专题02 阅读理解--【真题荟萃】4年(2021-2024)中考英语真题 1年模拟 (四川专用)

专题02 阅读理解--【真题荟萃】4年(2021-2024)真题 1年模拟 (四川专用)
(2024·四川乐山·中考真题)Have you ever thought about what goes into making a cartoon Or maybe there is a famous cartoon from another country you like to watch in Chinese But how do you change the language to Chinese This is something called dubbing (配音). To dub means adding sounds or words in a new language to a movie, radio or TV show. Dubbing is usually done to make it easier for people in another country to understand a movie or a show.
For me, I’ve had experience dubbing TV shows and cartoons from Chinese into English. I’ve done dubbing for many kinds of shows, such as love stories, kung fu movies, documentaries (纪录片) and more. However, my favourite ones to dub are cartoons. That’s because with cartoons I can use many different kinds of voices, such as high ones for good guys and low ones for bad guys.
Two of my favourite cartoons that I’ve dubbed were called A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix (《百鸟朝凤》) and The Foolish Old Man Who Removes the Mountains (《愚公移山》). In the first cartoon, I got to play a silly and very proud but well-meaning blackbird. In the second cartoon, I played both the main hero named Qingfeng and the main bad guy named Mountain Spirit Zheng. The hardest part was not reading the written words. But it was acting out (将……演出来) the voices while matching the actions at the same time. Still, it was really fun voicing all of these different roles!
If you enjoy making different voices, then I highly suggest that you try dubbing at least once.
1.Why do people dub foreign movies
A.To show their foreign language skill. B.To increase the movies’ ticket prices.
C.To make the movies easy to understand. D.To add their own opinions in the movies.
2.What is the writer’s favourite type of dubbing
A.Love stories. B.Kung fu movies. C.Documentaries. D.Cartoons.
3.The underlined word “guys” in paragraph 2 means ______ in the text.
A.roles B.voices C.stories D.lifestyles
4.What did the writer dub in A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix
A.A child. B.A bird. C.A mountain spirit. D.An old man.
5.What was the hardest part for the writer in dubbing the second cartoon
A.Dubbing the voice of a blackbird. B.Writing the words for the movies.
C.Reading aloud behind the screen. D.Matching voices and actions well.
(2024·四川乐山·中考真题)Harry and Annie lived a mile from town, but they walked there to school every day. It was a happy walk around the pond (水塘) on their way to school. In winter, when the ice was thick enough, they went across the pond. But their mother did not like them to do this. She said, “If there’s no one with you, you mustn’t walk across the pond.”
“Don’t go across the pond today, children,” she said, as she kissed them goodbye one morning. “It is beginning to thaw.”
“All right, mother,” said Harry, not very happy, for he liked running and sliding (滑行) on the ice very much.
When they came to the pond, the ice looked hard and safe.
“There,” Harry said to his sister, “let’s slide over it.”
“But you promised mother,” said Annie.
“No, I didn’t, I only said ‘All right’, and it is all right.”
“I didn’t say anything, so I can do what I like,” said Annie.
So they got on the ice and started to go across the pond.
They had not gone far before the ice got broken, and suddenly they fell into the water.
Luckily, a man who was at work near the pond heard the children’s cries. He rushed into the water and saved them successfully. Both of them were nearly drowned (淹死) before the man reached them.
They went home almost frozen (冻僵的) and learned a lesson they would remember for a lifetime.
6.What did Harry and Annie do about the pond in winter
A.Driving along the pond. B.Swimming in the pond. C.Walking across the pond.
7.What does the underlined word “thaw” in paragraph 2 mean
A.融化 B.结冰 C.起雾
8.Why did Annie think she could get on the ice too
A.Because her mother never stopped her. B.Because she didn’t promise her mother. C.Because her brother didn’t like her to do so.
9.What happened in the end
A.A man managed to save the children. B.Harry saved himself without help. C.Annie was drowned in the pond.
