
1—5 AACBA 6—10 ABBCC 11—15 BBAAC 16—20 DAEBC
21--25.B C D B C 26--30.C D B C B 31--35 CACBD 36--40.C B E A D
41--45.C D C AB 46--50.D B C D C 51--55.A B A D B
四 .语篇填空(每小题1分,共15分)
56.worried 57.alone 58.if 59.However 60.angrily 61.first 62.with 63.prepared 64.them 65.Word 66.that 67.the 68.as 69.to 70.don’t
71.How shall we deal with them
72. That’s a good idea.
73. How long have you had /kept them
74. Yes, I’d love to .
75. You can give...to them,too.
Let’s take action
We teenagers are the master of the future. On the one hand, we need to pay attention to manners. In the library,we should keep quiet. Don’t drop litter everywhere and keep the library clean .It is impolite to talk with food in your mouth. And don’t make too much noise while eating or drinking. On the other hand, our environment is changing for the worse, so it is time for us to go green! First of all, water is the source of life and every one of us should play a part in saving water. Don’t keep the tap running when you leave. Secondly, we should use plastic bags less to reduce pollution. When we go to the supermarket, we should take a cloth bag with us. Last but not least, when we go out or travel, we should choose public transport as often as possible, because this will make less pollution.
Please take action at once, the earlier,the better.




下一篇:初中数学人教版八年级下册18.2.3 正方形的性质同步(分层)练习(第5课时)