
A. People should be honest.
B. She likes reading books.
C. She is a pilot.
D. I'm afraid and not happy.
E. They are talking about the story.
(1) What are they doing on the bus
(2) What does your mother do
(3) What are Kate's hobbies
(4) What does the story tell us
(5) How do you feel when something bad happens
A. They sometimes dance and sing.
B. He likes reading books.
C. He lives in the forest.
D. Yes, it is!
(1) What a great story!
(2) What's Monkey King's hobby
(3) Where does Tom live
(4) What do they sometimes do
A. No, he doesn't.
B. They live in a forest.
C. He threw Tom out of the tree.
D. The squirrels give the Monkey King gifts.
(1) Where do the squirrels live
(2) Why does the Monkey King let the squirrels get food from his forest
(3) Does the Monkey King like Tom's music
(4) What did the Monkey King do
A. They go there on foot. B. Because he can't find his dog. C. He is going to visit his grandparents. D. They see a little boy crying. E. They help the boy to find his mother.
(1) ( )What is Tom going to do
(2) ( )How do they go there
(3) ( )Why is the boy crying
(4) ( )What do they do for the boy
(5) ( )What happens on their way
A. He goes to the park by bike.
B. He goes by subway.
C. She will stop and wait.
D. She goes on foot.
E. No, I can't.
(1) How does the girl's father go to work
(2) What will the woman do
(3) How does Li Lei go to the park
(4) How does Amy go home
(5) Can you use chopsticks
A. Can you help her
B. I know a great Italian restaurant.
C. Where is the bookstore
D. How can I get to the park
E. What an interesting story!
(1) ( )Yes, it's very interesting.
(2) ( )Yum! I like pizza.
(3) ( )It's near the park.
(4) ( )Go straight and you can see the park.
(5) ( )Sure!
A. I saw a film.
B. No, I didn't.
C. Mike is taller.
D. I'm 45 kilograms.
E. It was great.
(1) How heavy are you
(2) What did you do last night
(3) Who is taller, Mike or John
(4) How was your weekend
(5) Did you like the film
B.No, thanks.
C.I can take photos for my teachers and classmates.
D.It was sunny.
E.He's going to clean the room.
(1) What can you do for the farewell party
(2) What is he going to do this afternoon
(3) How many books do you have
(4) What was the weather like in Moscow
(5) Would you like some tea
A. How far is it from here
B. Do tigers run faster than pandas
C. Who's younger, you or Chen Jie
D. What time did you get up
E. How can I get there
(1) You can take the No.3 bus.
(2) It's about two kilometres away.
(3) At 7:30.
(4) Yes, they do.
(5) Chen Jie is younger.
A.Yes, I do.
B.I fell off my bike and hurt my foot.
C.Beef and noodles.
D.He's 70 years old.
E.It was great, thanks.
F.I like winter best.
G.I'm from China.
H.He's short and thin.
I.Thank you.
J.We went to Beijing last night.
(1) How was your weekend
(2) Help yourself to some fish.
(3) Where are you from
(4) Do you like singing
(5) What's your cousin like
(6) What would you like to eat
(7) Where did you go
(8) How old is your grandfather
(9) Which season do you like best
(10) What happened
1. 【答案】
(1) E
(2) C
(3) B
(4) A
(5) D
2. 【答案】
(1) D
(2) B
(3) C
(4) A
3. 【答案】
(1) B
(2) D
(3) A
(4) C
4. 【答案】
(1) C
(2) A
(3) B
(4) E
(5) D
5. 【答案】
(1) B
(2) C
(3) A
(4) D
(5) E
6. 【答案】
(1) E
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D
(5) A
7. 【答案】
(1) D
(2) A
(3) C
(4) E
(5) B
8. 【答案】
(1) C
(2) E
(3) A
(4) D
(5) B
9. 【答案】
(1) E
(2) A
(3) D
(4) B
(5) C
10. 【答案】
(1) E
(2) I
(3) G
(4) A
(5) H
(6) C
(7) J
(8) D
(9) F
(10) B



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