
班级:____________ 姓名:____________ 学号:____________
It is the third season of a year.The weather is cool and you can fly kites.It’s________
It is the ninth month of the year.Teachers’ Day is in this month.It’s___________
It is made of snow.Children like to make it in winter.It looks like a man.It’s a___________
It is a month after May.Children’s Day and Father’s Day are in this month.It’s__________
This is a meal in the evening.We often have rice,meat and vegetables for it.It’s__________
It’s the first season of a year.It’s always warm and rainy.Trees are green.Flowers are beautiful.It’s____________.
It is the last month of a year.Christmas is in this month.___________
It is the second month of a year.Sometimes Chinese New Year is in this month._________
It is a month before April.Tree Planting Day is in this month.____________
This is a meal in the morning.We usually have bread and milk for it.____________
Today is Mary’s birthday.She is 12 years old now.This is her___________birthday.
It’s 11:30p.m.now.Please go to bed.It is time to____________.
Sue is in the library.Children are reading.She must t________q__________.
It’s a kind of plant.Pandas like to eat it.It’s green.What is it It’s__________
It’s a kind of food.You can see it in Japan.Rice is in it.What is it _____________
You do something very often.It means you u__________do it.
It’s an action(动作).You put the food in your mouth and chew(咀嚼)it._______
The book is not yours.It is not hers.It is not his.It’s my book.It is___________.
You go to bed to do it.Sometimes you are tired.You close your eyes.What is it __________
It is an activity(行为).We are thirsty,we do it.We need water,we do it.____________
It’s an activity.People go to shops and buy things.What is it ____________
It’s a machine(机器).It can do some of the work like people.It’s usually controlled(控制)by a computer.What is it __________
It’s an activity.The teacher asks the students to do at home.What is it _________
It’s a kind of sport.People do it in the water like a fish.What is it ___________
It’s written message(文字信息).It’s usually put it an envelop(信封).People send it in a post office.What is it ____________
It’s a season.It’s golden.Yellow leaves fall from the trees.It’s___________
There are__________months in a year.The_________month is May.
The last season is___________.It’s very cold.Sometimes it’s snowing.
The___________meal of a day is lunch.I would like some fish and vegetables.
It’s a kind of food.It’s cold and sweet.People like to eat it in hot days.What is it ____________
It’s a season.It’s very hot and sunny.Which season is it It’s__________.
It’s an activity.People take food and eat it outdoors,usually in the park or countryside.__________
It’s a holiday.Students don’t go to school or people don’t go to work.What is it _________
It’s a kind of fruit.It’s green outside and red inside.We often eat it in summer._________
It’s in autumn.We eat mooncakes.What is it It’s_____________
It’s in S____________.All the teachers are very happy on this day.The students give cards or flowers to their teacher.It’s________________.
It’s in J_______________.Children are happy on that day.It’s____________
Mother’s Day is on the__________Sunday in__________.
Today my sister is twenty years old.She will have her t______________party.
It’s an activity in the morning.People do it to stay healthy and strong.It’s m______________e_____________.
It’s a series(系列)of physical activities.People compete(竞争)against each other.It’s s______________.
It’s a kind of soft(柔软的)sweet food.People usually eat it on their birthdays.___________
It’s a social event(社交活动).A lot of people get together to enjoy themselves.They eat,drink,dance and so on.What is it ________________
It’s a kind of sound.It’s usually loud,unpleasant(不愉快的)or frightening(令人害怕的)._____________
It’s a kind of animal.It’s large and strong.People can ride it and use it to carry things.___________.
It’s a liquid(液体)without colour,smell or taste.People drink it every day.And people can use it to wash clothes.What is it _____________
It’s a room in a house.People can cook food in it.What is it _____________
Sunday is the__________day of a week.It is between M__________and S__________.
It’s a kind of fun activity.We eat and drink in the open air(露天).It’s p_________
It’s a thing.It’s usually made of colourful paper.Children often fly it on windy days in spring.__________
It is the meal that you have in the middle of the day.___________
It’s an activity.You move your feet and body in a way when you hear the music.It’s d__________.
It’s a thing.It can tell us the time.It’s c_________.
There are two days.We don’t need to go to school.It’s w_________.
There are 30 days in September.The last day is the t_____________day of September.
It’s always cold.Sometimes it’s snowy.Which season is it It’s___________.
There are five people in the running race.You are the last one.So you are the f__________in this race.
Father’s Day is on the___________Sunday in June.
The notebook is Mike’s.We can also say the book is_____________.
Amy and Lily bring these books.These books are___________.
It’s a rule.We are walking on a bridge.We should keep to the___________.
It’s a rule.We are borrowing books in the library.We should___________ ___________.
When we do homework in the classroom.we should_______ ________ _______ ________.



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