10.What is the best title for the text
A.Never Make Promises Easily B.Be Calm in the Face of Danger C.Turning a Deaf Ear Has Costs
(2023·四川甘孜·中考真题)When you hear the word “shapeshifting (变身)”, you may think of magic in some movies and not the climate(气候) . But that’s what animals are doing to go on living in the world.
A new study shows that some animals are slowly growing larger beaks(喙), legs and ears. In this way they can cool themselves down more easily as the Earth gets warmer. When we talk about the climate change, we often ask “What can humans do with this ” “How can we live in the future ” “But we should know that animals also have to face these changes,” said Sara Ryding, from Deakin University, Australia. If animals do nothing to keep their normal(正常的) body temperature, they will die.
In one example, the beaks of some kinds of Australian parrots have grown 4 to 10 percent larger. The study says it has a lot to do with the hotter summer over the years. There are other similar examples. Wood mice have longer tails and bats(蝙蝠) in warm climates have bigger wings.
Although the changes are still small, they could be common as the weather becomes hotter. “Body parts like ears may become bigger, so we might be able to see a real Dumbo (big-eared elephant from a Disney cartoon) in the near future,” Ryding told the reporters.
11.Why do animals grow bigger body parts
A.To become stronger. B.To enjoy a better life.
C.To find food easily. D.To keep normal body temperature.
12.How many animals are mentioned in Paragraph 3
A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5.
13.What does the underlined word “they” refer to in the last paragraph
A.Changes. B.Tails. C.Wings. D.Examples.
14.What does the text mainly tell us
A.Why climate changes so much. B.When the climate starts to change.
C.How animals deal with hotter weather. D.What the weather will be like in the future.
(2023·四川雅安·中考真题)Iceland is a northern European country with amazing natural beauty and oceans around. There are a number of volcanoes (火山). It has a short summer which lasts from June to August. The long winter starts from September and ends next May.
Summer in Iceland is a golden season for tourists. Every year, people from all over the world come here to see the beautiful sights and enjoy the exciting whale-seeing.
In winter, when people in Iceland finish their daily work, they will have different special activities to spend the long dark night. Skating, riding snow motorbikes and having parties can really make an exciting night. After all the fun, a hot bath must be the first choice to relax. There are also story-telling activities for children, which can teach them to be strong and kind. The most popular stories are about Christmas in Iceland.
Because of a long cold winter, Iceland has a short growing season. The food problem was always a headache for Iceland in the past. It had to buy most of its food from other countries, Later, when farmers learned to use lights and underground heat to grow crops (庄稼) all year round in the greenhouse, things changed a lot.
Living in such a nice environment, most people in Iceland live a happy life. According to a survey about happiness made each year in Europe, Iceland is always among the top 3.
15.What does the underlined word “It” refer to (指代) in Paragraph 1
A.The ocean. B.Natural beauty. C.Iceland. D.The volcano.
16.When do visitors usually go to enjoy the whale-seeing
A.In spring. B.In summer. C.In autumn. D.In winter.
17.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3
A.What is the first choice to relax after the fun. B.How people in Iceland finish their daily work.
C.What stories are the most popular in Iceland. D.How people in Iceland spend the long dark night.
18.Why does Iceland have a short growing season
A.Because there are oceans around. B.Because there is a long hot summer.
C.Because there is a long cold winter. D.Because there are a number of volcanoes.
19.What can be the best title of the passage
A.Iceland, a Poor Country B.Food Problems in Iceland
C.Colorful Activities in Iceland D.Iceland, an Amazing Country
(2022·四川资阳·中考真题)The monster statues (怪兽雕像) in the Forbidden City (故宫) come alive! They can move and talk. They even have their own languages. Li Xiaoyu, an 11-year-old student, joins them on an adventurous journey.
