
一、听力(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
第一节:听下面十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。
1. What does Henry do
A. B. C.
2. What are they talking about
A. B. C.
3. What does Neil want to do this weekend
A. B. C.
4. Which numberis Tom reading
A. B. C.
5. What's on the ground
A. Ants. B. Mice. C. Snakes.
6. Why does Helen thank John
A. Hefixed her bike B. He lenther abike. C. He found her bike.
7. What's today's English homework
A. Listening to a story. B. Reading a story. C. Writing a story
8. How many pet dogs doesthe woman get
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
9. What is the womandoing
A. Asking the way. B. Showing the way. C. Waiting for the bus.
10. What's special about the rabbit in the girl's dream
A. It canspeak B. It can drive. C. It can fly.
第二节:听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C三个选项中选出正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。
11. Which room does Anna dislike
A. The bedroom. B. The siting room. C. The kitchen
12. What might they do next
A. Find a cheaper flat. B. See some other flats. C. Visit the neighbours.
What is Jennyreading Chinese 13 .
Who once worked in Beijing 14 .
Where is Jenny now In 15 .
13. A. story books B. history books C. poems
14. A. Jenny's father B. Jenny's mother C. Jenny herself
15. A. China B. the UK C. France
Jim is leaving!
What time will Jim leave At 16 p. m
Why does Jim leave early There may be a lot of 17 on the way.
How will Jim pass the waiting time Read the 18 .If it's 19 , he may call friends, orwrite ato-do list, so that he won't 20anything in the days to come.
从A、B 、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
21. Look at theboard on the right. On which day canpeopleNOT get into Sunshine Science Museum
Sunshine Science Museum Open: Tuesday-Friday10:00-18:00 Saturday-Sunday 9:00-19:00 Closed:Monday
A. Monday. B. Tuesday. C. Thursday D. Sunday.
22. —________ can I keep the book, Mr Wu
—Fortwo weeks.
A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How far
23. I have ________ pen. ________ pen is a present from Ben.
A. a; A B. the; The C. a; The D. the; A
24. Mum is cooking in the ________. What a nice smell!
A. bathroom B. study C. bedroom D. kitchen
25. Amy is ________. She never makes any noise.
A. funny B. quiet C. rude D. happy
26. It's time for class, but ________ is in the classroom. How strange!
A. nobody B. somebody C. anybody D. everybody
27. —It's hot here.
—I ________ and open the window.
A. go B. went C. am going D. will go
28. Simon, you should put the rubbish in the nearest ________. Be a good boy!
A. bin B. cage C. box D. tent
29. ________! The pot is burning hot. Don't touch it.
A. Put out B. Go out C. Look out D. Take out
30. —Shall we be volunteers in XuzhouMuseum during the summerholiday
—________ I'm looking forward to it.
A. Not at all. B. I don't agree. C. Why not D. Anything else
根据短文内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Once upon a time, there lived a girl in China named Hua Mulan. Her father was a general (将军) . He was too old and weak to 31 , but not too old to teach her how to ride a horse and use a sword (剑) . Atthat time girls didn't learn these 32 , But Mulan's father believedeveryone should know 33 to fight, even girls. Mulan alsobelieved girls could be as brave as men.
One year, there was a war. The king ordered that one man from each family must go to army. Mulan saw her father's name on the list. She knew her father 34 fight. Mulanbrother was a little child. Only Mulan could take her father's place. 35 the army did take girls for fighting.
Quietly, the next morning, Mulan dressed 36 up as a man and went to the army. Mulan fought bravely over the years. She was very 37 and no one found she was a girl. When the war was over, Mulan got home and 38 again in the clothes of a woman. Mulan and her family had a goodtime together,
Two of Mulan's friends in the war stopped by her house 39 their way home. When Mulan went out and said hello to them, they could not believe their 40 ! Then they that Mulan's story across China. It inspired (激励) many young women, who wanted to ride a horse and use a sword.
31. A. hide B. fight C. drive D. climb
32. A. skills B. steps C. signs D. subjects
33. A. when B. where C. how D. who
54. A. needn't B. shouldn't C. mustn't D. couldn't
35. A. And B. But C. So D. Or
36. A. myself B. yourself C. himself D. herself
37. A. careful B. friendly C. brave D. helpful
38. A. hunted B. dressed C. rowed D. rode
39. A. to B. at C. on D. in
40. A. arms B. legs C. ears D. eyes
It's Sunday morning. My family are at home. I'm reading Alice in Wonderland 41 .It's so interesting! My brother Henry is makinga card. He willgo to his fiend's birthday party
42 . My sister Suzy is calling Grandfather again. She wrote to him 43 and askedhim to stay with us. My parents are surfing the Internet looking forinformation about travelling. We go out 44 . Wewill talk about where to go 45 this afternoon. Nice!
A. the other day B. this evening C. later D. these days E. every summer holiday
B)阅读下面三篇短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。
Family: grass
Kinds: more than 1, 000
Size: from a few centimeters to over thirty meters
Distribution : People can see bamboos mostly in East and South-east Asia (亚洲) and on islands (岛) of the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean (太平洋).
