【暑期衔接】2023-2024 外研版(一起)英语四升五暑假专题复习--04 阅读理解(含答案)

【暑期衔接】2023-2024学年 外研版(一起) 英语四升五暑假专题复习--04 阅读理解(含答案)
Once upon a time, an old man lived in an old house. There were many mice in the house. The old man had got a cat. One day, an old mouse said, “All mice must come to my room this evening. We must think what we can do about the cat.” All the mice came. They talked and talked, but they didn’t know what to do. At last a little mouse stood up and said, “We put a bell on the cat. When the cat comes near, we can hear the bell.”
1._______ lived in an old house. (  )
A.An old woman
B.An old man
C.A dog
2.Were there many mice in this house (  )
A.Yes, there were.
B.No, there weren’t.
C.I don’t know.
3.Were the mice the cat’s friends (  )
A.Yes, they were. B.No, they weren’t. C.No, it wasn’t.
4.The mice had a meeting (会议) in the _______. (  )
A.morning B.evening C.afternoon
5.A mouse wanted to put a _______ on the cat. (  )
A.door B.bell C.bag
The Smiths like to go out for a trip on Sundays. This Sunday they want to go to the West Hill. Jack and Mike, their sons, get up very early in the morning, Jack and Mike wear their T-shirts and running shoes. After that they help their mother do the housework (家务) around the house. They put some bread and meat in a basket (篮子) and carry it to the car. Ms Smith also takes four tins of coke with her. The little dog is running after her. It wants to go with them, too. They are all very happy.
6.On Sundays the Smiths like _______. ( )
A.to stay at home B.to watch TV
C.to go out for a trip D.to do shopping
7.Jack and Mike wear _______. ( )
A.T-shirts and running shoes B.coats and trousers
C.jackets and jeans D.jackets and coats
8.They take _____ with them. ( )
A.some apples and oranges B.some bananas and pears
C.some food and drink D.some meat, bread and four tins of coke
9.They also take _____ with them. They were all very happy. ( )
A.A little dog. B.a little cat C.a bird D.a toy car.
I’m an English girl. My name is Mary. I’m ten. I live in London. London is the capital of the UK. It’s in the south of the UK. I have two brothers. My brothers and I are all at school. We go to school from Monday to Friday. We don’t have classes on Saturday or Sunday. My mum is a doctor. My father is a policeman.
I like singing. My favourite subject is Maths. My favourite teacher is Ms Smart. She teaches us Art. My favourite sport is ping-pong. My favourite day is Tuesday, because I have two Maths classes on Tuesday.
10.Mary is ___________ girl. ( )
A.an American B.a Chinese C.an English
11.Mary and her brothers ___________ on weekends. ( )
A.don’t have classes B.go to school C.play games
12.London is in the ___________ of the UK. ( )
A.south B.west C.north
13.What’s Mary’s favourite subject ( )
A.Maths B.Chinese C.English
14.Why does Mary like Tuesday best ( )
A.Because she likes English.
B.Because she likes Ms Smart.
C.Because she has two Maths classes.
A family of 15 elephants becomes famous (出名的). In about 450 days, they walk north for more than 300 miles in Yunnan, China. Why are they moving Where are they going No one knows!
But there are things we already know about elephants!
What Elephants Look Like
Elephants are big! They are the biggest land (陆地) animals.
They have long noses called trunks. They have big ears.
What Elephants Eat
Elephants eat for 16-18 hours a day. They eat grass, leaves and fruit. They drink lots and lots of water, too.
Where Elephants Live
Elephants live in Asia and Africa (亚洲和非洲). They live on grassland and in forests (森林). They live with their families.
15.The 15 elephants move ______ in Yunnan, China. ( )
A.north B.east C.south
16.“Trunk” here means. ______ in Chinese. ( )
A.树干 B.躯干 C.象鼻
17.Elephants eat for, ______ hours each day. ( )
A.24 B.16-18 C.15
18.Which one is true ( )
A.The elephant family walks 300 miles to find food.
B.Elephants eat plants.
C.Elephants only live in forests.
19.What is the best title (标题) for the passage ( )
A.Elephants B.A Long Trip C.Elephants in China
One day, Mingming and his family were on their way to Green Park. “Look, Dad!” said Mingming. “The driver and I have the same (相同的) watch.” He ran up to the bus driver. “Look, Mr Driver! We have the same watch.” Mingming’s father called him back. “Shh, Mingming. Can’t you see the sign (指示牌) You shouldn’t talk to the driver. It’s dangerous.” “Sorry, Dad,” said Mingming.
When they arrived at the park, they walked to the lake. The lake was very beautiful. Mingming asked, “Dad, can I fly my kite here ” “Not here, Mingming,” said Dad. “It’s dangerous to fly your kite by the lake. Can you see the sign over there ” “Sorry, Dad,” said Mingming. “I will go to the square (广场) to fly my kite.”
Mingming flew his kite all afternoon in the square far from the lake. He had a wonderful time in Green Park.
