
第一部分 听力(共30小题;计30分)
( )1.A.Good afternoon. B.That’s right. C.Pretty good.
( )2.A.I don’t know. B.OK. C.Sounds fun.
( )3.A.Sure, I’d love to. B.Not much. C.See you later.
( )4.A.Let’s go! B.Lucky you. C.Yes, please.
( )5.A.Don’t worry. B.I think so. C.You, too.
6.( ) 7.( ) 8.( ) 9.( ) 10.( )
( )11.A.Play the drums. B.Play the guitar. C.Play the violin.
( )12.A.On foot. B.By subway. C.By car.
( )13.A.Sunny. B.Windy. C.Rainy.
( )14.A.They’re smart. B.They’re friendly. C.They’re cute.
( )15.A.At 6:00 p.m. B.At 7:00 p.m. C.At 8:30 p.m.
( )16.A.Cleaning the room. B.Listening to music. C.Watching TV.
( )17.A.Beef and tomato dumplings.
B.Mutton and potato dumplings.
C.Chicken and cabbage dumplings.
( )18.A.School clubs. B.School activities. C.School rules.
( )19.A. B. C.
( )20.A.She visited the fire station.
B.She climbed the mountains.
C.She went to the farm.
( )21.Where did Lucy go on the first day
A.Chunxi Road. B.Chengdu City Museum. C.Yulin Road.
( )22.When did they visit Chengdu City Museum
A.On April 28th. B.On April 29th. C.On April 30th.
( )23.Which is the right order of the activities
①taking a bus to Yulin Road ②visiting Chengdu City Museum ③going shopping
A.②③① B.③①② C.③②①
( )24.How long did it take Lucy to get to Yulin Road by bus
A.30 minutes. B.45 minutes. C.50 minutes.
( )25.What did Lucy think of the trip
A.It was tiring. B.It was interesting. C.It was different.
Chengdu Research Base
Rules for it Don’t 26 pandas. Don’t 27 loudly in the base. You can 28 .
Activities in it *If you are 29 to Huahua, she will welcome you with hands. *You can watch Grandpa Tan play with Huahua. *You can also go shopping in the gift shop 30 No. 6 House.
第二部分 基础知识运用(共30小题;计40分)
( )31.The European Cup, ______ important event for football lovers around the world, started this month.
A.a B.an C.the
( )32.People call 2024 the Year of Loong and they think Loong is a ______ of China.
A.symbol B.dream C.message
( )33.Cindy’s parents are ______ with her, but she thinks they help her to have good habits.
A.good B.popular C.strict
( )34.—Becky, I want to read a book about how to learn English well. Do you have ______
—No, I don’t. You can ask Mrs. He for help.
A.it B.that C.one
( )35.—Hello, is Molly there
—Sorry, she ______ her father’s car outside.
A.washes B.is washing C.washed
( )36.—Linda, can you go out with me now
—I’m afraid I ______ do the dishes first.
A.can B.could C.have to
( )37.—Excuse me, how can I get to the art museum
—Look! It’s over there. Just go ______ the road to the other side.
A.across B.along C.around
( )38.—Jill, I want to enjoy sunshine in Panzhihua. ______
—It’s about 4 hours’ train ride.
A.How can I get there
B.How long does it take to get there
C.How far is it from Chengdu to Panzhihua
( )39.Peter, please ______ the pancakes. It’s easy for your grandpa to eat them.
A.cut up B.look up C.eat up
( )40.—Would you like tea or apple juice, Aunt Lily
A.All right. B.Tea, please. C.A large cup, please.
B.补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。(共5小题;每小题2分,计10分)
A: Hello, this is Mary speaking.
B: Hi, Mary. It’s Amy here.
A: What are you doing now
B: 41 And you
A: Nothing much. 42 I want to watch a movie this afternoon.
B: What movie
A: The movie Doraemon is on these days. 43
B: Yeah, sure. Which cinema do you want to go to
A: 44 It’s near your home. I can ride a bike there.
B: Sounds like a good idea. 45 OK
A: No problem. See you then!
A.I’m watching TV. B.Do you want to join me C.How about Wanda Cinema D.I just finished my homework. E.See you at 2 in front of the cinema.