This cartoon story comes from the book series (系列) Monsters in the Forbidden City. There are many special things in the cartoon. It has real actors. Li Xiaoyu becomes a monster and gets into the world of monster statues. There are red walls, yellow roofs (房顶), and water-ink paintings.
The books’ writer is Chang Yi. When Chang was a little girl, she often heard stories of monsters in the Forbidden City from older people. She also read about them in some books. Interested in these monsters, she kept reading to find out more about them in ancient books.
As she grew up, she found that many Chinese people knew more about monsters from European and American movies and TV programs. Some loved Japanese monsters, but many of these came from China. Chinese monsters were less well-known. Chang decided to make a change by writing books. The Monsters in the Forbidden City series was born. Each chapter of the books tells the story of a monster statue in the Forbidden City.
20.What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 1 refer to
A.Languages. B.Books. C.Monster statues. D.Older people.
21.Which are special in the cartoon
A.Red roofs. B.Real actors. C.Oil paintings. D.Yellow walls.
22.How did Chang Yi learn more about the monsters
A.By reading books. B.By playing with them.
C.By drawing pictures. D.By watching cartoons.
23.Why did Chang Yi write the book series
A.To make up new stories. B.To develop her interest in writing.
C.To make monsters move and talk. D.To let Chinese monsters more well-known.
(2022·四川·中考真题)After 16 years, the Chinese women’s soccer team once again lifted the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Women’s Asian Cup.
On Feb 6, 2022, China beat South Korea 3-2 to get their ninth Asian championship (冠军).
The last time they won was in 2006. Then the team went through a “low time”.
This time, the team showed a fighting spirit. In the first half, China was losing 0-2. But they didn’t stop trying and scored three goals (进球) to take the lead and win.
“We encouraged each other, and none of us ever thought about giving up. I’m so proud of us.” said team captain Wang Shanshan.
“This championship is a new start for the Chinese women’s soccer team. Through it, we showed the world our strength,” she added.
China’s national women’s soccer team is going great. But they get less salaries (工资) and attention than the men’s team. In fact, almost every college in China has a men’s soccer team. But women’s soccer teams are much fewer. After this championship, media and the public asked for bigger support for the development of the women’s game.
24.When did the Chinese women’s team beat South Korea 3-2
A.In 2006. B.In 2016. C.In 2021. D.In 2022.
25.How did the Chinese women’s team do in the first half of the game
A.They took the lead. B.They were losing.
C.They scored 2 goals. D.They scored 3 goals.
26.What does the Chinese women’s team need most according to the last paragraph
A.More praise. B.More practice. C.More rest. D.More support.
27.What can be the best title of the text
A.Our Team Lifted the Cup Again B.We Have a Wonderful Team
C.China Is a Great Country D.AFC Women’s Asian Cup Began
(2021·四川甘孜·中考真题)Howes was spending a day at the Ocean Beach in New Zealand. His daughter Niccy and her two friends, Helen and Karina, were with him. They were swimming over 300 feet out to sea when they saw six dolphins (海豚) coming to them.
“We couldn’t believe our eyes,” Mr. Howes said. “They kept moving in a circle and we didn’t know why.” Then, one dolphin swam to Mr. Howes and Helen, who were about 65 feet away from the other two. It pushed Mr. Howes and Helen a lot. Mr. Howes felt that the dolphin wanted to bring them together.
“Suddenly I saw another fish swimming to me and Helen,” said Mr. Howes. “It was in fact a great white shark (鲨鱼). It was only about 15 feet away from us,” he said. Then he knew what the dolphins were doing! They were trying to save them from the shark. The shark then went to the other two girls. Mr. Howes was really scared. One of the girls was his daughter.
The dolphins pushed the four swimmers back together and placed themselves between the swimmers and the shark. About 40 minutes later, the shark finally lost interest and swam away. The four swimmers were finally out of danger.
For Howes, it was a day he would never forget. He couldn’t thank his animal friends enough.
28.How many persons went swimming with Howes
A.2. B.3. C.4. D.5.
