Unit 4【单元测试·基础卷】-2023-2024八年级英语上册单元速记·巧练(人教版)( 原卷版+解析版)

Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater
【A 卷(基础专练)】
一.单词拼写(10 分)
1.The food in this hotel is good, but the (服务) is poor.
2.I like this house because it has a (舒适的) living room.
3.Mr Zhang was born in a (贫穷的) family.
4.He wasn’t a hero (英雄) but just a (普通的) man.
5.It is said that people can buy things (便宜地)online on Double 11.
6.Streets are much (拥挤的) in peak time in the city.
7.I think the third song is the (最差的) of the three. It’s terrible.
8.Only 3% of the water on Earth is f .
9.Mum always tells me to give my s to old people on the bus.
10.Our class was very excited when we won the first p in the sports meeting.
二、用所给单词适当形式填空(10 分)
11.Thanksgiving is a time (give) thanks for food in the autumn and other good things people enjoy in
12.Of the three post offices, this one is the (close) to my house.
13.Tai’an is one of the (lively) cities in Shandong.
14.Gina is one of the (beautiful) girls in her class.
15.The (cheap) bags are not usually the best ones.
16.Among the four seas off the coast of China, East China Sea is the second . (deep)
17.Lucy does the work (badly) than Lily.
18.The Yellow River is the (two) longest river in China.
19.Who is going to be the (win) of the game
20.Who is (outgoing), Lily or Lucy
三、单项选择(10 分)
21.Why not go to the Palace Cinema Their seats are big and soft. You can sit ________.
A.less comfortable B.less comfortably
C.more comfortable D.more comfortably
22.The sign means that we must slow down and drive ________ near the school.
A.quietly B.seriously C.carefully
23.—I heard you took part in the singing competition.
—Yes, I got the second _______.
A.price B.prize C.pride
24.—It’s rainy all day. The weather will be ________ tomorrow than today.
—What a pity! We can’t play basketball outside.
A.bad B.worse C.worst D.the worse
25.—Boys and girls, please take your ________. The meeting is about to start soon.
—OK, Sir.
A.seats B.screens C.pictures D.activities
26.—What do you think of the TV play
—It’s ________ one that I’ve ever seen. I like it very much.
A.an exciting B.a boring C.the most exciting D.the most boring
27.—The problem of food safety is becoming ________ these days.
—Yes. The government must do something to deal with it.
A.bigger and bigger B.better and better C.worse and worse D.nicer and nicer
28.—Why do so many people buy clothes in the shop every day
—Because the clothes in the shop sell ________.
A.cheaply B.quietly C.hardly D.truly
29.—Is this a true story
—No, it isn’t. Mike ________.
A.made it up B.mixed it up C.tidied it up
30.—Jack, ________ is calling you on the phone. Who’s that
—It must be my sister.
A.somebody B.nobody C.everybody
四、完形填空(10 分)
Cindy and Nelly were sisters. They dreamed of becoming great painters, but they were from a 31
family. Their parents didn’t have enough money for them to go to the art college together.
One day, they had a long 32 . Cindy said, “One of us has to work to pay for the other to go to
university. When the first one becomes a painter, she will pay for the other. That’s the only way we can make our
dream 33 .” They had a race. Cindy 34 , so she went to university first. And Nelly got a
35 in a restaurant. Cindy practiced drawing so 36 and she improved a lot. And her paintings
caught many teachers attention. She got many prizes for her 37 paintings. However, she always told
others that her sister could paint better than her. Then, she showed Nelly’s paintings to them.
One day, Nelly had an accident(事故)and 38 one of her legs. She couldn’t work and Cindy had
to leave school to take care of her. Both of them couldn’t go to university. They 39 it.
One day, one of Cindy’s teachers came to Cindy’s home, saying, “Cindy, we want you to come back.”
Cindy said, “I’m sorry I can’t leave my sister.”
“You don’t need to. We saw Nelly’s paintings and we want both of you. And you don’t need to pay,” said the
What a big 40 ! So, Cindy and Nelly went to university together.
