Unit 2【单元测试·基础卷】-2023-2024八年级英语上册单元速记·巧练(人教版)( 原卷版+解析版)

Unit 2 How often do you exercise
【A 卷(基础专练)】
一.单词拼写(10 分)
1.The best way to learn English is t exercises.
2.His father d in a car accident.
3.M he knows the answer.
4.He goes to the dancing lessons (两次) a month.
5.We don’t (介意) talk shows.
6.I don’t like beef, so I (从不)eat it.
7.I can (几乎不 ) see the words at the back of the classroom.
8.He often (帮忙做家务) on weekends.
9.— (多久一次)do you exercise
—Every day.
10.He likes learning English. (然而), he doesn’t do well in it.
二、用所给单词适当形式填空(10 分)
11.Sam goes to the English club (two) a week.
12.The engineer says that it’ll take at (little) three years to build this tall building.
13.I (usual) go running in the morning.
14.—Do you want to be a (write) like Lu Xun
—No, I want to be a singer.
15.I was surprised at his sudden . (die)
16.He was shocked when he heard the news of Dr. Martin Luther King’s (die).
17.Woe! The restaurant is of so many customers. We have to wait! (fill)
18.There are many ways to keep healthy, such as (play) basketball.
19.My mother (hard) ever eats ice-cream.
20.It takes money to go there by plane than by train. (little)
三、单项选择(10 分)
21.—Why does Dale ________ eat out
—Because he likes to eat with his family at home.
A.never B.always C.usually D.often
22.You can only achieve success ________ hard work.
A.across B.above C.through
23.The room can only take ________ 3 people, so we have to find a bigger one.
A.in need B.instead of C.more than D.up to
24.There are some apples at the ________ of the tree. I can’t reach them.
A.answer B.bottom C.top D.result
25.He spoke so softly that I could ________ hear his words.
A.hard B.hardly C.clear D.clean
26.It’s ________ book and all of us like it.
A.such interesting a B.so an interesting
C.such an interesting D.so interesting
27.Do you think who can finish the work better with ________ money and ________ people
A.less; fewer B.fewer; less C.little; little D.few; few
28.—How often does Tom clean his room
—He cleans the room ________ a week.
A.one B.one time C.twice D.third
29.Joy made several kites, but ________ of them can fly high.
A.neither B.none C.all
30.We are close friends and ________ he has difficulties, I will help him out.
A.whatever B.wherever C.however D.whenever
四、完形填空(10 分)
Jessica Brown is a middle school student. She is a great 31 lover. She keeps a little dog at home
and its 32 is Bobo. She likes the dog and often 33 with it in the park.
This morning, Jessica is really 34 because she is going to a zoo with Bobo by bus. She likes
having 35 to different zoos and taking photos of different animals.
“ 36 , Bobo! We can meet new friends today!” Bobo comes to Jessica, running here and there. They
get off the bus 37 and go to the zoo. There are all kinds of animals in the zoo, such as giraffes and
elephants. Jessica likes the 38 pandas best. They are so lovely(可爱的). 39 are the pandas
doing Some pandas are sleeping, some are 40 bamboo and some are even waving(挥手) their hands.
Jessica and Bobo stay there for 3 hours and have a good time. What a nice day!
31.A.food B.sports C.animal D.music
32.A.name B.face C.food D.brother
33.A.sleeps B.runs C.swims D.sings
34.A.afraid B.tired C.happy D.lucky
35.A.lessons B.trips C.dreams D.dinners
36.A.Hurry up B.Go back C.Come back D.Sit down
37.A.angrily B.quickly C.easily D.badly
38.A.dangerous B.important C.small D.cute
39.A.What B.Where C.Why D.How
40.A.cutting B.planting C.eating D.cooking
吃竹子。故选 C。
五、阅读理解(20 分)
Hi, Samia,
It’s great you can come to my house. Saturday is OK for me because I will go to visit my parents on Sunday.
Why not come before 10:00 a.m. We can do some shopping in the supermarket. It’s going to be so good to talk
with you. I want to hear all about your new school!
My address (地址) is 52 Charles Road. When you see the library, you keep going past the big white house on
Charles Road. Then you’ll see there’s a small street behind the house with the houses 50-56 in. Don’t ask me why
the street doesn’t have a name! But call me if you get lost and I’ll come and get you.
