Unit1 Konw yourself 基础练习(4课时无答案) 牛津译林版英语九年级上册

Unit 1 Know yourself
Some people think it’s important for children to study the rules of English _________(语法) at the very beginning.
The girl speaks neither English __________(也不) French. Instead, she speaks Japanese.
Joan is a careful person. She always puts everything in good ___________(顺序).
Lisa is one of the best students in our class, but she is still very _____________(谦虚的).
Tom is ______________(好奇的) about what I am doing, so he keeps asking me questions.
( )1.—Look at the sign, it ________ “No parking”.
—Sorry. I didn’t see it.
A. says B. reads C. writes
( )2.Miss Chen likes ________. She tells everyone that she has got a new car.
A. coming out B. taking off C. showing off
( )3.Many tourists visit Hainan around the Spring Festival, because it’s ________ too cold ________ too hot.
either; or B. neither; nor C. both; and
( )4.Jane’s generous personality makes her feel good ________ things with others.
A. shares B. sharing C. to share
( )5.Could you please ________ some ideas for dealing with students’ problems
catch up with B. get on with C. come up with
1.How beautifully the little girl sings! I think she is a ____________(天生的) singer.
2.Tony has won high _____________(赞扬) from his classmates because he is helpful.
3.Peter came first in the 100-metre______________(赛跑) yesterday afternoon.
4.In a __________(总的) sense, Peter is a creative boy.
5.Students have to reach a certain ____________(标准), or they won’t pass.
6.To take the _____________(领先地位) is easy, but to keep it is hard.
7.I didn’t pay ______________(注意) to what Susan was saying.
8.Finally, we lost the basketball match because of too many ________________(失误).
9.He was a ___________(先锋) in the field of IT.
10.The railway _____________(连接) the two cities was built in 2022.
( )1.When she knew her dancing ___________ was Joe, she was very happy.
A. lesson B. partner C. talent
( )2.—Mum, why do I have to wash hands so many times a day
—You can’t be ________ careful when it comes to your health.
A. so B. very C. too
( )3.Mr. Yang looks ________ asleep when he is deep in thought.
A.as good as B.as well as C.as long as
( )4.You will ________ others if you are crazy about computer games.
A. fall down B. fall off C. fall behind
( )5.Don’t ________ our hopes. As long as we pull together, we’ll make it.
A. give in B. give back C. give up
( )6.—What’s your new friend like, Emma
—She’s well organized and creative. What ________ me most is her ability to deal with difficult situations.
A. respects B. shapes C. impresses
What do you like doing in your free time, reading _________ doing sports
Jim never refuses to help others, ________ he is very popular in our class.
I bought a present for my son, ________ he liked it very much.
Cindy and I are in different schools, _________ we are good friends.
The man can speak French ___________ Japanese.
—Would you like coffee ________ tea —Tea, please.
Simon is never late for _________ absent from school.
Hurry up, ___________ you’ll miss the beginning of the film.
Open the door __________ let the cool air in.
10.My father usually goes to work by car, __________ this morning he rode a bike.
1.—Do you need to stop to have a rest
—No. I am _________ tired _______ hungry.
2._________ Jim ________ Amy has been to the West Lake. They visited it together last spring.
3.________ Beijing __________ Shanghai have traffic problems.
4.—Do you like your new English teacher
—Yes. She is _________ our teacher ________ our friend.
5.Only one volunteer is needed. _________ you _______ Susan has to give up the chance.
( )1.—Would you like to come to dinner this evening
—I’d like to, ________ I have to finish my report first.
A. and B. but C. or
( )2.—I don’t have brothers ________ sisters. Are you the only child in your family, Eric
—No. I have a brother and a younger sister.
A. and B. or C.so
( )3.In educating children, not only the mother but also the father ___on responsibilities (责任).
A. take B. takes C. taking
( )4.Charlie seldom ________ others’ advice. It is hard to change his mind.
A. accepts B. receives C. allows
( )5.—Where would you like to have lunch, Nanjing Impressions or KFC
—________ is OK. It’s up to you.
A. Both B. Neither C. Either
( )6.—What job do you think your brother can do in the future
A. He spends much time on his work
B. He is very careful
C.I think he would make a good doctor



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