29.What were the dolphins doing when Howes saw them
A.Playing happily. B.Looking for food. C.Trying to help them. D.Fighting with a shark.
30.Why does the writer say Howes was really scared
A.He was all alone. B.He was far out in the sea.
C.His daughter was missing. D.The two girls were in danger.
31.We can learn from the text that Howes was ________.
A.bad to the dolphins B.sorry for the dolphins
C.thankful for the dolphins D.worried about the dolphins
(2021·四川巴中·中考真题)Three-two-one, fire!
At the moment of 9:43 a. m. on Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020, at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center(卫星发射中心) in Sichuan Province, the last satellite of the third-generation network(第三代导航系统)was sent into space. It is the 55th member in the family of Beidou. It belongs to China’s Beidou Navigation Satellite System(BDS北斗卫星导航系统).
So far, 59 satellites, including the first four test ones, have been launched from Xichang. With the development of China, we have already owned three other famous satellite launch centers-Jiuquan, Taiyuan and Wenchang.
After a period of tests in space, this new satellite has started to work with other Beidou satellites together. It is designed to work for at least 12 years. So far, China has completed the third-generation network of China’s BDS. It was a new milestone in the nation’s research work. The launch showed our country has completed our largest space-based system. It’s one of four global(全球的)navigation networks, including the United States’ GPS, Russia’s GLONASS and the European Union’s Galileo.
BDS has been widely used as public resources(资源)in our daily life. It has been shared by the whole world. It will provide more services around the world. BDS is the common wealth of the development of human beings.
32.How many satellites are there in the family of Beidou
A.4. B.59. C.114. D.12.
33.Where did China launch the last satellite of the third-generation network
A.Wenchang. B.Jiuquan. C.Taiyuan. D.Xichang.
34.GPS belongs to ________.
A.China B.the European Union C.the United States D.Russia
35.What does the underlined word “milestone” mean in Chinese
A.项目. B.事业. C.位置. D.里程碑.
36.According to the passage, we can know that ________.
A.BDS is shared only by China as public resources
B.the last satellite BDS was launched on Tuesday, June 23, 2021
C.China has completed the third-generation network of China’s BDS
D.this new satellite is designed to work for at most 12 years
(2024·四川成都·三模)“If you feel like sleeping more in winter, you are not alone,” said Dr. Raj Dasgupta. To support himself, he mentioned a study that found at least a third of American adults sleep more in winter.
So do people need to hibernate (冬眠) like some animals on cold days Another study done at a hospital in Berlin may help you find out the answer. 188 patients in the study slept about an hour longer in winter, with 30 more minutes of rapid eye movement (REM). REM is a period of sleep where we dream more and our breathing speeds up. “REM helps us remember things and stay happy, and keeps us healthy,” said Dasgupta.
The need for more sleep in winter may have to do with how light fluctuates. “Our bodies use sunlight to set our sleep clocks. When it’s bright outside, we are usually active. But when the sun goes down, we may feel tired, “ Dasgupta said. “Less sunlight on cold days causes an increase in melatonin (褪黑素) produced by our bodies, which makes us feel sleepy.” Because of more production of melatonin, people naturally think a healthy person needs more sleep in winter.
However, that doesn’t mean humans really need hibernation. “We just need to have a better rest from busy social work in winter, by getting more sunlight in the morning and going to bed and waking up at the same time every day,” said another researcher, Dr. Carleara Weiss.
37.Why did Dasgupta mention the study in Para.1
A.To show that sleeping more in winter is natural.
B.To introduce the living habits of American adults.
C.To explain why people feel like sleeping more in winter.
38.Which of the following is not mentioned about REM
A.Its causes. B.Its full name. C.Its advantages.
39.Which picture can show the meaning of the underlined word fluctuates
A. B. C.
40.Which question does Para. 3 mainly answer
A.What chemical makes us feel sleepy
B.Why do we want more sleep in winter
C.How does the weather influence our health
41.What is Weiss’ advice on sleeping in winter
A.To work less and sleep more.
