
A. I watched a film and had a great fun.
B. I lost my football.
C. Last Sunday.
D. My family visited it.
E. On foot.
F. Because I wanted to play with you.
G. Yes, he was.
H. All right.
I. No, I didn't.
J. No, it was cloudy.
(1) Why did you call me
(2) Did you water flowers this morning
(3) How did you get to the park
(4) Was it rainy yesterday
(5) What's the matter
(6) Don't climb up the hill.
(7) How was your weekend
(8) When did you go to the Museum
(9) Who visited the Tian'anmen Square
(10) Was your father at home yesterday
A I hurt my arm.
B Yes, I’m OK now.
C I went to Mt. Huangshan.
D Yes, I did.
E I rode a horse there.
(1) Where did you go over your holiday
(2) What did you do there
(3) Did you go to the Great Wall
(4) What happened
(5) Are you all right
A Yes, she did.
B I went fishing.
C No, I didn’t.
D He read a book.
E It’s smaller than the elephant.
(1) What did he do yesterday
(2) Did she wash the clothes yesterday
(3) What did you do last weekend
(4) Did you go to the park
(5) Is the tiger bigger or smaller than the elephant
A. Noodles.
B. For a week.
C. I have some bread and milk.
D. They will go to Beijing.
E. I'm going to watch a film.
(1) ( )How long will your parents stay there
(2) ( )Where will they go for the holiday
(3) ( )What are you going to do this Sunday
(4) ( )What do you like eating
(5) ( )What do you have for breakfast
A. Disneyland and Ocean Park.
B. Helen does.
C. I'll go shopping.
D. Mike is.
E. She feels excited.
F. It's warm and sunny.
(1) ( )How is the weather in Beijing
(2) ( )What places will you see
(3) ( )Who wants to be a writer
(4) ( )What will you do tomorrow
(5) ( )Who's going to buy snacks
(6) ( )How does Jane feel
A. Yes, I'd like to.
B. It's the first of April.
C. I'll go shopping.
D. Yes, please.
E. It's on the second of June.
F. Yes, I will.
(1) Would you like some juice
(2) Will you play football after school
(3) When's your birthday
(4) What will you do tomorrow
(5) Would you like to join us
(6) What date is it today
A. Smoke.
B. My mother.
C. I'm going to go shopping.
D. We can reuse paper to make a box.
E. With a net.
F. No, he didn't.
(1) What are you going to do tomorrow
(2) How did the men catch the lion
(3) Who woke you up
(4) Did the lion eat the mouse
(5) How can we reuse paper
(6) What makes the air dirty
A. You must get up early.
B. No, I didn't.
C. Take a bus.
D. He waters flowers.
E. Yes, he does.
F. Some noodles.
(1) ( )What's for your breakfast
(2) ( )Did you go to bed last night
(3) ( )Does Mike wash his hands before dinner
(4) ( )How can we get there
(5) ( )What does your father usually do
(6) ( )What must I do
A. We can put rubbish in the bin.
B. It was fun.
C. Rubbish and smoke.
D. No, I didn't.
(1) ( )What makes the city dirty
(2) ( )Did you go fishing
(3) ( )How was your holiday
(4) ( )Are you going to Beijing this holiday
A. It's an apple. B. I'm a driver. C. I was all years old. D. Eighty yuan. E. Red. F. I'm going to the library. G. They are in the playground. H. I'm 12. I. I like reading books. J. No, she wasn't.
(1) Where are you going
(2) Was she in the kitchen just now
(3) Where are Lucy and Liu Tao
(4) How old are you
(5) What do you do
(6) What do you like doing
(7) How old were you last year
(8) What colour is your sweater
(9) How much are the shoes
(10) What's this
1. 【答案】
(1) F
(2) I
(3) E
(4) J
(5) B
(6) H
(7) A
(8) C
(9) D
(10) G
2. 【答案】
(1) C
(2) E
(3) D
(4) A
(5) B
3. 【答案】
(1) D
(2) A
(3) B
(4) C
(5) E
4. 【答案】
(1) B
(2) D
(3) E
(4) A
(5) C
5. 【答案】
(1) F
(2) A
(3) B
(4) C
(5) D
(6) E
6. 【答案】
(1) D
(2) F
(3) E
(4) C
(5) A
(6) B
7. 【答案】
(1) C
(2) E
(3) B
(4) F
(5) D
(6) A
8. 【答案】
(1) F
(2) B
(3) E
(4) C
(5) D
(6) A
9. 【答案】
(1) C
(2) D
(3) B
(4) A
10. 【答案】
(1) F
(2) J
(3) G
(4) H
(5) B
(6) I
(7) C
(8) E
(9) D
(10) A




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