31.A.simple B.poor C.rich D.famous
32.A.action B.service C.discussion D.activity
33.A.come out B.come on C.come in D.come true
34.A.won B.stood C.left D.appeared
35.A.ticket B.job C.joke D.character
36.A.carefully B.beautifully C.differently D.quickly
37.A.comfortable B.educational C.meaningless D.wonderful
38.A.touched B.kept C.lost D.washed
39.A.were relaxed about B.were bored of C.were sad about D.were angry at
40.A.plan B.hobby C.prize D.surprise
五、阅读理解(20 分)
Yun Siqi from Beijing is a young pianist. He was born in 2001 and started to learn the piano at the age of 4
and it has been his favorite hobby since then. Before that, he often heard his elder sister playing the violin and he
loved the classical music she played. “I wanted to beat her in something and I chose the piano,” Yun said.
At 4, several minutes of practice a day was enough. As Yun grew up, at the age of 7 and 8, he had to practice
for four hours a day. The time kept going up after Yan was 12. Now, he needs to practice at least seven hours
every day. He sleeps for only five to six hours a day, but he is still full of energy.
Yun never got tired of the piano. In fact, he had great fun playing it. “Music is my special luck, and it is a
real enjoyment to be with it every day,” he said.
Yun worked hard and soon he stood out. From 2013 to now, Yun appeared at different music festivals,
concerts and competitions and gave excellent shows. Yun said successes or failure were not important and they
would not affect his understanding of music or his plan for the future.
“If you lose, think carefully about it, and if you win, just work harder,” the young pianist said. “I still need to
practice more to become better, to bring out the real beauty of classical music through the piano. It may take a
lifetime. ”
41.Yun Siqi began to learn the piano ________.
A.in 2003 B.in 2005 C.in 2007 D.in 2009
42.Yun Siqi chose the piano because ________.
A.he was not able to play the violin B.it was easy to learn to play the piano
C.he wanted to be better than his sister in something D.his sister refused to teach him to play the violin
43.What does the word “affect” in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese
A.允许 B.维持 C.放弃 D.影响
44.Which of the following is true according to the passage
A.Yun played the piano really well.
B.Yun didn’t think he needed more practice.
C.Yun thought one should work harder if he lost.
D.Yun doesn’t have enough sleep and he is unhealthy.
45.What is the main purpose of the passage
A.To show the life of a young pianist. B.To talk about the importance of music.
C.To ask people to learn things at a young age. D.To tell people the way to learn to play the piano.
Are you good at singing or dancing Can you ride a unicycle(独轮车), do magic tricks, drink a glass of
milk in ten seconds, or recite poems from memory in a short time If you are able to do one of these things, well,
you’ve got talent, my friend! And it’s the best time for you to show it at the school talent show!
Middle school talent shows in the US happen every year. Whatever you’re good at, you have five minutes to
show yourself to the world. The school talent show usually takes place at the beginning of the school year and
every kid has a chance to become a little star. The shy boy who spends his evenings practicing Spanish guitar will
surprise his classmates with beautiful music. The sporty girl on the soccer team will amaze the crowd with her
sweet singing voice. Everyone has a chance to shine.
Almost anyone can do almost anything in a talent show. As long as your act isn’t rude or illegal(不合法
的), you can show yourself freely.
On the day of the show, all the students sit in the school gym and ready to cheer for their classmates.
Many of today’s stars started their careers(职业)in school talent shows—Madonna, Britney Spears and
Justin Timberlake all showed their skills early in life. Though you’re not Justin Bieber, you can become a star in
your own right at your middle school talent show.
46.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 is about ________.
A.talent B.milk C.unicycle D.poem
47.What is true about the school talent show in the US
A.It happens at the beginning of every term. B.A student can show his talent for five minutes.
C.Shy boys and quiet girls don’t like it. D.It usually lasts for ten days.
48.You can’t take part in the talent show if ________.
A.you are a new student B.you can’t play the guitar very well
C.your act is rude or illegal D.you don’t have a funny act
49.We can learn from the last paragraph that ________.
A.many of today’s stars also took part in school talent shows B.few students like to take part in the talent
C.we will never be as famous as Justin Bieber D.the talent show is the first step for all the stars
50.The passage is mainly about ________.