Let me know if there’s anything you do/don’t like to eat. I’ll make lunch for you.
See you soon!
41.Gregor wants to meet Samia ________.
A.in the afternoonB.on Sunday C.in the evening D.on Saturday
42.What will Samia and Gregor do right after they meet
A.Read. B.Eat out. C.Go to the supermarket. D.Go to the park.
43.What will Samia and Gregor talk about when they meet
A.Samia’s house. B.Samia’s school. C.Gregor’s job. D.Gregor’s parents.
44.Where is Gregor’s house
A.It’s behind a park. B.It’s 56 Charles Road.
C.It’s on a small street. D.It’s next to a white house.
45.Which of the following about Gregor is TRUE
A.His house is easy to find.
B.His house is old and small.
C.He asks Samia to call him when she arrives.
D.He is going to make lunch for Samia.
Today is Saturday. It’s also the Teachers’ Day, Li Mei and Li Dong’s mother’s festival. They get up early in
the morning and want to help their mother do the housework. They first clean the room and then wash the clothes.
And then they make breakfast for their mother.
It takes Li Mei and Li Dong a long time to make the breakfast. They make some noodles and some salad.
These are their mother’s favourite food. They also prepare a glass of milk. They think it’s healthy for their mother.
Now Dad is sitting on the sofa and reading a newspaper to Mum. There is much important news in it. Mum is
listening carefully. They seem very happy.
“Good morning, Mum and Dad,” say Li Mei and Li Dong. Then they walk to their mother and say, “Mum,
Happy Teachers’ Day!”
Mum looks at the children and the breakfast. “Thank you so much!” Mum feels very warm.
46.What do Li Mei and Li Dong do first in the morning
A.They do the dishes. B.They wash the clothes.
C.They make breakfast. D.They clean the room.
47.Li Mei and Li Dong take ________ to their mother.
①a cup of tea ②some salad ③some bread ④a glass of milk ⑤some noodles
A.①③④ B.②④⑤ C.①②④ D.③④⑤
48.Mum is ________ when Li Mei and Li Dong go to her room.
A.reading a newspaper B.cleaning the room
C.listening to her husband D.listening to the radio
49.The underlined word “carefully” means ________ in Chinese.
A.认真地 B.小心地 C.随意地 D.爽快地
50.From the passage we can know that Li Mei and Li Dong often ________.
A.play games B.stay up late C.help their parents D.eat out
六、短文填空(10 分)
Every April 22, people celebrate Earth Day to show how much they care about the planet. Many people use
the day to do 51 (project) that will help the Earth. Some meet to discuss how to limit pollution and how to
save endangered animals and plants. O 52 plant trees, clean up parks, or set up recycling stations. In some
places, people organize concerts and walks to raise money 53 environmental groups. By taking part in
activities, we’re making our world a much 54 (happy) place to live in.
The 55 (one) Earth Day was born in 1970, when a United States senator (参议员) from Wisconsin
organized a national demonstration (游行) to make the public know 56 the environmental situation and
took it 57 (serious). Then large public meetings were held across the country. About 20 million
Americans took part in these activities and it marked the 58 (begin) of the modern environmental
movement. Later that year, the U.S. government 59 (pass) the Environmental Protection Agency. By
1990, Earth Day had become 60 event celebrated by more than 140 countries around the world.
七、补全对话(10 分)
A: Hey, Tony.
B: Hi, Jane. 61
A: Well, we went to the countryside and climbed a mountain last weekend.
B: 62
A: It sucked(糟糕透顶). The weather was so cold. It rained and rained all day long.
B: That sounds bad.
A: Ugh! 63
B: Well, it’s raining here, too, so we didn’t go camping.
A: Then what did you do
B: 64 . There were so many interesting things to see. We had great fun.
A: 65 .
B: You are right. We had a really good time.
八、书面表达(20 分)
上周末 假期计划
1. 做作业 1. 每天锻炼
2. 和朋友打 2. 和父母去
篮球 旅行
3. …… 3. ……
1. 包含所有提示内容,可适当发挥;
2. 文中不得涉及真实的人名、校名和地名;
3. 词数 70 个左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数)
Hello, everyone! My name is Li Ming. I’m usually quite busy during my weekdays. But I had a good
weekend last week.
___________________________________________________________________________________________Unit 2 How often do you exercise
【A 卷(基础专练)】
一.单词拼写(10 分)
1.The best way to learn English is t exercises.