Fun facts:
● It is the main source of food for giant pandas.
● Many types of bambooonly flower once ina lifetime.
● A bamboo forestcan grow from one bamboo plant.
46. In which book maythe students read thispassage
A. History. B. Music. C. Maths. D. Biology.
47. Which word has the same meaningas the underlined word “Distribution”
A. Name. B. Colour. C. Place. D. Price.
48. Which sentence about bamboo is WRONG according to the passage
A. It is in the tree family. B. There are over one thousand kinds.
C. Its size is quite different. D. One bamboo can grow into a forest.
Peter wakes up at about 7 during the week; but much later on Saturdays. After he wakes up, he acts very fast. In fact, he's very good in the mornings. He only needs 20 minutes from the time his alarm clock (闹钟) rings to the time he leaves the house. He doesn't have breakfast at home. He has bread at the office with a cup of coffee.
Peter starts work at 9 a. m, and works for four hours in the morning. At lunchtime, he often sitsin the park and reads when eating sandwiches. Before going back to the office, he does some shopping. The afternoon passes very quickly. He works until 6 o'clockand then he goes home.
In the evenings, Peter watches TV or goes out for dinner with friends. He doesn'tgo to bed latebecause hehas to getupfor work the nextday. Atweekends, his life is very different...
49. Which meal doesPeter have inthe office
A. Breakfast B. Lunch. C. Dinner. D. Supper.
50. What dowe know about Peter
A. He acts fast after he gets up. B. He has coffee only in the afternoon.
C. He has lunch at about 12 a. m. D. He lives very close to his office.
51. What will the writer say about Peter next
A. His future plans. B. His activities at weekends.
C. His dream homes. D. His hobbies and interests.
Nick: Amy, I'm not sure how to say this, but here it goes: I lost your cat Mimi thismorning.
Amy: What
Nick: I'm sorry. I don't know how it happened. She was in her usual place under the bed. WhenI opened the front door to get the milk, I saw herrunpast mereally quickly. I tried to close the door in time, but she must (肯定) have got out.
Amy: Nick, Mimi is a house cat. She shouldn't go outside! She could get lost and never find her way back. Or worse, a car may hither!
Nick: I feel like a bad cousin, Amy. I wish there were something I could do to fix this.
Amy: Wait . . . You looked everywhere for her
Nick: Yes . . . next to the sofa, in the dirtyclothes, behind the bookcase.
Amy: Did you check back under the bed where she was
Nick: No. I just thought that she . . .
Amy: Look who I found
Nick: Oh, I can't believe it! I thought Mimi went out of the frontdoor, butI guess I didn't seeher make it outside. She returned under her bed!
Amy: Sometimes she starts to go out there, but she changes heridea at the last minute. Then shejust goes back to her safe place! The outside world can be a scary (可怕的) place for her!
52. Who are Amy and Nick
A. Neighbours. B. Cousins. C. Volunteers. D. Classmates,
53. What did Nick see Mimi do
A. Go out of the front door. B. Try to get the milk.
C. Run past him quickly. D. Get into a car.
54. What does the underlined part“her safe place”refer to
A. Next to the sofa B. In the dirty clothes.
C. Behind the bookcase D. Under the bed.
55. What does Amy say about Mimi
A. She always tries to go outside. B. She is happy to see the outside world.
C. She will come back on time. D. She is afraid of the outside world.
C)阅读短文,从短文后A 至 F 六个选项中选出五个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Look at the picture on the right. It tells a famous Chineseidiom (成语) NangYingYingXue.
Long long ago in Jin Dynasty, there was a child called CheYin. He loved reading. 56They didn't have moneyto buy lampoil (灯油) for CheYin to read at night.
One night, when Che Yin tried to read, he saw fireflies (萤火虫) flying outside his house. Suddenly he had an idea, “ 57” He went out and got some fireflies in abag. Then heused thebag as a lamp. 58 He began toread like this atnight.
Anotherboy Sun Kang also lovedreading. One night, Sun Kang didn't have lamp oil, so he couldn't read. When he got up at night, he found it was bright outside his house. The snow reflected (反射) the moonlight and made it bright. “ 59” he said to himself. He took outhis books and read.60But this didn't stop him fromreading.
What can we learn from Che Yinand Sun Kang, my dear friends
A. It worked! B.His parents were poor. C.It was very cold outside. D.He got a chair and went out. E. I will make fireflies my lamp! F.I can use the reflected light to read.
61. I don't like ________ /wet/days. I love sunny days.
62. I want to be a doctor when I grow up. I want to help ________ /s k/people.
63. You go ________ /stre t/ on for about 200 meters and then you will see the palace.
64. I want to go out. Where is the ________ /eks t/
65. Tom, ________ /h ri/up, or we will be late for the meeting.
e to Xuzheu and enjoy our ________ /l ukl/food.