A.American students’ talent B.students’ surprising changes
C.stars’ early careers D.American middle school talent shows
六、短文填空(10 分)
Dongguan is a modern city. Now you can enjoy your life comfortable and conveniently ( 方便地 ) in
Dongguan. If you want to 51 shopping, you have many choices. There are many shopping malls in the
city center and every town in Dongguan, such as Wan da Plaza, One Mall, One City and so on. You can shop in
one of 52 all day and find almost everything there. Of all the shopping malls, I think Wan da Plaza is
the most convenient 53 it is the closest to the subway stations. There are a lot of wonderful 54
and you can enjoy your meals there.
As for movie theaters, I think Bingo Cinema is the best. You can 55 the newest moves there.
Bingo Cinema has the most comfortable seats. It 56 has the biggest screens (屏幕).
One more thing I want to introduce to you is Dongguan’s cafe. You can have not only fresh coffee and juice,
but also yummy cakes and bread there. They are fantastic places to enjoy afternoon tea. Among them, Star bucks
from the US is the most 57 with people. Many people like to go to Star bucks for coffee. Because it
gives them good services. Some singers from foreign countries sing beautiful 58 in the bar. Many
people like to deal with the business, spend time 59 friends or even just do some reading in this kind of
Dongguan is a fantastic city. People can find what they want easily and have 60 good time in
七、补全对话(10 分)
A: Hi! I’m doing a survey of the clothes stores in the city. 61
B: Sure.
A: What do you think is the best clothes store in our city
B: 62
A: Why do you think so
B: It has clothes of the best quality (质量) and the friendliest service.
A: 63 They think Hi-Mart is the best.
B: Really 64
A: Maybe, but they’re the cheapest in the city.
B: I don’t care about the price. 65
A: OK, I see. Thanks a lot.
A.I think good quality is the most important.
B.Is it the biggest supermarket in the city
C.I think Jason’s is the best.
D.I hear that its clothes are the worst.
E.Can I ask you some questions
F.I agree with you.
G.But many people don’t think so.
八、书面表达(20 分)
________Unit 4 What’s the best movie theater
【A 卷(基础专练)】
一.单词拼写(10 分)
1.The food in this hotel is good, but the (服务) is poor.
【详解】句意:这家餐馆的食物很好,但服务很差。根据汉语提示可知,此空应填 service“服务”,不可数
名词,无复数形式。故填 service。
2.I like this house because it has a (舒适的) living room.
comfortable,形容词,在句中作定语修饰名词“living room”。故填 comfortable。
3.Mr Zhang was born in a (贫穷的) family.
【详解】句意:张先生出生在一个贫穷的家庭。“贫穷的”poor,形容词作定语修饰名词 family。故填 poor。
4.He wasn’t a hero (英雄) but just a (普通的) man.
【详解】句意:他不是英雄,只是一个普通人。修饰名词 man 用形容词 common“普通的”。故填 common。
5.It is said that people can buy things (便宜地)online on Double 11.
【详解】句意:据说人们在双 11 可以在网上买到便宜的东西。根据汉语提示“便宜地”可知,其对应的英文
表达是 cheaply,副词修饰动词 buy。故填 cheaply。
6.Streets are much (拥挤的) in peak time in the city.
【答案】more crowded
【详解】句意:在城市的高峰时间,街道要拥挤得多。crowded“拥挤的”,much 修饰形容词比较级,强调
高峰时期更拥挤,故填 more crowded。
7.I think the third song is the (最差的) of the three. It’s terrible.
【详解】句意:我认为第三首歌是三首歌中最差的一首。太糟糕了。worst 意为“最差的”,故填 worst。
8.Only 3% of the water on Earth is f .
【详解】句意:地球上只有 3%的水是淡水。根据“Only 3% of the water on Earth”和首字母 f 可知,地球上
3%的水是淡水,fresh“新鲜的,淡水的”,是形容词,作为系动词 is 的表语,用形容词,故填(f)resh。
9.Mum always tells me to give my s to old people on the bus.
【详解】句意:妈妈总是让我给公交车上的老人让座。根据首字母提示以及“to old people on the bus”可知,
此处表达给老年人让座,应填写 seat“座位”,一人只有一个座位,因此用单数形式。故填(s)eat。
10.Our class was very excited when we won the first p in the sports meeting.
【详解】句意:当我们在运动会中获得第一名时,我们班非常兴奋。根据“Our class was very excited when we
won the first p...in the sports meeting.”可知,在运动会中获得第一名,prize“奖项”符合语境,故填(p)rize。
二、用所给单词适当形式填空(10 分)
11.Thanksgiving is a time (give) thanks for food in the autumn and other good things people enjoy in
【答案】to give
作后置定语修饰 time,故填 to give。
12.Of the three post offices, this one is the (close) to my house.
