2023-2024初中英语人教版七年级下册Unit 1-2 强化训练题(含解析)

Unit 1-2强化训练试题
1.—What does he _________ Can you _________ me
—Sorry, I don’t know.
A.say; tell B.speak; talk C.speak; tell D.say; talk
2.Linda _____________ she can dance well.
A.tells B.says C.talks D.speaks
3.My father ________ the violin and he plays it _______.
A.can plays; good B.can’t play; good C.can play; well D.doesn’t play; well
4.—Hi, can I help you
A.Yes, please B.No, I can’t C.Yes, I can D.You are welcome
5.—Let’s go swimming this afternoon.
—That sounds ________. I like swimming very much.
A.good B.well C.bad D.badly
6.She sings________. She wants to________ the music club.
A.well; join B.good; join C.good; join in D.well; join in
7.—________does Sam go to school
—At 7:30.
A.What time B.What
C.Where D.How
8.—When do you eat lunch
A.In the morning B.Twelve o'clock
C.At twelve D.In twelve
9.David doesn't like fruit salad.His son doesn't like it,________.
A.also B.too
C.either D.not
10.Do you go to school at seven o’clock, _________
A.too B.also C.either D.and
先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。
Mr. Green has an interesting job. He works in a gas station (加油站). He works from 9: 00 a. m. to 6: 00 p. m. Mr. Green usually gets up at seven in the morning. Then he 11 his teeth and gets dressed. After that, he eats his 12 at eight o’clock. Then he goes to work 13 bus. Mr. Green doesn’t want to be 14 for work, so he usually goes to work early. He usually 15 at the gas station at ten to nine.
Mr. Green is very busy with 16 work. He is very busy and he doesn’t have 17 for lunch, so he usually eats his lunch very 18 . His work finishes at 6: 00 p. m. After work, he 19 at six thirty. When he gets home, he usually has dinner first. Then he 20 half an hour playing sports. He thinks playing sports is a healthy 21 . After that, he usually takes a 22 in the bathroom (浴室). Then he 23 TV for an hour. He goes to bed at nine.
Mr. Green is 24 every day, but he still (仍然) loves his job. He is very pleased (满意的) with his job 25 he can help lots of people. He is really a nice man.
11.A.makes B.sells C.brushes D.loses
12.A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.supper
13.A.with B.on C.in D.by
14.A.good B.easy C.late D.bad
15.A.gets B.reaches C.arrives D.goes
16.A.her B.his C.their D.our
17.A.time B.money C.food D.work
18.A.happily B.slowly C.easily D.quickly
19.A.gets up B.goes home C.does homework D.goes to school
20.A.takes B.costs C.pays D.spends
21.A.habit B.lesson C.game D.book
22.A.look B.shower C.photo D.walk
23.A.looks B.sees C.reads D.watches
24.A.hard B.easy C.busy D.free
25.A.because B.so C.but D.or
This is Scott. He has an interesting job. He works at a radio station. His radio show is from twelve o’clock at night to six o’clock in the morning. He sings well. He usually gets up at seven thirty at night. He brushes his teeth and takes a shower at ten past eight. Then he eats breakfast at nine. That’s a funny time for breakfast! After that, he usually exercises at about ten twenty. He goes to work by car at eleven o’clock. It often takes him ten minutes to get to the radio station. So he is never late for work.
26.Where does Scott work
A.At a train station. B.At a bus station.
C.At a radio station. D.At a police station.
27.Scott ________ to the radio station.
A.takes the subway B.takes the bus
C.drives his car D.walks
28.Scott’s radio show is ________ .
A.from 8:00 to 12:00 noon B.from 12:00 at night to 6:00 in the morning
C.from 1:15 to 6:25 in the afternoon D.from 12:00 noon to 6:00 in the afternoon
29.It often takes Scott ________ minutes to get to the radio station from home.
A.50 B.10 C.15 D.20
30.Scott takes a shower at ________ .
A.half past nine B.a quarter past eight
C.eight ten D.ten to eight
Dear boys and girls,
You want to know something new besides school subjects, yes Here are many clubs for you!
Ping-pong club: Learn to play ping-pong. It is 20 yuan for each class.
Chinese chess club: Learn to play chess. It is 15 yuan for each class.
Dancing club: Learn to dance. You can make many new friends there. It is 15 yuan for each class.
