
A: Hi, Amy.
B: Hi, Chen Jie.
A: What's this
B: My new crayons.
A: How many crayons do you have
B: I have 16 crayons. I like crayons very much.
A: Me, too. They're so beautiful.
B: Oh, where is my bag
A: Maybe it's in your desk.
B: No, it isn't.
A: Is it behind(在……后面)your chair
B: Yes, it is. Thank you, goodbye.
A: Bye.
(1) Who's "A"
A.Lily. B.Chen Jie. C.Amy.
(2) Chen Jie has _____ crayons.
A.seventeen B.sixteen C.fifteen
(3) Do Amy and Chen Jie both(两者都)like crayons
A.Yes, they do. B.No, they don't.
(4) Is the bag in the desk
A.Yes, it is. B.No, it is. C.No, it isn't.
(5) The bag is _____ the chair.
A.under B.behind C.on
Hello, I'm Tom. Yesterday was Saturday. I did lots of things. I watched TV and helped my mum. I cleaned my room. I went to the park. I took a kite. But I didn't fly it. I played football. I climbed a hill in the park. I lost my key in the park. But I found the key on the grass later.
(1) Today is _____.
A.Saturday B.Sunday C.Thursday
(2) Tom _____ yesterday.
A.washed his trousers B.watched TV
C.helped his dad
(3) Tom didn't _____ yesterday.
A.fly a kite B.help his mum C.play football
(4) Tom went to _____ yesterday.
A.school B.the zoo C.the park
(5) Tom found his key _____.
A.in his bag B.on the grass C.on the desk
Mr. Green works in a big hospital. He has many things to do every day. He is very busy. He often forgets(忘记)many things.
Last Saturday, he remembered(记得)it was his mother's birthday. So he went to a flower shop and bought some beautiful flowers. When Mr. Green got home, he gave the flowers to his mother and said, "Happy birthday, my dear mum! I don't forget your birthday this time. I remember September 12th is your birthday."
"But my birthday was yesterday. It's September 13th today. Anyway, thank you for the flowers." said Mr. Green's mother.
(1) Mr. Green often forgets many things, because he is _____.
A.a lazy man B.a funny man C.a busy man
(2) Mr. Green bought _____.
A.a birthday cake B.a birthday card C.some flowers
(3) Mr. Green's mother's birthday was on _____.
A.September 11th B.September 12th C.September 13th
(4) When Mr. Green's mother got the flowers, she _____.
A.didn't say anything B.thanked her son
C.made a wish
(5) Which is RIGHT according to the story
A.Mr. Green remembered his mother's birthday, but forgot the date.
B.Mr. Green works in a small hospital.
C.Mr. Green's birthday is on September 13th.
Chen Ying and Chen Lin are sisters. Chen Ying is 14. She's 2 years younger than Chen Lin. But she's taller than Chen Lin. Chen Ying is 1.59 metres. She's 3 centimetres taller than Chen Lin. Chen Ying has short hair, but Chen Lin has long hair. They both like sports. They do sports every day after school. So they're healthy. They often do homework together after dinner. They love each other.
(1) Chen Ying is Chen Lin's _____.
A.cousin B.friend C.sister
(2) Chen Lin is _____ metres tall.
A.1.62 B.1.59 C.1.56
(3) Chen Lin is _____ than Chen Ying.
A.taller B.shorter C.younger
(4) Chen Lin's hair is _____ Chen Ying's.
A.shorter than B.longer than
C.as long as(和……一样长)
(5) They often _____ together after dinner.
A.do homework B.do sports C.watch TV
Chen Ying and Chen Lin are sisters. Chen Ying is 14. She's 2 years younger than Chen Lin. But she's taller than Chen Lin. Chen Ying is 1.59 metres. She's 3 centimetres taller than Chen Lin. Chen Ying has short hair, but Chen Lin has long hair. They both like sports. They do sports every day after school. So they're healthy. They often do homework together after dinner. They love each other.
(1) Chen Ying is Chen Lin's _____.
A.cousin B.friend C.sister
(2) Chen Lin is _____ metres tall.
A.1.62 B.1.59 C.1.56
(3) Chen Lin is _____ than Chen Ying.
A.taller B.shorter C.younger
(4) Chen Lin's hair is _____ Chen Ying's.
A.shorter than B.longer than
C.as long as(和……一样长)
(5) They often _____ together after dinner.
A.do homework B.do sports C.watch TV
A traveler wanted to hire(租)a donkey to go to town. Someone wanted to hire out a donkey and the traveler agreed to the offer.
The owner of the donkey said to the traveler, "This animal is very lazy, I have to rush it with a stick all the time to make sure it moves. I think we'd better go together. You can ride on the donkey's back while I follow behind. When we arrive in the town, I can ride it home."
Then they started off on the journey. The weather was hot but the plan went well with the traveler riding on the donkey and the owner himself following behind.
At noon, it was hotter, so they decided to have a rest. The traveler got off from the donkey and sat in its shadow to stay away from the sunlight.
"Oh, no," said the owner, "this is my donkey. You can't sit in its shadow."
"But I hired it from you," said the traveler. "So I have the right to sit in its shadow."
The owner said, "You hired the donkey, but you didn't him its shadow! The shadow belongs to me."
Both of them kept arguing(争论)under the sun. The donkey was bored so it ran off and left the two men behind.
(1) The traveler wanted to go to town, so he _____.
A.hired a donkey B.hired the owner and his donkey
C.sold the donkey D.bought the owner and his donkey
(2) The owner had to rush the donkey with a stick to make the donkey move because _____.