20.How did Mingming’s family go to the park ( )
A.By bus. B.By car. C.On foot.
21.Which sign did Mingming see first ( )
A. B. C.
22.Which sign did Mingming see by the lake ( )
A. B. C.
23.Where did Mingming fly his kite in the end ( )
A.By the lake. B.In a square. C.In a street.
24.What does this story tell us ( )
A.It’s important to follow (遵守) rules (规则). B.Flying kites is good for our health.
C.People like to go to parks.
My name is Ted. There are some rules in my home. My parents always say rules are very important.
Once, my older sister Sally didn’t follow (遵守) the rules. She didn’t call home when it was nine in the evening. Dad was worried. He phoned many of Sally’s friends. When my little sister Lily saw how worried my dad was, she started to cry. When my little brother Tom, a one-year-old baby, hear Lily’s crying, he started to cry, too. My mum wanted to look after Tom. She ran to him quickly. Oh no! She fell down. My family was in a mess! Just then, Sally walked in. “I’m sorry,” she said, “I was with Diana, and we took her dog for a long walk. I forgot (忘记) the time.” When Sally saw what had happened, she was very sorry. She learnt a lesson. Now she never forgets to call home.
25.Why was Dad worried ( )
A.Because Tom cried.
B.Because Mum fell down.
C.Because Sally didn’t come home.
26.Why did Mum run to Tom ( )
A.Because he cried.
B.Because he fell down.
C.Because he didn’t come home.
27.Why did Sally NOT phone home ( )
A.Because she didn’t have a phone.
B.Because she didn’t know it was late.
C.Because she didn’t want to call home.
28.How many children are there in this family ( )
A.Four. B.Five. C.Six.
29.What lesson did Sally learn ( )
A.Friends are very important. B.Time is very important.
C.Rules are very important.
Pet Questionnaire Name: Jack 1. What’s your pet It’s a dog. 2. How often do you play with it Every day. Sometimes. Never.(从不) 3. Why do you like it It’s very helpful and loyal (忠诚的).
Pet Questionnaire Name: May 1. What’s your pet It’s a parrot. 2. How often do you play with it Every day. Sometimes. Never.(从不) 3. Why do you like it It’s very cute. And it can speak English!
30.Who has got a parrot ( )
A.Jack. B.May. C.May’s sister.
31.How often does Jack play with his pet ( )
A.Every day. B.Sometimes. C.Never.
32.How often does May play with her pet ( )
A.Every day. B.Sometimes. C.Never.
33.Why does Jack like his pet ( )
A.It’s cute. B.It can speak English. C.It’s helpful.
34.Why does May like her pet ( )
A.It’s helpful. B.It’s loyal. C.It’s cute.
35.________ is in the northeast of China. ( )
A.Haikou B.Xining C.Beijing
36.Haikou is in the ________ of China. ( )
A.north B.south C.west
37.Xining is ________ the south of Mongolia. ( )
A.in B.on C.to
38.Chengdu is ________ the south of Xining. ( )
A.in B.to C.on
39.Xining is in the ________ of China. ( )
A.west B.east C.south
Musical Instruments
There are four main groups of instruments. There are many kinds of instruments in each group.
Some instruments (like guitar, violin ) use strings (弦) to make sounds. We use a bow (弓) or our fingers to play them.
Some instruments (like flute, suona ) use air from our mouths to make sounds. We blow into them and play them.
Some instruments (like horn, trumpet) use moving air and lips to make sounds. Make your lips buzz (使嗡嗡叫) to play them.
Some instruments (like drums, triangle) use sticks or hands to make sounds. Hit (敲打) them to play them.
You can play instruments to make music !
40.In which group would a flute belong to (属于) ( )
A.Instruments played with strings.
B.Instruments played with air from your mouth.
C.Instruments played with sticks.
41.Which of the following is true in the passage (文章) ( )
A.Drums are the easiest instruments to play.
B.Making music is fun!
C.You can play instruments to make music.
42.How are all instruments the same ( )
A.They all cost a lot of money.
B.They are all easy to learn.
C.They all make a sound.
43.Which of the following is used to play an instrument with strings ( )
A.A breath. B.A buzz. C.A bow.
44.Why did the writer write many kinds of musical instruments ( )
A.To introduce the reader about different kinds of instruments.
B.To teach the reader how instruments are made.
C.To make the reader love music.
Grandpa, Grandson and Donkey
One day, a grandpa and his grandson took their donkey to the market. On the way there, they met some women. The women said: “How silly are they Why not ride the donkey ”
“I think they are right,” said grandpa. So the grandpa let his grandson get on the donkey.
After a while they met some farmers. The farmers said: “What a bad boy! Why not let the grandpa ride the donkey ”
“Er… they are right,” said grandson. So the grandson jumped off and let his grandpa ride.
Then they met an old woman. She said: “What a bad grandpa! Why not let your grandson ride the donkey ”
“Err… she is right,” said grandpa. So the grandson climbed up too.