【详解】句意:学习英语最好的方法是通过练习。根据“The best way”可知此处是介绍学习英语的最好方法,
结合首字母可知 through“通过”符合语境。故填(t)hrough。
2.His father d in a car accident.
【详解】句意:他的父亲在一场车祸里去世了。根据“His father ”和“ in a car accident.”可知,此处应填谓语
3.M he knows the answer.
【详解】句意:也许他知道答案。由首字母提示和“he knows the answer”可知是,也许……,空格处修饰整
4.He goes to the dancing lessons (两次) a month.
【详解】句意:他每月上两次舞蹈课。“两次”为 twice,twice a month 意为“一月两次”,故填 twice。
5.We don’t (介意) talk shows.
【详解】句意:我们不介意脱口秀。根据汉语提示可知,应填 mind“介意”,因为空前有助动词 don’t,所
以此空应填动词原形,故填 mind。
6.I don’t like beef, so I (从不)eat it.
【详解】句意:我不喜欢牛肉,所以我从来不吃。根据汉语提示“从不”可知,其对应的英文表达是 never,
频度副词。故填 never。
7.I can (几乎不 ) see the words at the back of the classroom.
“see”。故填 hardly。
8.He often (帮忙做家务) on weekends.
【答案】 helps with housework
【详解】句意:他经常在周末帮忙做家务。根据所给的汉语可知,“帮忙做家务”译成:help with
housework,housework 是不可数名词,由 often 可知,这里是一般现在时,主语 he 是第三人称单数,因此
谓语用三单形式。故填 helps;with;housework。
9.— (多久一次)do you exercise
—Every day.
【答案】 How often
【详解】how often“多久一次”,对频率提问,位于句首的单词首字母要大写,故填 How;often。
10.He likes learning English. (然而), he doesn’t do well in it.
二、用所给单词适当形式填空(10 分)
11.Sam goes to the English club (two) a week.
【详解】句意:山姆每周去两次英语俱乐部。此处表示“一周两次”,twice 表示“两次”。故填 twice。
12.The engineer says that it’ll take at (little) three years to build this tall building.
【详解】句意:工程师说建造这座高楼需要至少三年的时间。little“少的”,形容词,结合语境可知空处 at
least,意为“至少”。故填 least。
13.I (usual) go running in the morning.
【详解】句意:我通常早上跑步。usual“平时的”,形容词。此处应用其副词 usually“通常”,表频度。故填
14.—Do you want to be a (write) like Lu Xun
—No, I want to be a singer.
【详解】句意:——你想成为一名像鲁迅那样的作家吗?——不,我想成为一名歌手。不定冠词 a 后接单
数名词,动词 write 的名词为 writer,意为“作家”。故填 writer。
15.I was surprised at his sudden . (die)
【详解】句意:我对他的突然去世感到惊讶。die“死”,动词,his 是形容词性物主代词,后加名词,death“死
亡”,是名词,故填 death。
16.He was shocked when he heard the news of Dr. Martin Luther King’s (die).
【详解】句意:当他听到马丁·路德·金博士去世的消息时,他感到很震惊。根据“Dr. Martin Luther King’s ”
可知,此处为名词所有格,后面应该跟一个名词,die 的名词形式为 death。故填 death。
17.Woe! The restaurant is of so many customers. We have to wait! (fill)
【详解】句意:哎呀! 餐厅里客人太多了。我们得等等!所给词“fill”为动词形式,分析句子可知,此处缺
少形容词,应该把 fill 变成形容词 full,组成词组 be full of“充满”。故填 full。
18.There are many ways to keep healthy, such as (play) basketball.
【详解】句意:有很多保持健康的方法,比如打篮球。“such as”用于举例,后用名词或动名词作宾语,因
此此处应用“play”的动名词形式“playing”。故填 playing。
19.My mother (hard) ever eats ice-cream.
【详解】句意:我妈妈几乎从不吃冰淇淋。hardly ever“几乎不”,只用于频率方面表示“几乎不做某事、做
某事频率很小”,相当于一个频率副词。故填 hardly。
20.It takes money to go there by plane than by train. (little)
示花更少的钱,“little”“少的”比较级是“less”。故填 less。
三、单项选择(10 分)
21.—Why does Dale ________ eat out
—Because he likes to eat with his family at home.
