
姓名 班级 分数
1.______ umbrella 2.______ old man 3.______ apple
4.______ hour 5.______ egg 6.______ “E”
7.______ pen 8.______ baby 9.______ doctor
l0.______ ruler
1.I like ______ red jacket. 2.Look at ______ black bird.
3.I play basketball on ______ Sundays. 4.Let’s go ______ home.
5.That is my ______ watch.
l.I often go to swim in ______ summer.
2.This is ______ yellow pencil.
3.My mother is telling me ______ old story,but it is ______ interesting story.
4.Please give her ______ apple.
5.I have ______ hat. ______ hat is new.
This is ______ picture of our village. ______ village is in ______ valley(山谷). ______ house is beside ______ river,and ______ old man is near ______ house.Is there tree in picture No,there isn’t.But there is ______ bike.Where is ______ bike It’s beside house.
( )1.There is ______ big map of ______ world ______ the wall of our classroom.
A.a;the;On B.a;/;in C.the;the;on D.a;/;behind
( )2.There is ______ “h” in the word “ hat ”.
A.the B.a C.an D./
( )3.It’s ______ apple.
A.an B.a C.the D./
( )4.Miss White is ______ typist.
A./ B.the C.a D.an
( )5.What’s wrong with you. ______ Mum
A./ B.a C.an D.the
介 词
in,on,near,for,in front of,behind,at,from,under,to
1.1 can’t find my bag.Oh,it’s ______ the bed.
2.I can.sit ______ Mary.She is tall.
3.Our school is ______ the zoo.
4.Tom is ______ America.Now he is ______ Shanghai.
5.My apples are ______ the pupils.
6.We can listen ______ the music ______ home.
7.There is a melon ______ the table.
8.The cinema is ______ our school.
1.Look,the boys are playing ______ basketball and the girls are playing ______ a ball.
2.Today is Tom’s birthday.Mary and I are not ______ home.We are ______ Tom’s home.
3.I usually get up ______ 6:30,and I have breakfast ______ 7:00 the morning,then I go______ school.I go there ______ foot.It’s fine today.There are few clouds ______ the sky.The children are playing ______ the park ______ their parents.There are some boats ______ the river.
1.go ______ the shop( ) 2.fly ______ the bridge( )
3.stand ______ the two man( ) 4.sit ______ the house( )
5.take ______ the coat( ) 6.jump ______ the tree( )
7.walk ______ the street( ) 8.sit ______ the grass( )
1.在湖面上 ______ 2.在大树后面 ______
3.在山洞里 ______ 4.在家里 ______
5.after school ______ 6.beside the bridge ______
7.in front of the wall ______ 8.behind the man ______
9.at night ______ l0.in the hill ______
1.Are they from the Australia ______________________________
2.It is cold in an evening.______________________________
3.A moon is yellow.A sea is blue.______________________________
4.This is a apple.______________________________
5.They are a strong lions.______________________________
1.I usually come to school ______ foot,but sometimes ______ bus.
2.There is a map ______ Beijing ______ the back wall.
3.There is a red bus ______ the bridge. ______ the bus there are many people.
4.Li Ping can sing ______ English.He is eating something ______ that restaurant now.
5.______ Saturdays and Sundays he often goes to the library.There are many books ______ Chinese medicine.
( )1.We don’t have English classes ______ the afternoon.
A.at B.in C.on D.for
( )2.The boys play football ______ Sundays.
A.on B.in C.of D.to
( )3.It’s a quarter ______ six.Let’s go home.
A.at B.of C.in D.to
( )4.There is a picture ______ the wall.
A.above B.in C.on D.of
( )5.Where do you come ______
A.for B.from C.with D.to
1.在墙上 ______ 2.在河上方 ______ 3.在河面上 ______
4.在河附近 ______ 5.来校 ______ 6.步行 ______
7.乘火车 ______ 8.乘飞机 ______ 9.乘船 ______
10.半个小时 ______
数 词
1.five + seven= ( ) 2.six +( )=ten 3.five × six=( )
4.( )÷seven=three 5.( )一five=four
1.one ______ five ______ ______ eleven
2.two ______ ______ sixteen ______ sixty-four
3.three ______ ______ twelve ______ fifteen
4.one two three five ______ ______ twenty-one
___________ ___________ ___________
1.第六课___________ 2.20个鸡蛋___________
3.on March 20th,2008___________ 4.at half past seven___________
5.No.5 Primary School___________6.6:40___________
7.Six and fourteen is twenty.______________________
1.There are ___________ days in a year.
2.There are ___________ letters in the English alphabet.
3.Lesson One is the ___________ lesson.
5.一What month is next January 一Next January is ___________ (二月).
6.一what’s the time 一It’s ___________(10点钟).
7.一When is your birthday 一It’s ___________(5月10日).
8.一How old are you 一I’m ___________ (14岁).
( )1.Mrs. Brown has ( 有 ) two black cats,three white one and two black and white ones.
How many cats has she in all
A.Six. B.Five. C.Eight. D.Seven.
( )2.If ( 如果 ) two cats are in front of a cat, and two cats are behind a cat, and one cat is in the middle , how many cats are there
A.Three B.Four C.Five D.Ten
一、l.an 2.an 3.an 4.an 5.an 6.an 7.a 8.a 9.a l0.a
二、l.the 2.the 3./ 4./ 5./
三、l./ 2.a 3.an,an 4.an 5.a,The
五、l.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A
六、l.under 2.behind 3.near 4.from;in 5.for 6.to:at
7.on 8.in front of
七、l./;with 2.at;in 3.at;at;in;to;on;in;in;with;on
八、l.into/out of 走进商店/走出商店 2.over 飞过桥
3.between 站在两个男人中间 4.near 坐在房子附近
5.off 脱下外衣 6.off 跳下树
7.across 穿过街道 8.on 坐在草地上
九、l.on the lake 2.behind the big tree 3.in the cave 4.at home 5.放学后
6.在桥旁边 7.在墙前面 8.在这人后面 9.晚上 l0.在山里
十、l.Are they from Australia 2.It is cold in the evening.
3.The moon is yellow.The sea is blue. 4.This is an apple.
5.They are strong lions.
十一、1.on,by 2.of,on 3.on,In 4.in,in 5.On,on
十二、1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B
十三、1.on the wall 2.over the river 3.on the river 4.near the river
5.come to school 6.on foot 7.by train 8.by plane/air
9.by ship/boat/water l0.half an hour
十四、(一)1.twelve 2.four 3.thirty 4.twenty-one 5.nine
(二)1.three,seven,nine 2.four,eight,thirty- two 3.six,nine
十五、1.three apples 2.twelve thirty 3.nineteen eggs 4.twenty pens
5.ten pears 6.fourteen peaches
十六、1.Lesson Six (the 6th lesson) 2.twenty eggs 3.2008年3月20日
4.7点半 5.第五小学 6.six forty (twenty to seven)
十七、1.three hundred and sixty-five 2.twenty six 3.first
4.Three plus six is nine. 5.February 6.ten o’clock
7.May 10th 8.fourteen
1.D 2.A



