Unit 1-2 巩固训练题(含解析)人教版八年级下册

Unit 1-2巩固训练试题
1.My father has made a ________ that he will buy a camera for me.
A.suggestion B.secret
C.problem D.decision
2.— I have a ________. What should I do
— You should go to the dentist.
A.toothache B.headache C.stomachache D.fever
3.—How can I get to the nearest bank
—Take the No. 11 bus and ________ at the third stop.
A.get into B.get on C.get off D.get out of
4.Anna can’t come to school today because she is _________ . She has to stay in bed for two days.
A.sick B.busy C.angry D.sorry
5.— What’s the matter with your brother He seemed unsteady (摇晃的) on his feet.
— He hurt his ________ when he had the P. E. class this afternoon.
A.throat B.stomach C.knee D.neck
6.—Did you have a welcome party for Laura last night
—No, we didn’t. It was ________ because Laura was in hospital.
A.put off B.taken off C.cut off D.turned off
7.Scientists all over the world are ________ new medicine to fight COVID-19.
A.blowing out B.trying out C.leaving out D.keeping out
8.—China has made a “complete victory” in its fight against poverty(脱贫攻坚).
—Exactly. Great ________ have taken place in my hometown.
A.ways B.habits C.results D.changes
9.—Nina is a ________ girl.
—I think so. She is only 3, but she isn’t afraid of singing in public.
A.clever B.serious C.brave D.careful
10.Cindy felt ________ in her new school, so she joined some clubs to make new friends.
A.lonely B.alone C.awake D.sleepy
先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。
One evening, it was so cold outside. An old couple (夫妇) made 11 way to an inn (小旅馆) and prepared to spend the night there. A young man opened the door with a welcoming smile. “I’m sorry!” he said. “Our guest rooms here are all 12 .”
Hearing the young man’s words, the old couple felt very sad. Just as they were leaving, the young man came up to them and 13 them. “Since it is late now, if you don’t mind, you can sleep in my room for the night.” Then he helped them 14 their bags to his bedroom.
Thanks to the young man, the old couple had a good rest 15 the night. The next day, the old couple took out lots of money to give the young man, but he 16 to take a single penny.
“You needn’t pay me any money, 17 I only lend (借) my room to you. For me, it was really not a big deal,” said the young man, with a 18 on his face.
“It’s very kind of you. Maybe one day, I’ll build a 19 for you!” said the old man. With these words, the old couple left.
Several years later, the young man 20 received a letter from the old couple. They invited him to go to Manhattan. The young man met the old couple in front of a luxurious (豪华的) hotel. “Do you still remember what I said to you several years ago ” said the old man. “Look! Here is the hotel I built for you!”
11.A.his B.her C.their D.our
12.A.large B.full C.broken D.dirty
13.A.stopped B.caught C.drove D.found
14.A.carry B.lose C.forget D.leave
15.A.after B.during C.before D.on
16.A.hoped B.agreed C.refused D.received
17.A.when B.until C.if D.because
18.A.tear B.smile C.symbol D.mess
19.A.hotel B.house C.hospital D.home
20.A.loudly B.usually C.seriously D.suddenly
A taxi hit a truck. A policeman spoke to the truck driver and the taxi driver. He also spoke to Tom. He was a witness. This is what they said.
TRUCKDRIVER I was driving from the airport to Newton. A car crossed the road, so I slowed down. I did not stop. A taxi hit the back of my truck. Nobody was seriously hurt but both my truck and his taxi were damaged (受损害).
TAXI DRIVER I was driving behind a truck a few kilometers to Newton. The truck stopped suddenly. The driver did not give me a warning. I was driving very slowly. My taxi hit the truck, and some glass cut my left hand.
Tom I was watching the traffic about a kilometer from the airport. A truck was going to Newton. It was not going very quickly. There was a taxi about two hundred meters behind the truck. It was going fast. When the truck slowed down, the taxi hit it. The taxi driver was not looking at the truck. He was looking out of the window at something else. My friend saw the accident, too. Tom’s friend spoke to the policeman and agreed with Tom.
21.How many people are mentioned in the passage
A.Three. B.Two. C.Four. D.Five
22.The truck was hit on the way ________.
A.to the airport B.to the police station C.to Newton D.home
23.From the story, we can infer (推断) that ________ didn’t tell the truth.
