河南省许昌市2023-2024八年级下学期7月期末英语试题(word版无答案 无听力音频听力原文)

第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。
1. What are the speakers talking about
A. The mobile. B. The city. C. The street.
2. How much did sh- pay
A. 10 yuan. B. 15 yuan. C. 5 yuan.
3. Which cartoon star does the girl like best
A. Mickey Mouse. B. The Monkey King. C. The Sponge Bob.
4. Who won the Nobel Prize for medicine
A. Li Ming. B. Mo Yan. C. Tu Youyou.
5. Will the boy'go to the match
A. No. B. Yes. C. I don't know.
第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. How will the weather be tomorrow
A. Windy. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy.
7. What will the boy probably do tomorrow
A. Read books. B. Play the piano. C. Have a picnic.
8. How soon will the next train arrive
A. In 10 minutes. B. In half an hour. C. In 40 minutes.
9. Which does the woman like to take
A. Plane. B. Bus. C. Train.
听下面一段独白,回答第10至第 12 三个小题。
10. When is the World Milk Day
A. On June 1st. B. On June 21st. C. On May 1st.
11. What is milk called iう the passage
A. The best gift. B. The best medicine. C. The best drink.
12. How much milk should people drink every day according to scientists
A. One cup. B. Two cups. C. Three cups.
听下面一段对话,回答第13 至第15 三个小题。
13. What does the girl think of the movie
A. Great. B. Boring. C. Difficult.
14. How many times has the boy read the book
A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times.
15. When might the boy watch the movie
A. This evening. B. This weekend. C. Next week.
第三节 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Each year, on 23 April, World Book Day celebrations take place all over the world. Here are some famous Chinese books for you bookworms(书虫).
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms (14th century) by Luo Guanzhong It tells the story of the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Liu Bei, CaoCao and Sun Quan have become famous names among Chinese people.It was made into TV series in 1994 and also translated into English. Price: 18 Shipping: 8
The Water Margin (14th century) by Shi Nai’an. This novel tells the history of the Northern Song Dynasty. About108 brave men and women went to Mount Liang, they fought against unfairness. Price: 29 Shipping: 8
Journey to the West (16th century) By Wu Cheng'en This book introduces the amazing experience of Tang Sanzang and his three disciples in the Tang Dynasty. On the way to the west, they helped each other to fight the bad. It is popular with the rich imagination, the wonderful stories and the humorous language. Price: 25 Shipping: 8
The Story of the Stone (18th century) By Cao Xueqin This book is one of the greatest works of Chinese novels. It tells the fall of four large rich families and the love stories of some young people. Price: 30 Shipping: 8
Discount on April 23
Free shipping
You’ll get 5 yuan off for every 50 yuan you pay
21. If you are interested in history of the Northern Song Dynasty, which book will you read
A. The Story of the Stone B. The Romance of the Three Kingdoms
C. The Water Margin D. Journey to the West
22. What can we know about Journey to the West
A. It is full of rich imagination.
B. We can buy it for 25 dollars.
C. It was completed in the 17th century.
D. It is about the fall of four large rich families.
23. In what order do the four books appear in the text
A. In the order of prices. B. In the order of characters.
C. In the order of time. D. In the order of places.
24. How much should you pay if you want to buy the four books on April 23
A. ¥ 102 B. 110 C. 92 D. 130
25. What's the writer's purpose of writing the passage
A. To introduce four great Chinese books.
B. To introduce some famous Chinese writers.
C. To tell foreigners where to buy some Chinese books.
D. To give advice on choosing some famous Chinese books.
A baby snail(蜗牛) asked his mother,“Why was I born with a shell that grew so hard and heavy ”
His mother said,“Because we don't have bones to hold us up. We can only move slowly,so we have a shell to protect us.”
The baby snail asked again,“The caterpillar(毛毛虫) has no bones, either, and she can't move quickly. Why doesn't she have a shell ”
The mother snail answered,“That's because a caterpillar will become a butterfly. She can fly high into the sky. The sky can protect her.”
The baby snail had another question,“But the earthworm moves like us. He has no bones and he won't turn into a butterfly. Why doesn't he carry a hard and heavy shell ”
“Because he can dig a hole and hide under the ground, and then the earth can protect him.”
The baby snail cried,“We're so poor! We have no protection from the sky or the earth!”
The mother snail smiled at him,“That's why we have a shell. We don't depend on(依靠)the sky or the earth for protection. We depend on ourselves."
26. How many times did the baby snail ask his mother
A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. D. Four times.
27. What are the common things between the snail and the caterpillar
a. They don't have bones. b. They don't move quickly. c. They live under the ground.
