
School Year 2023 to 2024
English Final Assessment B
for Grade Three 2nd Semester
Listening Reading and Writing Handwriting Total Points
Listening (35%)
I. Listen and match. There is one example. (5%)
John Ben Alex
II. Listen and write the missing word.
There is one example.(5%)
Example: What does Peter want to buy
Peter wants to buy a laptop.
What is Ben going to buy from the gadget shop
Ben is going to buy some __________________.
Why does Lucy buy the mp3 player
Lucy buys the mp3 player because it is ____________.
How do Tom and John get to the gadget shop
Tom and John take the _________________ to the gadget shop.
What gadget is 20RMB
The _____________________________ is 20RMB.
What is Ben’s favorite gadget
Ben’s favorite gadget is the ____________________.
III. Listen and circle. There is one example. (10%)
Example: What did Lucy eat in Mexico
1. What did Peter see in Egypt
How did Peter get to Egypt
What animal did Ben not see in Australia
What was the weather like in Spain
Which country did John go to
IV. Listen and circle. There is one example (5%)
Example: What is the weather like tomorrow
Rainy. B.Cloudy. C. Windy. D.Sunny.
1. What is Peter going to take on holiday
Raincoat. B. Umbrella. C. Boots. D. Camera.
What is Lucy going to do on Saturday
Go shopping. B. watch a movie. C. Ride a bike. D. Drink coffee.
What did Ben see
Clouds. B. Rain. C. Lightning. D. Fog.
Why is mum driving slowly
Because it’s foggy. B.Because it’s hot. C.Because it's sunny. D.Because its rainy.
What is Buster scared of
Lucy. B. Lightning. C. Rain. D. Thunderstorms.
V. Listen and colour the sea creatures(10%)
Reading and Writing Part(65%)
I. Look at the pictures and the letters. Write the word on the line. (16%)
1. _________ (diaIn) 2. ________ (inaCh)
3. _________ (rinya) 4. _________(codyul)
5. _________ (uocgh) 6. _________(erchaea)
7. __________ (litf) 8. _________(DC paeryl)
II. Please rearrange these words to make sentences. (6%)
1. the / library / going to / I’m / get / to / a/ book.
2. My / more/ is/ car/ yours/ expensive /than.
3. the / beautiful / most / This / woman / is /.
4.Lily/ landed/ the / floor/ on/ last/ Sunday.
5. you/ going / Are / to / swim/ tomorrow
6.is/ going to /rainy/Monday/ It/be /on .
Ⅲ. Choose the odd one, and write the letter in the bracket. (7%)
( )1. A. did B. shouted C. went D.ate
( )2. A.lightning B. rainy C.sunny D. boots
( )3. A. laptop B.raincoat C.electric fan D.games console
( )4. A.beautiful B.expensive C. difficult D.cheap
( )5. A. played B.jumped C. read D.watched
( )6. A. bigger B. smaller C. cheapest D. longer
( )7. A.cold B.stomachache C.doctor D.headache
IV. Look and read. Choose the correct word and write it on the line. (8%)
There are many clouds in the sky . ___________
2. You need it when it rains. ___________
3. You can use it to play games . ___________
4. This is a country with pyrmids. ___________
5. When you go to the hospital you can see this person. ___________
6. It’s a kind of computer . ___________
7. You have a pain in the head. ___________
8. The country is famous for football. ___________
V. Read and choose the best answer. Write the letter in the bracket. (5%)
( )1. Did you go to Italy during summer holiday
A. Yes, I did.
B. No, I wasn’t.
( )2. Where are you going, Sally
A. I went to the park .
B. I ’m going to the restaurant.
( )3. Were you at home last night
A. Yes, I was.
B. Yes, you were.
( )4. What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow
A. I ’m not going to visit the the opera house.
B. It’s not going to be foggy.
( )5. What’s the matter with you
A. I had a stomach-ache.
B. It’s going to be rainyl.
VI. Choose the correct answer. Write the letter in the bracket. (10%)
( )1.What did you ______ (A. do B. did)
( )2. —I’m going to the bank______ some money. (A. to get B. get)
( )3. — Where are you going
—I’m ______ the shop to buy some bread. (A. going to B. going)
( )4. — It is going to be ______ tonight . (A.cloud B. cloudy)
( )5. —What did you eat for lunch I ____ pizza for lunch. (A. eat B. ate )
( )6. Russia is the _________ country in the world. (A. biggest B. bigger)
( )7. Did you _____ swim last night (A. go B. went )
( )8. —When did you get up yesterday I_________up at six o’clock. (A. wake B. woke)
( )9. — Which is the tallest The giraffe is _________. (A. the tallest B. tallest)
( )10. _________you going to the supermarket (A. Are B. Were)
VIII. Read the story. Write the correct word next to the numbers 1-5. For number 6 please write a letter. There is one example. (6 %)
Dolphins are like small 0)whales. Some dolphins live in the 1) _________. Some dolphins live in the river, like Baijis from 2) _________. A long time ago, the river was very quiet. There weren’t many people and 3) _______ so there were lots of dolphins. Now there are lots of people and boats. Dolphins sometimes play with people in the water and they swim in front of boats too. Dolphins live in the sea in families and the parents teach their 4)________ to catch fish. They learn very quickly!
Dolphins can’t say words, but they can ‘sing’ and 5)_______ . They’re the cleverst sea animals in the world.
A. Whales C. sea . China C.boats D.swim E. babies
6.Choose the best name for the story. ( )
A. The cleverest animal- Dolphins
B. The biggest animal -whales
C. Animals in the sea
VX. Look and read and write. There is one example. (7%)
Complete the sentences. Write 1,2, 3, 4 or 5 words.
1. The man is sitting under a blue _______________ .
2. The girl is holding a __________ balloon.
Answer the questions.
3. What’s the weather like
Now write TWO sentences about the picture.
Listen and match. There is one example. (5%)
John Ben Alex
Example: Lucy Tom Peter
II. Listen and write the missing word. There is one example.(5%)
1.walkie talkies 2.smaller 3.lift 4.electric fan 5.games console
III. Listen and circle. There is one example. (5%)
1.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B
IV. Listen and circle. There is one example (5%)
1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D
V. Listen and colour the sea creatures.(10%)
Orange seal
Purple octopus
Blue seahorse
Yellow turtle
Red dolphin
Reading and writing:
India China
rainy cloudy
cough earache
lift CD player
1.I’m going to the library to get a book
2,My car is more expensive than yours
This is the most beautiful woman in the world.
Lily lander on the floor last Sunday.
Are you going to swim tomorrow.
It is going to be rainy on Monday.
1.cloudy 2.umbrella
3.games console 4.Egypt
5.doctor 6.laptop
7.headache 8.Argentina
V. A B A B A
IX .1 umbrella 2. red 3. It is cloudy./ Cloudy



