04 过去进行时---2024人教版八年级英语下册期末复习(含答案)

04 过去进行时
1.At five o’clock, my sister and I (watch) TV. There was a very good programme on.
2.They (have) meals at eight last night.
3.—I went to visit you yesterday evening, but you weren’t in.Where were you then
—Oh, I (walk) my pet dog in the park.
4.My mother _________(cook) dinner at six o’clock yesterday evening.
5.This morning the coaches (train) the athletes but I’m not sure if they have prepared for the coming match well.
6.We (talk) about the book when our teacher came in.
7.This morning, the Greens (fix) the pipe, but I am not sure if they have completed it.
8.The men (carry) the goods to the village when it suddenly began to rain.
9.This morning the Greens (clean) the house, but I am not sure if they have completed it.
10.Bob ( listen) to the radio while his sister was cleaning.
11.I _______ (not do) my homework every evening.
12. Tom ___________(play) the piano every Saturday.
13. Listen! My aunt _______ (sing) in the room.She is a singer. She _______ (like) singing. She _______(have) a music show. She is excited.
14.I will __________(leave) here tomorrow.
15. I ________ (think) of a good idea just now.
16.I broke a glass, while I _______ (cook) the dinner.
17.Amy _______ (make) her kite when they heard a knock at the door.
18. At 9 o’clock last Sunday they ______(have)a party.
19. When I _____(come)into the classroom, she _______(read)a storybook.
20. She _____(play)computer games while her mother ____(cook)yesterday afternoon.
1.He was listening to music _____ he was riding his bike.
2.I was waiting at the lights _____ I saw the boy fall off his bike.
3.They were playing chess _____ it began to rain.
4.The driver was talking on his mobile phone _____ he was driving.
5.___ the day went on, the weather got worse.
6.It just isn't fair __ I was working as a waiter last month, my friends were lying on the beach.
7.He chose to walk home ___ he could watch a bus.
8.______ you get stronger, you will be more confident.
9.Peter was so excited ____he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing.
10.It suddenly started to rain _______ we were playing football.
I_ at this time yesterday.
When I came in, my grandparents _chess.
your winter vacation
4.He finally fell asleep (当风逐渐减弱时)at around 3:00 am.
I___________________________the umbrella that I didn’t see a car coming。
1.When I _____down, my mother______the housework.
A.lied; did B.lied; was doing C .was lying; was doing ; D. lay; was doing
2.—Did your wife go to the cinema with you last night
—No. She ________a meeting then.
A.has B.had C.is having D .was having
3.-Grandpa,what were you doing at seven last night ---I______my dog in the park
A.will walk B.walk C.have walked D.was walking
4.While she ______the newspaper, the baby_______asleep.
A:read; fell B:was reading; was falling C:read;was falling D:was reading; fell
5.—Oh, dear! A power cut!
---Sorry, I didn’t know you _______the washing machine.
A .are using B. used C. use D .were using
6.Larry, we’re glad you have arrived. We ________to drive to the station to meet you.
A began B would begin C have begun D were beginning
7.My father was reading a newspaper while my mother ______dinner.
A .is cooking B. cooks C was cooking D. will cook
8.---What were you doing when he_______________ “hello” to you
—I _______in front of the blackboard.
A was saying; read B was saying; was reading C said; read D said; was reading
9.----Could you tell me what at this time yesterday
I was in the library reading books.
A. you did B. you are doing C. were you doing D. you were doing
10.Tom Cook called his mother every week even while he_______ around the world.
A .was traveling B. is traveling C. traveled D. travels
11.--How did the accident happen
--You know , it ______ difficult to see the road clearly because it _____ .
A. was …. was raining B. is … has rained
C. is … is raining D. will be … will rain
12. She________ apples in her garden when I________ to see her yesterday.
A. picked,went B . was picking, went C. picked,was going D. was picking,was going
13. She _____ the room when I went to see her .
A. doesn’t clean B. isn’t cleaning C. didn’t cleaning D. wasn’t cleaning
14. The Reads _______ lunch when I got to their house .
A . were having B. was having C. are having D. is having
15. I ____ an old friend of mine when I ____ in the street yesterday afternoon .
A. met... was walking B. was meeting ... walked
C. was meeting ... was walking D. met ... walked
16. One day when I _______ the post office , I _____ my uncle .
A. pass... say B. was passing ... saw C. passed ... was seeing D. am passing ... am seeing
17. The student ______ to move the bag of rice _______ he heard the sound of a motorbike .
A. was running... when B. was running ... while C. runs ... when D. ran ... while
18. Mark _______ while he _______ up and down.
A. falls...is jumping B. fell...was jumping
C. was falling...was jumping D. felt...was jumping
19. While she ______ TV in the sitting room , the bell ______ .
A. watches … rings B. is watching … rang
C. was watching … rang D. watched … was ringing
20. The little girl was ______ her cat while her mother was _____ the piano .
A. playing … playing B. playing … playing with
C. playing with …playing D. playing with …playing with
Ben could hear strong winds outside his home in Alabama. Black clouds ___l___ (make) the sky very dark. ___2___ no light outside, it felt like midnight. The news on TV reported that a heavy rainstorm was in the area.
Everyone in the neighborhood ___3___ (be) busy. Ben's dad ___4___ (put) pieces of wood over the windows while his mom ___ 5___ (make) sure the flashlights and radio were working. She also put some candles and matches on the table.
Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain ___6___ (begin) to beat heavily ___7___ the windows. After dinner, they tried ___8___ (play) a card game, but it was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside.
Ben ___9___ (not sleep) at first. He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m. When he woke up, the sun was rising. He went outside with his family and found the neighborhood in a mess. Fallen trees, broken windows and rubbish were everywhere. They joined the neighbors ___10___ (help) clean up the neighborhood together. Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together.
一、1. were watching 2. were having 3. was walking 4.was cooking 5.were training 6.were talking 7.were fixing 8.were carrying 9.were cleaning 10.was listening 11.don't do 12.doesn't,play 13.is singing,likes,will,have 14.leave 15.was,thinking 16.was,cooking 17.was,making 18.were,having 19.came,was,reading 20.was,playing,was,cooking
二、1.while;2.when;3.when;4.while 5.As6.while7.when8.When9.when10.when
三、. 1. was taking a shower2.were playing chess3. How’s ; going4.when the wind was dying down
5. was so busy looking for
四、1-5 CDDDD 6-10DCDDA 11-15 ABDAA 16-20 BABCC
五、1. were making 2.With 3.was 4.was putting 5.was making 6.began 7.against 8.to play 9.couldn't 10. to help
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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