A.the animal is not his B.he didn't like his donkey
C.he had add out the donkey D.the animal is lazy
(3) How did the two men go to town
A.They both followed behind the donkey.
B.They both rode on the donkey.
C.The traveler rode on the donkey and the owner followed behind.
D.The owner rode on the donkey and the traveler followed behind.
(4) The two men began to argue because _____.
A.the traveler didn't want to pay for the donkey
B.both of them wanted to sit in the donkey's shadow
C.both of them wanted to ride on the donkey
D.the owner didn't want to go any longer
(5) What happened at last
A.The two men got bored. B.They got to the town at once.
C.The donkey ran off. D.The shadow disappeared.
A good breakfast is very important(重要的). If we don't have anything for breakfast, we will feel hungry. Our bodies(身体)need food for morning activities(活动). A good breakfast should be rice or bread, an egg, milk and fruit. On a cold morning a cup of hot drink is nice.
We must get up early to have enough time for breakfast. A good breakfast helps us smile easily(容易地). It helps us to think clearly. It also helps us to work better and play more happily.
(1) Our bodies need _____ for morning activities.
A.fruit B.food C.milk
(2) If we don't have breakfast, we will feel _____.
A.hungry B.happy C.easy
(3) A good breakfast will be _____.
A.only rice or bread
B.rice, bread and milk
C.bread or rice, an egg, fruit and milk
(4) What does a good breakfast help us to do
A.To do our work better and play more happily.
B.To make us friendlier.
C.To laugh.
On my school day, I get up at six thirty in the morning. Then I put on my red skirt. I go to school at seven thirty.
It's eight o'clock. It's time for class. I have Chinese at ten past nine every day. Miss White is my Chinese teacher. She has curly short hair. I like her very much. It's four thirty now. It's time to clean the classroom. I put on my white shoes, and run and jump in the playground at five o'clock. Then I go home at five thirty. I can't watch TV in the evening. I do my homework from eight to nine. Then I go to bed at nine thirty.
(1) My skirt is _____.
A.white B.red C.blue
(2) My class starts at _____.
A.seven o'clock B.eight o'clock C.eight thirty
(3) I clean my classroom at _____.
A.nine o'clock B.four o'clock C.four thirty
(4) At five o'clock, I _____.
A.go home B.watch TV
C.play in the playground
(5) I do my homework _____.
A.at seven o'clock B.from eight to nine
C.at nine thirty
A train stops at a station. A young woman wants to come out, but it is raining. A boy is standing under a big umbrella. The young woman says to the boy, "Can you go and get us two hotdogs, one for you and one for me Here are two dollars." "Great!" says the boy and he goes to buy hotdogs.
After two minutes, the boy is back. He is eating a hotdog. "Where is my hotdog " asks the young woman, "Oh, there is only one hot dog left. So I eat mine. Here is your dollar."
(1) Where is the young woman
A.On the train. B.Under a big umbrella.
C.At a station.
(2) What does the young woman want to buy
A.Umbrella. B.Hot dog. C.Dollars.
(3) Who helps the young woman
A.A boy. B.A man. C.Nobody.
(4) Does the young woman get a hot dog
A.No, she does. B.Yes, she does.
C.No, she doesn't.
1. 【答案】
(1) B
(2) B
(3) A
(4) C
(5) B
【知识点】日常活动,一般现在时 (Daily activities,simple present tense)、位置 (Position)
2. 【答案】
(1) B
(2) B
(3) A
(4) C
(5) B
【知识点】自我介绍 (Self-introduction)、日常活动,一般过去时 (Daily activities,simple past tense)
3. 【答案】
(1) C
(2) C
(3) B
(4) B
(5) A
【知识点】周末活动,一般过去时 (Weekend activities, simple past tense)
4. 【答案】
(1) C
(2) C
(3) B
(4) B
(5) A
【知识点】介绍他人(其他)、差别比较,比较级 (Comparative and superlative, comparative degree)
5. 【答案】
(1) C
(2) C
(3) B
(4) B
(5) A
【知识点】差别比较,比较级 (Comparative and superlative, comparative degree)
6. 【答案】
(1) A
(2) D
(3) C
(4) B
(5) C
【知识点】故事 (Stories)、...did…(其他)(过去式规则变化)、What happened 、...want(...)to do...(其他)、How did...go(to)... 、...had to do...
7. 【答案】
(1) B
(2) A
(3) C
(4) A
【知识点】activity(n. event, 活动)、breakfast(n. food, 早餐)、egg(n. food, 鸡蛋)、good(adj. high quality, 好的)、good(adj. pleasant, 令人满意的)、hungry(adj. needing food, 饥饿的)、our、rice(n. food, 米饭)、body(n. no arms/legs, 身躯)、work(n.job, 工作,活儿)、us、more(in addition)、food(n. eat, 食物)、don't=do not、bread(n. food, 面包)、happily(adv. happy, 幸福地)、need(v. must have, 必需)、...will do…(其他)、健康饮食 (Healthy diet)、play(v. enjoy, 玩耍)、better(adj. good, good/well的比较级)、morning(n. part of day, 早上)
8. 【答案】
(1) B
(2) B
(3) C
(4) C
(5) B
【知识点】日常活动,一般现在时 (Daily activities,simple present tense)、钟点 (Time)
9. 【答案】
(1) A
(2) B
(3) A
(4) C
【知识点】日常活动,含现在进行时 (Daily activities, including present progressive tense)



