福建省泉州市泉港区2023-2024八年级下学期7月期末英语试题(图片版 有答案 含听力音频及原文)

I. 听力(共三节,每小题1.5分,共30分)
第一节1-5 BCABC
第二节 6-10 ACBCA 11-15 CBABA
第三节16. Oct./October 17. speech 18. beside 19. special 20. bicycle
评分标准:1-20小题,每小题1.5分, 形式错误不得分; 字母大小写错误不扣分。
第一节 单项填空:
21-25 ACBAB 26-30 CBABB 31-35 CCAAC
第二节 完形填空:
36-40 ACBAA 41-45 BCACB
IV. 阅读理解(共二节,共45分)
46-50 ACCDB 51-55 BCAAD 56-60 BBCDA 61-65 DDCBA
66-70 ADEBC
V. 情景交际(每小题2分,共10分)
71. How time flies!
72. I agree (with you)/ I think so.
73. What size of shoes do you need
74. Walking is good for health.
75. May I have the bill
76. The cake is /was/ tastes/tasted delicious.
77. They will/are going to visit the museum next Sunday.
78. Lucy’s ruler is as long as Jim’s.
79. The dress is/looks so beautiful that I like it very much.
80. Helen is/was listening to music while Ann is/ was drawing.
was 82. first 83. carefully 84. catching 85. their
86. an 87. opened 88. photos 89. and 90. for
91. One possible version:
Dear Tom,
How is it going I’m writing to share you something about Traditional Culture Day in my school.
Our school held many kinds of activities to spread Chinese traditional culture on the playground last Friday. There were lots of different traditional foods, such as Beijing Roast Duck, Mapo Tofu and so on. We not only had a taste of these delicious foods but also learned how to cook them by ourselves. At the same time, we had a wonderful time to get together by reading Chinese poems. What’s more, we wore Hanfu and Tang costume. It’s a good chance to know more about the development history of the traditional costume.
In a word, it was a wonderful experience to take part in these activities. We are really proud of our traditional culture.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
Li Hua
1. Cycling can’t cause air pollution.
2. The bad news made me nervous.
3. Mike is giving a speech.
4. These passengers are waiting at the bus station.
5. Jack plans to buy a fridge.
M: What do you think of the beef curry
W: Pretty delicious. A cook from India cooked it.
M: Do you mind if I go home now
W: Certainly not. But please put away your homework first. Then you can leave.
M: May I take your order, madam
W: Sure. I’d like some roast chicken. Er… and a bowl of noodles.
M: How much are these windbreakers?
W: Oh, the blue one is 120 yuan. But if you take that green one, you can save 20 yuan.
M: Mom, I’d like to make fried rice. Would you mind teaching me
W: Of course not. It’s very easy. First, cut some cooked meat. Next, put some oil in the pan and fry the meat.
M: Like this
W: Yes. Well done. Then add the rice.
M: What do I need to do after that
W: You need to fry the rice for a few minutes. Finally, add some salt.
M: Yeah! Cooking is fun!
W: Look! Here come the models!
M: Wow! How beautiful they are!
W: Look at the first model! She is showing a cheongsam, a traditional dress for Chinese women.
M: What about the second model?
W: Oh, she is wearing a kimono, the traditional costume of Japan.
M: Wow! You know about the clothes so much.
W: Why don’t you wear your school uniform today
M: Sorry, Mrs. Wang. I can’t find my school uniform in the morning.
W: You are always careless. It’s very important for you to wear the school uniform at school.
M: Really But I think our school uniforms look so bad.
W: Maybe. But uniforms can show good discipline. You should obey the school rules.
M: OK. I know.
W: By the way, do you want to design our uniforms by yourself
M: Sure.
W: Our school plans to make new uniforms for you and you can design by yourselves.
M: It’s a piece of good news.
Welcome to our school. Today is Oct. 17th. Thank you for joining in our activity “Fun Run”.
At 9 a.m. on the playground, our head teacher will give us a welcome speech. After the speech, we will begin our running. The running starts at the school gate, goes past the playground, then goes around the lake beside our school and finishes back to where it started. Every runner can get a special bag with a T-shirt, chocolate, bananas and water in it. Each of the winners will get a bicycle. After the run, there will be different family activities.
Enjoy yourselves and wish you success!didn't work
fat bush (than a tree.Later,I noticed that it was
three of them died.Only one lived.
enough sunlight.Over the years,because of the poor earth
hope for the future,I planted them in our garden that had
trees from school.They didn't look very strong,but with
A.A letter.
However,it grew very slowly.It looked more like a
When I was ten,my mother brought home four little
50.What is the text
and happiness to share.We can help to make this world a better and more beautiful place.
and strong or old and sick.Until our last breath ()we have things to do,love to give,
This tree told me that all of our lives have a purpose.It doesn't matter if we are young
thought this old tree might not be healthy or pretty,but it was still giving a bird a home.
leaves.It was a bird patiently building a nest in the top branches.I smiled when seeing it.I
walked over to take a closer look at it,however,I noticed something moving within the
it would be better to just cut it down.Maybe it would make the yard look cleaner.As I
Later one morning,I went out and looked at the tree again.I was wondering whether
the tree was still green.I did my best to save it by feeding it a lot of fertilizer )but it
starting to die.The lower branches were becoming bare )Only the top third of
B.A poster.
C.A poem.
D.The treasure hunter can use the coupons in Bike and Skate World.
C.The children can have eleven clues to look for the treasure
B.The treasure hunt may be held on June 7 if it doesn't rain.
A.The children must hunt the treasure alone
49.What can we learn from the text
C.Some coupons.
A.Some ice cream
48.What is inside the hidden treasure box
D.Some pets.
B.Some toys
47.According to the text,who can take part in the treasure hunt
D.A survey.



上一篇:山东省泰安市泰山区2023-2024下学期六年级期末考试英语试题( 含答案 无听力音频及原文)

下一篇:江西省赣州市南康区2023-2024八年级下学期期末考试英语试题( 有答案及听力原文 无听力音频)