A.never B.always C.usually D.often
【详解】句意:——Dale 为什么从不在外面就餐?——因为他喜欢在家里和家人一起吃饭。考查副词辨析。
never 从不;always 总是;usually 通常;often 经常。根据“Because he likes to eat with his family at home.”可
知,他喜欢在家里和家人一起吃饭,由此可知,他从不在外面就餐,应用频度副词 never 表示“从不”。故
选 A。
22.You can only achieve success ________ hard work.
A.across B.above C.through
【详解】句意:你只有通过努力工作才能获得成功。考查介词辨析。across 穿过;above 在……之上;through
通过。根据“You can only achieve success…hard work”可知,通过努力工作获取成功,应填 through,故选
23.The room can only take ________ 3 people, so we have to find a bigger one.
A.in need B.instead of C.more than D.up to
【详解】句意:这个房间最多只能容纳 3 个人,所以我们必须找一个更大的。考查介词短语。in need 急需;
instead of 代替;more than 超过;up to 多达。根据“so we have to find a bigger one”可知,这里指最多只能容
纳 3 个人,故选 D。
24.There are some apples at the ________ of the tree. I can’t reach them.
A.answer B.bottom C.top D.result
【详解】句意:在树的顶端有一些苹果。我不能够到它们。考查名词辨析。 answer 答案;bottom 底部;
top 顶端;result 结果。根据“apples at the … of the tree”及“I can’t reach them”可知,够不到在树顶的那些苹
果,故选 C。
25.He spoke so softly that I could ________ hear his words.
A.hard B.hardly C.clear D.clean
【详解】句意:他说得如此轻柔以至于我几乎听不见他的话。考查副词用法。hard 困难的,努力地;hardly
几乎不;clear 清晰的;clean 干净的。根据句子成分分析,本句缺少副词,结合“He spoke so softly”可知,
讲话声音太轻所以听不清,横线处为否定词,hardly“几乎不”符合题意。故选 B。
26.It’s ________ book and all of us like it.
A.such interesting a B.so an interesting
C.such an interesting D.so interesting
【详解】句意:这是一本如此有趣的书,我们都喜欢它。考查 such 和 so 的用法。such 修饰名词;so 修饰
形容词或副词。此处修饰的中心词是名词,用 such 修饰,interesting 形容词作定语修饰名词。故选 C。
27.Do you think who can finish the work better with ________ money and ________ people
A.less; fewer B.fewer; less C.little; little D.few; few
【详解】句意:你认为谁能用更少的钱和更少的人更好地完成这项工作?考查形容词辨析。less 更少的,
修饰不可数名词;fewer 更少的,修饰可数名词复数;little 几乎没有,修饰不可数名词;few 几乎没有,修
饰可数名词复数。money 为不可数名词,用 little 或 less 修饰,排除 B、D;people 为可数名词,用 few 或
fewer 修饰。故选 A。
28.—How often does Tom clean his room
—He cleans the room ________ a week.
A.one B.one time C.twice D.third
考查副词辨析。one 一个;one time 一倍;twice 两次;third 第三。根据“How often”可知,要回答频率,twice
a week“一周两次”,故选 C。
29.Joy made several kites, but ________ of them can fly high.
A.neither B.none C.all
【详解】句意:乔伊制作了几个风筝,但是这几个风筝在空中都不能飞得很高。考查代词辨析。neither 表
示两者都不;none 表示(三者及其以上的)都不……,表全部否定; all 表示(三者及其以上的)全部
都……,表全部肯定。根据“several 一些”和“转折词 but”可知,制作的这些风筝都飞得不高,表示三者以上
的全部否定。故选 B。
30.We are close friends and ________ he has difficulties, I will help him out.
A.whatever B.wherever C.however D.whenever
【详解】句意:我们是亲密的朋友,每当他有困难的时候,我都会帮助他。考查连词辨析。whatever 无论
什么;wherever 无论在哪里;however 无论怎样;whenever 无论何时。根据“... he has difficulties, I will help
him out.”可知,无论何时他遇到困难,我都会帮助他,用 whenever 引导时间状语从句。故选 D。
四、完形填空(10 分)
Jessica Brown is a middle school student. She is a great 31 lover. She keeps a little dog at home
and its 32 is Bobo. She likes the dog and often 33 with it in the park.
This morning, Jessica is really 34 because she is going to a zoo with Bobo by bus. She likes
having 35 to different zoos and taking photos of different animals.
