Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 单元检测模拟题(含听力音频+答案 无听力原文)

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. Where are the speakers now
A. In a restaurant. B. In a store. C. At home.
2. What are the chopsticks often made of
A. Bamboo. B. Wood. C. Plastic.
3. What does the woman mean
A. The basket's too heavy for Tom.
B. She wants to help Mike.
C. The basket is Mike's.
4. What did the woman do on Saturday
A. She did shopping. B. She made a cake. C. She had a party.
5. Where does the tea that the man like come from
A. Yunnan. B. Fujian. C. Hangzhou.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. Who are the speakers talking about
A. A famous doctor. B. A famous writer. C. A famous inventor.
7. When was the person born
A. On January 11th, 1837.
B. On February 11th, 1847.
C. On July 11th, 1857.
8. Who will the boy buy the sweater for
A. His father. B. His mother. C. His sister.
9. What color sweater will the boy choose
A. Yellow. B. Red. C. Blue.
10. What is the sweater made of
A. Wool. B. Cotton. C. Silk.
听第8段材料,回答11至13 三个小题。
11. What's the weather like now
A. Cloudy. B. Sunny. C. Rainy.
12. When was the umbrella invented probably
A. About 1,000 years ago.
B. About 2,000 years ago.
C. About 3,000 years ago.
13. What time will the film start
A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 7:50.
How many times has Judy read the book
A. Only one. B. Twice. C. Three times.
15. How does Tom find the novel
A. Boring. B. Fantastic. C. Cheap.
16. What will Tom do about the book
A. Buy another one. B. Borrow it. C. Copy it.
17. When did Ms. Wu hold a paper cutting show in the USA
A. In 2014. B. In 2015. C. In 2016.
18.Who always taught Ms. Wu paper cutting
A. Her mother. B. Her grandma. C. Her teacher.
19. What prize did Ms. Wu get in the national art competition
A. The first prize. B. The second prize. C. The third prize.
20. How old was Ms. Wu when she began to introduce paper cutting to America
A. 23. B. 25. C. 28.
( )21. English Weekly is a popular newspaper that is _____ used by primary and middle school students all over the country.
A. quietly B. hardly C. loudly D. widely
( )22. ---People use mobile phones _______.
---Yes. They are very important in our _______ life.
everyday; everyday B. everyday; every day
C. every day; everyday D. every day; every day
( )23. The writer could not _______ his new book so quickly, for there is no help from his friends.
A. memorize B. complete C. repeat D. suggest
( )24. Bob, you should wear warm clothes to avoid _______ a cold.
A. catch B. caught C. catching D. to catch
( )25. ______ I know, Annie was born in France and grew up in Germany.
A. As far as B. As long as C. As soon as D. As well as
( )26. Ella is going to be a dancer no matter _______ difficulties she faces.
A. how B. what C. when D. who
( )27. It takes a long time ______ to the new cinema. You’d better take a taxi.
A. walk B. walked C. walking D. to walk
( )28. The dress is made by _______ hand and it is made of _______ silk.
A. 不填; a B. the; a C. 不填; 不填 D. the; 不填
( )29. China is known _______ its four great inventions.
A. as B. to C. for D. by
( )30. The _______ of the factory include motorbikes, bicycles and cars.
A. forms B. products C. materials D. surfaces
( )31. These ____ coins are from the ancient times. Aunt Sophie spent about 10 years collecting them.
A. cotton B. steel C. glass D. silver
( )32. He likes traveling. Wherever he goes, he always goes to the _______ shops to buy some gifts for his family.
A. local B. usual C. similar D. central
( )33. It used to be a very old store, but last month it was _______ a café house.
A. regarded as B. turned into C. compared with D. filled with
( )34. This place _______ cars, so you can park your car here.
A. used to park B. is used to park
C. is used to parking D. was used to parking
( )35. ---How about going to the art and science fair this Saturday
---_______. I’m looking forward to it.
