
1. Which one do you hear
A. B. C.
2. Where was Frank born
A. B. C.
3. Why will Susan go to Shanghai
A. B. C.
4. What is Nancy looking for
A. B. C.
5. When is Bill's birthday
A. B. C.
6. What colour does the woman like
A. White. B. Blue. C. Purple.
7. How much will the woman pay for the dress
A. 100 yuan. B. 120 yuan. C. 150 yuan.
8. Why does the woman want to go to the bookshop
A. To buy a map. B. To read some books. C. To meet her sister.
9. Where is the restaurant
A. Opposite the school. B. Behind the supermarket. C. Next to the bookshop.
10. How will the woman go to the restaurant
A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By underground.
11. A. two B. three C. four
12. A. rainy B. windy C. sunny
13. A. have lunch B. take photos C. learn history
14.A. music show B. dance show C. talk show
15. A. cheap B. popular C. fun
Every summer, I stayed with Aunt Mary in the country. This summer, my little sister Amanda went with me. It was 16________ first time to sleep away from home. She said she wasn't afraid of the dark any more. But I wasn't sure and worried about her.
On the first afternoon, we went to get some 17________ with Aunt Mary. When we walked through the dark forest, Amanda 18________ held my hand. Then we found many beautiful flowers we needed, and Amanda became happy. She finally let go of my hand and picked some. "Did fairies (精灵)plant them " Amanda asked. And she began to 19________ her favourite fairies before Aunt Mary answered. She shared a lot, just like what she did at home. Maybe I didn't need to 20________.
Amanda kept talking through dinner. When she looked out of the window and saw the dark sky, she became quiet. I knew she was 21________.
Then it was bed time. Amanda started to cry, 22________ I opened a book quickly and wanted to find stories about fairies. Suddenly, I saw the fairy lights in a picture. I had a good 23________. I opened the window and asked Amanda to look out of it, "Amanda, there's 24________ outside I want to show you.”
"Oh! Fairies!" she said happily.
They weren't fairies, of course. They were fireflies(萤火虫) dancing through the air. "Pretty good, aren't they " I said.
"Yeah," Amanda said and 25________. Not for too long, she slept in my arms.
It turned out that I could do something — with a little help from "fairies" in the real life.
16. A. our B. her C. his D. their
17. A. food B. drink C. books D. flowers
18. A. always B. usually C. sometimes D. never
19. A. point at B. look for C. listen to D. talk about
20. A. worry B. hurry C. shout D. guess
21. A. sorry B. afraid C. bored D. tired
22. A. because B. or C. but D. so
23. A. lesson B. question C. idea D. wish
24. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything
25. A. wrote B. drew C. smiled D. waited
26. When there's a rise of 1.5℃, how many animals will lose 50% of home
A. 6%. B. 8%. C. 16%. D. 18%.
27. Which of the following can be put into “_________”
A. Air B. Health C. Weather D. Travel
28. Why does WWF share the information on the webpage(网页)
A. To show the rise of sea level.
B. To show animals are dangerous.
C. To tell people to slow the warming.
D. To tell ways of stopping the warming.
Are you in one of the clubs at your schoo1 You can have fun or learn new skills (技能) in a club. In fact, clubs are much more than that.
Clubs bring companionship(陪伴) to people. At Furong School, in Sangzhi County, Hunan Province, there are more than twenty fun clubs, such as the Painting Club and the Basketball Club. These weekend clubs are important to left-behind children in the county. Their parents work far from home, so most of the children have to stay with grandparents. The children often feel lonely (孤单的)on weekends. In the clubs, they are under good care of teachers and enjoy staying with their friends.
Clubs also build a bridge between different cultures(文化). There are lion dance clubs at five high schools in San Francisco. The students learn lion dance and give shows in different celebrations. Last New Year, more than 200 of the students gave the shows in Chinatown. Jayde Wong, a club member at Lowell High School, thinks the lion dance club connects her with Chinese culture. For American students, the lion dance clubs help them know more about Chinese culture.
Your school days can be great if you join a club. When you want a place to enjoy yourselves, people to stay together, or new cultures to learn, clubs will give all that and more.
29. Why are the clubs at Furong School important to the left-behind children
A. Because their parents work for the clubs.
B. Because the clubs are close to their homes.
C. Because they can learn to help their grandparents.
D. Because they have people to play with on weekends.
30. What is Jayde's idea about the lion dance club
A. It connects Jayde with her friends.
B. It is different from clubs in China.
C. It is popular in Chinatown in San Francisco.
D. It builds a bridge between Jayde and Chinese culture.
31. Who can be the readers of the passage
A. Parents. B. Students. C. Teachers. D. Managers.
Little Sam lived in a town near the Mississippi River. His mother said she couldn't see any hope in him. When no one was looking, Sam ate watermelons from neighbours'(邻居); he also liked to put a small snake(蛇) into his mother's basket; he knew the deep river was dangerous, but he still swam there.
Sam's life changed in 1847 when he was just eleven — his father died. Sam had to find work to help his family. After school, he took several different jobs, working as an errand boy, a shop worker...
After the fifth grade, Sam left school and worked for a newspaper, using a large machine to print. It was dirty and hard. Worst of all, it didn't pay. Sam only got a place to sleep and some old clothes. The clothes were too big for Sam, so he felt quite bad and uncomfortable. Still, Sam didn't stop working and learned the skills for his next job.