Piano club: Learn to play the piano. You may meet great pianists, like Lang Lang. And you can take photos with them. It is 60 yuan for each class.
Painting club: Learn to paint. It is 35 yuan a class.
Come and join us!
Address: No. 10 Nanjing Street
Telephone: 010-6637-2283
QQ: 459166469
The Kid’s Home
February 26th
31.The Kids Home has ________ clubs.
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5
32.It is 20 yuan for each class in the ________ club.
A.painting B.dancing C.piano D.ping-pong
33.You can make many new friends in the ________ club.
A.painting B.dancing C.Chinese chess D.ping-pong
34.If (如果) you want to meet Lang Lang , you can join the ________ club.
A.piano B.dancing C.Chinese chess D.ping-pong
35.You can call the Kid’s Home at ________.
A.010-6637-2283 B.No. 10 Nanjing Street
C.459166469 D.February 26th
A: Hello, Sunshine Basketball Club. 36
B: Yes, please. I want to join the basketball club.
A: All right. 37
B: Yes, I can. But I can’t play it very well.
A: 38
B: My name is Jennifer Smith.
A: How old are you
B: Thirteen.
A: OK. 39
B: My phone number is 773-5566.
A: Do you have an e-mail address
B: Yes, I do. My e-mail address is love@.
A: Great. Welcome to our basketball club, Jennifer.
B: 40 . I’m so happy.
41.Let (we) join the chess club.
42.Bob likes (play) the piano.
43.It’s 6 a. m. You have to hurry up and get (dress).
44.—What Jack usually (do) on Sunday evenings
—He usually (watch) TV with his parents.
45.It is a very (fun) story and it makes us laugh.
They students for the .
— your sister
—She .
Is it difficult to with Americans
Lily often her parents housework.
The children like to the young teachers.
51.Lisa usually has bread for breakfast.(对画线部分提问)
Lisa for breakfast
52.He usually goes to work at seven.(对画线部分提问)
he usually at seven
53.She does her homework at home. (改为否定句)
She her homework at home.
54.She is good at math and English. (改为同义句)
She math and English.
55.She can sing and dance.(改为否定句)
She sing dance.
music or join weekend make help student talk today ask
Sam is an eleven-year-old boy. He is a(n) 56 in No.2 Middle School. He doesn’t like to play with his classmates 57 talk to them. And he always plays the guitar at home on the 58 .
It is Monday 59 . Sam’s teacher Ms. Black 60 his mom to come to school. She wants to 61 Sam. Ms. Black knows what Sam likes best. Sam likes music very much and he wants to be a(n) 62 in the future. Ms. Black says Sam can 63 the music club. She thinks the boys in her class can 64 about music after class. If Sam does this, he can 65 some friends in the class. Sam’s mom is happy to know this. She says she can talk about it with Sam in the evening.
考查动词辨析。say说,后接说的内容;tell告诉;speak说,后接语种;talk谈话。根据“What does he...”可知,问说了什么内容,因此空一用say;根据“Can you...me ”可知,问他说的话能不能告诉我,空二用tell。故选A。
考查动词辨析。tells告诉;says说,强调说话的内容;talks谈论,不及物动词;speaks讲。根据“she can dance well”可知,是说话的内容,故选B。