A. ab B. bc C. ac D. abc
28. What is the underlined word“earthworm”
29. What can we know from the text
A. The baby snail was poor and ugly.
B. Mother snail was proud of herself.
C. The earthworm laughed at the snail.
D. The caterpillar was the snail's friend.
30. What kind of writing is the passage
A. A novel. B. A story. C. A report. D. A letter.
We need to talk a lot with our friends and family to build good relationships(关系) in our life. How can we improve our talking skills Here are four ways for you to learn.
Never speak when the other person is speaking. If you do this, it's just like saying, “Idon't care what you're saying. What I have to say is more important."
Don't finish other people's words. Studies show that doing this will make people lose interest in talking with you because you're taking control of the conversation.
Repeat (重复) what the other person said. To show you have really understood someone,say what they have just said before you tell them your idea.
△ By looking at the other person in the eye, you are showing that you are interested in what they're saying. This also helps you listen more carefully.
31. In order to improve our talking skills, how many ways are mentioned (提到) in this passage
A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
32. When others are speaking, it's better to
A. say someth ng mportant B. look at the ground
C. listen to them without speaking D. help them finish their words
33. What is the structure(结构) of the text (Pl=Paragraph 1…)
34. Repeating others’ words is a way to .
A. keep the conversation going B. show your understanding
C. show your ideas D. start a new talk
35. We can put in △ in paragraph 5.
A. Keep eye contact(接触). B. Know your friends.
C. Talk about hobbies. D. Use body language.
Throughout China's May Day holiday of 2024, thousands of tourists came toXu Chang, one of the the most popular places is Cao Wei Ancient City. They dressed themselves in different kinds of beautiful clothing, yet most of them wore colorful flowers. We call it Zanhua style. 36.
A Long Tradition
Zanhua has been around for many years. In the past, only rich people could wear them. 37. It has been passed down from one generation(一代) to the next, and it 's still very popular today.
Kinds of Zanhua
There are many different kinds of Zanhua. Some are made of silk and look very delicate(精致的).38. Each one is carefully made by skilled people.
People often wear Zanhua during festivals and special occasions. For example, during theSpring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, women put Zanhua in their hair to make the celebrations more joyful. Weddings and birthdays are also times when Zanhua are worn.
There is an old saying,“ put flowers in your hair in this life and you’ll also be pretty in the afterlife”(今世簪花,来世漂亮). Meanwhile, The custom of wearing Zanhua is not just about looking pretty. 40 . It adds beauty and joy to many special moments in people `s lives.
A. Festivals and Special Events
B. It 's also a way to show the city 's unique(独特的) culture and traditions.
C. It has a long history and is a part of China's rich culture.
D. Others are made of plastic(塑料) and have bright color .
E. But now, everyone can enjoy this custom.
36. 37. 37. 38. 39.
三、完形填空(15 小题,每小题1分,共15分)
One day when I was five years old, my mother was washing the kitchen floor. I was 41 her about a new girl at school, and she looked up at me and said,“Who are your best 42 ”
I was not sure 43 to say,“Um …Jenny and Mary.”
My mother stopped washing the floor and 44 me,“Well, what about Kate and Cindy ”“But they are my 45 .”
“Yes, but they can also be your best friends. Friends may come and go, 46 your sisters will always be there for you.”
At that time I felt 47 . How could my 48 sisters be my closest friends We fought all the time over toys, food, and what to 49 on TV. How could my sisters be my best friends They weren't even the same age as me. We all had our own friends at school. But my mother 50 let us forget that sisters are lifelong friends.
Like all 51 , she wanted to give us a great gift and let us know how lucky we were. She let us play together and always punished(惩罚) us in the same way, too.
We didn't always get along well and 52 just like other sisters. Now twenty years has 53 We 54 that our mother is right. Today I share things with my sisters that Idon't share with 55 else.
41. A. tell B. told C. telling D. tells
42. A. teachers B. friends C. classmates D. players
43. A. what B. when C. why D. whether
44. A. helped B. trained C. asked D. reported
45. A. sisters B. passengers C. doctors D. neighbors
46. A. so B. if C. unless D. but
47. A. strange B. excitement C. sad D. happy
48. A. few B. two C. several D. last
49. A. watch B. do C. listen D. play
50. A. always B. often C. usually D. never
51. A. mothers B. fathers C. families D. students
52. A. lost B. fought C. left D. forgot
53. A. pass B. passed C. to pass D. passes
54. A. miss B. invite C. argue D. realize
55. A. everyone B. anyone C. someone D. no one
第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。
recently, make, for, become, and, order, worried, interest, than, trust
When we talk about Xiaomi, we might think of its smartphones.Xiaomi is a big Chinese company that is known 56 making smartphones. But do you know that Xiaomi will make electric cars from this year
57 , Xiaomi has shown its first electric car Speed Ultra 7(SU7) . It 's said that the SU7 can speed (加速) faster 58 electric cars of Tesla, a famous car company in the US, while the price of SU7 is much lower than Tesla. It wants to compete with big car companies and 59 one of the top five carmakers in the world.
