
Daily proverbs:WHere there is a will,there is a way.
1.I have a successful career as an educational______________________(consult).
2.We can skip______________________the details and concentrate on the general issues.
3.Her dad reminded her that______________________(sugar)treats were bad for her teeth.
4.Humor has a positive______________________(psychology)effect when we are in difficulties.
5.We are______________________(repeated)willing to imagine we have found most of what is left to discover.
6.It is important______________________(pay)your electricity bill on time,as late payments may affect your credit.
7.An inspiring teacher should stimulate students______________(think) independently.
8.There is no reason to be pessimistic______________________the future because we are young enough to try everything.
9.If my car had been more______________________(rely),I would have driven to Lhasa instead of flying last summer.
10.Doctor Herman Friedman who is considered a leading specialist_____________preventing global warming,will speak at Grayson Hall next Friday.
二、 阅读理解
Art Contest—Technology &You!
Technology is everywhere these days. Automation has pioneered innovation. Your phone is probably in your pocket or your hands at all times, and now it's easier than ever to communicate with anyone in the world. What are your thoughts on technology, social media or your phone Do you feel excitement every time you get a notification message, or do you feel tied down by these digital “chains”
However you feel, we want you to put that into artwork-paintings, digital art or photography. One winner and several honorable mentions will be featured in the December 2024 magazine, and the winner will receive a $25 gift card! You may even see your art work in future issues of Teen Ink magazine.
Deadline: Nov.1,2024
Details and requirements:
Entrants must have a Teen Ink account and be aged 13~19.
Inappropriate content will not be accepted.
Submissions must relate to the topic (technology).
Entries must be a piece of art work created by the entrants themselves.
Entrants can submit as many pieces of art as they wish.
How to submit:
Entries can be submitted through the Teen Ink website. All entries submitted will be reviewed and considered for the contest. See our submission guidelines for more information.
Make sure to submit your art work to the appropriate art category(technology) on Teen Ink. You can do this by using the “additional tags(标签)”field in your submission form.
1. What is the main theme of the art contest
A. The development of technology. B. Viewpoints on technology.
C. Innovations of technology. D. The application of technology.
2. What is one of the requirements for submitting artwork to the contest
A. Submit original artwork. B. Submit artwork with a unique tag.
C. Submit different types of artwork. D. Submit only one piece of artwork.
3. What is Teen Ink
A. A magazine. B. A library. C. An art school. D. An art museum.
Alice, age 9: Mom, do I have to brush my hair today
Me: Um, yes, it would be great if you could brush your hair every day!
In Alice's world, brushing her hair was an inconvenient annoyance. I knew back then that this feeling would not last forever. One day I would have to pry(撬开) her hairbrush out of her hand and tear her away from the mirror. Five years later, my prediction has come true.
At age 14, there is no such thing for Alice as a spur-of-the-moment(一时兴起的) trip outside of the house. She is, indeed, obsessed with her physical appearance. Hair has to be brushed, makeup applied, and clothes changed many times before she can even think about leaving the house.
We have spoken at length about how looks don't matter and that being a good, kind and sympathetic person in this world is way more important than appearance. Each time we have this conversation, Alice reminds me that she knows technically looks aren't important. But when she looks good on the outside, she feels more confident on the inside. In turn, that makes her a kinder, more sympathetic and more understanding person.
So while I will never be happy to see my daughter try on many shirts only to pick the first one she tried, or spend an hour getting ready for an event when the rest of the family were ready in 10 minutes, I know this is something she needs to do. Creating an identity for herself as an individual outside of her family unit is a natural and necessary part of the teenage process.
And just as she learned over the years that hair-brushing is probably a good idea, so will she hopefully learn that sometimes it's okay to go out in a less-than-perfect outfit or without makeup. Somewhere deep down, her freewheeling 9-year-old self still knows that.