【详解】句意:在这三个邮局中,这家离我家最近。根据“Of the three supermarkets”可知,三者之间的比较
用最高级,close 的最高级为 closest“最近的”,故填 closest。
13.Tai’an is one of the (lively) cities in Shandong.
【详解】句意:泰安是山东最热闹的城市之一。此处是结构 one of the+最高级+名词复数“最……的……之
一”,lively 的最高级为 liveliest“最有活力的”。故填 liveliest。
14.Gina is one of the (beautiful) girls in her class.
【答案】most beautiful
【详解】句意:吉娜是她班上最漂亮的女孩之一。one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数,表示“……最……
之一……”。故填 most beautiful。
15.The (cheap) bags are not usually the best ones.
【详解】句意:最便宜的包通常不是最好的包。根据“the best ones”可知,此处需要填形容词的最高级修饰
名词 bags,cheap 的最高级是 cheapest,故填 cheapest。
16.Among the four seas off the coast of China, East China Sea is the second . (deep)
【详解】句意:在中国沿海的四个海洋中,东海是第二深的。deep“深的”,形容词。根据“the second”可知,
此处是指第二深的,应用形容词最高级,故填 deepest。
17.Lucy does the work (badly) than Lily.
【详解】句意:露西的工作做得比莉莉差。根据空后 than 可知,此空应填副词比较级,badly“差地”比较级
为 worse,故填 worse。
18.The Yellow River is the (two) longest river in China.
【详解】句意:黄河是中国第二长的河流。根据“The Yellow River is the ... longest river”及所给词可知,the
后跟序数词修饰单数名词,two 的序数词是 second。故填 second。
19.Who is going to be the (win) of the game
【详解】句意:谁将是这场比赛的获胜者?由“the ... of”可知,此处要用 win 的名词 winner,表示“获胜
者”。故填 winner。
20.Who is (outgoing), Lily or Lucy
【答案】more outgoing
【详解】句意:莉莉和露西,谁更外向呢?根据“Lily or Lucy”可知是在两者中进行比较,因此应用形容词
outgoing 的比较级 more outgoing 来作表语。故填 more outgoing。
三、单项选择(10 分)
21.Why not go to the Palace Cinema Their seats are big and soft. You can sit ________.
A.less comfortable B.less comfortably
C.more comfortable D.more comfortably
考查副词比较级。less comfortable 不那么舒服的;less comfortably 不那么舒服地;more comfortable 更舒服
的;more comfortably 更舒服地。根据“Their seats are big and soft”可推知,会“更舒服”,排除选项 A 和 B;
分析题干空处可知,要用副词修饰动词“sit”,排除选项 C。故选 D。
22.The sign means that we must slow down and drive ________ near the school.
A.quietly B.seriously C.carefully
考查副词辨析。quietly 安静地;seriously 严肃地;carefully 小心地。根据“we must slow down”可知,此处
应指小心驾驶。故选 C。
23.—I heard you took part in the singing competition.
—Yes, I got the second _______.
A.price B.prize C.pride
考查名词辨析。price 价格;prize 奖项;pride 自豪。根据“I got the second...”可知,应该是得了二等奖,prize
符合题意。故选 B。
24.—It’s rainy all day. The weather will be ________ tomorrow than today.
—What a pity! We can’t play basketball outside.
A.bad B.worse C.worst D.the worse
【详解】句意:——整天都在下雨。明天的天气会比今天更糟。 ——真遗憾!我们不能在外面打篮球。
考查形容词比较级。bad 原级;worse 比较级;worst 最高级;the worse 写法不对。根据“tomorrow than
today.”可知,这里用形容词的比较级。故选 B。
25.—Boys and girls, please take your ________. The meeting is about to start soon.
—OK, Sir.
A.seats B.screens C.pictures D.activities
考查名词辨析。seats 座椅;screens 屏幕;pictures 图片;activities 活动,根据句意,可知当下情景发生在
会场,句中要表达“就座”的意思,即“take your seats”故选 A。
26.—What do you think of the TV play
—It’s ________ one that I’ve ever seen. I like it very much.