“ 36 , Bobo! We can meet new friends today!” Bobo comes to Jessica, running here and there. They
get off the bus 37 and go to the zoo. There are all kinds of animals in the zoo, such as giraffes and
elephants. Jessica likes the 38 pandas best. They are so lovely(可爱的). 39 are the pandas
doing Some pandas are sleeping, some are 40 bamboo and some are even waving(挥手) their hands.
Jessica and Bobo stay there for 3 hours and have a good time. What a nice day!
31.A.food B.sports C.animal D.music
32.A.name B.face C.food D.brother
33.A.sleeps B.runs C.swims D.sings
34.A.afraid B.tired C.happy D.lucky
35.A.lessons B.trips C.dreams D.dinners
36.A.Hurry up B.Go back C.Come back D.Sit down
37.A.angrily B.quickly C.easily D.badly
38.A.dangerous B.important C.small D.cute
39.A.What B.Where C.Why D.How
40.A.cutting B.planting C.eating D.cooking
31.C 32.A 33.B 34.C 35.B 36.A 37.B 38.D 39.A 40.C
food 食物;sports 运动;animal 动物;music 音乐。根据后文“She likes having…to different zoos and taking photos
of different animals.”可知,杰西卡喜欢动物。故选 C。
name 名字;face 脸;food 食物;brother 兄弟。根据后文“Bobo”可知,这是一个名字。故选 A。
sleeps 睡觉;runs 跑步;swims 游泳;sings 唱歌。根据“She likes the dog and often…with it in the park.”可知,
杰西卡带小狗在公园能发生的动作为“跑步”。故选 B。
afraid 害怕的;tired 疲劳的;happy 开心的;lucky 幸运的。根据后文“She likes having…to different zoos and
taking photos of different animals.”可知,杰西卡喜欢动物,所以去动物园会很开心。故选 C。
lessons 课程;trips 旅行;dreams 梦想;dinners 晚餐。根据“taking photos of different animals”可知,杰西卡
去动物园给动物拍照,所以她是去旅行的。故选 B。
Hurry up 快点;Go back 回去;Come back 回来;Sit down 坐下。根据后文“Bobo comes to Jessica, running here
and there.”可知,杰西卡是喊波波快点过来的。故选 A。
angrily 生气地;quickly 快速地;easily 容易地;badly 糟糕地。根据前文“Hurry up, Bobo!”可知,他们快速
地下车了。故选 B。
dangerous 危险的;important 重要的;small 小的;cute 可爱的。根据后文“They are so lovely(可爱的).”可知,
杰西卡觉得熊猫很可爱。故选 D。
What 什么;Where 哪里;Why 为什么;How 怎么样。根据后文“Some pandas are sleeping, some are…bamboo
and some are even waving(挥手) their hands.”可知,此处描述的是熊猫在做什么。故选 A。
cutting 砍;planting 种植;eating 吃;cooking 做饭。根据后文“bamboo”可知,熊猫在吃竹子。故选 C。
五、阅读理解(20 分)
Hi, Samia,
It’s great you can come to my house. Saturday is OK for me because I will go to visit my parents on Sunday.
Why not come before 10:00 a.m. We can do some shopping in the supermarket. It’s going to be so good to talk
with you. I want to hear all about your new school!
My address (地址) is 52 Charles Road. When you see the library, you keep going past the big white house on
Charles Road. Then you’ll see there’s a small street behind the house with the houses 50-56 in. Don’t ask me why
the street doesn’t have a name! But call me if you get lost and I’ll come and get you.
Let me know if there’s anything you do/don’t like to eat. I’ll make lunch for you.
See you soon!
41.Gregor wants to meet Samia ________.
A.in the afternoonB.on Sunday C.in the evening D.on Saturday
42.What will Samia and Gregor do right after they meet
A.Read. B.Eat out. C.Go to the supermarket. D.Go to the park.
43.What will Samia and Gregor talk about when they meet
A.Samia’s house. B.Samia’s school. C.Gregor’s job. D.Gregor’s parents.
44.Where is Gregor’s house
A.It’s behind a park. B.It’s 56 Charles Road.
C.It’s on a small street. D.It’s next to a white house.
45.Which of the following about Gregor is TRUE
A.His house is easy to find.
B.His house is old and small.
C.He asks Samia to call him when she arrives.