On April 3, 2024, the first group of Xiaomi SU7 electric cars was given to customers inChina. The arrival of the SU7 has also made other electric car brands(品牌) like BYD lower their prices. Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun said they have received 40,000 60 . This shows that customers 61 Xiaorni and the team wants to keep 62 good products.
Some people are 63 about how fast Xiaomi can make the cars. But Xiaomi said the cars will be made by a Beijing factory which can make 200,000 cars a year. At the same time, the
order of Xiaomi's SU7 is likely to be between 80.000 64 100,000 in 2024. This means that a lot of people are 65 in buying this new car and Xiaomi is expected to sell a large number of SU7 cars in the coming months.
56. 57. 57. 57. 57.
61. 62. 62. 63. 65.
第二节 阅读短文、根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。
What color of wearing may make our day happy Probably, dopamine(多巴胺) clothes 66 been a trend(潮流) on some short videos. It encourages people 67 choose colorful clothes so that they can get more doparnine and feel happy. But 68 there really any science behind this
One study found that wearing red can lead to 69 better performance in soccer over the last 55 years. It showed that teams in red uniforms always played best in home games. Another study showed that wearing green can make people more creative. Dopamine is a chemical(化学物质) in our brain. Perhaps it can remind us 70 the nature. Yellow has signs of warmth. It makes people feel warm. Wearing yellow can bring people happiness, energy and excitement.
66. 69. 67 68. 70.
A: Hi, Linda. I didn't see you play basketball in the park last weekend.71.
B: I watched a popular TV program called My Altuy《我的阿勒泰》last weekend.72.
A: No,I haven't. 73.
B: It's about the story of Li Wenxiu and how she found the meaning of life and her love inAltay.
A: Sounds interesting. I know that the natural beauty of Altay attracts many people. I can't wait to travel there. 74.
B: Yes , I'd love to. I have never been there before. 75.
A:How about this summer vacation We can spend a few days there.
B: I can't agree more, we can also experience the lives of local people in Altay, Xinjiang.
遇见、获得、规划、成长;紧张充实的八年级悄然逝去,愉快的暑假也将如约而来。请你以“My gains and plans”为题,根据以下要点和要求,对你在本学期的收获做一个总结,同时作出暑假计划。
2.词数 100 左右。
八年级英语 第 7页(共8页)
tall who think person to be harmful they spend comfortable
Have you ever 1. about what’s more important, looking fashionable or feeling comfortable Many people choose style over comfort and some even go to the extremes(极端)to follow fashion. But we should remember: 2. fashionable isn’t everything. It’s more important to be healthy.
Some people believe that they need to be a certain size to look good. So, they start extreme diets. They might not eat meals or eat too little, which can make 3. feel sick. Is it a healthy way to live
Also, many girls wear shoes with very high heels(鞋跟) to look 4. . But these shoes can acually hurt their feet and make it hard to walk 5. . Some even wear tight(紧的)clothes that influence blood circulation(循环), making it hard to breathe. Should we put fashion over comfort and physical health
Besides, some girls and boys spend a lot of time and money changing their hair color. The material they use is usually 6. to their health. To make their hair straight or curly, they also use tools that are hot enough 7. burn their hair. But using these tools too often can make the hair dry or even burnt. Is it really worth it to risk our health, spending so much time and money
So, let's rethink what's really important. Is it fashion or is it our well-being Clothes or hairstyles don’t tell us anything about a 8. character. Instead of 9. a lot of time choos ng clothes, we should use that time to do fun things with friends. And instead of following extreme diets, let's eat properly and exercise regularly. Remember, your value is not decided by your appearance, but by 10. you are as a person.
11. What is the writer's purpose of using a question in each paragraph (2分)
A. To ask for help from readers. B. To tell how to spend time and money.
C. To lead readers to think about the topic.D. To describe the latest fashion.
12. What is the structure of the text (2分)
13. What can we learn from the text (2分)
A. You are what you eat. B. Don't judge a book by its cover.
C. Laughter is the best medicine. D. Actions speak louder than words.
14. We know that it's very important to be healthy through reading this passage, but why is it so important to be healthy Please give at least two reasons.(4分)



上一篇:山东省菏泽市巨野县2023-2024下学期八年级英语期末试题(无答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)