A.an exciting B.a boring C.the most exciting D.the most boring
考查形容词最高级。exciting 令人激动的;boring 乏味的。根据“I like it very much.”可知,此处应为令人激
动的,根据定语从句“that I’ve ever seen”可知,空处应填形容词最高级形式。故选 C。
27.—The problem of food safety is becoming ________ these days.
—Yes. The government must do something to deal with it.
A.bigger and bigger B.better and better C.worse and worse D.nicer and nicer
考查形容词的比较级的用法。“比较级+and+比较级”表示“越来越……”。bigger and bigger 越来越大;better
and better 越来越好;worse and worse 越来越严重;nicer and nicer 越来越漂亮。根据答语“The government must
do something to deal with it.”可知问题应是变得越来越严重。故选 C。
28.—Why do so many people buy clothes in the shop every day
—Because the clothes in the shop sell ________.
A.cheaply B.quietly C.hardly D.truly
考查副词辨析。cheaply 便宜地;quietly 安静地;hardly 几乎不;truly 真正。根据“Why do so many people buy
clothes in the shop every day ”可知因为商店里的衣服卖得很便宜,所以每天都有那么多人在这家商店买衣
服,故选 A。
29.—Is this a true story
—No, it isn’t. Mike ________.
A.made it up B.mixed it up C.tidied it up
【详解】句意:——这是一个真实的故事吗?——不,它不是。Mike 编造的。
考查动词短语。make up 编造;mix up 混合;tidy up 整理。根据“Is this a true story”以及“No, it isn’t”可知这
个故事是 Mike 编造的。故选 A。
30.—Jack, ________ is calling you on the phone. Who’s that
—It must be my sister.
A.somebody B.nobody C.everybody
考查不定代词。somebody 某人;nobody 没人;everybody 每个人。根据“It must be my sister.”可知,是杰克
的妹妹给杰克打电话,在不知道对方身份时,用不定代词“somebody”来代替。故选 A。
四、完形填空(10 分)
Cindy and Nelly were sisters. They dreamed of becoming great painters, but they were from a 31
family. Their parents didn’t have enough money for them to go to the art college together.
One day, they had a long 32 . Cindy said, “One of us has to work to pay for the other to go to
university. When the first one becomes a painter, she will pay for the other. That’s the only way we can make our
dream 33 .” They had a race. Cindy 34 , so she went to university first. And Nelly got a
35 in a restaurant. Cindy practiced drawing so 36 and she improved a lot. And her paintings
caught many teachers attention. She got many prizes for her 37 paintings. However, she always told
others that her sister could paint better than her. Then, she showed Nelly’s paintings to them.
One day, Nelly had an accident(事故)and 38 one of her legs. She couldn’t work and Cindy had
to leave school to take care of her. Both of them couldn’t go to university. They 39 it.
One day, one of Cindy’s teachers came to Cindy’s home, saying, “Cindy, we want you to come back.”
Cindy said, “I’m sorry I can’t leave my sister.”
“You don’t need to. We saw Nelly’s paintings and we want both of you. And you don’t need to pay,” said the
What a big 40 ! So, Cindy and Nelly went to university together.
