河北省廊坊市安次区2023-2024八年级下学期6月期末英语试题(word版无答案 无听力音频 听力原文)

1.听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
1. A. stomachache B. fever C. headache
2. A. put into B. turn down C. turn into
3. A. a small river B. a cute dog C. a big desert
4.--A. I have read less than 5 books.
B. I have read not less than 5 books.
C. I have bought at least 5 books.
5. A. The old man is known for his songs.
B. The old man is famous for his pictures.
C. The old man likes drawing pictures.
II.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
6. A. Yes, twice. B. For two weeks. C. No,I can't.
7. A. White. B. My father. C. 100 dollars.
8. A. I read it in the library. B. It is very boring. C. I've read it before
9. A. Nice work! B. I agree with you. C. Sorry to hear that
10. A. I like going to the movie. B. Pop music. C. Action movies.
Ⅲ.听对话和问题,选择正确答案。 (共8小题;每小题1分,满分8分)
11. What was John doing when the rainstorm came
12. What does the girl want to learn
13. When is the boy going to the New City Zoo
A. Tomorrow. B. Next month. C. Next week.
八年级英语试卷 第1页 (共8页)
14. What animals are they talking about …
A. Sharks B. Dolphins. C. Pandas.
15. What will they do after seeing the animals
A. Have a meal. B. Go to the movies. C. Visit a friend.
16. What will Bill do first
A. Clean his room. B. Finish his homework. C. Take out the rubbish.
17. Who is coming over in an hour
A. Bill's cousin. B. Bill's grandfather. C. Bill's grandmother.
18. What do Mark and Bill-want to do
A. Go to the mountains. B. Go to the movies. C. Go to a meeting.
IV.听短文和问题,选择正确答案。 (共7小题;每小题1分,满分7分)
19. What does Nick enjoy doing
A. Playing with kids. B. Teaching the children to read. C. Playing football.
20. What is John good at
A. Painting. B. Writing funny stories. C. Telling stories and jokes.
21. Why are all the classmates so happy
A. Because they can help others.
B. Because they sing songs.
C. Because they like animals.
22. How old is Ton'
A. He is ten years old. B. He is twelve years old. C. He is eleven years old.
23. Which subject is Tony good at
A. Math. B. Chinese. C. English.
24. What's the matter with Tony
A. He feels tired and has a headache.
B. He got hit on the head.
C. His math isn't good.
25. What did the doctor ask Tony to do
A. He asked Tony to drink some water.
B. He asked Tony to take more exercise.
C. He asked Tony to get up early.
V.听短文填空 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
Tom's Photo
When On 26. _9th.
Where 27. _ the forest.
What he did After walking for about an hour, he stopped to have a 28. _. Tom took a photo of the 29. _ with his phone.
How he felt Tom felt very 30. _.
八年级英语试卷 第2页 (共8页)
VI. 完形填空 (共10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分)
Tom was a giraffe who lived in a zoo with his mom, dad and other giraffe friends. As Tom grew,he 31 his neck was much shorter than the others'. He began to get 32 . But his mother told him that he was special. She said it did not matter how short or long his neck was.
Tom tried not to think about his short 33 . But as his friends grew taller and taller, his neck 34 short. Sometimes the other giraffes 35 him, but his parents told him not to worry.They said that he should be happy with himself the way he was. He tried, but he could not even play in some giraffe sports. He was just too 36 .
One day, one of the zoo workers came and took Tom away. Tom was frightened. Would he have to leave the zoo just 37 he didn't have a long neck The zoo worker calmed (使……平静)Tom down and gave him some food. He felt better. Then he led Tom into another area of the zoo.There was a small 38 between the two areas. Tom was the only giraffe that could fit through it.
Soon Tom's parents came to see k m. “I told you that you were special,” his mother said.“The zoo has made a place just for 39 because so many people want to see how special you are!”She was right. Visitors pointed to him and screamed (尖叫, 高喊) 40 . They looked happy to see something so special at the zoo.
31. A. hoped B. agreed C found D. wondered
32. A. happy B worried C. powerful D. interested
33. A. nose B. neck C. tail D. leg
34. A. felt B. turned C. became D. staved
35 A. laughed at B. looked after C. heard of D. fell behind
36. A. short B.---tall C. thin D. fat
37.-A. before B. after C. unless D. because
38. A. hole B. cage C. door D. window
39. A. us B. me C. him D. you
40. A. angrily B. excitedly C. heavily D. sadly
八年级英语试卷 第3页 (共8页)
Ⅶ. 阅读理解 (共20小题; 每小题2分,满分40分)
There was a rainstorm last night. What were the four people doing at that time The following was what they said.
