专题04 选词填空--【真题荟萃】5年(2020-2024)中考英语真题 1年模拟 (四川专用)

专题04 选词填空--【真题荟萃】5年(2020-2024)真题 1年模拟 (四川专用)
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It’s more and more important for us students to learn to cook food by ourselves. Do you know how to make delicious chicken soup I am good at cooking it. Let me share 1 method with you. Chicken soup is very delicious and easy to cook. If you follow these 2 , you can enjoy the delicious chicken soup.
First, you need a pot. Clean the pot and pour some water into the pot. Heat it as you do other things for cooking. Then, you 3 some chicken, vegetables, salt and pepper. Cut up the chicken and vegetables.
Next, when the water boils, put the chicken into the pot. Wait 4 about an hour and add the vegetables. Cook for about ten minutes and then add salt and pepper.
5 , pour out chicken soup into bowls. Don’t eat at once because it’s too hot! You can enjoy it with your family five minutes later.
age agree decide follow lead mean perform please solve talent they wide
William Shakespeare was born more than 450 years ago. He is 6 regarded as one of the greatest writers in history and is still influencing artists today. However, his language is too old-fashioned and difficult 7 because his time was quite different from today. This has 8 to a discussion: To update (更新) or not to update Shakespeare
Some people think updating Shakespeare is necessary. They say Shakespeare’s plays are great, but what is the point if they cannot be understood So many 9 modern writers have rewritten Shakespeare’s plays in the way people speak today. This makes 10 clearer for today’s audiences (读者). At the same time, audiences would still get as much 11 from the plays.
Some people 12 . They think Shakespeare’s works are beautiful and timeless. The richness of the language and the playful use of words should be celebrated. There are good reasons why the plays are still being 13 today. Many of Shakespeare’s expressions are still used, for example, “All that glitters (发光) isn’t gold.” His works tell us what it 14 to be human. Topics such as love, kindness and friendship last through the 15 .
What do you think Should Shakespeare be updated
go seriously to housework you
When I had something difficult to do, I used to ask my mum for help. But she always said, “Do it 16 , dear.” I would get so angry that I couldn’t talk with my mother at that time. I thought she was the worst mother in the world! One day, I decided to invite some friends 17 my home. My bedroom was in a big mess. Books were all over the table and the floor. I didn’t make my bed, so I asked my mother to help me clean it. But she said 18 , “Do it yourself, dear.” Because of my “lazy mum”, I have to wash my clothes and clean my room. I often help my parents do 19 . It is really hard to do everything on my own, but I have learned so much. As time 20 by, I begin to understand her. I clearly remember what my mum always says, “Do it yourself, dear! Work can make you sunny!”
built over since successful symbol
What may come to your mind first when you think of London Is it the Big Ben or the Tower Bridge How about the London Eye The London Eye has become a place of interest in London 21 it was open in 2000. It is a 22 of the modern Britain, and it is called London’s Eiffel Tower.
At first, it was 23 to celebrate the new year. So people thought it would only be during the year 2000 of perhaps just for a few years more. Nobody expected it to be so 24 .
Today it is one of the UK’s most popular places and is visited by 25 3.5 million people a year. The wheel has 32 boxes and each can carry about 25 people. Visitors can see the whole London from the top.
country we really after song in hear new show decide
As a Chinese, you sing or hear the national anthem (国歌) March of the Volunteers many times. But do you 26 know how it was born
27 1931, September 18 Incident (九·一八事变) took place. Many Chinese people wanted to fight against Japanese invasion (侵略) and save the 28 .
In 1934, Tian Han 29 to write a film script (剧本) to wake up more people. Unluckily, just 30 he finished one story and the lyrics (歌词) of a song for it, he was put into prison by KMT (国民党). Then, Nie Er offered to write music for the 31 . When he read “Arise, you who refuse to be slaves. With our flesh and blood, let us build our 32 Great Wall ... March on! March on! March on! On!”, he felt excited. He seemed to 33 the call of the mother country and the anger of Chinese nation. Quickly, he finished the music. A song to 34 Chinese spirit and Chinese unity (团结) was born in 1935.