41.( ) 42.( ) 43.( ) 44.( ) 45.( )
七、完形填空 阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共15小题;计20分。A篇每小题2分,计10分;B篇每小题1分,计10分)
A Chinese knot is usually made of a thin rope. People always use red ropes to make Chinese knots because red is a 46 color for Chinese people. They think it means good luck to them.
Different Chinese knots have different special meanings, like “Double Happiness”, “Wish you a fair wind” and “Full of joy”…People think these knots can bring them happiness and good luck, so they always lake the knots with them, 47 the knots at home or in their cars.
People from other countries are also interested in Chinese knots. They often buy their family and friends some knots 48 gifts when they come to China. They want to give their best wishes to them. And they can find beautiful knots with different 49 —big ones or small ones on shopping streets.
The Chinese knot is a(n) 50 symbol of China. It is not just an art, but also carries best wishes to people.
( )46.A.cool B.lucky C.relaxing
( )47.A.put on B.put down C.put up
( )48.A.as B.for C.about
( )49.A.meanings B.colors C.sizes
( )50.A.exciting B.interesting C.important
There are four people in Carol Sun’s family, Carol, her sister and her parents. 51 live in New York now. Carol is at the age of 12. She is going to 52 in a middle school next term.
This term will finish soon. Carol and her family are going to Beijing to help prepare(准备)for her 53 birthday party with her uncle, aunt and cousin. Carol feels very 54 because she can enjoy her summer vacation in a new place. Carol and her sister can speak a little Chinese. When she 55 her grandfather, she will say “Happy birthday” to him. But she has a(n) 56 . She can’t use chopsticks(筷子), and her sister can’t, 57 . She wants to learn how to use chopsticks.
It may be difficult but 58 . Carol likes noodles a lot because she heard that long noodles means long 59 . It is just right for her grandfather’s birthday. Carol thinks it must be great to be with her big family in 60 .
( )51.A.We B.You C.They
( )52.A.work B.study C.teach
( )53.A.uncle’s B.cousin’s C.grandfather’s
( )54.A.happy B.sorry C.bored
( )55.A.asks B.sees C.tells
( )56.A.wish B.idea C.worry
( )57.A.too B.either C.also
( )58.A.interesting B.terrible C.easy
( )59.A.hair B.life C.way
( )60.A.China B.Russia C.America
第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;计30分)
NO. 0123
Customer’s Name John Brown Customer’s Phone Number 13245678901 Order Time 6:30 p.m.
Payment Method
Customer’s Address 13” Center Street
Dishes Kinds Number Subtotal Amount(小计)
Main Course Beef fried rice(no green onions) 2 ¥30
Special Gongbao chicken 1 ¥35
Soup Tomato and egg soup 1 ¥12
Salad Fruit salad 2 ¥16
Drinks Large green tea 1 ¥10
Apple juice 2 ¥18
In total ¥121
*Thank you for ordering from Taste of Wonders. We will make the food you order quickly. If there are any problems, please call us at028-3179273.
( )61.John Brown ordered the food for dinner.
( )62.John Brown may not like beef fried rice with green onions.
( )63.The restaurant’s name, address and telephone number are in the order form.
( )64.There are three ways to pay for the dishes.
( )65.If you buy one Gongbao chicken, a fruit salad and two cups of apple juice, you need to pay for 69 yuan.
People started to study the weather very early. They used many different ways. Some are still useful. Let’s have a look!
Watch the sky
Look at the clouds. Different kinds mean different weather. How the clouds move also means different weather. Usually, white and high clouds mean good weather. Dark and low clouds mean bad weather.
Look at the red sky. Your parents may tell you, “Red sky in the morning: don’t go out. Red sky at night: walk for a long time.” Well, this is quite right!
Watch the animals
Look at the birds. Usually, they fly very high in the sky. And this means good weather. Sometimes, they fly very low in the sky. And this means bad weather. The birds are also very quiet before it rains.
Look at the turtles. Before bad weather comes, they’ll climb very slowly to a high place. You can see them on the road one to two days before it rains.
Look at the cows. Sometimes, they stay together and keep quiet, because bad weather is on the way.