A.the truck driver B.Tom C.Tom’s friend D.the taxi driver
24.The underlined word “witness” means “ ________ ” in Chinese.
A.记录员 B.目击者 C.检查员 D.陪审团
25.What’s the best title for this passage
A.A Traffic Accident B.A Taxi Driver
C.A Story of Tom D.A Truck Driver
Clark and Dale were staying in the same room in hospital. Clark was so sick that he could not even move his body. He had to spend all his time lying on his back. Dale could sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon. His bed was next to the room’s only window.
Over time, Clark and Dale became good friends. Every afternoon, Dale would look out of the room’s only window, describing the scenery outside for his friend. He told Clark about the flowers in a park outside the window, the people walking by, the green trees beside the roads-anything that might interest a man.
On morning, when a nurse came only to check the two men, she found that Dale had died in his sleep. As soon as the room seemed tidy again. Clark asked if he could move to the bed next to the window so that he could look out of the window himself. The nurse agreed. Slowly, he could take his first look at the world outside. To his surprise, he could see nothing but a blank wall of another building.
The nurse explained that Dale had been blind. He had never seen anything outside the window at all-but he described beautiful scenes to help his friend feel better.
26.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 mean
A.Clark was too sick to move his body.
B.Although Clark was sick, he was asked to move his body.
C.Clark was sick, so he didn’t want to move his body.
D.Although Clark was sick, he could move his body.
27.Who described the scenery outside for Clark
A.The doctor. B.The nurse
C.His family. D.His friend Dale.
28.Clark wanted to move to the bed next to the window because ____________.
A.he missed his friend very much B.the bed there was tidier than his
C.he wanted to look at the world outside D.he felt worse and worse
29.What did Clark find when he took his first look at the world outside
A.The flower in a park. B.The green trees beside roads.
C.The people walking by. D.A blank wall of another building.
30.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true
A.Dale was blind. B.Dale died in his sleep.
C.Dale tried to help his friend feel better. D.The nurse didn’t know that Dale was blind.
A: Good morning, Tony.
B: Hi, Amy. 31
A: I’m going to the old people’s home.
B: 32
A: Yes, I do. I’m a member of the Helpers’ Club of our school.
B: 33
A: We help to care for the old people there.
B: Can I join you
A: Of course. Welcome to our club.
B: 34
A: You can do many things like telling stories or chatting with them. Are you going there now
B: 35 . I am going to tell an ancient story to them today.
36.—What is happening there
—Lots of (passenger) are helping the sick girl on the train.
37.The little boy put his (foot) into the warm water and began to wash them.
38.Friends are important to everyone. However, some people may have trouble (keep) their friendships.
39.Mr. Wang is the (own) of this lost dog.
40.I feel (satisfy) when others become better because of my help.
41.What's the trouble with you (改为同义句)
the with you
42.I saw a cat lying on the road.(改为一般疑问句)
you a cat lying on the road
43.You should take some medicine.(对画线部分提问)
I do
44.She was able to ride a bike at the age of five. (改为一般疑问句)
she to ride a bike at the age of five
45.She thinks of great ideas to raise money in the end. (改为同义句)
She thinks of great ideas to raise money .
Would you offer help if an old man falls down on the street A 46 (report) once did a survey (调查) among 200 students. 25% of them said they would help 47 old man stand up right away.
Eighty students said if the old man asked them for help, they would give him a hand without thinking twice. However, 30 students said they would refuse 48 (help) him because they didn’t want to get into any trouble. But they said they would call the police 49 help. The rest of the students said they would see whether the old man needed help or not.
