【暑期衔接】2023-2024 外研版(一起)英语五升六暑假专题复习--07 补全短文(含答案)

【暑期衔接】2023-2024学年 外研版(一起) 英语五升六暑假专题复习--07 补全短文(含答案)
have chopstick make windy help
Daming is going to visit his cousin Simon in New York. He wants to give Simon a present. He won’t give him some 1 , because Simon 2 got some. At last, he wants to make a kite for him. He thinks New York will be 3 . Fangfang will 4 Daming to make the kite. They 5 a Chinese dragon kite.
August get go have take
Last summer holiday, I 6 to the Great Wall. I went there with my classmates in 7 . We 8 there by bus. We climbed to the top of the Great Wall. It 9 us two hours to climb to the top. We saw lots of beautiful flowers and plants. We took many nice photos. And we 10 a really good time.
build go England find see know
The Stonehenge is in Wiltshire in the southwest of 11 . People 12 it in the Stone Age(石器时代). Who 13 it Why did they 14 it No one 15 . Now many people 16 there every year. They 17 the stones and they want to 18 the answer.
take place get build thousand
This summer holiday Simon is going to see the Great Wall with his parents. The Great Wall is an old an famous 19 in China. It’s about two 20 years old. People in Qin Dynasty(秦朝) began to 21 it. Simon and his parents will 22 there by plane. It will 23 them about ten hours to get there. They will climb to the top of the Great Wall and take some photos there. They will have a really great time.
expensive visit nice buy shop
Simon is going to 24 Daming this summer holiday. Simon wants to 25 a present for Daming. Now he is at the 26 . Simon wants to buy a basketball for Daming. But it’s too 27 Daming like flying a kite. So Simon buys a green kite with a dragon on it. It’s very 28 . Simon thinks Daming will like this present.
homework, use, useful, student, computer
Do you often use computers Maybe you say "yes", or you say "no". It doesn’t matter. In 2020, many students used 29 to take online(在线的) classes. They 30 an app(应用程序) called DingTalk(钉钉). With the help of DingTalk, students can take classes, do their 31 and take tests. In China, some students think the app is 32 , because they can learn at home. DingTalk is a powerful digital-learning tool(强大的数字化学习工具) now. I hope 33 in other poor countries can use DingTalk to have online classes.
fish go climb eat be
Last winter, I 34 to Hainan with my parents. We go there every winter. It’s in the south of China. So it 35 cold there in winter. We like swimming and 36 there. Last winter, we 37 the mountain and 38 a lot of fruit there.
Do you know the Forbidden City in Beijing, China It is one of the most famous 39 (place) in the world. It is at the centre of Beijing, behind Tian’anmen 40 (square). Chinese emperors(皇帝) lived there before. They also 41 (work) there.
This weekend, Sam, Amy and Daming will go there. They want 42 (know) more about China. They will 43 (take) a railway there. It will take 44 (they) half an hour. It is very large and it has four 45 (gate) there. They are Wumen, Shenwumen, Donghuamen and Xihuamen. Few people can 46 (walk) through Wumen. 47 (visitor) can go into the palace through Shenwumen.
Look! It’s my family photo. There are five 48 (people) in my family. My grandma and grandpa were 49 (doctor) before. Now they do not work. Last month, they 50 (take) a ship to Qingdao for travelling. They took some 51 (photo) and they bought 52 (I) a present. I like it. My father is an officer. This morning, he 53 (take) me to school and then he 54 (walk) to work. My mother is a nurse. She is busy. Sometimes, she 55 (come) home late. She must work at night. But at weekends, we usually have lunch together. There are 6 or 8 56 (dish).
During summer or winter holidays, my parents often take me to many different places. I 57 (go) to Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Xi’an and some other places before. I have a happy family.
Look! This is my new schoolbag. I 58 it to school over my shoulder tomorrow. Last week I 59 my old schoolbag on my back. I like my new schoolbag. My father often 60 his bag with his hand when he goes to work. It’s black and cool.
wear snow cold like gloves
My favourite season is winter. It’s very (1) . I can (2) my (3) and down jackets (羽线服). I can play with my friends in the (4) . I (5) to go skiing with my father.
will likes pounds for heavy
Lingling’s bag is broken. So Ms Smart (1) buy a new one (2) her. Lingling (3) the black and white one. It is only three (4) . But it is too (5) .
A.in the UK B.at 7 o'clock C. at 6:30 D.Families E. together
In the UK, people usually have breakfast (1) . Lunch is usually at half past twelve. Dinner is usually (2) . Sundays are special (3) . (4) usually eat lunch (5) .
1.chopsticks 2.has 3.windy 4.help 5.will make
6.went 7.August 8.got 9.took 10.had
11.England 12.built 13.built 14.build 15.knows 16.go 17.see 18.find
19.place 20.thousand 21.build 22.get 23.take
24.visit 25.buy 26.shop 27.expensive 28.nice
29.computers 30.used 31.homework 32.useful 33.students
34.went 35.isn’t 36.fishing 37.climbed 38.ate
places 40.Square 41.worked 42.to know 43.take
44.them 45.gates 46.walk 47.Visitors
people 49.doctors 50.took 51.photos 52.me
53.took 54.walked 55.comes 56.dishes 57.went
58.will carry 59.carried 60.carries
61.cold wear gloves snow love
62.will for likes pounds heavy
63.B C A D E
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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