Unit 1 My classroom 达标测试卷(含答案及听力原文 无听力音频)

Unit 1 My classroom 达标测试卷
一、听单词,选出你所听到的内容。(10 分)
( )1. A. wall B. door C. floor
( )2. A. kite B. white C. light
( )3. A. head B. help C. hand
( )4. A. yellow B. window C. classroom
( )5. A. make B. cake C. name
二、听句子,判断图片正(T)误(F)。(10 分)
三、听句子,选择正确的答语。(10 分)
A. Really Let’s go and see. B. OK.
C. Thank you. D. Many desks and chairs.
E. It’s near the window.
1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______
四、听歌谣,选出图中物品对应的颜色,并将其序号填在横线上。(10 分)
A. blue B. orange C. yellowD. Green E. brown
五、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(5 分)
( )1. A. desk B. classroom C. blackboard
( )2. A. near B. on C. me
( )3. A. green B. big C. yellow
( )4. A. really B. clean C. help
( )5. A. floor B. fan C. TV
六、单项选择。(10 分)
( )1. Today we ______ a new computer.
A. are B. has C. have
( )2. It’s getting dark (黑暗的). Let’s turn on the ______.
A. TV B. light C. fan
( )3. —______ is my kite —It’s near the door.
A. What B. Where C. How
( )4. I can see a ______ and four ______ in the classroom.
A. blackboard; windows
B. blackboards; windows
C. blackboards; window
( )5. Let ______ put up the pictures of the Laojun Mountain (老君山).
A. us B. I C. we
七、根据图片提示从方框中选词填空, 将短文补充完整。(10 分)
Floor blackboard teacher’s desk window fan
Welcome to my classroom. It’s very big. There are many desks and chairs in the classroom. There is a 1. and a 2.in the front of (在…… 前面) the classroom. You can see a 3.on the wall. Look! This is my desk. It is near the 4..And my ball is on the 5.. I love my classroom.
八、阅读绘本,判断下列句子是(Y)否(N)正确。(5 分)
( )1. The animals clean the classroom.
( )2. The dog cleans the door.
( )3. The bear cleans the floor.
( )4. The duck is tall. He cleans the fan.
( )5. The panda and the monkey clean the blackboard.
九、读Linda 和爸爸的对话,选择正确选项。(10 分)
A. Where is your desk B. I have a new classroom.C. No, it isn’t.D. How many students are there in your class E. Let me clean my desk.
Linda: Dad, welcome to my school!
Dad: Thank you.
Linda: 1. _______
Dad: Really Let’s go and see. Wow, your classroom is big and nice! 2. _______
Linda: 40 students.
Dad: 3. _______
Linda: Guess. Some pictures are on
my desk.
Dad: Mmm. Is it near the door
Linda: 4. _______ It’s near the window.
Dad: Oh, your desk is messy (凌乱的).
Linda: 5. _______
十、Mike 和Sarah 换了新教室,请阅读他们的聊天记录,完成下列任务。 (10分)
任务一: 根据对话内容,选出对应的物品。(6 分)
1. brown _____ 2. green _____ 3. yellow _____
4. clean _____ 5. black _____ 6. new _____
任务二:根据对话内容,选出更符合Mike 描述的新教室。(4 分)
( )A.
十一、仿照示例写句子。(10 分)
示例1:(bag on desk)
—Where is the bag —It’s on the desk.(6 分)
1. (crayon under chair)
— —
2. (fan near door)
— —
示例2:(clean blackboard) Let me clean the blackboard. (4 分)
3. (turn on light)
4. (clean windows)
一、1. The wall is blue.
2. A bee is on the light.
3. Let me help you.
4. We have a nice classroom.
5. Her name is Amy.
二、1. Let me clean the floor.
2. Look at the fan. It’s blue and white.
3. Turn on the light, please.
4. The picture is on the wall. It’s nice.
5.The computer is on the teacher’s desk.
三、1. Where is your picture
2. What’s in your classroom
3. Let’s clean the windows.
4. Let me help you.
5. We have a new classroom!
四、The door, the door, the door is brown.
The desks, the desks, the desks are yellow.
The lights, the lights, the lights are blue.
The fans, the fans, the fans are green.
Look, look, look, the teacher’s desk is orange.
My classroom is nice. I love it.
一、1-5 A C B C C
二、1-5 T F T F F
三、1-5 E D B C A
四、1-5 D B A E C
五、1-5 B C B A A A
六、1-5 C B B A
七、1.blackboard 2.teacher’s desk 3.fan 4.window 5.floor
八、1-5 Y N Y N Y
九、1-5 B D A C E
十、任务一:1-6 B C A F E D
十一、1.Where is the crayon It’s under the chair.
2.Where is the fan It’s near the door.
3.Let me turn on the light.
4.Let me clean the windows.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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