
School Year 2023-2024
English Final Assessment C for Grade Four
2nd Semester
Listening Reading and Writing Total Points
Listening Part (25%)
Listen and draw lines. There is one example. (5%)
Cindy Tom Lucy
Amy Joe Alex
Listen and write. There is one example. (5%)
Example: What colour hair does Emily have Emily, a woman with blonde hair.
Tom, a man with a _________ on his upper lip.
Lily, a woman with ________ and pretty skin.
Jake a man with _______ black hair.
Mark was a man with a ______ on his chin and cheeks.
Detective Jerry found Mia, a woman with a big ______ on her face.
Listen and write the number in each box. There is one example. (5%)
Listen and circle the letter. There is one example. (5%)
Example: What is a giant ball floating in the sky
What is Alex’s answer
What is the professor talking about
What kind of tool can we use to see into distant space
Where can you find astronauts in space
Who does experiments in space
Listen, color, draw and write. There is one example. (5%)
Reading and Writing Part (70%)
Ⅰ. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. (10 %)
Reading and Writing Part (75%)
Ⅰ. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. (10 %)
1. It’s the closest planet to the Sun. ___________
2. It’s a Musical instrument, you hit it to make a sound. ___________
3. A trained space traveler who explores outer space. ___________
4. This is a device used to see distant objects in the night sky. ___________
5. It’s the farthest planet from the Sun in our solar system. ___________
6. Families often enjoy it outdoors with food and games. ___________
7. People sleep inside it when they go camping. ___________
8. It’s a big string instrument. ___________
9. Sharp, hard point that grows from an animal's head. ___________
10. Mythical horse-like creature with a single horn on its forehead. ___________
II. Choose the correct phrase to fill in the blank. (10%)
The woman is _____________ English teacher.
You ___________ do your homework before 8 at night.
Joe__________ be an astronaut, now he is a scientist.
My friends _____________run away, because there was a dangerous tiger in the forest.
Don’t take the books away, they are____________.
III. Read the conversation and choose the best answer. Write a letter for each answer. (5%)
Sarah: Hi, Tom! What are you doing this weekend
Tom: I'm going camping.
Sarah: 1. ____________________________
Tom: Yes, I am.
Sarah: Camping is really fun. 2. ____________________________
Tom: I'm thinking of going to Lake view Park.
Sarah: That sounds great! 3. ____________________________
Tom: Yes, I've been planning this trip for a long time.
Sarah: 4. ____________________________
Tom: I usually pack a tent, a sleeping bag, and some food.
Sarah: That sounds like a lot of fun. 5. ____________________________
Tom: Sure, I'd love some help. Let's start packing together!
IV. Read and Choose the Correct Response. (17%)
( ) 1. How ___________ sugar do you need for the cake
many B. much C. few
( )2. The library ___________ we studied, was very quiet.
who B.which C. where
( )3. This book is yours, not ___________.
A. mine B. her C. our
( )4. The teacher___________ taught us history, is teaching Maths this year.
A. which B. who C. where
( )5. How ___________ apples are in the basket
A. many B. much C. big
( )6. She finished the work ___________ and efficiently.
A. quick B. quicker C. quickly
( )7. She runs ___________ than her sister.
fast B. faster C. more fast
( ) 8. This test was ___________ than the last one.
difficult B. more difficult C. the most difficult
( ) 9. She sings ___________.
beautifully B. beautiful C. more beautiful
( ) 10. I ___________ call you tomorrow about the holiday.
A. had to B. going to C. will
( ) 11. Yesterday, she ___________ go to the doctor because she was sick.
had to B. has to C. have to
( ) 12. We have a ___________ of bread in our kitchen.
loaf B. packet C. bottle
( ) 13. Can you give me ___________ paper to write on
A bar of B. a loaf of C. a piece of
( ) 14. After hiking all day, they decided to ___________ to keep warm.
swing on the tree B. make a fire C. dry the dishes
( ) 15. When we arrived at the campsite, we first had to ___________.
put up a tent B. dry our clothes C. dance for an hour
( ) 16. He ate ___________ chocolate after dinner.
A. a piece of B. a bar of C. a cup of
( ) 17. He is ___________ than his brother.
carefully B. careful C. more careful
V. Read the story. Write 1-3 words to complete the sentences about the story. (15%)
Last night, I had an amazing dream about space. I was an astronaut on a mission to explore a distant planet. As I approached the planet, I saw a comet streaking across the sky. It was beautiful but also a bit dangerous because it came very close to our space station. When I landed on the planet, I encountered an alien. The alien seemed friendly at first, but then it started to act quickly and threatened us. We had to get back to our spaceship badly to avoid any danger.
1. Yesterday I had an ______ ______ , it’s about the space.
2. When I got to the planet, I saw a comet ______ ______ the sky .
3.The comet was______ but ________, because it came very close to our space station.