B.To take an active part in social life.
C.To stay outdoors longer and have a fixed sleep time.
Samson, a student from Malawi in Africa, started to take part in agricultural (农业的) activities on September 10, 2022, at an experimental base (实验基地) in Handan, Hebei Province. He went to the base with three other African students. They are all graduate students (研究生) at China Agricultural University in Beijing.
Samson, 31, hopes he can use the skills learned in China to help with agricultural development in his home country. “China’s modern agriculture is highly developed. If we can bring the technologies and experience back, it will be a great help to our country’s agricultural development,” he said.
According to Jiao Xiaoqiang, a teacher at China Agricultural University, “The foreign students work very hard. They always actively take notes and record valuable information they have seen and learned,” Jiao said.
Samson said he would study in China for two years — one year at school for college classes and another at the base for practical learning. He is expected to graduate in June 2024. “With the help of our teachers, we will make research at the base while learning how to work with farmers and give agricultural training, as well as learning crop (农作物) planting skills,” he said.
At the base, they can know different plants, including crops like rice and corn, fruit like apples and pears, vegetables like tomatoes and cabbages, as well as some other crops like traditional Chinese medicine plants and cotton.
During the past fifty years, the base has nurtured over 500 graduate students in agriculture, including two university presidents and three teachers, and more than 60 students from 12 African countries. “Our goal is to nurture talent with practical abilities,” Jiao said.
42.Why did Samson come to China
A.To visit famous places of interest.
B.To learn agricultural technologies.
C.To study traditional Chinese culture.
43.What does Jiao Xiaoqiang think of his African students
A.Hard-working. B.Easy-going. C.Warm-hearted.
44.We can find what Samson will learn at the experimental base in Paragraphs _________.
A.3 and 4 B.4 and 5 C.5 and 6
45.What does the underlined word “nurtured” in the last paragraph mean in Chinese
A.研究 B.派遣 C.培养
(2024·四川攀枝花·二模)We want to know if your school has any unusual rules. Here are answers from some students in the UK.
We’re not allowed to go near any of the boys. The boys sit on one side of the classroom and the girls on the other.
Becca, 11, Surrey.
At my school, we all have to walk on the left and if we break the rule, we will lose our break time for a week.
Katie, 10, Essex
At my school, if you are in the 8th grade, you’re not allowed to write in pencil. You have to write in pen. If you make a mistake, you have to use a ruler to put a straight line through it.
Helen, 13, Isle of Wight
We’re not allowed to take hot food outside the dinning hall, even a small bag of chips.
Sarah, 14, Essex
We cannot write in any color except black.
Alison, 12, Moyle
46.According to the passage, we know Becca is ________.
A.10 years old B.a girl C.a boy D.a teacher
47.Katie cannot ________ at her school.
A.play at break time B.sit near a boy
C.walk on the right D.eat in the classroom
48.Students in the 8th grade in Helen’s school ________.
A.have to write with a pen B.can’t use rulers
C.have to eat in the dinning hall D.cannot write in black
49.Alison is allowed to ________.
A.take food away from the dinning hall B.eat in the dinning hall
C.write in black D.write in any color
50.Where can you probably find this text
A.In a dictionary. B.In a visitor guide.
C.On a website. D.In a storybook.
(2024·四川泸州·一模)When Tim was a boy, he met a girl named Rose. They became close friends because they both dreamt of going to Wonderland. They promised to each other that one day they would build a house there.
Before long, they got married and moved to the old house where they first met. They lived a happy life there and decided to save money for their dream to Wonderland. But life wasn’t easy. Year after year, they always had to spend their fund on more pressing needs. Sadly, Wonderland remained a dream when Rose died.
Living in the house alone, Tim missed Rose so much and would often think of the dream they once shared. One day, the 78-year-old man made up his mind. He bought thousands of balloons to help his house fly in the sky. Then he started, flying to Wonderland.