On October 1, 1949, March of the Volunteers, as 35 national anthem, was sung on Tian’anmen Square for the first time.
surprise; a; help; hand; with; final; good; but; note; ask
Danny lived a hard life with his mother in a small town. Although they were poor, they were always 36 to those in need.
One day, Danny saw 37 old man carry a huge bag. The man looked tired and hungry. He 38 people to help him carry the bag. 39 nobody agreed to help him. Danny offered to give him a 40 . The old man told Danny that he had no money to pay him.
41 a laugh, Danny said that he was just trying to help. He asked the old man where he wanted to go. He told Danny to follow him.
42 , the old man stopped right in front of Danny’s house. “This is my house!” cried Danny. The old man just turned around and told Danny, “This bag is for you. Use it 43 .” Then he went off. Danny opened the bag and was 44 to find a lot of money inside. A 45 inside it said, “Help comes to those help.”
so cheap from go head down sell as burn ask
An old man went to India. When he got there, he saw some fruit for 46 . Most of it was very cheap. The 47 thing was a basket of red fruit.
“How much per kilo ” the old man 48 .
“Two rupees(卢比),” the shopkeeper answered. Two rupees in India is almost nothing, 49 the old man bought a whole kilogram and started eating it.
However, as soon as he started eating, his mouth began 50 , his eyes began to water, and his whole face became as red 51 the fruit. As he coughed and struggled to breathe, he jumped up and 52 , screaming, “Ah! Ah! Ah!’
And yet he continued to eat the fruit. Some people who were looking at him shook their 53 and said, “You are crazy! Those are chili peppers( 辣椒)!You can’t just eat them by the handful!”
The old man said to himself, “I paid for them, so I must eat them.
This old man seemed pretty stupid. But are we so much smarter All of us have spent money and time on something—maybe a relationship, or a business, or a job—and sometimes, we still continue with it.
What we can learn 54 the old man is this: if you’ve lost a lot over something that doesn’t work, let it 55 and move on. It’s better than continuing to lose.
从方框中选择单词, 并用其正确形式填空,每词限用一次。
keep they a after make leader way story secretly sick
For many Chinese people, Golden Fishing Hook(钩)is one of the most real and moving 56 of the Long March(长征). As 57 true story in the history of the CPC, it has been taught to a great number of students in the country’s schools.
In the story, a group leader was asked to look after three 58 younger soldiers who were left behind the main walking troops(部队). Because there was little food, the group leader 59 a fishing hook with a needle(针)and caught fishes to make soup. To help 60 get better, he gave all the fish and soup to the young soldiers and he himself 61 ate grass and leaves. In the end, the group 62 died from hunger during his 63 to fishing. The fishing hook was carefully 64 by the young soldiers and sent to a memorial(纪念馆) 65 the revolution(革命)succeeded.
every, why, pass, up, keep, a, about, he, if, word
A week ago, I started running again for the first time in over a year. I’ve been pushing myself hard 66 day.
Today I was running on a road, and I 67 a guy. He saw me and gave me the thumbs (拇指) 68 .
I was running back, and I passed him again. This time he said, “ 69 it up, young man.”
I don’t know 70 , but that was like rocket fuel (燃料). I was almost blown up, but that got me going and I finished strong.
I saw 71 again on my last lap (圈). He asked me 72 my goal for the day, and we talked for a second. He gave me some encouraging 73 and we moved on.
It was 74 simple thing, but it made me push harder when I wanted to give in. Point is, 75 you see someone out there working hard, a little encouragement goes a long way.
painting be see forget both sing history art crowd lot
Have you ever 76 Along the River During the Qingming Festival (《清明上河图》) Almost everyone has heard of this painting in his 77 class. It’s one of the most famous 78 in China. It was painted by Zhang Zeduan, an 79 in the Song Dynasty. There are 80 of shops, restaurants, hotels and houses on 81 sides of the river, and the roads are 82 with people. Now you have the chance to feel like you're living in the Song Dynasty. The painting was remade into a 3D version. It is very beautiful. The people, animals and ships 83 moving in the painting. We can see the river flowing and hear birds 84 . The 3D painting will be shown in Shanghai. Don't 85 to see it and feel people's lives in the Song Dynasty by yourself.
accept advantage appear choose convenient it light little material one serious worth
Clothing takes the first place in people’s basic needs of “clothing, food, housing and transportation”. It can be seen that ancient people took clothing 86 . Shoes, in turn, hold a high position in clothing.