A. That’s news to me B. That’s all right
C. That sounds interesting D. That all depends
Thang-ga is a special kind of painting. It was 36 only in Tibet (西藏), China. It started from the Tang dynasty and was 37 in the 7th century. Thang-ga paintings show Tibetan people’s lives. In recent years, Thang-ga paintings have caught public’s attention. At the same time, the Chinese government has also tried hard to protect the 38 .
The colors of Thang-ga paintings look wonderful and special. 39 the special environment of Tibet and the excellent skills of artists, the paints (绘画颜料) 40 in Thang-ga paintings are different from other paints. They were made from minerals like gold and silver, as well as some plants. The paints were made by hand and the beautiful 41 could last (维持) for hundreds of years.
42 , with the development of technology, people now use cheaper and more easily-made chemicals (化学制品) to make Thang-ga paints. The traditional paints used in Thang-ga paintings took a lot of 43 and they were made in many secret ways. Later people stopped making the paints and 44 about them. So the skills needed to make them were almost lost. The traditional Thang-ga paints are 45 to find now.
( )36. A. found B. saved C. repaired D. chosen
( )37. A. described B. discussed C. developed D. required
( )38. A. history B. art C. business D. festival
( )39. A. Instead of B. Because of C. As for D. Except for
( )40. A. laid B. created C. thrown D. used
( )41. A. tools B. colors C. shapes D. memories
( )42. A. However B. Still C. Again D. Once
( )43. A. space B. attention C. water D. work
( )44. A. cared B. talked C. forgot D. thought
( )45. A. quick B. slow C. easy D. difficult
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
>>Teen Corner > Help and Advice > Family and Friends
Katelynn From: a very small town Age: 15 My parents are great, but quite strict at the same time. I still get spanked (打屁股) sometimes. I know this is one of my parents’ ways to teach me to follow the rules. They also still spank my sister who is 18. I am happy that my parents are strict with us and have rules and punishments. But I’m not sure if it is normal for a teen to get spanked. So, any of you get spanked
Jinglebot From: Lebanon Age: 14 Re: Katelynn
I haven’t been spanked since I was a little child. The way I get punished now is that I get some privileges (优惠待遇) like going out with friends or playing computer games taken away.
Bonbon From: * Age: 16 Re: Katelynn
No. My parents consider it pretty barbaric (残暴的) to spank kids, and I fully agree with them. When I do something wrong, my parents try to explain to me patiently why it is wrong, and let me face the bad results of my actions. Usually that works, and I am thankful.
Sina-B From: Germany Age: 17 Re: Katelynn
Can’t imagine describing parents who spank their children as great. There was a time I acted really rude to my mom. Even there, she never spanked me or such. The next time your parents spank you, you should tell them they are wrong.
( )46. What’s Katelynn’s problem
A. Her parents sometimes spank her.
B. She doesn’t get along with her sister.
C. There are too many rules in her family.
D. Her parents are stricter with her than her sister.
( )47. Bonbon thinks Katelynn’s parents are doing something ______ to her.
A. funny B. terrible C. natural D. important
( )48. Katelynn shared her problem online to ______.
A. feel less stressed B. make some friends
C. let teens learn a lesson D. discuss it with other teens
Read people’s character (性格) from their ears
The size and shape of your ears show your character more than any other parts of the face. Other parts of the face change shape as we get older. But ears do not change their shape. They only change in size.
Reading people’s character from their ears is an old science. In very old times people thought that a person with big ears had a very good and generous character. They thought that a person with pale (nearly), small ears was very dangerous. They also thought that the shape of the ear showed a person was musical or not. Today, too, many people believe that the size and shape of the ear help you know if a person is musical (有音乐天赋的).
Ears are all different, and each characteristic has a meaning. Next time when you look at a person, see if his ears are large or small. Look at the lobes (the lowest part of the ear). Are they attached (附上……的) to the face Ears that are always red mean a person may easily get angry, or he/she just has high blood pressure. Ears that are always cold and pale mean a person has a nervous (神经紧张的) character. And a big inside hole of the ear means a person is musical.
