some cleaning.
C. They are playing games. D. They are doing their homework.
考查情景交际。They are reading books他们正在看书;They are doing some cleaning他们正在打扫;They are playing games他们正在玩游戏;They are doing their homework他们正在做作业。根据图片所示,学生们正在教室里打扫卫生。故选B。
11. (2024·广西·统考中考真题)—Hello, I’m Gina. Glad to meet you.
A. I’m sorry. B. Glad to meet you, too. C. Here you are.
考查情景交际。I’m sorry.很抱歉。Glad to meet you, too.我也很高兴认识你。Here you are.给你。根据“Glad to meet you.”可知,此处应回答“我也很高兴认识你”,故选B。
12. (2024·黑龙江龙东地区·中考真题)—Could you please sweep the floor, Daming
—________ I’m busy cooking.
A. Yes, sure. B. Sorry, I can’t. C. Yes, please.
考查情景交际。Yes, sure.是的,当然;Sorry, I can’t.抱歉,我不能;Yes, please.是的,请。根据“I’m busy cooking.”可知,大明正在做饭,所以不能扫地,此处应拒绝请求。故选B。
13. (2024·黑龙江龙东地区·中考真题)You should be careful when you see the sign.
A. B. C.
14. (2024·黑龙江齐齐哈尔·中考真题)—Hi, Tom. I heard that you won the first prize in the talent show yesterday. ________!
—Thank you, Mike.
A. Congratulations B. Good luck C. Come on
考查情景交际。Congratulations恭喜你;Good luck祝你好运;Come on加油。根据“I heard that you won the first prize in the talent show yesterday.”可知,对方得了第一名,要恭喜,故选A。
15. (2024·湖北省武汉·中考真题)—________
—I’d like two teas, please.
A. How are you doing B. Where’s the tea house
C. What can I do for you D. Why do you like tea
考查情景交际。How are you doing你好吗;Where’s the tea house茶馆在哪里;What can I do for you有什么可以帮忙吗;Why do you like tea你为什么喜欢茶。根据“I’d like two teas, please.”可知此处应是服务员询问需不需要帮忙,选项C符合。故选C。
16. (2024·湖北省武汉·中考真题)—We’ll be high school students soon. Managing time is more important for us.
—________. Time is valuable.
A. I think so B. It’s nothing C. All right D. Not at all
考查情景交际。I think so我也这么认为;It’s nothing没什么;All right好的;Not at all根本不。根据“Managing time is more important for us.”和“Time is valuable.”可知,同意对方的看法,故选A。
17. (2024·湖北省武汉·中考真题)—Dad, I fail again. It’s difficult for me to make a sky lantern.
—________! I’m sure you can.
A. Well done B. Hard to say C. Take care D. Keep trying
考查情景交际。Well done干得好;Hard to say很难说;Take care保重;Keep trying继续尝试。根据“I’m sure you can.”可知,爸爸鼓励孩子继续尝试,故选D。
18. (2024·江苏省连云港市·中考真题)Don’t _________, otherwise, you’ll be tired out.
A. do as the Romans do B. burn the candle at both ends
C. put yourself in others’ shoes D. put all your eggs in one basket
考查习语。do as the Romans do入乡随俗;burn the candle at both ends蜡烛两头烧;put yourself in others’ shoes设身处地为他人着想;put all your eggs in one basket把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里。根据“otherwise, you’ll be tired out.”可知不要把蜡烛两头烧,否则你会累的,选项B符合。故选B。
19. (2024·江苏省扬州市·中考真题)—I hear you’re leaving for Guilin for your holiday
— ________. And I’m looking forward to it.
A. It doesn’t matter B. It’s a pleasure C. That’s right D. Never mind
考查情景交际。It doesn’t matter没关系;It’s a pleasure不客气;That’s right没错;Never mind没关系。根据“I hear you’re leaving for Guilin for your holiday ”可知,上文是询问对方是否要去桂林度假,下文回答“没错”符合语境。故选C。
20. (2024·四川达州市·中考真题)—Tommy, come on! Believe in yourself. You can do it!
