
It's six in the afternoon.Little Tom comes back home with tears in his eyes." (1)is your rip?" His mother asks.It's too(2)I can't get to the top of the mountains." "You are(3) ten years old after all (毕竟).You will have another chance (机会) next time,his mother says. "But standing at the top of the mountain is my(4)," Tom says.His father comes over and asks, "Do you(5)the green tees on your way to the mountain?"
"Sure,and there are a lot of colorful flowers by the side of the road," Tom answers. "Do you hear the birds (6)?" His father asks. "Yes,on the way to the mountain,there are many kinds of birds singing in the tees, (7)the sound is sweet." Tom says,"Do you feel the beauty of the nature?" his father asks. "Yes,the blue sky,the write clouds,the green trees and the colorful flowers make a nice picture," Tom answers. "That's enough." his father says,"Please(8),son.For often,what you expect (期待)is not the most(9) thing.You don't get to the top of the mountain(10) you get a lot on the way.The best scenery(风景)is on the way."
1.A. When B. Who C. How D. What
2.A. easy B. relaxing C. hard D. sad
3.A. also B. only C. really D. not
4.A. luck B. danger C. dream D. center
5.A. see B. read C. feel D. hear
6.A. singing B. flying C. dancing D. walking
7.A. or B. because C. but D. and
8.A. find B. forget C. remember D. read
9.A. terrible B. bored C. relaxing D. important
10.A. but B. and C. so D. or
I felt down because I lost the swimming competition and I wasn't able to enter the swim team.I'll have to wait for a whole (11)to try out again.
I think Dad knew my feeling.He looked at me,and then he said it was time for me to help him make the bread.Dad went to the kitchen and (12)his large bowl and told me to stir(搅拌) while he was (13) the materials(原料) in it.He knows exactly how much of each thing to use without thinking,and the bread always turns out great.(14)we mixed everything and made a dough (生面团), we waited for more than an hour for the dough to double in size(15).Next we deflated (放气) the risen dough.We divided it into two and waited for them to(16) again.After that,we put the dough into pans and waited for another hour.Dad said the waiting was (17) the hardest part."You can't help putting the dough directly into the oven,but if you do,the bread will be(18).It will taste bad.The most important lesson is learning to be(19),"Dad explained.
While we waited,we sat and talked.It felt good to open up and share our(20).My father taught me how to make bread,but I think I learned more.I will try my best for the next year's swimming competition.
11.A. day B. week C. year D. month
12.A. took out B. threw out C. gave out D. put out
13.A. counting B. adding C. testing D. giving
14.A. If B. Until C. After D. Before
15.A. quickly B. slowly C. usually D. hardly
16.A. rise B. prepare C. dry D. soften
17.A. ever B. never C. seldom D. always
18.A. hard B. soft C. sweet D. burnt
19.A. friendly B. creative C. patient D. honest
20.A. success B. luck C. thoughts D. gifts
This is a street crossing.There are red and green lights at each corner.Drivers must watch the lights carefully.
When there is a green light,the cars may go.When there is a red light,the cars must stop.They must wait until the red light changes to green.Then they can go on.Sometimes the cars want to make a right turn or a left turn.They can make a right turn when the light is green or red.But they must wait until the green light is shining if they want to turn left.
Some people are color-blind(色盲).They can not tell the difference between the red and green lights.These people must not drive,or there will be accidents.We must keep our streets safe.
21.Drivers must watch ______ carefully at each corner.
A. green lights B. red lights
C. both green lights and red lights D. orange lights
22.When there is a red light ______ .
A. the cars must stop
B. the cars may go on
C. the cars may make a left turn
D. the cars may take a right or left turn
23.Cars can make a right turn when ______ .
A. there is a red light B. there is a green light
C. there is a red or green light D. there is no light
24.Color-blind people may have accidents because ______ .
A. they can't see cars
B. they can't see the lights
C. they can't tell the difference between the red and green lights
D. they can't hear cars
25.According to (根据) the passage ______ must not drive.
A. young people B. women
C. color-blind people D. old men
What will you do during a trip?Visit famousplaces,shop and take photos?There is one thing you should never forget---send a postcard.
Postcards have 170years of history in the UK.By the 20th century,trains became a cheap and easy way to travel.More people went on holiday to the seaside.There were no cell phones,so they sent postcards to lets others know they arrived safely.Those postcards were usually seaside pictures,such as beaches and traditional food like fish and chip.
Today,most postcards show local scenic photos or drawing.Others may be funny,with jokes on the front.
People usually writes words to express"They miss someone"on their postcards.It's common to end with"thinking of you".The most famous postcard words are"wish you were here".
