Unit 3 Holiday fun 单元测试(含答案含听力原文无音频)

Unit 3 水平测试
(考试时间:60分钟 满分:100分)
( )1. A. back B. black C. bank
( )2. A. called B. picked C. visited
( )3. A. rainy B. cloudy C. windy
( )4. A. come back B. call me C. catch a fish
( )5. A. Where did you go last Sunday
B. What did you do last Saturday
C. What did they do last Saturday
( )1. A. No, I didn't. B. Yes, we did. C. Yes, I was.
( )2. A. It was great fun. B. It was windy. C. It was there.
( )3. A. Yes, there are. B. No, there weren't. C. Yes, there was.
( )4. A. In Shanghai. B. In Nanjing. C. In Beijing.
( )5. A. She saw a film. B. He went fishing. C. They were happy.
三、听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。 (听两遍,每题2分,共10分)
( )1. Mike's birthday was after the National Day holiday.
( )2. Mike had a birthday party last Sunday.
( )3. The basketball was from Mike's parents.
( )4. Mike and his friends played games at the party.
( )5. Mike bought food with his parents.
Last Day was a sunny day. My friends and I went to the farm. It is not big but nice.We saw many there. In the morning, we a lot of apples. Sam and I kites. Mike and Liu Tao some fish. The girls sang and danced. We had a big dinner on the farm. What a wonderful day!
( )1. The boy goes to school on foot in the afternoon.
( )2. He likes the big apple from his mother.
( )3. Helen made a big cake for her father.
( )4. The teacher had tea and bread just now.
( )5. The boy visited the park. He pointed at the flowers and laughed.
1. Would you like (some) milk
2. I like (dance). I (dance) well yesterday.
3. Mike (pick) oranges on the farm last Friday afternoon.
4. My brother often (eat) fish for dinner last year.
5. Look! The children (sit) on the grass.
6. I caught a big fish. I (give) it to my grandpa.
7. Let the boy (make) a nice cake.
8. Her mother (bring) a hamburger to the park just now.
9. Tom usually (play) basketball in the playground.
10. —Where (be) you this morning —I (be) at school.
七、英汉互译。 (每题1分,共10分)
1. My father (参观天安门广场) last summer holiday.
2. Sam (给鲍比看他的新自行车) yesterday.
3. The boy (对表演秀感到兴奋) just now.
4. The basketball game (进展不顺利) last weekend.
5. He often (看见一些有趣的东西) on the farm.
6. That was great fun.
7. The Summer Palace is very beautiful.
8. There are three terms in a school year in the UK.
9. She asked me about this film.
10. There was heavy rain yesterday evening.
( )1. Where Mike and his father this morning
A. does; go B. did; went C. did; go D. do; go
( )2. —How did you spend your weekend
—I to any places. It the whole(全部的) weekend.
A. went; rainy B. weren't go; rainy
C. didn't go; rained D. didn't went; rained
( )3. — was your Christmas holiday —It was very interesting.
A. What B. Where C. How D. When
( )4. The children came back school the holiday.
A. to; at B. to; after C. on; after D. /; at
( )5. Tim's mother angry because Tim his homework yesterday.
A. is; isn't doing B. did; didn't do C. was; didn't D. was; didn't do
( )6. “—Do you throw rubbish on the floor —No,I don’t.”这一对话的朗读升、降调符号正确的选项是 。
A. ↓; ↓ B. ↓; ↑ C. ↑; ↓ D. ↑; ↑
( )7. Mr Smith swimming every weekend. But he do that last week.
A. goes; didn't B. goes to; didn't C. went; didn't D. went; doesn't
( )8. We can see in Shanghai.
A. the Bund B. the Great Wall
C. the Palace Museum D. the Summer Palace
( )9. there any in the desk a moment ago
A. Were; papers B. Was; paper C. Is; paper D. Were; paper
( )10. Helen us a story, but we couldn't understand her.
A. tells B. told C. telling D. talked
1. Liu Tao wore a lot of bottles yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)
Liu Tao a lot of bottles yesterday
2. There were some interesting shows in the zoo last Sunday.(改为单数句)
There in the zoo last Sunday.
3. My parents and I visited Shanghai last summer holiday. (对画线部分提问)
did your parents and you last summer holiday
4. is, rainy, it, often, spring, in(.)(连词成句)
十、根据中文提示,完成句子。 (每空0.5分,共5分)
They the cinema yesterday morning.