For the common people in ancient times, clogs and straw sandals cost much 87 , so they enjoyed high popularity for quite a long time. Actually, they both had their 88 —straw sandals could hurt people’s feet after long walks, while clogs were 89 for travels.
Liu Bei, a great ruler in the Three Kingdoms Period, made a living by selling straw sandals at 90 . In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao laughed at Liu as “nobody who just makes straw sandals”. It showed straw sandals were really 91 then, and that those who sold them were looked down upon.
The ancients mostly depended on walking, so owning comfortable, cheap and durable (耐磨的) shoes was their dream. Ideas about other possible 92 for shoes were come up with one after another in history. And you can always believe in our ancestors’ final 93 —cloth. Cloth shoes were breathable, comfortable and cheap. So, they 94 by the public soon.
The most fascinating part of cloth shoes is their thousand-layer soles (千层底). Tangchang, a town in Chengdu, is well-known for 95 cloth shoes with thousand-layer soles. In 2018, the government even added Tangchang cloth shoes to the intangible cultural heritage list of Sichuan Province.
A.enough B.or C.with D.angrily E.made F.face G.whole H.stopped I.done J.weekend
Tony left for work on Friday morning. It was payday. After he finished his work, he stayed out the 96 weekend and hung out with his friends instead of going home. He spent a lot of money.
Tony finally went home on Sunday night and found his wife looking at him 97 . His wife said, “Why didn’t you come home this 98 Oh, you must have spent all of your salary (工资) hanging out with your friends.”
Tony didn’t say a word, which 99 his wife angrier. She then began to list all of the wrong things that Tony had 100 over the years, talking for nearly two hours.
Finally his wife 101 and said to him, “How would you like it if you didn’t see me for two 102 three days ”Tony replied, “That would be fine with me.”
Hearing this, his wife became furious (暴怒的) and punched (用拳头打) him in the 103 .
Monday went by and Tony didn’t see his wife. Tuesday and Wednesday came and went 104 the same result. But on Thursday, the swelling (肿块) around his eyes went down just 105 that he could see his wife out of the corners of his eyes.
book, do, excite, favorite, find, help, interest, quick, temperature, travel
What’s the weather like today Is it hot or windy Weather balloons can help scientists 106 it out. Every day, thousands of weather balloons fly high above the clouds. The balloons record wind speed and 107 . They send the information to the scientists who study it.
This kind of project is usually 108 by scientists. Nowadays more and more teenagers join the science clubs in schools. With the 109 of their teachers and researchers, they can finish it as well.
Li Jing and Liu Yan are two girls from Hubei. Their 110 school subject is science, and they like to try different projects in their club. One of their projects is making a weather balloon. They have looked through many 111 and tried a lot.
Today, the young girls are flying their balloon for the first time. It 112 up to 23,000 meters! The girls are very 113 . The balloon records the information for them to study.
Li Jing and Liu Yan 114 share a video of their balloon flying on the Internet. It gets more than 300,000 views (浏览). Most of them are from teenagers. They say the two girls have set a good example for them and they show a great 115 in it, too.
Now, the two girls are making a bigger team and ready for their next try.
human burn rebuild compete with
Notre Dame (巴黎圣母院) was 116 in 2019. After that, it was closed for repair. Now, France has said the cathedral (教堂) will reopen its doors to welcome visitors on Dec 8, 2024.
Workers are busy 117 parts of the cathedral and have made much progress. A new spire (塔尖) has been built with 500 tons of oak (橡木). Next summer, people will see the new spire and roof from the outside. That’s good news for visitors from all over the world who will arrive in Paris for the 2024 Olympic Games.