Modern postcards also celebrate British humor.They often make fun of the British weather.For example,some postcards show the rainpouring down on an empty beach.This humor keeps postcards popular in Britain.
26.Why did people like to send postcards during a holiday? ______
A. To let their friends or family know they arrived safely.
B. To introduce the local friends to their family members.
C. To tell others that they had money to take trains to travel.
D. To show others photos of beaches and traditional food of the seaside.
27.Which of the following are usually on most today's postcards? ______
①.funny jokes ②.seaside view ③.drawings
④.traditional foods ⑤.local scenic photos
A. ②③⑤ B. ①②④ C. ①③⑤ D. ①④⑤
28.The most famous postcard words are" ______ ".
A. I miss you so much B. They miss someone
C. Thinking of you D. Wish you were here
29.What helps keep postcards popular in Britain? ______
A. British weather B. British humor
C. British food D. British traditions
30.What is the passage about? ______
A. The places for people to buy postcards
B. How people all over the world like postcards.
C. When and why people usually send postcards.
D. The history of postcards and what are on them.
One day a man found a cocoon(茧) of a butterfly in the forest.He sat there for several hours and watched the butterfly.Suddenly a small opening appeared,and the butterfly made its great effort to force its body through that little hole.Then it seemed to stop making any progress.It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no further.
So the man decided to help the butterfly.He cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon so that the butterfly could come out easily.But to his surprise,the butterfly got a heavy body and very small wings when it came out of the cocoon.
The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that the body would grow smaller at any moment and the wings would become larger and be able to fly.But neither happened!In fact,the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling(爬行) around with a heavy body and small wings.It was never able to fly.
The man was in his kindness,but he did not understand the nature rules.Before the butterfly came out of the cocoon,fluid(液体) from its body must be forced into its wings,and then it would be ready for flying.It must have a hard struggle(拼搏) to get through the small opening to get its freedom from the cocoon.
Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life,if God allowed us to go through our life without any difficulties,it would make us fail.We would not be as strong as we could have been;we could never fly.
31.What was the butterfly doing at the beginning of the story? ______
A. It was trying to make a cocoon for itself.
B. It was struggling to get out of its cocoon.
C. It was flying among the trees in the forest.
D. It was crawling around quietly on the ground.
32.The man cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon ______ .
A. to take the butterfly home
B. to help the butterfly come out easily
C. to kill the butterfly
D. to stop the butterfly from growing bigger
33.What do you think of the man? ______
A. patient but cruel. B. careful and wise.
C. kind but unwise. D. brave and funny.
34.What does the last paragraph tell us? ______
A. Struggles are sometimes necessary in our life.
B. Nothing is difficult if we put our heart into it.
C. Every good deed will come back with a good result.
D. The greatest happiness in the world is to help others.
35.What is the best title for the story? ______
A. The Love for the Cocoon.
B. The Joy of Helping Each Other.
C. The Lesson of the Cocoon.
D. The Expectation for the Butterfly.
It was a common spring morning.Cole was running late again.When his mom told him to get up,he said,"Later." He still stayed in bed and didn't move.When she told him to eat his eggs,Cole said,"Later."
Now Mom called out,"Cole,put your umbrella in your schoolbag.It's going to rain." "Later",said Cole,as he put a toothbrush in his mouth.He smiled at himself in the mirror,then went down the stairs with his coat and schoolbag.
As he stepped out the door,Cole heard a great sound.A mass(团) of dark clouds covered the neighborhood.Cole didn't hear the sound of the storm.He thought the rain was far away.He had also forgotten to take his umbrella.
The rain came suddenly and Cole was going to go to the bus station to avoid being wet.The bus station is a little farther from his home,but he thought he could walk there.However,a great gust(一阵强风) of wind blew him back.
At last Cole reached the bus station by running quickly.He stepped into and let out a sigh of relief(舒了一口气).He was surprised to find that rain drops still hit his head.He was wet all over.
Then Cole saw the hole in the roof(屋顶),and he suddenly thought of his dad had said he needed to fix the roof of the old station again,and he wanted Cole to help.Cole said,"Sure,Dad.Later."
36.What do you think Cole likes to do? ______
A. Smile. B. Wait. C. Sleep. D. Ask.
37.What was Cole doing when his mom called out to him? ______
A. He was looking for his umbrella. B. He was waiting for his father.
C. He was brushing his teeth. D. He was sleeping.
38.What is the correct order according to the text? ______
a.Cole ran to the bus station quickly.
b.Cole got wet from head to feet.
c.Cole stayed in bed and didn't move.
d.The rain came suddenly.
e.Cole went down the stairs with his coat and schoolbag.