The students are about the film.
There were a lot of in the sky just now.
The show was wonderful at .
My parents visited the .
— 1
A. So you stayed at home yesterday
B. Was it sunny yesterday
C. Hi, Mary. How is the weather in your city today
D. Yes. I read a book and drew pictures in my bedroom.
E. No, it wasn't. It was rainy.
F. It's sunny.
十二、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 (每题2分,共10分)
On a Thursday morning, Chris was absent-minded(心不在焉的) in class. Mr Smith found that and felt a little angry.
Mr Smith: Chris, did you listen to me
Chris: Of course, Mr Smith.
Mr Smith: OK. Please answer my question. Why are there many leaves on the tree in summer but no leaves on it in winter
Chris: It's easy. It's because we need sunshine in winter. If there are leaves on the tree, we can't see sunshine. In summer, the situation(情况) is different. We need the leaves to prevent(阻止) sunlight!
( )1. This story happened on a morning.
A. Tuesday B. Wednesday C. Thursday
( )2. Was Chris absent-minded in class
A. Yes, he was. B. No, he wasn't. C. We don't know.
( )3. Mr Smith wanted Chris to .
A. stop talking B. answer his question C. hand in his homework
( )4. What did Chris think that there are no leaves on the tree in winter
A. He thought there are no leaves because of the cold weather.
B. He thought if there are leaves on the tree, we can't see sunshine.
C. He thought there must be someone picking the leaves.
( )5. How might(可能) Mr Smith feel after hearing Chris' words
A. He might feel angry. B. He might feel sad. C. He might feel happy.
十三、根据要求写短文,不少于5 句话。(共5分)
上个国庆假期你和你的家人去了哪里 做了什么呢 假期是否愉快 请你来写一写吧!
Unit 3 水平测试
一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 (听两遍)
1. black 2. picked 3. windy 4. catch a fish
5. What did they do last Saturday
二、听录音,选择合适的答语。 (听两遍)
1. Did you have a good time, my children
2. How was your holiday
3. Were there any fruit trees on the farm
4. Where can we see the Palace Museum
5. What did your uncle do last Sunday
三、听录音,判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。 (听两遍)
It was National Day last Sunday. And it was also Mike's birthday. He had a party at home.His friends came and they all gave presents to him. They sang and danced. They were very happy. Mike’s parents gave him a nice basketball. After lunch, Mike and his friends went to a park. They played games there. They went home at four o'clock. After dinner, Mike went to the supermarket with his parents. He bought some fruit. He was very happy.
Last National Day was a sunny day. My friends and I went to the farm. It is not big but nice. We saw many animals there. In the morning, we picked a lot of apples. Sam and I flew kites. Mike and Liu Tao caught some fish.The girls sang and danced. We had a big dinner on the farm. What a wonderful day!
一、1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C
二、1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B
三、1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F
四、National, animals, picked, flew, caught
五、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. C
六、1. some 2. dancing, danced 3. picked 4. ate5. are sitting 6. gave 7. make 8. brought9. plays 10. were, was
七、1. visited Tian'an men Square 2. showed Bobby his new bike/showed his new bike to Bobby3. was excited about the show 4. didn't go well5. sees some interesting things 6. 真有趣
7.颐和园 8.三个学期 9.询问我关于这场电影 10. 大雨
八、1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A8. A 9. B 10. B
易错点:9. 时态的判断及 paper是否可数。
解析 第9题:(B) there any in the desk a moment ago
A. Were; papers B. Was; paper
C. Is; paper D. Were; paper
此题要注意a moment ago所表达的时态为一般过去时且 paper为不可数名词。
【跟进练习】How paper there on the wall last lesson
A. much; was B. many; were C. much; is
九、 1. Did, wear 2. was, an, interesting, show
3. What, do 4. It is often rainy in spring.
十、 1. rode, to 2. talking, exciting 3. white,clouds 4. fashion, first 5. Great, Wall
十一、C F (B) E A D
十二、1. C 2, A 3. B 4. B 5. A
My parents and I went to Shanghai last National Day holiday. We visited my uncle. We went to the Bund. We went to the Shanghai Museum. We saw many interesting things. My holiday was great fun.



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