118 an 850-year history, Notre Dame Cathedral is not only a symbol of France. But a cultural sign for all 119 . In memory of the rebuilding process, French President Emmanuel Macron planned to hold a 120 to find artists to paint six new stained-glass windows (彩绘玻璃窗).
about lock listen great candy fool he direct lie think
There were two young brothers, Tom and Jim. One day, Tom got a candy, but when he was about to eat it, Jim took the candy, put it in his mouth 121 and ran away. Tom burst into tears and rushed to his room. He 122 the door from inside and fell on the bed. With lots of tears on his face, he kept 123 about this sad experience and the lost candy.
After a while, their father learnt 124 the fact and came to Tom’s room. He tried hard to knock at the door and asked Tom to open the door. He said that he had brought a lot of 125 for him. He even promised that he would punish his brother. But Tom refused 126 to his father. He 127 on the bed, paying no attention to what his father did or said. He continued to cry, worrying about 128 minor loss(小损失).
His worry made him lose the chances to get a much 129 joy. We may waste a lot of time and energy worrying about the minor losses that have happened in our lives. But by this foolish action, we may hardly receive greater gifts from life. It is so 130 to miss the whole forest for one tree.
forget, replace, good, I, daughter, somebody, whether, like, hold, let
When I was in middle school, I felt I was always 131 people down. Once I brought my friend Daisy to my home. I noticed that all my family members seemed 132 Daisy better than me.
I felt very sad. I even thought they didn’t love me. I wondered 133 they would miss me if I died some day. So I told my mum, “Daisy is more patient than I have ever been. You must want her to be your 134 instead of me.”
My mum explained that Daisy was a lovely girl, but 135 could replace (代替) me in the family. She said I was the only person who could fill my role. She made me realize that even if I made mistakes, I was a beloved member of the family who could never be 136 .
From then on, I tried to find out who I was and what made me special. I look at 137 in a new way. Then I started to be positive (积极的) towards my life, and was happy about who I really was. I came to feel much 138 as I knew that no one could ever replace me.
Each of us 139 a special place in the world. You are special, no matter what others say or what you may think. So 140 that you will be replaced. You can’t be.
1.my 2.steps 3.need 4.for 5.Finally
6.widely 7.to follow 8.led 9.talented 10.them 11.pleasure 12.disagree 13.performed 14.means 15.ages
17.to 18.seriously 19.housework 20.goes
21.since 22.symbol 23.built 24.successful 25.over
26.really 27.In 28.country 29.decided 30.after 31.song 32.new 33.hear 34.show 35.our
36.helpful 37.an 38.asked 39.But 40.hand 41.With 42.Finally 43.well 44.surprised 45.note
46.sale 47.cheapest 48.asked 49.so 50.to burn 51.as 52.down 53.heads 54.from 55.go
56.stories 57.a 58.sick 59.made 60.them 61.secretly 62.leader 63.way 64.kept 65.after
66.every 67.passed 68.up 69.Keep 70.why 71.him 72.about 73.words 74.a 75.if
76.seen 77.history 78.paintings 79.artist 80.lots 81.both 82.crowded 83.are 84.singing 85.forget
86.seriously 87.less 88.disadvantages 89.inconvenient 90.first 91.worthless 92.materials 93.choice 94.were accepted 95.its
96.G 97.D 98.J 99.E 100.I 101.H 102.B 103.F 104.C 105.A
106.find 107.temperature 108.done 109.help 110.favorite 111.books 112.will travel 113.excited 114.quickly 115.interest
116.burnt 117.rebuilding 118.With 119.humans 120.competition
121.directly 122.locked 123.thinking 124.about 125.candies 126.to listen 127.lay 128.his 129.greater 130.foolish
131.letting 132.to like 133.whether 134.daughter 135.nobody 136.replaced 137.myself 138.better 139.holds 140.forget



上一篇:专题02 阅读理解--【真题荟萃】4年(2021-2024)中考英语真题 1年模拟 (四川专用)