31.A.simple B.poor C.rich D.famous
32.A.action B.service C.discussion D.activity
33.A.come out B.come on C.come in D.come true
34.A.won B.stood C.left D.appeared
35.A.ticket B.job C.joke D.character
36.A.carefully B.beautifully C.differently D.quickly
37.A.comfortable B.educational C.meaningless D.wonderful
38.A.touched B.kept C.lost D.washed
39.A.were relaxed about B.were bored of C.were sad about D.were angry at
40.A.plan B.hobby C.prize D.surprise
31.B 32.C 33.D 34.A 35.B 36.A 37.D 38.C 39.C 40.D
simple 简单的;poor 贫困的;rich 富有的;famous 著名的;根据“heir parents didn’t have enough money for them
to go to the art college together.”可知,她们来自贫困的家庭,故选 B。
action 行动;service 服务;discussion 讨论;activity 积极的;根据“Cindy said...”可知,她们进行了一番长谈,
故选 C。
come out 出现;come on 开始;come in 进来;come true 实现,成真;根据“make our dream”可知,此处指
的是梦想成真,故选 D。
won 赢得;stood 站立;left 离开;appeared 出现;根据“They had a race.”以及“ so she went to university first”
可知,辛迪赢得了比赛,故选 A。
ticket 票;job 工作;joke 笑话;character 人物;根据“got a...in a restaurant”可知,是在餐馆找了一份工作,
故选 B。
carefully 仔细地;beautifully 漂亮地;differently 不同地;quickly 快速地;根据“she improved a lot”可知,
她练习的非常认真,所以提高的很多,故选 A。
comfortable 舒服的;educational 有教育意义的;meaningless 没有意义的;wonderful 精彩的;根据“ And her
paintings caught many teachers attention. She got many prizes”可知,因为她精彩的作品而得了很多奖项,故
选 D。
touched 触摸;kept 保持;lost 失去;washed 洗;根据“Nelly had an accident”可知,失去了一条腿,故选 C。
were relaxed about 对……感到放松;were bored of 对……感到厌烦;were sad about 对……感到伤心;were
angry at 对……生气;根据“She couldn’t work and Cindy had to leave school to take care of her. Both of them
couldn’t go to university.”可知,对此两人都感到伤心,故选 C。
plan 计划;hobby 爱好;prize 奖品;surprise 惊喜;根据“You don’t need to. We saw Nelly’s paintings and we
want both of you. And you don’t need to pay”可知,这对两人都是个惊喜,故选 D。
五、阅读理解(20 分)
Yun Siqi from Beijing is a young pianist. He was born in 2001 and started to learn the piano at the age of 4
and it has been his favorite hobby since then. Before that, he often heard his elder sister playing the violin and he
loved the classical music she played. “I wanted to beat her in something and I chose the piano,” Yun said.
At 4, several minutes of practice a day was enough. As Yun grew up, at the age of 7 and 8, he had to practice
for four hours a day. The time kept going up after Yan was 12. Now, he needs to practice at least seven hours
every day. He sleeps for only five to six hours a day, but he is still full of energy.
Yun never got tired of the piano. In fact, he had great fun playing it. “Music is my special luck, and it is a
real enjoyment to be with it every day,” he said.
Yun worked hard and soon he stood out. From 2013 to now, Yun appeared at different music festivals,
concerts and competitions and gave excellent shows. Yun said successes or failure were not important and they
would not affect his understanding of music or his plan for the future.
“If you lose, think carefully about it, and if you win, just work harder,” the young pianist said. “I still need to
practice more to become better, to bring out the real beauty of classical music through the piano. It may take a
lifetime. ”
41.Yun Siqi began to learn the piano ________.
A.in 2003 B.in 2005 C.in 2007 D.in 2009
42.Yun Siqi chose the piano because ________.
A.he was not able to play the violin B.it was easy to learn to play the piano
C.he wanted to be better than his sister in something D.his sister refused to teach him to play the violin
43.What does the word “affect” in Paragraph 4 mean in Chinese
A.允许 B.维持 C.放弃 D.影响
44.Which of the following is true according to the passage
A.Yun played the piano really well.
B.Yun didn’t think he needed more practice.
C.Yun thought one should work harder if he lost.
D.Yun doesn’t have enough sleep and he is unhealthy.
45.What is the main purpose of the passage
A.To show the life of a young pianist. B.To talk about the importance of music.
C.To ask people to learn things at a young age. D.To tell people the way to learn to play the piano.
【答案】41.B 42.C 43.D 44.A 45.A
41.细节理解题。根据“He was born in 2001 and started to learn the piano at the age of 4 ”可知他出生于 2001
年,4 岁开始学习钢琴,也就是 2005 年,故选 B。
42.细节理解题。根据“I wanted to beat her in something and I chose the piano”可知贠思齐选择钢琴是因为他
想要变得更好,故选 C。
43.词义猜测题。根据“Yun said successes or failure were not important and they would not affect his
understanding of music or his plan for the future.”可知贠思齐说成功或失败并不重要,它们不会影响他对音乐
的理解或他对未来的计划。故选 D。
44.细节理解题。根据“From 2013 to now, Yun appeared at different music festivals, concerts and competitions
and gave excellent shows. ”可知贠思齐钢琴弹得非常好。故选 A。
个年轻钢琴家的生活。故选 A。
Are you good at singing or dancing Can you ride a unicycle(独轮车), do magic tricks, drink a glass of
milk in ten seconds, or recite poems from memory in a short time If you are able to do one of these things, well,
you’ve got talent, my friend! And it’s the best time for you to show it at the school talent show!