考查情态动词以及副词。空二处修饰动词“play”应用副词well“好”,排除AB;根据“he plays it...”可知他会拉小提琴,用情态动词can“可以”。故选C。
考查情景交际。Yes, please是的;No, I can’t不,我不能;Yes, I can是的,我可以;You are welcome不客气。根据“can I help you”可知,肯定回答用“Yes, please.”,表示需要得到对方的帮助;否定回答常用“No, thanks.”,表示不需要对方的帮助。故选A。
考查形容词辨析和感官动词的用法。good好,形容词;well好地,副词;bad坏的,形容词;badly坏地,副词。根据“sounds”可知,需要形容词作表语;结合“ I like swimming very much.”,是听起来不错;故选A。
考查副词用法和动词辨析。well好,副词;good好,形容词;join参加,其后通常是团体;join in参加,其后是一项活动。根据“sings”可知,副词修饰动词,well符合句意;根据“ the music club”可知,是一个俱乐部,join符合句意,故选A。
What time什么时间;几点;What什么;Where在哪里;How怎样,如何。根据下面的回答At 7:30可知,这里问的是时间,故应选A。
In the morning在早上;Twelve o’clock12点;At twelve在12点;In twelve错误,在时间点前用介词at。句中问的是lunch,故A不对;B选项前缺少介词。故选C。
考查副词。too也,常用于肯定句和疑问句;also也,放句中;either也,用于否定句;and和。根据“Do you go to school at seven o’clock...”可知此处表示“也”,且用于疑问句,用too。 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.C 15.C 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.D 21.A 22.B 23.D 24.C 25.A
makes使;sells卖;brushes刷;loses失去。根据“his teeth”可知是刷牙。故选C。
breakfast早餐;lunch午餐;dinner晚餐;supper晚餐。根据“at eight o’clock”可知早上八点钟吃早饭。故选A。
with有;on在……上面;in在……里面;by被。by bus“乘公共汽车”。故选D。
good好的;easy容易的;late迟到;bad坏的。根据“so he usually goes to work early.”可知他去得早,不想迟到。故选C。
gets得到;reaches到达;arrives到达;goes去。arrive at“到达”。故选C。
time时间;money钱;food食物;work工作。根据“Mr. Green is very busy”可知他很忙,所以没有时间吃午饭。故选A。
happily开心地;slowly慢地;easily容易地;quickly快地。根据“Mr. Green is very busy”可知他很忙,所以午饭吃得很快。故选D。
gets up起床;goes home回家;does homework做作业;goes to school去上学。根据“After work”可知,下班后应是回家。故选B。
takes花费,主语是it;costs花费,主语是物;pays支付,主语是人;spends花费,主语是人。此处是sb spend time doing sth.“某人花费时间做某事”。故选D。
habit习惯;lesson课;game游戏;book书。根据“playing sports”可知做运动是一个好习惯。故选A。
look表情;shower洗澡;photo照片 walk散步。根据“in the bathroom”可知是在浴室洗澡。故选B。
looks看起来;sees看;reads读;watches观看。watch TV“看电视”。故选D。
hard难的;easy容易的;busy忙的;free自由的。根据“but he still (仍然) loves his job.”以及上文可知他每天都很忙。故选C。
26.C 27.C 28.B 29.B 30.C
26.细节理解题。根据“He works at a radio station.”可知,Scott在一个广播电台工作。故选C。
27.细节理解题。根据“He goes to work by car at eleven o’clock. It often takes him ten minutes to get to the radio station.”可知,他自己开车去广播电台。故选C。
28.细节理解题。根据“His radio show is from twelve o’clock at night to six o’clock in the morning.”可知,他的广播节目时间是从晚上12点到早上6点。故选B。
29.细节理解题。根据“It often takes him ten minutes to get to the radio station.”可知,从家到广播电台花费他10分钟的时间。故选B。
30.细节理解题。根据“He brushes his teeth and takes a shower at ten past eight.”可知,Scott在八点十分洗淋浴。故选C。
31.D 32.D 33.B 34.A 35.A
31.细节理解题。根据文中“Ping-pong club; Chinese chess club; Dancing club; Piano club; Painting club”可知,儿童之家有五个俱乐部。故选D。
32.细节理解题。根据文中“Ping-pong club: Learn to play ping-pong. It is 20 yuan for each class.”可知,乒乓球俱乐部每节课20元。故选D。
33.细节理解题。根据文中“Dancing club: Learn to dance. You can make many new friends there.”可知,你可以在舞蹈俱乐部交到很多新朋友。故选B。
34.细节理解题。根据文中“Piano club: Learn to play the piano. You may meet great pianists, like Lang Lang.”可知,如果你想见朗朗,你可以加入钢琴俱乐部。故选A。
35.细节理解题。根据文中“Telephone: 010-6637-2283”可知,你可以拨打010-6637-2283给儿童之家。故选A。