4. When I ______ ______ the planet, I met an alien.
5. The alien looked ______ at first, but then it ________ us.
In a busy city full of noise, there was a quiet place called "Peaceful Park." Inside, there were many beautiful plants and flowers.
One day, Tom found the park while looking for a quiet place to relax. He saw a big tree, bright tulips, a sweet-smelling rose bush, and a pretty lily pond. Tom was amazed by the beauty and wanted to explore more. He started by sitting under the big tree. It gave a perfect shade, and he felt calm. Then he walked to the rose bush and the lily pond. Each place had its own special beauty.
As Tom rested, something magical happened. The flowers seemed to dance to a soft tune, creating a peaceful feeling. The air smelled great, and everyone who came into the park felt happy and relaxed. From that day on, Tom visited "Peaceful Park" often, finding joy and peace.
True or False.(Please write T or F)
Tom visited a park called "Peace Park." ________
The tree in the park is big and the tulips are bright. ________
Tom only sat under the big tree in the park. ________
Everyone who came into the park felt happy and relaxed. ________
Tom visited "Peaceful Park" only once. ________
VI. Read the text. Choose the right words and write them down on the lines. (6%)
At the old concert hall, something mysterious happened. There was a crime! A precious painting 1._______ missing. The hall's director, Ms. Brown, was very upset. She looked around and 2. _______ a secret door behind a large tapestry.
Ms. Brown 3. _______ find out who stole the painting. She suspected Alex, the security guard, because he was seen near the secret door earlier. Alex 4. _______ nervous. But Ms. Brown had learned a lesson from her experience: everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
At the end, they found out the truth. It wasn’t Alex. It was a thief 5. _______ used the secret door to escape through a tunnel under the concert hall. It was 6._______ but a thrilling adventure to find out how the crime happened!
( ) A. was B. were C. is D. are
( ) A. found B. find C. see D. eat
( ) A. have B. has to C. had to D. was
( ) A. talk B. saw C. were D. was
( ) A. where B. whose C. when D. who
( ) A. a murder B. a novel C. a crime D. a rucksack
VIII. Read the passage, and answer the questions. (7%).
In our Galaxy, something amazing happened. There was a discovery! A new planet was found. The scientists discovered that this planet was far from the sun and had strange features.
They named the planet "Mystery." Its distance from the sun is about 4.5 billion kilometers. The planet is larger than Mercury but smaller than Neptune. Its diameter is about 15,000 kilometers. Scientists believe it has a very cold temperature, much colder than Neptune.
Mystery takes a very long time to orbit the sun. One year on Mystery is equal to 200 Earth years. Scientists also found that Mystery has two moons. These moons are different from any other moons we know. The scientists sent a postcard to the space station, sharing their findings.
In the interview on TV, one scientist joked that there might be monsters or aliens living on Mystery. Of course, this was just a joke, but it made everyone laugh. The team was excited to learn more about the planet and hoped to visit it someday in their spacesuits.
( )1. The new planet was found in our ________.
Solar System B. Galaxy C. Universe D. Earth
( )2. The distance from the sun to the new planet is about 4.5 billion ________.
miles B. meters C. kilometers D. light-years
( )3. The new planet is larger than ________ but smaller than Neptune.
Earth B. Mercury C. Mars D.Venus
( )4. Scientists believe the temperature on the new planet is very ________.
hot B. warm
C. cold D. mild
( )5. One year on the new planet is equal to 200 ________.
Mercury years B. Earth years
C. Neptune years D. Mars years
( )6. Scientists found that the new planet has two ________.
suns B. stars C. moons D.rings
( )7. The team hoped to ________ the new planet someday.
A. see B. go to C. look D. live
IX. Read the questions and write about “At the campsite” with at least 50 words. (5%)
Think about:
When and where did you go Who did you go with
What did you take with you What did you do there
What was interesting How did you feel
At the campsite
Listening part
Part 1:
1.Lucy & Wings 2.Cindy & Scales 3.Amy & Tail
4.Alex & Horns 5.Tom & Back
Part 2:
1.moustache 2.fair 3.curly 4.beard 5.scar
Part 3:
1: swing on a rope 2: dive into the water. 3: put up tent
4: make a fire 5: make a raft
Part 4:
Part 5:
Green triangle Red trumpet. Blue trombone
Yellow drums purple saxophone
Reading and writing
Choose and write.
Mercury 2. drum 3. astronaut 4.telescope 5.Neptune
picnic 7. tent 8. harp 9.horn 10. unicorn
Choose the correct phrase to fill in the blank.
their 2.have to 3. used to 4.had to 5.theirs
Read the conversation and choose the best answer.
Read and Choose
1-5 BCABA 6-10 CBBAC 11-15 AACBA 16-17 BC
Read the story.
Part 1
amazing dream 2. streaking across 3. beautiful, dangerous
landed on 5. friendly, threatened
Part 2 FTFTF