—For you, ________. For me, it’s quite difficult. But I’ll try my best.
A. it’s a piece of cake B. it serves you right C. it takes time
考查习语。it’s a piece of cake小菜一碟;it serves you right你活该;it takes time这需要时间。根据“For me, it’s quite difficult.”可知,此处指这件事对对方来说很容易,对自己来说很困难。形容做某事很容易,应用“小菜一碟”。故选A。
21. (2024·四川乐山·中考真题)—The Chengdu Horticultural Exhibition (成都园艺博览会) is really excellent! Thanks for inviting me here!
A. I’m sorry. B. You’re welcome. C. No problem.
考查情景交际。I’m sorry我很抱歉;You’re welcome不客气;No problem没问题。根据“Thanks for inviting me here!”可知,面对致谢,应该说“不客气”,故选B。
22. (2024·四川凉山·中考真题)—Hello This is Jenny. May I speak to Laura
A. Have a good trip B. Sorry, she is not here C. Never mind
考查情景交际。Have a good trip祝你旅途愉快;Sorry, she is not here抱歉,她不在这;Never mind没关系。根据“This is Jenny. May I speak to Laura”可知,这是在打电话,只有B选项符合,故选B。
23. (2024·四川泸州市·中考真题)—Thank you for lending me your umbrella yesterday.
A. Take it easy B. Well done
C. It’s up to you D. My pleasure
考查情景交际。Take it easy别紧张;Well done做得好;It’s up to you由你决定;My pleasure我很乐意这样做。上文“Thank you for…”表示感谢,下文回应“我很乐意帮忙”符合语境。故选D。
24. (2024·四川遂宁市·中考真题)—I have passed the exam. Thanks for your help.
A. It’s my pleasure. B. With pleasure. C. All right. D. Never mind.
考查情景交际。It’s my pleasure.我的荣幸,用于回答致谢。With pleasure.乐意效劳,用于回答请求。All right.好的。Never mind.不要紧。根据“Thanks for your help.”可知,此处是回答致谢,故选A。
25. (2024·四川自贡市·中考真题)—My friend fell off the bike and hurt his leg.
A. No problem B. That’s OK C. Sorry to hear that
考查情景交际。No problem没问题;That’s OK没关系;Sorry to hear that很抱歉听到这个消息。根据“My friend fell off the bike and hurt his leg”可知,听到不好的消息应说“很抱歉听到这个消息”,故选C。
26. (2024·天津·中考真题)— Let’s go to the Tianjin TV and Radio Tower to enjoy the beautiful sights.
— ________. I can’t wait to go there.
A. That’s cool B. That’s a pity C. Never mind D. No idea
考查情景交际。That’s cool太酷了;That’s a pity那太遗憾了;Never mind不要紧;No idea不知道。根据“I can’t wait to go there.”可知,等不及想去,所以觉得很酷,故选A。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
专题07 单项选择之情景交际
1. (2024·安徽·统考中考真题)—The National Museum of China is just five minutes’ walk away. We don’t have to take a taxi.
—_______ We can go there on foot.
A. My pleasure. B. Take care. C. That’s right! D. Good luck!
2. (2024·甘肃白银·中考真题)The bird in Picture ________ is between the boxes.
A. B. C. D.
3. (2024·甘肃白银·中考真题)—After being out in the rain, Tom’s feeling ________.
—He’d better go to see a doctor.
A. on top of the world B. under the weather
C. like a million dollars D. like a kid again
4. (2024·甘肃白银·中考真题)What does Jane want Lucy to do
A. Go to the school with her. B. Explain the homework.
C. Watch a movie together. D. Lend her a book.
5. (2024·甘肃白银·中考真题)—Teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions.
—________ They are not old enough.