Amy I was writing a report in my room. Suddenly it got so dark that I could see nothing. Lucklly, Dad was in the kitchen. He took out his mobile phone and came to stay with me.
Jane I was driving home when the rainstorm came. On the way, my friend Ted called me and said he would catch the train to Beijing, but he couldn't get to the train station on time. Then I drove him to the train station.
Molly I was watching my favorite program on TV in the living room. Suddenly the lights went out. I was so scared that I ra n into my bedroom right away. Then I heard my mom shout, "Don't worry, Molly. I'm coming!"
David I was looking through an article on the Internet. I listened to the weather report yesterday morning, but I didn't think the rainstorm would come so suddenly. I quickly stood up and walked around to see if everything was OK.
41. What was Amy doing when the rainstorm came
A. Driving home. B. Writing something.
C. Working on the computer. D. Watching TV.
42. How did Molly feel when the lights went out
A. Afraid. B. Bored. C. Surprised. D. Nervous.
43. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. Ted wanted to go to Beijing by ear.
B. Molly heard her mom's shout in the living room.
C. David listened to the weather report yesterday morning.
D. Amy's dad gave her a mobile phone and left.
A father and his daughter were walking along the country road on a hot summer day. Suddenly his young daughter saw a young woman selling apples near them. She asked her father to buy her an apple. The father didn't bring much money with him, but it was enough to pay for two apples. So, he bought two big red apples and gave them to his daughter.
His daughter held one apple in each of her hands. The father smiled and asked her if she could share the two apples with him. On hearing this, his daughter quickly took a bite from one apple. The father felt surprised. But before he could speak, his daughter also took a bite from the other apple quickly.
The father felt more surprised. He wondered why she did in such a greedy (贪婪的) way. He thought maybe he was just thinking too much or that his daughter was tod young to、understand about sharing and giving. The smile disappeared from his face little by little.
And suddenly his daughter with an apple in one of her hands said, “Father, have this one. This one is much sweeter.”
八年级英语试卷 第4页 (共8页)
The father was not able to speak. He felt sorry about coming to the judgement(判断) so quickly about small child. His smile came back again. Now he knew why his daughter quickly took a bi le from each apple.
Don't judge anything too quickly. Always spend time understanding things better...
44. What did the father feel after his daughter bit the apples
A. Sad. B. Surprised. C. Happy. D. Angry.
45. Why did the girl bite the other apple
A. Because she wanted to give the sweeter one to her father.
B. Because she was too hungry.
C. Because she liked eating apples.
D. Because she wanted to eat the sweeter one.
46. What does the story mainly tell us
A. We should understand about sharing and giving. B. Don't be too greedy.
C. Don't judge anything too quickly. D. We should buy more apples for kids.
I've had an alarm clock for more than 30 years It was a gift when I meved out of t ho house at 18. It has nothing special. Well, this clock has just been sitting by my bed, doing its job without failure. This clock has served well for over 13,000 days. The manufacturer(生产商) closed down long ago, but the clock has never stopped working.
I thought about the number of people that the little tool had seen together with me through the years. I laughed when I told a friend that the tool had been more reliable(可靠的) than many people I had known.
But last night, as I sat on the side of my be d and set the alarm for 4:09a. m. I stopped laughing. I found the red clock didn't work. I checked the time, set the alarm turn to“on”, and realized that this was my longest friend. This clock sits by my bed and notices every change in my life. It has watched my ups and downs. It might never work again. To my surprise, it started to work again after some examinations!
47. When did the writer get the clock
A. At the age of 48. B. At the age of 35. C. At the age of 30. D. At the age of 18.
48. According to the passage, which of the following is true
A. The alarm clock works for the writer's mother.
B. The alarm clock still works after its producer closed down.
C. The alarm clock works better than any other clock.
D. The alarm clock works after the writer's friends died.
49. How did the writer feel when the alarm clock had something wrong
A. Sad. B. Reliable. C. Excited. D. Happy.
50. What can we know from this text
A. The writer has deep feelings about the clock. B. The clock cost a lot.
C. The writer changed his job from time to time.
D. The writer didn't get on well with his family.
八年级英语试卷 第5页 (共8页)
Have you ever visited a museum Did you make a plan before the visit Every museum must have something that interests you. And there are many ways to enjoy, yourself in a museum. The following advice may help you.
Decide which kind of museum`you will visit. There are different kinds of museums and you first need to find one that you like. It's not hard for you to choose one and start an enjoyable visit. Look through the information online. Every museum now has a website(网站). You can look through the information about the museum. On the website, you can find things such as the history of the museum,activities in it and its ticket price. It'll make your visit easier and more interesting.
