【暑期衔接】2023-2024 外研版(一起)英语三升四暑假专题复习--05 补全短文(含答案)

【暑期衔接】2023-2024学年 外研版(一起) 英语三升四暑假专题复习--05 补全短文(含答案)
This is my room. There 1 a pen on the desk. There 2 two books on the desk, too. There is a chair in front of the desk. Near the desk, there is a bed. And there 3 a bag and some clothes on it. Look, there 4 a toy pig and a ball near the door. My room 5 very good.
Annie 6 (is / was) a clever girl. She 7 (like / likes) dancing a lot. She 8 (is / was) thin then. But now she 9 (was / is) a little fat. She 10 (want / wants) to play. But it will rain soon. Annie 11 (is / are) very sad.
Yesterday I 12 (am / was) not very busy (忙碌的). I 13 (was / were) at Su Yang’s home. It 14 (was / were) on the 15 (first / one) floor. I could 16 (find / see) his home. The CD 17 (is / was) on the shelf (架子). We played lots of games. And we 18 (was / were) very, very happy. It 19 (is / was) a fun day!
Today is Parents’ day. Dad is going to (谈话) to Daming’s teacher. Daming is a (聪明的)boy. He works . (努力) He isn’t (懒). His work is good. Ms Smart is very (高兴) with his work.
This is Maomao. She is a girl. She is very (友好的). She always helps people. But she is a bit (害羞的). This is Xiaoyong. He is a boy. He can (制作) e-card. But he is a bit (安静的). I have got another friend. His name is Parrot. He is very very (淘气的).
open wide like about wheel
Amy is from London. She is reading a book 22 London with Lingling. This is the River Thames. It’s long and 23 . This is Big Ben. It’s a very old clock. And this is a big 24 . It’s 25 a big round eye. It’s the London Eye. This is the Tower Bridge. It can 26 . Lingling likes London very much. She wants to visit London.
A: Do you have any hobbies, David
B: Yes. I like travelling.
A: Where are you going this w 27
B: I'm going to Beijing. I'll v 28 the Great Wall with my parents.
A: What's the w 29 like there in winter Is it as w 30 as that in Kunming
B: No, it's much c 31 than that in Kunming. We n 32 some warm c 33 in winter in Beijing.
A: What do p 34 usually do in winter in Beijing
B: They o 35 go skating and skiing. And the children like m 36 snowmen.
A: It's great fun.
read, study, behind, sofa, on, five, homework, bedroom, computer, beside, kitchen, there
Look! This is a picture of my home. There are 37 rooms: a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom, a study and a 38 . My father is sitting on the 39 . My mother is cooking in the 40 . 41 is a big bed in my bedroom. I like my bed. I often 42 books and do 43 in the study. You can see a 44 on the desk. There is a big shelf 45 the desk. Where is my cat It's sleeping 46 the chair.
On Sunday, Lingling and Amy went to the Great Wall. This is the first time that Amy came to the Great Wall. Amy says: Woo, it’s very, very (long/wide). Then they went to The Tian’anmen, it’ s very (round/wide). At last, they went to The Bird’s Nest, it’ s (new/old). Amy was very happy.
1.is 2.are 3.is 4.is 5.is
6.is 7.likes 8.was 9.is 10.wants 11.is
12.was 13.was 14.was 15.first 16.find 17.was 18.were 19.was
20.;; ; ;
22.about 23.wide 24.wheel 25.like 26.open
27.winter 28.visit 29.weather 30.warm 31.colder 32.need 33.clothes 34.people 35.often 36.making
37.five 38.bedroom 39.sofa 40.kitchen 41.There 42.read 43.homework 44.computer 45.beside 46.on
47. long wide new
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)




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