36.Can/May I help you 37.Can you play basketball 38.What’s your name (, please) 39.What’s your phone number (, please) 40.Thank you (very much/a lot)/Thanks/Many thanks
36.根据“Yes, please. I want to join the basketball club.”可推测,此处应是工作人员引出话题,询问有什么可以帮忙,该句可表达为“我能帮你吗”。故填Can/May I help you。
37.根据“Yes, I can. But I can’t play it very well.”可知,此处应是工作人员在询问詹妮弗是否会打篮球,该句可表达为“你会打篮球吗”。故填Can you play basketball。
38.根据“My name is Jennifer Smith.”可知,Jennifer Smith为人名,此处应是工作人员在询问詹妮弗的名字。该句可表达为“(请问)你叫什么名字”。故填What’s your name (, please)。
39.根据“My phone number is 773-5566.”可知,此处应是工作人员在询问詹妮弗的电话号码,该句可表达为“(请问)你的电话号码是多少”。故填What’s your phone number (, please)。
40.根据“Welcome to our basketball club, Jennifer.”及“I’m so happy.”可知,詹妮弗加入了该篮球俱乐部,她很开心,所以她对工作人员表示感谢。该句可表达为“(非常)谢谢你/谢谢/非常感谢”。故填Thank you (very much/a lot)/Thanks/Many thanks。
let sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”,动词后接宾格;we的宾格为us。故填us。
like doing sth.喜欢做某事,表示经常性的行为,时间观念不强;like to do sth.喜欢做某事,表示具体的某一次行为。根据句意“鲍勃喜欢弹钢琴”是一种爱好,是经常性的行为,所以要用动名词作宾语,play的动名词是playing。故填playing。
get dressed表示“穿衣服”,固定搭配。故填dressed。
44. does do watches
46. want school show
want“想要”,此处意指“招聘”,作谓语动词,主语为“They”,且时态为一般现在时,故应用动词原形;school show“学校文艺表演”。故填want;school;show。
47. What can do can play tennis
what“什么”,疑问代词;can“会,能”,情态动词,后接动词原形do“做”;play tennis“打网球”,动词短语。故填What;can;do;can;play;tennis。
48. make friends
动词短语make friends“交朋友”符合语境,结合设空处前的不定式符号to,应填动词原形。故填make;friends。
49. helps do/with
帮助某人做某事:help sb. do sth./help sb. with sth.;根据“often”可知句子用一般现在时,主语是Lily,谓语动词用单三;做家务:do housework。故填helps;do/with。
50. play games with
和某人玩游戏:play games with sb.,动词不定式符号to后加动词原形。故填play;games;with。
51. What does usually have
52. What does do
53. doesn’t do
54. does well in
该句也可表达为“她数学和英语都很好”,do well in“在……方面做得好”,该句时态为一般现在时,主语为She,谓语动词应用三单形式。故填does;well;in。
55. can't or
56.student 57.or 58.weekend 59.today 60.asks 61.help 62.musician 63.join 64.talk 65.make
56.句意:他是第二中学的一名学生。根据“Sam is an eleven-year-old boy…in No.2 Middle School”可知,Sam11岁,所以应是学校的一名学生,a后跟名词单数student“学生”。故填student。
58.句意:他周末总是在家玩吉他。根据“he always plays the guitar at home”可知,此处应是在周末的时间做的事情,on the weekend“在周末”,固定短语。故填weekend。
59.句意:今天是周一。根据“It is Monday”可知,此处时态是一般现在时,结合所给单词可知,是指今天是周一,副词today“在今天”。故填today。
60.句意:Sam的老师布莱克女士让他妈妈来学校。ask sb to do sth“让某人做某事”,此处是老师让家长来学校,时态是一般现在时,主语是三单,谓语动词用三单式asks。故填asks。
61.句意:她想要帮助Sam。根据“Ms. Black knows what Sam likes best. Sam likes music very much and he wants to be…”可知,老师知道Sam喜欢音乐,所以老师让Sam妈妈来是想帮助Sam,help“帮助”,want to do sth“想要做某事”,因此填动词原形。故填help。
62.句意:Sam非常喜欢音乐,未来他想成为一名音乐家。根据“Sam likes music very much”可知,喜欢音乐,应是想成为音乐家,a后跟名词单数musician“音乐家”。故填musician。
63.句意:布莱克女士说Sam可以加入音乐俱乐部。根据“the music club”可知,是加入俱乐部,join“加入”,情态动词后跟动词原形。故填join。
64.句意:她认为她班级的男孩可以在放学后讨论音乐。talk about“讨论”,固定短语,此处是指讨论音乐有关的内容。故填talk。
65.句意:如果Sam这样做,他可以在班级交一些朋友。make some friends“交一些朋友”,固定短语,情态动词can后跟动词原形。故填make。




下一篇:Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? 单元检测模拟题(含听力音频+答案 无听力原文)