Learn new things. It is always good to learn something new from your visit.
Plan breaks into your visit. When you walk around for a long time, you may become very tired.It is important to take breaks. It can make you think of what you have seen and what else you want to do.
Take a friend. Visiting a museum is always much more enjoyable when you are with a friend.You can talk about what you're seeing. A friend may bring another way of thinking when you talk about the museum.
51. What should we do first before visiting a museum
A. Look through the information online. B. Invite a friend to go together.
C Choose a museum to visit. D. Make a plan for lunch.
52. What may friends do if we visit a museum with them
A. Sha re ideas with us. B. Make the visit cheaper.
C. Discuss future visiting plans. D. Come up with bad ideas.
53. How many pieces of advice does the writer give us
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six.
54. According to the passage, which of the following is not true
A. Learning new things can make you think of what you have seen.
B. You should plan breaks into your visit.
C. You can look through the information about the museum on the website.
D. Every museum must have something that interests you.
55. What does the passage mainly talk about
A How to enjoy ourselves when visiting a museum. B. Where to find a museum.
C. What to do in a museum. D. When to visit a museum.
Most students do not enjoy doing housework. Some of them think that cleaning the bathroom or cooking dinner for the family is boring. However, housework is not as boring as you think. Here are some useful ways for you to try.
Learn to do small things. You should learn to do small things. For example, you can do the dishes, sweep the floor or make the bed. Part of growing up is to learn to take care of yourself.
Divide(划分) housework among the family. In fact, it's too tiring for one person to do all the housework alone. It's good to divide housework into different parts. All the family members will do
八年级英语试卷 第6页 (共8页)
the housework together. Dividing housework among all the family members will make everyone's job much easier.
Make it fun. Cooking is one part of housework. Cooking can be very fun if you put your heart into it. If you learn how to cook your favorite food, you will also be satisfied with yourself.
56,57题完成句子; 58-60题, 简略回答句子。
56. Most students think doing housework is .
57. is to learn to take care of yourself.
58. Why can't one person do all the housework alone
59. How can we make cooking fun
60. Do you often do housework at home Why or why not
Ⅷ. 词语运用(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)
I started learning to p lav 61 piano after my 62 (nine) birthday. Since then, I have played it many 63 ( time) in public. People sometimes 64 (ask) if I feel nervous. I can honestly sav “I do not”. I feel sure about it, and I know I can play it much 65 (well) than before. 66 that does not mean I never feel nervous.
Last month, I took part 67 an activity to raise 68 (money) for children in poor areas.After it, I was asked to give a speech about it in 69 (we) school. The day came at last. Although I had 70 (careful) planned, I was afraid to forget·my words. When I finally stood up speaking,my 71 (hand) were shaking and I could not 72 (hold) my note. Then my teacher encouraged 73 (I) “Come on, you can make it!” I 74 (feel) very re laxed on hearing this. In the end,I made a 75 (success) speech.
I will always try to be confident in myself in future.
IX. 补全对话 (共5小题; 每小题2分, 满分10分)
A: Hi, Mike. The book report is due tomorrow. 76.
B: No, I haven't. I'm only on page 88. I'm too weak to read it now.
B: I had a car accident last Friday afternoon.
A: A car accident Did you go to the hospital
B: 78. . A little girl and her mother helped me.
A: It's so kind of them. 79.
B: They made me lie down at first and then called 120 for me. And then my parents came to pick me up from the hospital. It's not very serious.
A: We must be careful. And you should get some rest before you come back to class.
B: 80. .
八年级英语试卷 第7页 (共 8页)
X. 书面表达 (满分15分)
81.作为一名家庭成员,我们每个人都有义务帮助父母,主动地承担一定的家务,进行家庭建设。请根据提示及要求,以“Be a helper at home. ”为题, 写一篇英文倡议书, 号召更多的同学积极参加家务劳动。
1. be busy, should share housework;
2. help parents relax, care about the family, understand parents;
3. make the bed, clean the room, do the dishes, wash clothes, take out the rubbish, cook dinner ……
要求 .
3.80词左右 (开头结尾已给出,不计人总词数)。
Be a helper at home.
Dear students,
Helping our parents do housework is one of the best ways to care about them.
Doing housework is not difficult, but it means a lot. From now on, let's help our parents do housework.
八年级英语试卷 第8页 (共 8页)



上一篇:专题05 书面表达--【真题荟萃】5年(2020-2024)真题 1年模拟(安徽专用)(含答案)

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