( )49. In the old times people might ask for help from a person with ______.
A. red ears B. big ears C. small ears D. pale ears
( )50. This passage is mainly about ______.
A. the size of the ears B. musical ears
C. ears are related to characters D. our faces and ears
( )51. From the passage, we know _____ change shape as we get older.
A. ears B. hair C. eyes D. teeth
( )52. If you are often late for school, you may find the ears of your teacher ______.
A. get bigger B. get smaller C. get colder D. get redder
Days ago, I made a skirt for a friend’s daughter. Today, when I walked in the door, I noticed the light shining on my answering machine. It was my friend saying, “I know you worked hard on the skirt and it looks very nice, but Janet doesn’t like all those flowers. Could you change them ”
I was angry and wanted to call her back. Then I suddenly thought of Grandma and what she had once done for me long ago.
It was a summer when I was eight. One day, Grandma decided to curl (使卷曲) my hair. She spent a long time on each curl, and I could tell she enjoyed doing that.
When she was finished she was so proud. She made me stand on a chair to look in the mirror. My heart went cold.
“You can go out and play now,” Grandma said, smiling.
I nodded and slowly walked toward the door. I looked out of the small window in the door and could see some kids playing outside. My best friend, Ducky, saw me and waved for me to come outside, but I couldn’t move. I knew everyone would laugh at the curls. At the same time I couldn’t go back and tell Grandma how I felt.
Finally I went into Grandma’s room and said in a scared voice, “Grandma, my hair’s too curly.”
She didn’t say a word. She placed a comb (梳子) in water, combed out all my curls, and then stood me back on the chair so I could see in the mirror. Then I went off to play.
It was when Grandma took out my curls that I knew she loved me. She had put my feelings before hers. And that is the kind of love I try to pass on today.
I called my friend back. “I’d be glad to change the _______,” I said.
( )53. How did the writer feel when she heard the telephone message
A. Sad. B. Unhappy. C. Excited. D. Surprised.
( )54. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean
A. The writer felt a little cold.
B. The writer started to be silent.
C. The writer had a heart problem.
D. The writer wasn’t satisfied with the curls.
( )55. Which word can be put into the blank of the last paragraph
A. flowers B. curls C. hair D. phone
( )56. What’s the writer’s purpose of writing this passage
A. To introduce her kind-hearted grandma.
B. To encourage us to make more changes.
C. To show her great communication skills.
D. To tell us to put others first if we love them.
Who invented the umbrella There are many different opinions. Some people say that the people of ancient Egypt invented it, some say the Romans invented it and some say Luban’s wife invented it in ancient China. There’s even an interesting story about its invention in China.
Luban was the most famous craftsman (工匠) in ancient China. One day, Luban and his wife were taking a walk and enjoying the beautiful view. Suddenly it began to rain. Both of them were soaked when they got back home. Luban’s wife said, “If there is something that can protect people from the rain when they are walking outdoors, it will be wonderful.” Then Luban said, “That’s easy. I will build many pavilions (亭).” His wife replied, “That’s a good idea, but it is not convenient. Is it possible to make a movable (可移动的) pavilion, which could always follow the people ” She thought all day and all night. One day, she saw some kids playing in the rain, and each kid held a big lotus leaf (荷叶) over the head to protect themselves from getting wet. That gave her a great idea. Then, she made the first umbrella in ancient China.
Since the umbrella was invented, it has been part of people’s life in every corner of the world. Right now, there are many kinds of umbrellas, such as beach umbrellas, kids umbrellas and market umbrellas.
How many umbrellas are made every year in the world Maybe millions or even more. One interesting thing is that most umbrellas in the world are made in China. Shangyu in Zhejiang Province alone has more than 1,000 umbrella factories and it is called “China Umbrella City”.
( )57. How many opinions about the inventor of the umbrella are given in Paragraph 1
A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.
( )58. The underlined word “soaked” in Paragraph 2 means “______” in Chinese.