Middle school talent shows in the US happen every year. Whatever you’re good at, you have five minutes to
show yourself to the world. The school talent show usually takes place at the beginning of the school year and
every kid has a chance to become a little star. The shy boy who spends his evenings practicing Spanish guitar will
surprise his classmates with beautiful music. The sporty girl on the soccer team will amaze the crowd with her
sweet singing voice. Everyone has a chance to shine.
Almost anyone can do almost anything in a talent show. As long as your act isn’t rude or illegal(不合法
的), you can show yourself freely.
On the day of the show, all the students sit in the school gym and ready to cheer for their classmates.
Many of today’s stars started their careers(职业)in school talent shows—Madonna, Britney Spears and
Justin Timberlake all showed their skills early in life. Though you’re not Justin Bieber, you can become a star in
your own right at your middle school talent show.
46.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 is about ________.
A.talent B.milk C.unicycle D.poem
47.What is true about the school talent show in the US
A.It happens at the beginning of every term. B.A student can show his talent for five minutes.
C.Shy boys and quiet girls don’t like it. D.It usually lasts for ten days.
48.You can’t take part in the talent show if ________.
A.you are a new student B.you can’t play the guitar very well
C.your act is rude or illegal D.you don’t have a funny act
49.We can learn from the last paragraph that ________.
A.many of today’s stars also took part in school talent shows B.few students like to take part in the talent
C.we will never be as famous as Justin Bieber D.the talent show is the first step for all the stars
50.The passage is mainly about ________.
A.American students’ talent B.students’ surprising changes
C.stars’ early careers D.American middle school talent shows
【答案】46.A 47.B 48.C 49.A 50.D
46.词义猜测题。根据“If you are able to do one of these things, well, you’ve got talent, my friend! And it’s the best
time for you to show it at the school talent show!”可知,如果你能做到其中一件事,那么,你有天赋,就可以
在学校才艺表演上展示你的才能,所以“it”指代的是“talent”,故选 A。
47.细节理解题。根据“Whatever you’re good at, you have five minutes to show yourself to the world.”可知,
每个人有五分钟的展示时间是正确的。故选 B。
48.细节理解题。根据“As long as your act isn’t rude or illegal(不合法的), you can show yourself freely.”可
知,如果你的表演违法,你就不能参加才艺表演。故选 C。
49.细节理解题。根据“Many of today’s stars started their careers(职业)in school talent shows”可知,今天
的许多明星也参加了学校的才艺表演。故选 A。
50.主旨大意题。通读全文,本文主要介绍了美国中学才艺表演情况。故选 D。
六、短文填空(10 分)
Dongguan is a modern city. Now you can enjoy your life comfortable and conveniently ( 方便地 ) in
Dongguan. If you want to 51 shopping, you have many choices. There are many shopping malls in the
city center and every town in Dongguan, such as Wan da Plaza, One Mall, One City and so on. You can shop in
one of 52 all day and find almost everything there. Of all the shopping malls, I think Wan da Plaza is
the most convenient 53 it is the closest to the subway stations. There are a lot of wonderful 54
and you can enjoy your meals there.
As for movie theaters, I think Bingo Cinema is the best. You can 55 the newest moves there.
Bingo Cinema has the most comfortable seats. It 56 has the biggest screens (屏幕).