Then 50 should we do when we see an old person fall down on the street Here 51 (be) some tips. Firstly, we should ask what’s the matter with him or her. If he or she is 52 (bad) hurt, we shouldn’t move him or her and should call 120 for help at once. 53 (second), we can ask the people around to help him or her together. 54 some old people try to get some money in a bad way, we should believe that most old people are kind. And we should try to help them, because helping the old is a 55 (tradition) virtue (美德) of our country. Don’t you think so
考查名词辨析、固定搭配。A. suggestion建议; B. secret秘密;C. problem问题;D. decision决定;根据空格前的动词made、从文字的表层意思推断空格指“做决定”,make a decision 意为“做决定”,固定搭配;故选D。
考查名词辨析。toothache牙痛;headache头痛;stomachache胃痛;fever发烧。根据“You should go to the dentist.”可知,去看牙医,所以牙痛,故选A。
考查动词短语。get into进入;get on上车;get off下车;get out of摆脱。根据“Take the No. 11 bus and … at the third stop.”可知,此处是指在第三站下车。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。sick生病的;busy忙碌的;angry生气的;sorry抱歉的。根据“She has to stay in bed for two days.”可知,Anna生病了,因此“sick”符合句意。故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。throat喉咙;stomach胃;knee膝盖;neck脖子。根据“unsteady (摇晃的) on his feet.”,再结合选项,可知是腿受伤了,故选C。
考查动词短语。put off推迟;taken off起飞;cut off切断;turned off关掉;根据“because Laura was in hospital.”可知,此处说的是晚会推迟了,故选A。
考查动词短语。blowing out吹熄;trying out尝试,试验;leaving out遗漏;keeping out阻止进入。根据“new medicine to fight COVID-19”结合常识可知全世界的科学家都在试验抗击新冠肺炎病毒的新药。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。ways方法,方式;habits习惯;results结果;changes变化。根据题干“China has made a “complete victory” in its fight against poverty.”可知中国在脱贫攻坚战中取得“彻底胜利”,可见家乡会发生变化。故选D。
考查形容词辨析。clever聪明的;serious严肃的;brave勇敢的;careful认真的。根据“but she isn’t afraid of singing in public.”可知她不怕在公共场合唱歌,所以她是勇敢的。故选C。
考查形容词辨析。lonely孤独的;alone独自;awake醒着的;sleepy困倦的。根据“in her new school, so she joined some clubs to make new friends.”可知她感到很孤独,所以加入俱乐部交新朋友。
11.C 12.B 13.A 14.A 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.D
his他的;her她的;their他们的;our我们的。根据“An old couple”可知是两个人且为第三人称,因此用their代替。故选C。
large大的;full满的;broken破碎的;dirty脏的。上文提到这对老夫妇在找房间住,根据年轻人说了“抱歉”及下文的“Hearing the young man’s words, the old couple felt very sad.”可知,客房都满了。故选B。
stopped阻拦,停止;caught抓住;drove驾驶;found找到。根据下文年轻人说的话“Since it is late now, if you don’t mind, you can sleep in my room for the night.”可知,他阻止了那对老夫妇的离开,把自己的房间让给了他们住。故选A。
carry扛,搬,提;lose失去;forget忘记;leave离开。根据上文“you can sleep in my room for the night”可知,年轻人把自己的房间让给老夫妇住,所以此处应是表示年轻人帮忙把老夫妇的行李搬进他的卧室。故选A。
after在……之后;during在……期间;before在……之前;on在……之上。根据“the old couple had a good rest...the night”可知,此处表示在整个晚上期间都休息得很好,故选B。
hoped希望;agreed同意;refused拒绝;received收到。根据下文年轻人说的话“You needn’t pay me any money”可知,年轻人拒绝了老夫妇给他的钱。故选C。
when当……时;until直到;if如果;because因为。根据“You needn’t pay me any money, ...I only lend (借) my room to you.”可知,设空处的前后句意为因果关系,because符合语境。故选D。
hotel酒店;house房子;hospital医院;home家。根据下文“Look! Here is the hotel I built for you!”可知,此处指酒店。故选A。
loudly大声地;usually通常;seriously严重地;suddenly突然地。根据“Several years later”可知,收到老夫妇的来信是几年后的事情了,所以应是“突然”收到了一封来自老夫妇的信。故选D。
21.D 22.C 23.D 24.B 25.A
