
We have two new students in our school. They are Mary and Kate. They look the same(看上去一样), but they are not twins. Kate is an English girl. She is twelve. She is in Class Two. She likes her dog. Mary is an English girl, too. She is eleven. She is in Class Five. She likes football. Mary and Kate are our good friends. We all love(爱)them.
(1) Kate is from _____.
A.China B.England C.America
(2) Mary _____ Kate.
A.looks like B.looks at C.looks
(3) Mary likes _____.
A.her cat B.football C.her dog
(4) Kate and Mary are in the same _____.
A.row(排) B.class C.school
(5) Kate and Mary are _____.
A.the same age(年纪) B.not the same age
It's a fine day. Mr Brown's cat, Terry, is in the garden. She has big green eyes and yellow hair. She sits under a big tree and looks at the flowers in the garden. Suddenly(突然), a black dog runs into the garden. He looks at Terry. Terry's afraid of him, so she runs away. She climbs the tree and hid(躲避)herself in it.
(1) Terry is Mr Brown's _____.
A.dog B.cat C.friend
(2) Terry has _____.
A.yellow eyes and hair B.green eyes and hair
C.green eyes and yellow hair
(3) There are many _____ in the garden.
A.flowers B.trees
C.flowers and trees
(4) The dog _____ Terry.
A.likes B.doesn't like C.is
(5) Now Terry is _____.
A.in the tree B.behind tree C.under the tree
My name is Lucy. I am ten. I'm in Class 2, Grade 5. I have a rabbit. It's my pet friend. Its name is Xiao Bai. It's white. It has two long ears and a very short tail(尾巴). Its eyes are red. It has four short legs, but it can run(跑)very fast(快). It likes carrots(胡萝卜)very much. How lovely! I love it.
(1) Lucy is in _____.
A.Class Five; Grade Two B.Class Two; Grade Five
C.Class Two; Grade Six
(2) _____ is Lucy's pet friend.
A.Lucy B.Xiao Bai C.Carrot
(3) Xiao Bai's _____ are long and its _____ are short.
A.ears; legs B.legs; ears C.tail; legs
(4) What colour are Xiao Bai's eyes
A.Yellow B.White C.Red
(5) Xiao Bai likes _____.
A.fish B.carrots C.juice
I'm Emma. Last winter holiday, I went to Harbin with my family. It was very cold there. We wore warm clothes. We had a good time there.
We went skating. I didn't know how to skate. So I learn it from my cousin, Jack. At first, I fell over and over. It hurt a bit. But I didn't give up. I practised a lot with my cousin. Then I didn't fall over again. It was easy for me. After skating, we ate nice food—sausages. Then we saw an ice lantern show(表演). It was so beautiful. We took lots of photos.
It was really fun. I love Harbin very much.
(1) Where did Emma go
A.She went to Hainan. B.She went to Haikou.
C.She went to Harbin.
(2) Was Emma able to go skating before(以前)
A.Yes, she was. B.No, she wasn't.
C.We don't know.
(3) What's the meaning of "give up" in the passage
A.摔倒 B.起来 C.放弃
(4) How were the sausages
A.Bad. B.Not good, not bad.
(5) What did they do after eating
A.They saw a show. B.They saw some snow.
C.They saw some ice.
Mr Green: Good morning, class. Open your books, please.
Students: Yes, Mr Green.
Mr Green: Where's your book, Wang Bing
Wang Bing: Er...
Mr Green: Is it in your school bag
Wang Bing: No.
Helen: Look! It's on the floor!
Wang Bing: Oh yes! Thank you.
Mr Green: OK. Look at your books now...
(1) It is in the _____.
A.morning B.afternoon C.evening
(2) Is Wang Bing's book in the school bag
A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isn't. C.Sorry.
(3) Where is Wang Bing's book
A.It's in the bag. B.It's on the bag.
C.It's on the floor.
(4) Who finds(找到)Wang Bing's book
A.Wang Bing. B.Mr Green. C.Helen.
(5) What will they do (他们打算做什么?)
A.Stand up. B.Sit down. C.Read books.
Tom: Hi, Jim. What're you going to do
Jim: I'm going to draw pictures. Are you going home
Tom: No, I'm going to the library. Sindy asks me to meet there at seven o'clock. By the way, what's the time
Jim: It's six fifty.
Tom: Thank you. See you.
Jim: Bye.
(1) What time is it now _____
A.6:40 B.6:50 C.7:00
(2) What is Jim going to do
A.Draw pictures. B.Meet Sindy. C.Go home.
(3) What time is Tom's meeting with Sindy _____
A.7:00 B.8:00 C.6:50
(4) Is Tom going home
A.Yes, he is. B.No, he isn't. C.Yes, she is.
(5) Are Tom and Jim going to draw pictures together
A.Yes, they are. B.Yes, we are.
C.No, they aren't.
My name is Chen Jie. I'm a new one in this term. My mum(妈妈)buys me a lot of things. Look, this is a new desk. Is it beautiful On the desk, there are some books. There are some pencils on the desk, too. Look! What's this Oh, it's my new chair. It's green(绿色的). I like it very much. I have a red(红色的)ruler, too. What do you have
(1) My name is _____.
A.Chen Jie B.chen jie
(2) My _____ buys me a lot of things.
A.mum B.dad
(3) There are some _____ on the desk.
A.pencils B.rulers
(4) The _____ is green.
A.desk B.chair
(5) I have a red _____.