One more thing I want to introduce to you is Dongguan’s cafe. You can have not only fresh coffee and juice,
but also yummy cakes and bread there. They are fantastic places to enjoy afternoon tea. Among them, Star bucks
from the US is the most 57 with people. Many people like to go to Star bucks for coffee. Because it
gives them good services. Some singers from foreign countries sing beautiful 58 in the bar. Many
people like to deal with the business, spend time 59 friends or even just do some reading in this kind of
Dongguan is a fantastic city. People can find what they want easily and have 60 good time in
51.go/do 52.them 53.because 54.restaurants 55.see/watch 56.also 57.popular
58.songs 59.with 60.a
51.句意:如果你想去购物,你有很多选择。根据“There are many shopping malls in the city center”可知这
里是说购物,固定短语:go/do shopping“购物”,故填 go/do。
52.句意:你可以在那里购物一整天,几乎可以找到所有的东西。one of …“……之一”。根据“You can shop
in… Of all the shopping malls”,可知应该是指购物中心,用宾格 them 代指,故填 them。
53.句意:在所有的商场中,我认为万达广场是最方便的,因为它离地铁站最近。根据“it is the closest to the
subway stations.”可知最方便是因为它离地铁站最近,故填 because。
54.句意:那里有很多很棒的餐厅,你可以在那里享受美食。根据“you can enjoy your meals there”,可知
应该是很多餐厅,名词用复数,故填 restaurants。
55.句意:你可以在那里看到最新的动作。根据“the newest moves”可知是看最新的电影,情态动词后接动
词原形,看电影可以用 see 或 watch,故填 see/watch。
56.句意:它还有最大的屏幕。根据“You can see the newest moves there…the biggest screens.”,可知看最新
的电影,最舒适的座位,还有最大的屏幕,also“也,还”,副词,故填 also。
57.句意:其中,来自美国的 Star bucks 最受人们的欢迎。根据“Many people like to go to Star bucks for coffee.
Because it gives them good services.”人们喜欢去这里,可知应该是受欢迎,popular“受欢迎的”,形容词,故
填 popular。
58.句意:一些来自外国的歌手在酒吧里唱着优美的歌曲。根据“Some singers from foreign countries sing”
可推知歌手应该是唱歌,名词应用复数表示一类事物,故填 songs。
59.句意:在这种情况下,许多人喜欢处理生意,花时间和朋友在一起,甚至只是阅读。spend time with
sb.“与某人共度时光”,故填 with。
60.句意:人们可以很容易地找到他们想要的东西,在东莞过得很愉快。固定短语:have a good time“玩得
开心”,故填 a。
七、补全对话(10 分)
A: Hi! I’m doing a survey of the clothes stores in the city. 61
B: Sure.
A: What do you think is the best clothes store in our city
B: 62
A: Why do you think so
B: It has clothes of the best quality (质量) and the friendliest service.
A: 63 They think Hi-Mart is the best.
B: Really 64
A: Maybe, but they’re the cheapest in the city.
B: I don’t care about the price. 65
A: OK, I see. Thanks a lot.
A.I think good quality is the most important.
B.Is it the biggest supermarket in the city
C.I think Jason’s is the best.
D.I hear that its clothes are the worst.
E.Can I ask you some questions
F.I agree with you.
G.But many people don’t think so.
【答案】61.E 62.C 63.G 64.D 65.A
【导语】本文是 A 和 B 两人的对话。对话中 A 正在就人们对本市的服装店的评价进行调查,B 正在就调
61.根据“I’m doing a survey of the clothes stores in the city.”可知说话者正在做调查,所以此处应是问对方是
否愿意接受询问,选项 E“我可以问你一些问题吗”符合语境,故选 E。
62.根据“What do you think is the best clothes store in our city ”可知此处应是回答最好的服装店。选项 C“我
认为 Jason’s 是最好的”符合语境,故选 C。
63.根据“They think Hi-Mart is the best”可知此处提到了由 they 代指的复数名词,选项 G“但是许多人不这
样认为”符合语境,故选 G。
64.根据“Maybe, but they’re the cheapest in the city.”可知此处应是说 Hi-Mart 的劣势,选项 D“我听说它的衣
服是最差的”符合语境,故选 D。
65.根据“I don’t care about the price”可知此处应是进一步说明关心什么,选项 A“我认为好的质量是最重要
的”符合语境,故选 A。
八、书面表达(20 分)
【答案】One possible version:
My home is on Jie Fang Road. It is called Rainbow Community. It’s very beautiful and peaceful.
There is a big supermarket near my home. There are quite a few people on weekends. People like shopping
there. Across from it, there is a library. There are all kinds of books in it. I enjoy reading books there. It’s very
quiet. There is movie theatre behind the library. It has the most comfortable seats in the city. It is the best place for
me and my friends to relax. We often go to the movies on the weekend.
I like my community a lot. Welcome you to visit my community.




下一篇:Unit 6【单元测试·基础卷】-2023-2024八年级英语上册单元速记·巧练(人教版)( 原卷版+解析版)