A. I don’t think so. B. I’m afraid so.
C. I couldn’t agree more. D. I hope so.
6. (2024·甘肃白银·中考真题)Which of the following tells that you should keep quiet
A. B. C. D.
7. (2024·甘肃省临夏州·中考真题)Which picture shows the dog is behind the house
A. B. C. D.
8. (2024·甘肃省临夏州·中考真题)—We should take action against school bullying (欺凌).
—________ School bullying must be stopped.
A. I hope not. B. I don’t think so. C. I agree with you. D. I’m afraid I can’t.
9. (2024·甘肃省临夏州·中考真题)We can’t turn right when we see the sign ________.
A. B. C. D.
10. (2024·甘肃省临夏州·中考真题)Which of the following is true according to the picture
A. They are reading books. B. They are doing some cleaning.
C. They are playing games. D. They are doing their homework.
11. (2024·广西·统考中考真题)—Hello, I’m Gina. Glad to meet you.
A. I’m sorry. B. Glad to meet you, too. C. Here you are.
12. (2024·黑龙江龙东地区·中考真题)—Could you please sweep the floor, Daming
—________ I’m busy cooking.
A. Yes, sure. B. Sorry, I can’t. C. Yes, please.
13. (2024·黑龙江龙东地区·中考真题)You should be careful when you see the sign.
A. B. C.
14. (2024·黑龙江齐齐哈尔·中考真题)—Hi, Tom. I heard that you won the first prize in the talent show yesterday. ________!
—Thank you, Mike.
A. Congratulations B. Good luck C. Come on
15. (2024·湖北省武汉·中考真题)—________
—I’d like two teas, please.
A. How are you doing B. Where’s the tea house
C. What can I do for you D. Why do you like tea
16. (2024·湖北省武汉·中考真题)—We’ll be high school students soon. Managing time is more important for us.
—________. Time is valuable.
A. I think so B. It’s nothing C. All right D. Not at all
17. (2024·湖北省武汉·中考真题)—Dad, I fail again. It’s difficult for me to make a sky lantern.
—________! I’m sure you can.
A. Well done B. Hard to say C. Take care D. Keep trying
18. (2024·江苏省连云港市·中考真题)Don’t _________, otherwise, you’ll be tired out.
A. do as the Romans do B. burn the candle at both ends
C. put yourself in others’ shoes D. put all your eggs in one basket
19. (2024·江苏省扬州市·中考真题)—I hear you’re leaving for Guilin for your holiday
— ________. And I’m looking forward to it.
A. It doesn’t matter B. It’s a pleasure C. That’s right D. Never mind
20. (2024·四川达州市·中考真题)—Tommy, come on! Believe in yourself. You can do it!
—For you, ________. For me, it’s quite difficult. But I’ll try my best.
A. it’s a piece of cake B. it serves you right C. it takes time
21. (2024·四川乐山·中考真题)—The Chengdu Horticultural Exhibition (成都园艺博览会) is really excellent! Thanks for inviting me here!
A. I’m sorry. B. You’re welcome. C. No problem.
22. (2024·四川凉山·中考真题)—Hello This is Jenny. May I speak to Laura
A. Have a good trip B. Sorry, she is not here C. Never mind
23. (2024·四川泸州市·中考真题)—Thank you for lending me your umbrella yesterday.
A. Take it easy B. Well done
C. It’s up to you D. My pleasure
24. (2024·四川遂宁市·中考真题)—I have passed the exam. Thanks for your help.
A. It’s my pleasure. B. With pleasure. C. All right. D. Never mind.
25. (2024·四川自贡市·中考真题)—My friend fell off the bike and hurt his leg.
A. No problem B. That’s OK C. Sorry to hear that
26. (2024·天津·中考真题)— Let’s go to the Tianjin TV and Radio Tower to enjoy the beautiful sights.
— ________. I can’t wait to go there.
A. That’s cool B. That’s a pity C. Never mind D. No idea
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



上一篇:【2024中考英语真题分类汇编(全国第01集)】04 单项选择之时态和语态(原卷版+解析版)