( )66.What can we do when we see dark and low clouds
A.Go mountain climbing. B.Ride a bike by the lake. C.Stay at home.
( )67.What does the underlined word “this” refer to
A.What your parents say. B.Looking at the red sky. C.Walking for a long time.
( )68.What do the birds usually do when it is going to rain
A.They fly very high in the sky. B.They fly very low in the sky. C.They make big noise.
( )69.Which animal can you see on the road one to two days before the rain comes
A. B. C.
( )70.Why does the writer write this passage
A.To let more people watch the clouds in the sky.
B.To let more people watch the animals before going outside.
C.To let more people use different ways to know the weather.
Hippos Hippos are very big. They can be about 1.5 meters tall. They have short tails, short feet, and very big heads. Hippos are herbivores. It means that they don’t eat meat. They like to cat plants and grass. Hippos live in the water. They move in the water with their feet. Camels Camels live in the deserts(沙漠). It is very dry und hot there. They can keep not eating for a long time. Because they have humps that store fat(储存脂肪). Camels can use the fat when they don’t have any food to eat or water to drink. Camels are herbivores. People can ride camels by sitting between their humps. They can also help people take heavy things in the deserts.
Kangaroos Kangaroos can jump very high with two legs and can walk on all four legs. They use their long tails to keep their balance(平衡)when jumping. Kangaroos also know how to swim. They don’t eat meat but they like to eat flowers and leaves(树叶). They can be over 1.3 meters tall and about 180kg. Foxes Foxes are about the size of a big cat. They are around 6 kg. Foxes have gray, red or brown fur and long tails. They like eating birds, rabbits and berries. They have to stay away from wolves. Because wolves like to eat them. Foxes live in many places like forests, mountains and deserts. They can also live in cities.
( )71.Which one is NOT a herbivore
A. B. C.
( )72.What is the use of camels’ humps
A.Helping camels store fat.
B.Helping camels keep their balance.
C.Helping people take heavy things in the mountains.
( )73.What animals in the article can live in the deserts
①Hippos ②Camels ③Kangaroos ④Foxes
A.①② B.②③ C.②④
( )74.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Foxes are not afraid of wolves.
B.Kangaroos can jump high and swim.
C.Hippos have long tails, short feet and big heads.
( )75.Where can we read this kind of articles
A.In an ad. B.In a magazine. C.On a postcard.
一、补全单词 根据首字母及句意写出完整单词。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)
1.Jack loves China very much, and he often d______ of going to Beijing to see the Great Wall.
2.Don’t take any turn, just go s______ along the road, and you will see the hotel on your right.
3.People enjoy n______ things like sunshine, air and trees.
4.We should put our ideas into p______ to see if they work.
5.Chengdu is the h______ city of World Horticultural Exposition(世界园艺博览会)this year.
二、完成对话 在空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)
A: Hi, Sally, where did you go last Saturday I 1 you, but there was no answer.
B: Oh, I didn’t take my phone with me. I went to Sanxingdui Museum in Guanghan.
A: Really What do you think of it
B: Great! It’s said that Sanxingdui was the start of “Shu culture(蜀文化)”. It has a long 2 over 3000 years. There are so many amazing relics(令人惊叹的文物)in the museum. The bronze mask is one of them.
A: Yeah. I’m interested in it, too. 3 I don’t know what it looks like. Can you 4 it to me
B: It is 131cm wide and its height is 71cm. So it’s very 5 , nearly 131kg.
A: Wow, that’s too big!
B: Yes. It also has a special 6 —big eyes and big ears. The guide said the people 3000 year ago wanted to see things far away and 7 things clearly(清楚地). So they made masks like this.
A: How smart they were!
B: That’s right. Go to visit the museum when you are 8 . Maybe you can go there after the final exam(期末考试). You’ll get much about Shu culture.
A: Sure! I can’t wait to go now. By the way, how did you go there By car
B: No. We took the train. It only took 18 minutes.
A: So 9 !
B: Yeah. But don’t go there on holidays because there will be so many 10 around you.
A: Haha, I see.