A. c-e-d-a-b. B. e-d-c-b-a. C. c-a-b-d-e. D. c-e-a-b-d.
39.What can we learn from the text? ______
A. Find the proper time to say "Later".
B. Ask others to be on time when necessary.
C. Remember to bring an umbrella if it rains.
D. Try not to put off what you can do today till tomorrow.
40.What is the text? ______
A. A story. B. An introduction.
C. A piece of news. D. A dairy.
41.●●●1903 --The first fight succeeded.
In 1900,Wilbur Wright said flight was possible for man.After much work he and his brother Orville Wright made this dream come true.
On December 17,1903,the brothers made the first successful airplane flight on a windy beach at Kitty Hawk,North Carolina.The brothers' plane flew 120 feet.Although the flight lasted only 12 seconds,it moved the course of history in a new direction.
●●● 1935 --Nylon was invented.
In 1928,a new chemical lab was opened to make a kind of man- made materials.Wallace Carothers took part in the team when he was 32 years old.
In 1934,he made fibers (纤维),but the fibers were quite weak.He didn't give up.After many experiments,he produced the long and strong fibers in 1935.They named the fibers "nylon".Carothers was very satisfied with his work.
Nylon hit the markets in 1939 ,and quickly became a replacement of silk.But it was a pity that he didn't see the wide use of his invention.He died in April,1937.
●●● 1968-The computer mouse was first shown in public.
As a graduate student,Douglas Engelbart began to imagine ways in which all sorts of information could be on screens.
In 1964,Douglas Engelbart made the first computer mouse.The computer mouse had a wooden shell with two metal wheels.
In 1968,the first computer mouse appeared in public.It was named "mouse" because a tail came out at the end.In later years,the computer mouse became more and more important.
Douglas Engelbart changed the way that computers worked.
Now computer mice are becoming increasingly useful.And there are many different shapes of computer mice in the world.
(1) ______ Invention Time Influence
Wilbur Wright and his brother airplane 1903 made (2) ______ airplane flight;moved the course of history in a new direction.
Carothers nylon 1935 became a (3) ______ of silk
Engelbart (4) ______ 1964 made the first computer mouse changed(5) ______ that computers worked
42.What is my secret(诀窍) of teaching kids to do housework?Before you get (1) ______ ( excite) to learn the secret,I need to tell you that there is no secret at all.
It all starts by picking a chore.For example,I want(2) ______ ( teach) Annie about cleaning the bathroom.First,I take her with me while I'm doing the chore.I show and tell her how(3) ______ ( clean) the bathroom clearly.I'll do this for a few weeks.
( 4) ______ she watches me for a few weeks,I let her try doing it on her own,with me there watching her.For another 4-5 weeks,Annie learns how to do each part of the chore.At this point,I would let her do the chore by (5) ______ ( she).But that doesn't mean I will never think about it again.I always go back and check her work. (6) ______ the chore isn't done well,Annie will have to do it again.
When it comes to teaching kids to do chores,I start with my(7) ______ ( old) child Annie.And I'm hoping that if I teach her well,she will then teach other younger brothers.I have already asked Annie(8) ______ ( teach) her little brother Andy to clean the bathroom. (9) ______ ( final) when Andy learns that,I'll be able to teach Annie to do(10) ______ new job.
43.My Favourite Thing from Childhood提示:你校将举办 "快乐童年"展览,现邀请每一位同学提供一件生活中的物品参展,也许一本有趣的书、一个可爱的玩具、或一部精制的相机都是你们记忆中最好的见证者。请以" My Favourite Thing from Childhood"为题向大家介绍你们成长中的一件"旧物记"。
( 1)根据所给题日,写一篇短文,词数不少于60个;
( 2)语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁;
( 3)文中不得使用真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计。
【小题2】to teach
【小题3】to clean
【小题8】to teach
43.My Favourite Thing from Childhood My favorite thing from childhood is a set of chess.It was one of my birthday gifts.I've kept it for eight years. (我最喜欢的物品是一副象棋,是我的生日礼物之一,是爸爸在我7岁生日时给我买的,至今已有8年)When I was seven,my father bought it for me from another city.Since then,he has always played chess with me in our free time.This made me feel relaxed after study.He also taught me many useful lessons while playing chess,such as being patient and thinking twice before taking action.Now,I'm a middle school student,and I'm good at my study. 【高分句型一】I think playing chess helps me a lot.【高分句型二】(从那以后爸爸经常在空闲时间陪我下棋,使我学习后感到放松,也让我学到很多有用的东西,如要耐心,三思而后行。因此,我现在学习很好,下棋对我有很大的帮助)
This set of chess is my favorite thing from childhood which I still have.It shows my father's love for me.And I love my father,too.(体现了爸爸对我的爱,我也爱爸爸)




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