Soon they met some children. The children said: “Poor donkey! It will die.”
“…” “They are all right!” said grandpa.
So they carried the donkey.
“Ha-ha! How stupid are they ”
45.Where were the grandfather and grandson going to ( )
A.Their house. B.The market. C.The farm.
46.Who rode the donkey first ( )
A.The grandson. B.The grandfather. C.The women.
47.Who said: “Why not let your grandson ride the donkey ” ( )
A.The women. B.The farmers. C.The old woman.
48.In the end, what happened to the donkey ( )
A.Grandpa and grandson carried the donkey.
B.Grandpa and grandson both rode the donkey.
C.Grandpa and grandson let the donkey free.
49.Who said the last sentence in the story ( )
A.Grandpa, grandson and donkey.
B.People on the road.
C.The women, the farmers and the old woman.
Mr Black has two cats. One is big and the other is small. He likes them very much. One day, his friend Mr Green came to see him. Mr Green opens his eyes wide and is confused. He finds there are two holes (洞) in the door; a big hole and a small one. He says, “Why are there two holes in your door ”
“To let my cats in or out.” Mr Black answers.
“Why not one ” asks his friend.
“Can the big cat go through the small hole ” Mr Black says.
50.Mr Black has ________ cats. ( )
A.one B.two C.three
51.There are two ________ in the door. ( )
A.keys B.pictures C.holes
52.Mr Green is Mr Black’s ________.( )
A.friend B.brother C.workmate
53.The ________ cat can go through the ________ hole. ( )
A.big, small B.small, big C.fat, big
54.Mr Green is very ________ when he comes to see Mr Black. ( )
A.happy B.scared C.confused
Dear Wei Hua,
How are you I’m in the UK these days. Yesterday I went to Amy and Sam’s school. In the UK students don’t start school at eight o'clock in the morning. They have classes from nine o'clock in the morning to four o'clock in the afternoon. They have two PE classes every week. Their teacher wants them to do lots of sports. Students don’t do morning exercises before nine o'clock. But they all play in the playground. In the classroom they don’t sit in line. They sit in groups. They sit around the desks.
55.Students have classes from ______ in the morning in England. ( )
A.seven B.half past eight C.nine
56.Students in England have two ______ lasses every week. ( )
A.English B.Chinese C.PE
57.Students in England ______ morning exercises before nine o'clock. ( )
A.don’t do B.do some C.do lots of
58.In England students sit ______ in the classroom. ( )
A.in groups B.on the desks C.in line
59.Students all play in the playground ______ nine o'clock in England. ( )
A.at B.after C.before
It is Saturday. The Browns are at home. Mrs Brown is in the kitchen. She’s making apple pies. The pies are very delicious. Mr Brown isn’t in the living room. He is outside. He is washing his car. The car is new and beautiful. So he looks after it very well. Jim is in the garden. He is playing football with some other boys. Where is his sister, Sue She’s in her bedroom with her friend, Ann. They are watching the Animal World.
60.There are ______ people in Mr Brown’s family. ( )
A.six B.four C.three
61.Mrs Brown is ______.( )
A.making apple pies B.watching TV C.eating a cake
62.Mr Brown looks after his ______ very well. ( )
A.cat B.dog C.car
63.Who is playing outside ( )
A.Some boys. B.Sue and Ann. C.Some girls.
64.Sue and Ann are ______.( )
A.watching TV in the living room B.playing in Ann’s room
C.watching TV in Sue’s room
Today is Sunday! On Sundays, I usually play the flute. My father usually reads newspapers. My mother usually cleans the house. But today my mother is in bed. She is ill. My father has to do the housework. "Sam, can you help me " "Yes, Dad!" Now, we're washing the car. Where's my sister, Amy She is playing the flute. What a lucky girl!
65.What day is today ( )
A.Saturday. B.Sunday. C.Friday.
66.What does the father usually do on Sundays ( )
A.He does the housework.
B.He cleans the house.
C.He reads newspapers.
67.What is Sam doing ( )
A.Playing the flute. B.Playing football. C.Washing the car.
68.What does the mother do this Sunday ( )
A.She is in bed. B.She cleans the house. C.She reads newspapers.
69.Which one is NOT true ( )
A.Sam is helping his mother wash the car.
B.Sam's father is very busy today.
C.Sam is not playing the flute today.
1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.B
6.C 7.A 8.D 9.A
10.C 11.A 12.A 13.A 14.C
15.A 16.C 17.B 18.B 19.A
20.A 21.A 22.C 23.B 24.A
25.C 26.A 27.B 28.A 29.C
30.B 31.A 32.B 33.C 34.C
35.C 36.B 37.C 38.B 39.A
40.B 41.C 42.C 43.C 44.A
45.B 46.A 47.C 48.A 49.B
50.B 51.C 52.A 53.B 54.C
55.C 56.C 57.A 58.A 59.C
60.B 61.A 62.C 63.A 64.C
65.B 66.C 67.C 68.A 69.A
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



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