On the journey, Tim met a child, Dan, and invited him in. Something exciting happened. Lucky, a talking dog, joined in. They fought against a bad man and saved Kris, a bird who couldn’t fly. With the help of the flying house, they continued their journey.
In the end, Tim realized his dream. Together with his new friends, he landed his house at Wonderland.
51.________ was Tim’s wife.
A.Lucky B.Kris C.Rose D.Dan
52.Where did Tim and Rose live after they married
A.wonderland B.the old house C.the new house D.the flying house
53.The underlined word “fund” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A.life B.children C.house D.money
54.The passage is written in the order of ________.
A.space B.time C.feelings D.subjects
55.The best title of the passage may be “________”.
A.Fly to Wonderland B.An Exciting Trip
C.Share the Same Dream D.An old house
(2024·四川德阳·一模)Light winds help us fly kites in spring and cool us in summer. Strong winds take away people’s lives. Winds can be friendly or dangerous. They can also work for us.
Wind power is not new. Five thousand years ago, the Chinese first used windmills (风车). In 700 A.D., the Syrlans and Persians used them too. In the seventeenth century, the people of the Netherlands built windmills to get seawater. Now we can use the wind to make electricity.
In many countries, wind turbines (风力发电机) are everywhere. A group of turbines is called a wind farm.
Wind energy has several advantages. Wind power is clean. It doesn’t make air pollution. Farmers like wind power because electric companies pay them to use their land. And they can still grow crops (庄稼) and keep animals on their farms.
Wind power also has some disadvantages. One is that turbines are expensive, although the cost has gone down these years. A second disadvantage is noise pollution. This was a greater problem in the past. Today, if you stand under a turbine, you hear only a soft sound. You won’t hear turbines at all 100 meters away, For some people, a third disadvantage is visual (视觉的) pollution, but other people like to see turbines turning together.
Today, wind power is growing fast. A lot of countries get their energy from wind. Denmark gets 20% of its energy from wind. China is going to get 26% of its energy from wind in 2030. Perhaps one day, all countries will use this safe, clean energy to make electricity.
56.What’s the passage mainly about
A.Wind power. B.Wind pollution. C.Dangerous wind. D.Friendly wind.
57.According to the passage, how many advantages does wind energy have
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5
58.What can we know from the passage
A.Wind is always dangerous. B.Wind power is new and cheap.
C.You won’t hear the sound of turbines at all. D.Many country makes good use of wind energy.
59.Where can you find the passage
A.In a newspaper. B.In a science book. C.In a novel. D.In an advertisement.
A video series, Escape (逃跑) from the British Museum,was released (上映) on August 30th, 2023. It has caused hot discussions in China’s social media recently.
Two Chinese vloggers (视频创作者) made the video series. It tells the story of how a Chinese cultural relic (文物) escapes from the British Museum and finds its way back to China. In the video series, a woman vlogger plays the role of an ancient Chinese jade teapot. Her partner is a reporter who helps the jade teapot return to China.
The videos were inspired by an Internet friend. He suggested making a video to record the hard way of Chinese cultural relics returning home from the UK to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year. ▲ The story is about historic facts and aims to draw attention to the Chinese cultural relics that were held abroad (海外).
The success of the series led to calls for the return of Chinese cultural relics from the British Museum. It is reported that the British Museum has a total of 23,000 Chinese relics. About 2,000 Chinese relics are on long-term show. The Chinese objects, from the New Stone Age to the present, include paintings, prints, jades and so on.
For long, the British has said that the cultural relics are safer and better protected at the British Museum, to refuse their return. But the British Museum was reported to have lost some cultural relics. The news shocked the world and many countries asked the British Museum to return the cultural relics. Hope these cultural relics can return home as soon as possible!
60.What does the story in the video tell us
A.The way to make videos popular.
B.The way to get Chinese cultural relics.