4. What was the author's prediction about Alice
A. She would avoid looking in the mirror.
B. She would refuse to stay at home all the time.
C. She would forget to brush her hair before going out.
D. She would be very concerned about her appearance.
5. Why does Alice spend time on her appearance
A. To make herself feel better. B. To impress others.
C. To display her unique personality. D. To attract kind people as friends.
6. What is the author's attitude toward Alice's behavior
A. Worried. B. Indifferent. C. Understanding. D. Disappointed.
7. What lesson does the author hope Alice will learn
A. She cannot meet everyone's needs.
B. She should learn some makeup skills.
C. She needs to learn a lot as she grows up.
D. She doesn't always have to go out with a perfect image.
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C 和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Juleus Ghunta is a published author and award-winning poet. But when growing up, he could 1 read.
Ghunta lived in a rural part of Western Jamaica. He was kept at home while his older sisters 2 school. When Ghunta finally went to school, he couldn’t 3 his reading skills. The situation was made worse by a series of teachers who made him feel 4 . “I struggled in school with a deep sense of loss and shame.” he recalled.
Fortunately, at age 12, a young teacher -in -training decided to start a special reading program for 5 students. Ghunta was the first student to 6 . That teacher, whose 7 he does not recall, would become Ghunta’s unsung hero—the person who 8 his life.
Under her 9 , Ghunta’s reading skills finally started to improve. And his sense of self-doubt began to 10 . He graduated from elementary school with a number of 11 awards. He went on to college, and later, graduate school. Today, he is the author of two children’s books. He’s now 12 his first full-length collection of poetry.
In 2010, Ghunta went back to his old school, to ask the principal and teachers if they knew his old teacher’s name. But no one did.
“I would love for her to see the 13 impact that she has made on my life, and the way s in which I have carried this 14 of her —the hope, the light, with me—and how it continues to be a source of 15 .”
1.A.regularly B.barely C.actually D.probably
2.A.examined B.confirmed C.attended D.attempted
3.A.catch up on B.end up in C.stand up with D.look up to
4.A.independent B.proud C.delighted D.worthless
5.A.outstanding B.amazing C.struggling D.interesting
6.A.calm down B.sign up C.give in D.break out
7.A.name B.attitude C.responsibility D.theory
8.A.predicted B.discovered C.ruined D.changed
9.A.protection B.guidance C.employment D.control
10.A.lift B.expand C.emerge D.disturb
11.A.scientific B.design C.academic D.creative
12.A.working on B.taking in C.paying back D.turning down
13.A.negative B.financial C.instant D.significant
14.A.promise B.issue C.memory D.observation
15.A.stability B.leisure C.harmony D.joy
For well over a decade, photographer Tsui Piu has devoted plenty of hours every day to capturing images of Hong Kong’s disappearing old shops. He has taken pictures of more than 1,000 old shops, including small 1 ( business)and manufacturing(制造业)operations, for an online library 2 serves as a witness to Hong Kong’s history.
3 (bear)on the Chinese mainland, Tsui moved to Hong Kong 4 a young age and has lived there for over three decades. “These shops have been witnesses to my 5 (grow)and are keepers of my cherished memories like eating, playing and shopping,” he said.
When Tsui 6 (see)that some of these businesses were closing, it felt as if the city was disconnecting from its past and its history was disappearing. Although he couldn’t save the old shops, he decided to try 7 (preserve)the culture they reflected through his photography.
Through conversations at these old shops, he came to realize 8 is not easy for them to resist the passage of time. To promote 9 culture of these old shops, Tsui has published two photo collections and has an online account 10 (feature)his photographs and magazine stories about the owners. “Sometimes I feel like I am running against time, but I have to. Old shops are part of Hong Kong’s cultural identity and should be preserved,” he said.
一、1.consultant 2.over 3.sugary 4.psychological 5.repeatedly 6.to pay
7.to think 8.about9.reliable 10.in
二、1-3 BAA 4-7 DACD
三、1--5BCADC 6-10 BADBA 11-15CADCD
四、1.businesses 2.that/ which 3.Born 4.at
5.growth 6.saw/ had seen 7.to preserve/ preserving 8.it
9.the 10.featuring
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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