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______
三、短文填空 从下面方框中选出10个单词,将其正确形式填入短文,使短文意思正确通顺(每词限用一次)。(共10小题;每小题1分,计10分)
bad clean difficult dirty easy find good kitchen lesson remember start stop
Bill is fourteen years old now. But he still 1 one day ten years ago when he wanted to get a bottle of milk from the fridge. The bottle fell(落下)to the floor and the milk spilled(洒落)all over the 2 .
When his mother came into the kitchen, she didn’t shout at him. “Oh, Bill, it is 3 . Well, would you like to clean the milk ” she said.
Bill was very surprised, but he 4 to clean the milk quickly. After some time, his mother said, “You know, Bill, when you make something dirty like this, you have to clean it yourself.” She then 5 the milk with him. His mother also said, “It’s 6 to take a big bottle with one of your small hands. Here is another bottle. Let’s see how 7 a better way to take it.” The little boy learned that if he took the bottle near the top with his two hands, he could do it 8 . Bill also learned that it wasn’t always 9 to make mistakes(犯错). It was just the mistake that helped him to learn new things. What a useful 10 !
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______
A.补全短文 根据短文内容,从短文后的A~F选项中,选出5个适当的选项补全短文。(共5个小题;每小题1分,计5分)
Are you a book lover 1 It’s International Children’s Book Day. You can read books at home, go to the library, or even pick books from a box called the Little Free Library.
2 People make a small wooden(木制的)box in front of their houses. And then they put old books into it. Anyone can pick some books from the box to read. 3 But you also need to put some in so that other people can pick books they like from it.
American Todd Bol made the first Little Free Library in 2009 in his neighborhood. 4 The little box gives people free books to read and brings neighbors closer. People can be good friends after they exchange(交换)books with each other. 5 Parents and their children really enjoy the time they make things together, and it’s also a good time for friends to stay with each other.
A.You can take the books away. B.The Little Free Library is a fun activity. C.April 2nd is a great time for some reading. D.It later quickly became popular around the world. E.People don’t need to pay much for the books they like. F.People think it’s great fun to make it with family and friends.
1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______
B.完成图表 根据短文内容,完成图表中所缺信息。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)
The summer vacation is coming! It’s a great time for you to relax and have fun, but also to learn and grow. Here are some ideas for you:
First, you can go on a trip to see new places and meet people from different places. You’ll learn about different cultures(文化)and have lots of fun!
Second, learn some life skills(生活技能). Maybe you can try cooking or doing housework. You can also help look after your little brother or sister. You will use these skills in your life one day.
Third, exercise more. Keep going for a run, swim, or ride a bike with your friends. It’s fun and it can keep you healthy!
Don’t forget to study. Go over what you learned last term and read some good books every day. It’ll help you get ready for(准备)the next school year.
With these ideas, your summer vacation will be fun and meaningful for sure! Enjoy it!
Take a trip ◆Visit new places, meet 6 people. ◆Have fun learning about different cultures. Learn some 7 ◆Try cooking or housework. ◆Help look after the young.
Have a meaningful vacation
Study every day ◆Go over what you learned. ◆Do some 9 . Keep 8 ◆Have fun with your friends. ◆Running, swimming or bike riding can make you stay healthy.
Ending: Follow these ways, you can 10 enjoy a meaningful summer vacation.
6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______
Dear George,
I’m really busy today, so I need your help. ________________________________________________________
Li Hua
1—5 CBACB 6—10 DBAEC 11—15 ABBCC 16—20 AACAB 21—25 ABCAB
26.feed/give food and drink to 27.shout or talk 28.take photos(with pandas) 29.friendly 30.behind
31—35 BACCB 36—40 CACAB 41—45 ADBCE 46—50 BCACC 51—55 CBCAB
56—60 CBABA 61—65 AABAB 66—70 CABBC 71—75 CACBB
一、1.dreams 2.straight 3.natural 4.practice 5.host
二、1.called/phoned 2.history 3.But 4.describe/introduce 5.heavy
6.look/appearance 7.hear 8.free 9.fast 10.visitors/people/tourists
三、1.remembers 2.kitchen 3.dirty 4.started 5.cleaned
6.difficult 7.to find 8.easily 9.bad 10.lesson
四、A)1—5 CBADF
B)6.different 7.(useful)life skills 8.exercising 9.reading 10.surely



