
英 语 试 题
( ) 1. map ( ) 2. second ( ) 3. ride a bike ( ) 4. December
( ) 5. shorts ( ) 6. grape ( ) 7. National Day ( ) 8. Ms二、给下列图片选择相应的单词或短语。(每小题1.5分,共12分)
A. lantern B.T-shirt C. play basketball D. do my homework
9. ( ) 10. ( ) 11. ( ) 12. ( )
A. climb mountains B. interesting C. study D. letter
13. ( ) 14. ( ) 15. ( ) 16. ( )
三、选出每组单词中不同的一项,把其标号填在括号里。(每小题1.5分,共 6分)
( ) 17. A. police B. way C. doctor
( ) 18. A. slow B. healthy C. cousin
( ) 19. A. fast B. exercise C. easy
( ) 20. A. whose B. when C. why
( ) 21.下列三组字母中不全是元音字母的是:
A. u, e, a B. o, u, i C. a, l, e
( ) 22. ---How many____ on the cake
---There are ____.
A. candle, five B. candles, five C. candles, four
( ) 23. ---What’s wrong ____ you
--- I have a ____.
A. are, fever B. with, runny nose C. with, stomachache
( ) 24. Beijing Roast Duck is very good. You can ____.
A. have a try B. has try C. having try
( ) 25.They are ____ cards for ____ teachers now.
A. making, their B. makes, your C. make, her
( ) 26. 能将以下单词或短语连成句子的正确排序是:____
①half an hour ②late ③I was ④yesterday.
A.③①②④ B. ③②①④ C. ②③①④
( ) 27. 能将以下单词或短语连成句子的正确排序是:____
①and ②We can ③row a boat ④walk around the park.
A. ③②①④ B. ②③④① C. ②③①④
( ) 28. 能将以下单词或短语连成句子的正确排序是:____
①do you do ②What ③on ④the Mid-Autumn Festival
A.②③①④ B. ③①②④ C. ②①③④
( ) 29.下列选项不属于中国名胜古迹的是:______
A. Big Ben B. the West Lake C. the Great Wall
( ) 30. Ann 生病了,你可以建议她:______
A. Go to see a film. B. Run to the school.
C. Take some medicine and have a good rest.
( ) 31. 我们可以这样描述一月份的Sydney, 正确的是:
A. It’s autumn. It’s cool. B. It’s summer. It’s hot.
C. It’s winter. It’s cold.
( ) 32.下列是有关the Spring Festival的描述,描述不符合的是_____
A. It is in January or February. B. We have a big family dinner.
C. We look at the moon and eat mooncakes.
( ) 33. 你想告诉大家你不擅长英语,可以这样说:_____
A. I’m not good at English. B. You are not good at English.
C. I can speak English well.
( ) 34. Is Mr Wang tall and thin A. Great!
( ) 35. How about going fishing B. I went to New York.
( ) 36. Where did you go in the US C. Yes, he is.
( ) 37. Can I have a look A. They eat bamboo.
( ) 38. What do pandas eat B. Last week.
( ) 39. When did you go to Harbin C. Yes. Here you are.
Who Where to go What to do
Sally Beijing visit the Summer Palace
John Hainan swim in the sea, have seafood
Lingling Hangzhou go shopping, take pictures
( ) 40. Sally is going to visit the Summer Palace.
( ) 41. John is going to swim in the sea.
( ) 42. Mary is going to Hainan.
( ) 43. Lingling is going to go shopping in Beijing.
My name is Lucy. I often get up at half past six. It’s windy and cool today. We are having a sports meet. Look! Peter, Steven and Tom are running. Steven runs fast. He is the first. He is the winner. Ann and Alice are doing the high jump. Jack and Bill are doing the long jump over there. I’m playing football with my friends.
( ) 44. When does Lucy get up
A. At 6:00. B. At 6:30. C. At 7:00.
( ) 45. Who is the winner
A. Steven B. Jack C. Tom
( ) 46. ---What is Alice doing
---She is doing _____.
A. the long jump B. playing football C. the high jump
47 48 49 50 51
Ff Ll
52 53 54 55 56
Pp Ss Tt Xx
57. next 58. stop 59. China
60. I’d like some fruits.
十、我是小小翻译家。(每个单词1分、短语2分,句子3分,共10分 )
61. love 62. travel 63. evening ___________
64. last month__________ 65. look for_____________
66. Pandas are black and white.