D.He is going to make lunch for Samia.
【答案】41.D 42.C 43.B 44.C 45.D
【导语】本文是一篇应用文,Gregor 邀请 Samia 来家里做客,并告诉她周末的计划以及新家的地址。
41.细节理解题。根据“Saturday is OK for me”可知,Gregor 希望 Samia 周六来家里做客。故选 D。
42.细节理解题。根据“We can do some shopping in the supermarket”可知,两人见面之后要做的第一件事情
是去超市购物。故选 C。
43.细节理解题。根据“I want to hear all about your new school”可知,两人见面后要谈论 Samia 的新学校。
故选 B。
44.细节理解题。根据“My address (地址) is 52 Charles Road...there’s a small street behind the house with the
houses 50-56 in”可知,Gregor 的家在一条小街道上。故选 C。
45.细节理解题。根据“I’ll make lunch for you”可知,Gregor 要为 Samia 做午饭。故选 D。
Today is Saturday. It’s also the Teachers’ Day, Li Mei and Li Dong’s mother’s festival. They get up early in
the morning and want to help their mother do the housework. They first clean the room and then wash the clothes.
And then they make breakfast for their mother.
It takes Li Mei and Li Dong a long time to make the breakfast. They make some noodles and some salad.
These are their mother’s favourite food. They also prepare a glass of milk. They think it’s healthy for their mother.
Now Dad is sitting on the sofa and reading a newspaper to Mum. There is much important news in it. Mum is
listening carefully. They seem very happy.
“Good morning, Mum and Dad,” say Li Mei and Li Dong. Then they walk to their mother and say, “Mum,
Happy Teachers’ Day!”
Mum looks at the children and the breakfast. “Thank you so much!” Mum feels very warm.
46.What do Li Mei and Li Dong do first in the morning
A.They do the dishes. B.They wash the clothes.
C.They make breakfast. D.They clean the room.
47.Li Mei and Li Dong take ________ to their mother.
①a cup of tea ②some salad ③some bread ④a glass of milk ⑤some noodles
A.①③④ B.②④⑤ C.①②④ D.③④⑤
48.Mum is ________ when Li Mei and Li Dong go to her room.
A.reading a newspaper B.cleaning the room
C.listening to her husband D.listening to the radio
49.The underlined word “carefully” means ________ in Chinese.
A.认真地 B.小心地 C.随意地 D.爽快地
50.From the passage we can know that Li Mei and Li Dong often ________.
A.play games B.stay up late C.help their parents D.eat out
【答案】46.D 47.B 48.C 49.A 50.C
46.细节理解题。根据“They first clean the room and then wash the clothes.”可知,他们早上就开始打扫房间。
故选 D。
47.细节理解题。根据“They make some noodles and some salad. These are their mother’s favourite food. They
also prepare a glass of milk. ”可知,他们做了一些面条和沙拉。他们还准备了一杯牛奶。故选 B。
48.细节理解题。根据“Now Dad is sitting on the sofa and reading a newspaper to Mum. There is much important
news in it. Mum is listening carefully.”可知,当他们进入房间时,他们的妈妈正在听他们的爸爸给她读报纸。
故选 C。
49.词义猜测题。根据“There is much important news in it.”可知,妈妈听得很认真,因此 carefully 的意思是
“认真地”。故选 A。
到温暖的事情,因此猜测李梅和李东经常帮助他们的父母。故选 C。
六、短文填空(10 分)
Every April 22, people celebrate Earth Day to show how much they care about the planet. Many people use
the day to do 51 (project) that will help the Earth. Some meet to discuss how to limit pollution and how to
save endangered animals and plants. O 52 plant trees, clean up parks, or set up recycling stations. In some
places, people organize concerts and walks to raise money 53 environmental groups. By taking part in
activities, we’re making our world a much 54 (happy) place to live in.
The 55 (one) Earth Day was born in 1970, when a United States senator (参议员) from Wisconsin
organized a national demonstration (游行) to make the public know 56 the environmental situation and
took it 57 (serious). Then large public meetings were held across the country. About 20 million
Americans took part in these activities and it marked the 58 (begin) of the modern environmental
movement. Later that year, the U.S. government 59 (pass) the Environmental Protection Agency. By
1990, Earth Day had become 60 event celebrated by more than 140 countries around the world.