C.A hard way of a woman vlogger becoming an ancient Chinese jade teapot.
D.A hard way of a Chinese cultural relic escaping from the British Museum to China.
61.Which sentence can be put on the ▲
A.Their friend was interested in Chinese cultural relics.
B.So the three persons decided to make a big difference.
C.After watching the videos,people all speak highly of them.
D.So the two vloggers went to the UK and spent three months shooting the video.
62.Why did they make the video
A.To celebrate the Chinese lunar New Year.
B.To draw attention to the Chinese cultural relics.
C.To cause hot discussions in China’s social media.
D.To ask British Museum to return Chinese cultural relics.
63.What can you learn from the passage
A.Over 2,000 Chinese relics are on long-term show.
B.The British Museum has lost some cultural relics.
C.Escape from the British Museum is popular abroad.
D.British Museum has a total of 24,000 Chinese relics.
64.What’s the writer’s opinion to the fact that Chinese cultural relics are held abroad
A.He hopes they can return to China soon.
B.He is not interested in the fact of Chinese cultural relics held abroad.
C.He is proud that Chinese cultural relics are shared with other countries.
D.He is glad that the British Museum has done a good job in protecting them.
AWhy We Feel Cold Do you feel cold in winter How do people feel cold The nerves (神经) in our skin help us feel temperatures. But scientists didn’t know how this works until now. A new study came out. It says that a kind of protein (蛋白质) at our nerves lets us feel cold. When you move to a colder place, the protein can feel this. It then sends information to the brain. This finding is true for both people and animals. BBuilt to Move You’re probably sitting down right now. But your bodies are built to move. As you can see, there are over 360 joints and about 700 muscles that make us move easily and conveniently. This special body structure gives us the ability to stand up straight. So it’s good for your body if you take a walk or move your arms and legs after sitting for a long time.
CMaking Laws Easy Luo Xiang, a teacher at the School of Criminal Justice at the China University of Political Science and Law (中国政法大学), became well-known for his exact and easy-to-understand explanations of laws (法律) through interesting stories. In 2020, he was invited to join Bilibili. He created Zhang San as an outlaw (法外之徒) and used him as an example in his class. More people then began to understand the basics of the law through Luo’s stories. D Wu Yibing’s excellent performance at the international tennis court excited many Chinese tennis fans. For years, they have been expecting a Chinese male tennis player to shine on the international stage. Then Wu appeared. He became the first Chinese mainland male player to reach the third round of the US Open. On February 12th of 2023, he became the first Chinese mainland male player to lift an ATP Tour trophy (奖杯).
65.Match passages (A~D) with the two topics: ①Human body, ②People and achievements. Which of the following is right
A.①—AB; ②—CD B.①—AD; ②—CB C.①—AC; ②—BD
66.What’s the best title for passage D
A.He Makes History.
B.The First Chinese Male Tennis Player.
C.The ATP Tour Trophy.
67.Who is Zhang San in passage C
A.An outlaw in China.
B.A character created by Luo Xiang.
C.A student from a university.
68.What does the underlined word “It” in passage A refer to
A.A protein in our nerves. B.Our skin. C.The nerves.
69.Which of the following statements is TRUE
A.Only human body has the protein to feel cold.
B.Luo Xiang is popular because of his interesting way of explaining laws.
C.Humans can stand up straight because of our special brain structure.
1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.D
6.C 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.C
11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C
15.C 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.D
20.C 21.B 22.A 23.D
24.D 25.B 26.D 27.A
28.B 29.C 30.D 31.C
32.B 33.D 34.C 35.D 36.C
37.C 38.A 39.C 40.B 41.C
42.B 43.A 44.B 45.C
46.B 47.C 48.A 49.C 50.C
51.C 52.B 53.D 54.B 55.A
56.A 57.A 58.D 59.A
60.D 61.D 62.B 63.B 64.A
65.A 66.A 67.B 68.A 69.B




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