A.ruler B.book
Dear Amy,
My name is David. I'm twelve years old. I study in Willow Primary School in the UK. My favourite day is Thursday. On Thursdays, we have Chinese, computer, science and PE. And we have mutton and potatoes for lunch. My favourite drink is milk because it is healthy. I often watch TV and read books on Sundays. My favourite teacher is Miss White. She is our English teacher. She's tall and kind. She likes music and sports. We like her very much. Tell me about your school, please.
Your pen pal,
(1) How old is David
A.He's 12. B.He's 11. C.He's 13.
(2) What's David's favourite day
A.Tuesday. B.Thursday. C.Today.
(3) What does David have on Thursday
A.He has Chinese, computer and PE.
B.He has English, science and PE.
C.He has Chinese, math and computer.
(4) What's David's favourite drink
A.Tomatoes. B.Milk. C.Juice.
(5) What's David's English teacher like
A.He's tall and kind. B.She's tall and funny.
C.She's tall and kind.
Liu Mei: Where is John Mr Smith wants to talk with him.
Bai Ling: Maybe he is at the school shop. Does John often eat ice cream
Liu Mei: Sometimes.
Tom: Sometimes he plays music in the music room. I think you can find him there.
Mike: He isn't there today. I often play basketball after school in the playground. Sometimes John plays basketball with me.
Liu Mei: OK. Let me go and look for him there.
(1) Mr Smith wants to talk with _____.
A.Liu Mei B.Tom C.John
(2) John sometimes eats ice cream _____.
A.in the gym B.at the school shop
C.in the classroom
(3) John _____ plays music in the music room.
A.sometimes B.never C.always
(4) Mike often plays _____ after school in the playground.
A.basketball B.football C.volleyball
(5) _____ will go and look for John.
A.Bai Ling B.Mike C.Liu Mei
It was rainy last Sunday. Mary stayed at home. Her cousin Gina came to visit her. She came back from Beijing. She told Mary something about her holiday. "It was great!" she said. Gina visited the Great Wall and the Palace Museum. The Great Wall is very long and old. The Palace Museum is very beautiful. She took lots of photos. She bought some postcards for her friends. She bought lots of special food from Beijing. The two girls ate the food. They felt very happy.
(1) _____ went to Beijing.
A.Mary B.Gina C.Lucy
(2) Gina thought her trip was _____.
A.bad B.great C.terrible
(3) Gina _____ the Great Wall and the Palace Museum.
A.visited B.took C.made
(4) Gina bought some _____.
A.photos B.postcards C.pictures
(5) They ate lots of food from _____.
A.Shanghai B.Nanjing C.Beijing
1. 【答案】
(1) B
(2) A
(3) B
(4) C
(5) B
【知识点】football(n. sport, 足球运动)、football(n. football, 足球)、eleven(num. number, 基数11)、school(n. place, 学校)、English(n. language, 英语)、介绍朋友 (Friend introduction)、look like、aren't=are not、same(adj. not another, 相同的)、age(n. how old, 年龄)、England(n. country, 英国)
2. 【答案】
(1) B
(2) C
(3) C
(4) B
(5) A
【知识点】故事 (Stories)、日常活动,一般现在时 (Daily activities,simple present tense)
3. 【答案】
(1) B
(2) B
(3) A
(4) C
(5) B
【知识点】friend(n. person you like, 朋友)、like(v. enjoy, 喜爱)、long(adj. distance, 长的)、red(adj. colour, 红色的)、short(adj. length, distance or height, 短的;矮的)、leg(n. body, 腿)、专有名词:人名、地名等、名词所有格的基本用法(+' 或 's)、pet(n. animal, 宠物)、eyes(n. body part, eyes的复数)、ears(n. on head, ear的复数)
4. 【答案】
(1) C
(2) B
(3) C
(4) C
(5) A
【知识点】假期,非节日,一般过去时 (Holidays,not festivals,simple past tense)
5. 【答案】
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) C
(5) C
【知识点】学习用具 (Stationery)、学校活动, 一般现在时(School activities)
6. 【答案】
(1) B
(2) A
(3) A
(4) B
(5) C
【知识点】fifty(num. number, 基数50)、library(n. room or building, 图书馆)、six(num. number, 基数6)、together(adv. with each other, 一起)、o'clock(n. hour, ...点钟)、No,...isn't.(除it)、seven(num. number, 基数词7)
7. 【答案】
(1) A
(2) A
(3) A
(4) B
(5) A
【知识点】green(adj. colour, 绿色的)、red(adj. colour, 红色的)、ruler(n. for measuring, 尺子)、chair(n. furniture, 椅子)、pencil(n. object, 铅笔)、mum(n. a mother, 妈妈)、专有名词:人名、地名等、介绍他人(其他)、One's/Sb's name is...、...have+其他.
8. 【答案】
(1) A
(2) B
(3) A
(4) B
(5) C
【知识点】milk(n. drink, 牛奶)、tall(adj. greater height, 高)、computer(n. electronic machine, 电脑)、爱好 (Hobbies)、Chinese(n. subject, 语文课)、Thursday(n. week, 星期四)、介绍他人(其他)、kind(adj. helpful, 善良的)、kind(adj. nice, 和蔼的)
9. 【答案】
(1) C
(2) B
(3) A
(4) A
(5) C
【知识点】日常活动,一般现在时 (Daily activities,simple present tense)、习惯 (Habits)、位置 (Position)
10. 【答案】
(1) B
(2) B
(3) A
(4) B
(5) C
【知识点】日常活动,一般过去时 (Daily activities,simple past tense)



上一篇:【暑假筑基培优专题】人教七下英语专题二 动词及时态一(原卷版+答案版)