51.projects 52.(O)thers 53.for 54.happier 55.first
56.about 57.seriously 58.beginning 59.passed 60.an
示泛指,故填 projects。
52.句意:其他人种树,清理公园,或者建立回收站。根据“Some meet to discuss”可知此处是
53.句意:在一些地方,人们组织音乐会和步行为环保组织筹集资金。根据“raise money...environmental
groups.”可知是为……筹钱,for“为了”,故填 for。
54.句意:们正在使我们的世界成为一个更幸福的地方。happy 是形容词,much 修饰形容词比较级,故填
55.句意:第一个地球日诞生于 1970 年,当时来自威斯康辛州的一位美国参议员组织了一场全国性的示
威活动,以使公众了解环境状况并认真对待它。one 是基数词,此处应用序数词,表示第一个地球日,故
填 first。
56.句意:第一个地球日诞生于 1970 年,当时来自威斯康辛州的一位美国参议员组织了一场全国性的示
威活动,以使公众了解环境状况并认真对待它。根据“make the public know..the environmental situation”可知
此处是固定表达 know about“了解,知道”。故填 about。
57.句意:第一个地球日诞生于 1970 年,当时来自威斯康辛州的一位美国参议员组织了一场全国性的示
威活动,以使公众了解环境状况并认真对待它。serious 是形容词,此处应用副词修饰动词,故填
58.句意:大约 2000 万美国人参加了这些活动,这标志着现代环保运动的开始。固定表达 the beginning
of“……的开始”,故填 beginning。
59.句意:那年晚些时候,美国政府经表决通过了环境保护局。根据“Later that year”可知句子是一般过去
时,动词用过去式,故填 passed。
60.句意:到 1990 年,地球日已成为全世界 140 多个国家庆祝的活动。根据“Earth Day had
become...event ”可知是指地球日成为了一个活动,此空应用不定冠词表示泛指,event 以元音音素开头,应
用 an。故填 an。
七、补全对话(10 分)
A: Hey, Tony.
B: Hi, Jane. 61
A: Well, we went to the countryside and climbed a mountain last weekend.
B: 62
A: It sucked(糟糕透顶). The weather was so cold. It rained and rained all day long.
B: That sounds bad.
A: Ugh! 63
B: Well, it’s raining here, too, so we didn’t go camping.
A: Then what did you do
B: 64 . There were so many interesting things to see. We had great fun.
A: 65 .
B: You are right. We had a really good time.
61.Where did you go last weekend/What did you do last weekend
62.How was it/How was your trip
63.How about/What about your camping trip
64.We visited an art museum/a science museum
65.Sounds like you had a great trip/weekend
【导语】本文是 Tony 和 Jane 讨论上周末活动的一则对话。
61.根据“Well, we went to the countryside and climbed a mountain last weekend”可知,询问上周末去哪里或
者去做什么了,故填 Where did you go last weekend/What did you do last weekend。
62.根据“It sucked”可知,询问旅行怎么样,故填 How was it/How was your trip。
63.根据“Well, it’s raining here, too, so we didn’t go camping”可知,询问对方的旅行怎么样,故填 How
about/What about your camping trip。
64.根据“Then what did you do”及“There were so many interesting things to see”可知,回答自己去了可以看
到许多有趣事情的博物馆,故填 We visited an art museum/a science museum。
65.根据“You are right. We had a really good time”可知,感觉对方度过了一个很不错的周末,故填 Sounds like
you had a great trip/weekend。
八、书面表达(20 分)
上周末 假期计划
1. 做作业 1. 每天锻炼
2. 和朋友打 2. 和父母去
篮球 旅行
3. …… 3. ……
1. 包含所有提示内容,可适当发挥;
2. 文中不得涉及真实的人名、校名和地名;
3. 词数 70 个左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数)
Hello, everyone! My name is Li Ming. I’m usually quite busy during my weekdays. But I had a good
weekend last week.
Hello, everyone! My name is Li Ming. I’m usually quite busy during my weekdays. But I had a good
weekend last week.
Last Saturday morning, I did my homework at home. In the afternoon, I went to the stadium to play
basketball with my friends. In the evening, I helped my mother do housework at home. On Sunday, I went to my
grandparents’ home in the countryside with my parents. Besides, next week, we’re going to have a holiday. I plan
to exercise every day. I also plan to have a trip with my parents. Finally, I will finish my holiday homework at