21. 细节理解题。根据“A policeman spoke to the taxi driver and to the truck driver. He also spoke to Tom.”和“Tom’s friend spoke to the policeman and agreed with Tom.”可知,本文共提到了警察、出租车司机、卡车司机、汤姆和汤姆的朋友五个人。故选D。
22.细节理解题。根据“TRUCK DRIVER: I was driving from the airport to Newton.”可知,卡车当时是从机场到牛顿市的路上。故选C。
23.推理判断题。分析四人的证词“so I slowed down”、“The truck stopped suddenly.”、“When the truck slowed down, the taxi hit it.”和“Tom's friend spoke to the policeman and agreed with Tom.”可知,当时卡车减速了但没停,出租车司机说卡车停了下来,所以出租车司机说谎了。 24.词义猜测题。根据“He was a witness. This is what they said.”及下文每个人的阐述可知,这几个人是作为交通事故目击者的身份来陈述的,所以划线单词表示“目击者”。故选B。
25. 最佳标题题。分析文章内容可知,本文是对于一起交通事故的说明。故选A。
26.A 27.D 28.C 29.D 30.D
26.题意:第1段加下划线的句子是什么意思 考查句意理解。划线句句意:Clark病得很重以至于不能挪动身体。so … that,表示“如此……以至于”,引导结果状语从句。A. Clark病得太重而不能挪动身体。too…to太……而不能;B. 虽然Clark病得很重,但是他被要求移动身体。C. Clark生病了,所以他不想移动身体。 D. 虽然Clark病得很重,但是他能够挪动身体。根据句意可知选A。
27.题意:谁给克拉克描述了外面的景色 考查细节理解。根据Over time, Clark and Dale became good friends. Every afternoon, Dale would look out of the room’s only window, describing the scenery outside for his friend.可知戴尔给克拉克描述了外面的景色,故选D。
28.题意:克拉克想搬到靠窗的床上,因为他想看看外面的世界。考查细节判断。根据Clark asked if he could move to the bed next to the window so that he could look out of the window himself.可知他想自己往窗外看,he wanted to looks at the world outside符合句意,故选C。
29.题意:当克拉克第一次看到外面的世界时,他发现了什么 考查细节理解。根据To his surprise, he could see nothing but a blank wall of another building.可知除了另一栋大楼的一堵空墙他什么也看不见,故选D。
30.题意:根据短文,下列哪个选项是不正确的 考查细节判断。根据The nurse explained that Dale had been blind.可知护士知道戴尔失明了,The nurse didn’t know that Dale was blind.说法错误,故选D。
31.What are you going to do/Where are you going 32.Do you often go there 33.What do you usually do 34.What can I do to help the old people 35.Yes (, I am)
31.根据答句“I’m going to the old people’s home.”可知,此处问“你要去做什么/你要去哪里”,故填What are you going to do/Where are you going。
32.根据“I’m going to the old people’s home.”及“Yes, I do.”可知,此处一般疑问句,问“你经常去那么”,故填Do you often go there。
33.根据答句“We help to care for the old people there.”可知,此处问“你们通常做什么”,故填What do you usually do。
34.根据答句“You can do many things like telling stories or chatting with them.”可知,此处问“我能为老人做什么”,故填What can I do to help the old people。
35.根据问句“Are you going there now ”及下文“I am going to tell an ancient story to them today.”可知,此处是肯定回答,故填Yes (, I am)。
passenger“乘客”,可数名词,lots of修饰可数名词的复数形式,故填passengers。
have trouble doing sth“做某事有困难”,故填keeping。
根据“the…of the lost dog”可知,此处指狗的主人,owner“主人”,根据is可知,此空应填单数名词,故填owner。
41. What's matter
What's the trouble with you 意为“你怎么了?”相当于What's the matter with you?故填What's;matter。
42. Did see
43. What should
44. Was able
45. at last
in the end“最后”,结合所给的空格数量可知,应用at last表示“最后”,故填at;last。
46.reporter 47.the 48.to help 49.for 50.what 51.are 52.badly 53.Secondly 54.Although/Though 55.traditional
46.句意:一位记者曾经对200名学生做过调查。report表示“报道”,根据“did a survey”可知,此处表示做调查的人,因此表示“记者”,有不定冠词a修饰,用单数名词,故填reporter。
47.句意:他们中25%的人说他们会帮助老人站起来。根据前文的“Would you offer help if an old man falls down on the street ”可知,此处特指前文提到的那位摔倒的老人,因此用定冠词the修饰,故填the。
48.句意:然而,30名学生表示,他们将拒绝帮助他,因为他们不想陷入任何麻烦。help“帮助”,是动词,refuse to do sth表示“拒绝做某事”,故填to help。
51.句意:这里有一些建议。Here be表示“有”,主语some tips是复数形式,谓语用复数形式,故填are。




下一篇:人教版英语七年级下册专题四 There be句型专项练(一)(含解析)