67. Some families are not ________ /i:vn/ableto pay for pens and notebooks.
68. What seems to be the ________ /tr bl/, young man
69. Go ________ /θru:/the door, and you will see the garden.
alone lazy wideraisecleverput up
71. Tom, don'tbe ________. It's time to clean your bedroom.
72. “What happened” Tom opened his eyes ________.
73. Please help me ________ the tent in the open air.
74. Let's ________ some moneyto help the children in poorareas.
75. Nancy, I'd love to walk with you if you don't want to go ________.
Every time my friends come to my flat, they say they feel comfortable because there are plenty76plants in my flat. I77(start)to grow plants at home when I moved into this flat ten years ago. The plants not only make the air in my flat cleaner78healthier, but alsohelp make my flat beautiful. Some people say it's difficult79grow plants at home becausethey live in tall buildings. I don't agree. I liveon the 80(twelve)floor. My balcony and the other small areas can 81 (get)a lot of light from the sun. These 82 (place)are good for growing plants. Remember to choose the plants 83 (care). They shouldn't need too much sunshine or water. They should be easy to look after. They will certainly bring lots of
changes to 84 (you)home. I'm sure you 85 (enjoy)these changes!
86. some are on kays there the table
87. will nest bethirteenweekTom
88. visited yesterday of me a friendmine
89. nice it what is weather
90. Alce and after stood acrossthe rabbit ranup the field
假如你是李华,是阳光中学七年级三班学生。本周五你班将去阳光公园举行一次外出活动,你想邀请外教Neil 参加。请你给他写一封邮件,内容包括:
9点在公园门口集中 A day out 活动1:清洁公园 活动2:野餐
进园后左转,直行十分钟,到达湖边 活动3:…(内容自拟)
1. 邮件需包含图中所有要点,可适当增加细节;
2. 词数70左右,邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;
3. 邮件中不得出现真实姓名和校名。
2023~2024 学年度第二学期期末抽测
一、听力(每小题 1. 5 分,共 30 分)
1—5 C A C BA 6— 10 A B C A B 11— 15 C B C A B
16. 4: 30 17. traffic 18. newspaper 19. noisy 20. miss
二、选择填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)
21—25 A B C D B 26—30 A D A C C
三、完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)
31—35 BA C D B 36—40 DA B C D
四、阅读理解(共 20 小题,41—45 小题每题 1 分,46—60 小题每题 2 分,满分 35 分)
41—45 D B A E C 46—48 D C A 49—51 AA B52—55 B C D D 56—60 B E A F C
五、根据音标写单词(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)
61. wet 62. sick 63. straight 64. exit 65. hurry
66. local 67. even 68. trouble 69. through 70. anywhere
六、词语运用(每小题 1 分,共 15 分)
71. lazy 72. wide 73. put up 74. raise 75. alone
76. of 77. started 78. and 79. to 80. twelfth/12th
81. get 82. places 83. carefully 84. your 85. will enjoy
七、连词成句(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
①以下情况可得 2 分:句子完全正确。
②以下情况可得 1 分:句子基本结构正确,但有修改、替换、增加或减少单词;句子基本结构正确,但句子不完全正确。
86. There are some keys on the table. 或 On the table there are some keys.
以下句子可得1 分
Some keys are there on the table. 或 There are on the table some keys.
或 Some keys are on the table there. 或 On the table are some keys there.
或 Are there some keys on the table 或 Are there on the table some keys
以下句子不得分 Some keys there the table on are.
87. Tom will be thirteen next week. 或 Next week Tom will be thirteen.
以下句子可得1 分 Thirteen Tom will be next week.
以下句子不得分 Tom thirteen will next be week.
88. A friend of mine visited me yesterday. 或 Yesterday a friend of mine visited me.
以下句子可得1 分 A friend of me visited mine yesterday.
以下句子不得分 A friend visited yesterday me mine of.
89. What nice weather it is!
以下句子可得1 分What weather nice it is! 或 It is what nice weather! 或 What nice weather is it
以下句子不得分 It weather nice is what.
90. Alice stood up and ran across the field after the rabbit.
或 Alice stood up and ran after the rabbit across the field.
以下句子可得1 分 Alice stood across the field and ran after the rabbit up.
或 Alice stood up and across the field ran after the rabbit.
以下句子不得分 Alice and ran the rabbit across stood up after the field.
或 Alice ran after the rabbit and stood up across the field.
八、书面表达(共 20 分)
One possible version:
Dear Neil,
Our class will have a day out in Sunshine Park this Friday. We would like you to go with us.
We will meet at the gate of the park at 9 a. m. After we get into the park, we turn left and walk on for about ten minutes. We will be at the lakeside. Then we will start to clean up the park. We will be the volunteers on that day. It’s cool! The park is big, so it’ll take us about two hours to do it. Then we will have a picnic. We’ll bring food and share it. Nice! After the picnic, it’s our own time. I love fly kites. Will you join me Or we can play ball games on the grass.
We will leave the park at 3 p. m. I’m sure it will be a happy day out. Hope you can join us.
Li Hua