A. 受伤的 B. 疑惑的 C. 惭愧的 D. 湿透的
( )59. What was Luban’s advice on protecting people from the rain
A. To wear a big hat. B. To bring a big lotus leaf.
C. To build many pavilions. D. To make a movable pavilion.
( )60. What do we know about Shangyu
A. It has over 1,000 umbrella factories.
B. Most of the world’s umbrellas are made there.
C. The local people know the story of Luban and his wife well.
D. More kinds of umbrellas are made there than in other places in China.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
Why do you seldom see windows in supermarkets It’s no accident that supermarkets don’t have windows. 61
One of them is that it’s a try to keep people inside longer. “The owners want to create a separate environment within their stores, where the outside world cannot be noticed,” explains Andrei Vasilescu, a shopping expert. “Your attention won’t be taken away by the rain or the sunshine. You may even forget the fact that someone is waiting for you outside. 62 ” It really helps create an “immersive (沉浸式的)” shopping experience, for better or worse.
Keeping daylight out of supermarkets can also help store products. 63 Nobody wants to buy anything not fresh. Too much sunshine can even make some products look not as new as before.
What’s more, having windows in their stores would take up the space to place products. “ 64 So the walls can hold the heavier objects on the shelves.” says Margine Biswas, a building expert.
Not to mention, windows are expensive and the owners of supermarkets want to keep the building costs lower. 65 It is possible that bad guys would enter their stores by breaking windows.
A. Outer walls are always stronger.
B. There are some reasons behind this fact.
C. Besides, windows could not be safe enough.
D. All you care about is the shopping experience.
E. Owners want to make more money at a low cost.
F. That’s because some food can become bad faster in sunlight.
part, if, favorite, become, interest, continue, easy, for, travel, move
After I graduated (毕业) from university, it was very difficult to find a job in my field of study. At that time, I was very (66)_______ in Asia, but I never traveled to any Asian countries. I made friends with a Chinese girl online, and she told me how easy it would be (67)_______ me to find a job teaching English. So I moved to Dalian, China and (68)_______ an English teacher.
In China, I often miss my family and friends. However, I don’t visit home very often, because most of my family and friends are adults and live in different (69)_______ of America. Besides family and friends, one of the things I do miss is being able to communicate (70)_______ in America. Here, in China, simple activities like getting a haircut can be very hard (71)_______ you can’t speak Chinese.
In a couple of years, I have plans (72)_______ to Southeast Asia. I will probably (73)_______ teaching English because I enjoy teaching people. I won’t go back to America in the next 10 years, because I love living abroad and traveling. Since I moved to China, I (74)_______ to South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia. My (75)_______ place is Thailand, so I’ve decided it’s the next place I want to live.
要求:1. 内容应包括思维导图中的所有要点,可适当发挥;2. 语言表达要准确,语意要通顺、连贯;3.
Dough sculpture is one of the most popular traditional folk arts in China.________________
听力 1-5 BBABC 6-10 CBBCA 11-15 ACCCB 16-20 AACBA
单项选择 21-25 DCBCA 26-30 BDCCB 31-35 DABBC
完形填空 36-40 ACBBD 41-45 BADCD
阅读理解 46-48 ABD 49-52 BCCD 53-56 BDAD 57-60 CDCA
61-65 BDGAF
综合填空 66. interested 67. for 68. became 69. parts 70. easily
71. if 72. to move 73. continue 74. have traveled 75. favorite
One possible version:
Dough sculpture is one of the most popular traditional folk arts in China. The sculptures are made of flour and glutinous rice flour. They are mixed with different kinds of paints. They are completed by hand and by using tools like scissors, knives and combs. They are made into different shapes. The most common ones are plants, animals, cute children or characters from Chinese fairy tales or historical stories. What’s more, the artists always make them colorful and lively. People can eat and enjoy them. And sometimes they are used at festivals or other celebrations. Dough sculpture has become an important part of Chinese culture and traditional folk art. It is loved by Chinese people and other people around the world.



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