At fifteen, Sam began writing, and one of the works made him famous in his town. Later, he decided to travel and see more of the world. When he was seventeen, he told his mother he would take a job in New York City. Before leaving, his mother asked him to promise he would not get himself or others into trouble(麻烦). Years later, he became a successful writer. Sam once thought he shouldn't bring so much trouble to his mother in the past, so he said sorry for that.
In fact, Sam wrote much of what he did as a child into his works - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. He was now known to the world as Mark Twain.
32. What was Sam like as a child
A. Difficult. B. Polite. C. Kind. D. Strict.
33. Which picture best shows Sam's work at a newspaper according to the passage
A. B.
C. D.
34. What does the underlined word "that" refer to (指的是) in Paragraph 4
A. Taking different jobs. B. Leaving New York.
C. Bringing much trouble. D. Stopping learning skills.
35. What can we learn from the last paragraph
A. Sam spent much of his time writing.
B. Sam began to write when he was at school.
C. Sam's early life was important to his writing.
D. Sam wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer for his child.
A. Someone is knocking on the door. B. Can you help me, please C. It will make the new words easy to understand. D. What are you reading E. What can you see in the picture F. You can check the pictures for help.
Tony: Miss Smiths, I don't understand (理解) the word “occupied”. 36_________ Miss Smiths: Of course. 37_________ Tony: Pictures What do you mean Miss Smiths: This book has pictures and they can help you understand the story and the words. 38_________ Tony: There's a boy in the bathroom. Miss Smiths: And what's happening Tony: 39_________ Miss Smiths: Yes. As you can see, the boy is saying, “Occupied!” Tony: I get it! “The bathroom is occupied” means somebody is using the bathroom, so others can not use it. Miss Smiths: You are right. So look at the pictures before you read. 40_________ Tony: Thanks a lot, Miss Smiths. Miss Smiths: You're welcome.
Subject: My lost bag
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing about my lost bag. I flew to London on 1st August and left the bag on the plane. I hope you will help me find it.
I remember I left my bag under the seat(座位) in front of me. My flight(航班) number is VG-4587F and my seat number is D-54A. My bag is brown and small in size. There is a black wallet, a book named Hamlet and some documents in it. I will need those documents in a few days.
If you find the bag, please write back to me. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Many thanks,
Sonia Vincent
My Special Photos
46. I had a great time having a __________ in the park with my cousin.
47. I was __________ because my little cat was ill and it couldn't eat anything.
48. At the age of seven, I often rode a bike along the __________ on fine days.
49. Last July, I started to learn __________ and my language teacher was so kind.
50. With hard work, I finally __________ the tennis match last term.
Music is an important part of our life. It can 51________ (为……喝彩;使振奋) us up and do great things for us.
Let's think about getting up early in the morning with some pop songs. The lively music can 52________(当然) be a fantastic way for us to start the day. 53________ (摇滚) music is often fast and loud. This kind of music can make us 54________ (兴奋的). For example, at a party, the sounds of guitars and 55________ (鼓) can get everyone to dance.
When we're tired, traditional 56________ (西方的) music may help. The slow and quiet music is like a warm hug. We can enjoy the music 57________ (直到……为止) we are asleep. Country music tells stories of everyday life. Sometimes it can help with our feelings, just like an old friend 58________(围绕) us.
In the future, maybe most people 59________(尝试) music made by AI. No matter (无论) how music will change, it can always take us 60________(往任何地方) we like at any time. Let's travel in the wonderful world of music and enjoy all the different feelings it brings.
People from different countries have different body languages. Something funny just happened to two German 61________ (tourist), John and Anna, during their first trip to China.
One day, they walked into 62________ restaurant to have dinner. John pointed at the picture of noodles on the wall and showed an "L" with his hand. The waiter felt surprised but still 63________ (nod) and left.
Later, eight bowls of noodles came to the table. "We only wanted two!" John couldn't believe his eyes and showed an "L" again.
“Sorry, sir. In China, the 'L' means ‘eight’.” The waiter said and then he showed a big "V" to John, "We show this to say 'two'.”
“64________ an interesting thing it is! We didn't know that. Our way to show the number is different from 65________(you)!” John said and had a big laugh.
66.你所在学校的外教Mr Kim正在为下学期即将开设的两个拓展课程招募小助手(assistant)。
Hello, everyone! I want to be an assistant for ____________(Cooking Time / Ball Games).
1-5 BCACB 6-10 CBAAB 11-15 ACBBC
16-20 BDADA 21-25 BDCAC
26-28 ACC 29-31 DDB 32-35 ADCC
36-40 BFEAC
41. August 42. plane 43. small 44. documents 45.email/e-mail/writing
document, write给1分,august不给分。
46. picnic 47. sad 48. lake 49. Japanese 50. won
51. cheer 52. surely/certainly 53. Rock 54. excited
55. drums 56. western/Western 57. till/until 58. around/round
59. will try 60. anywhere
61 . tourists 62. a 63. nodded 64. What 65. yours
参考例文:(78 words)
Hello, everyone! I want to be an assistant for Cooking Room. I love cooking and I'm good at it. I started to learn cooking at a young age and I often cook meals by myself. I am friendly and always ready to help others.
For activities, I plan to teach others to make different kinds of foods. We'll watch cooking videos to learn about Chinese and Western dishes. Then we will share what we cook together. I think I can be a helpful assistant. Hope you can choose me!



