
第Ⅰ卷 (选择题,共100分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1.Who plays the piano well
A.Tony. B.Alice. C.Susan.
2.What does Peter want to be in the future
A.An artist. B.A writer. C.A scientist.
3.How does the woman go to school
A.By bus. B.By bike. C.On foot.
4.What is the woman probably going to do this weekend
A.Prepare for a speech. B.Go on a field trip. C.Visit the Greens.
5.Where did the man meet Emma for the first time
A.In the playground. B.In a library. C.In his office.
第二节 (共15 小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.What will Tony do for his father
A.Buy a basketball. B.Send a tie. C.Make a cake.
7.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Friends. B.Mother and son. C.Brother and sister.
8.What is John
A.A worker. B.A teacher. C.A student.
9.What time will the speakers set off
A.At 11:00. B.At 12:00. C.At 13:00.
10.Where will the speakers wait for each other
A.In front of a restaurant. B.At John’s home. C.At a bus stop.
11.What’s wrong with the woman
A.She had a cough. B.She had a fever. C.She had a headache.
12.When did the woman watch the movie
A.Last night. B.This morning. C.This afternoon.
13.Where are the two speakers
A.In a cinema. B.In the hospital. C.In the market.
14.Why does Lily think the Rubens Hotel is the best
A.Because it is in a good place.
B.Because it is very cheap.
C.Because it is famous.
15.How many people will stay in the hotel
A.2 B.3 C.4
16.What kind of room does Mr Brown want to book
A.Two single rooms. B.A double room. C.A family room.
17.What is the Flight number
A.Flight 270. B.Flight 276. C.Flight 476.
18.What time will the plane take off
A.At 10:30 am. B.At 11:00 am. C.At 11:30 am.
19.What will the weather be like in the afternoon in Shanghai
A.Sunny. B.Rainy. C.Cloudy.
20.What will the passengers probably do next
A.Listen to music. B.Watch a safety video. C.Have some drinks.
第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 语法和词汇知识(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21.—Hi, you look ______. Why are you so happy today
—Can you believe it I have just met Miss Zhou, my first teacher!
A.excited B.exciting C.excite
22.______ amazing it is! The Shenzhou XVIII members raise fish for the first time in Tiangong space station.
A.What B.How C.What an
23.—Dear, put the knives out of the kids’ touch!
—OK. I’ll do it right away. It’s quite necessary to keep ______.
A.quiet B.warm C.safe
24.—There are some after-school clubs in our school. You can ______ between the Music Club and the Food and Drink Club.
—I prefer the Food and Drink Club, for I can learn more life skills.
A.avoid B.choose C.hide
25.—I’ll never forget the experiences ______ we had in the volunteer work last summer.
—Me too. The 3 days were meaningful and full of fun.
A.when B.who C.that
26.—Hello, may I speak to Jenny, please
—Wait a minute, please. She ______ in the kitchen now.
A.cooked B.is cooking C.will cook
27.—People ______ wear helmets(头盔 ) when they ride e-bikes according to the traffic rules.
—Yes. Or they will be punished.
A.must B.can C.may
28.—There has been less and less pollution in Leshan these years.
—The government has made a great effort on it. I’m sure this problem ______ one day in the future.
A.was solved B.solves C.will be solved
29.-I______ Mike on Monday. He invited us to visit his hometown in his letter.
-Do we accept his invitation We haven’t met him for 3 years.
A.heard from B.came from C.suffered from
30.—Do you know Zhang Guimei, one of the “People Who Moved China”(感动中国人物)
—Yes. ______ she met lots of difficulties, she successfully helped so many students to go to college.
A.Although B.Since C.If
31.—World Sleep Day falls on March 21st. Do you think sleep is important
—I think so. Sleeping well can give you enough ______.
A.courage B.energy C.reason
32.—______ do you have a swimming class
—Once a week.
A.How much B.How soon C.How often
33.The composer who created Learn from the Role Model Lei Feng(《学习雷锋好榜样》) didn’t ______ the song would be enjoyed by many people for more than 60 years.
A.expect B.allow C.receive
34.—I just went back from Guangzhou. Can you guess ______
—I suppose you took the high-speed train (高铁 ).
A.how did I get there B.when I got there C.how I got there
35.—The Chengdu Horticultural Exhibition(成都园艺博览会) is really excellent! Thanks for inviting me here!
A.I’m sorry. B.You’re welcome. C.No problem.
第二节 完形填空 (共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
One spring day, a rose came out in the garden. When she met her neighbors, including a cactus(仙人掌) and other plants, she said to the cactus, “I’m the most beautiful flower here, but you are full of thorns (刺) and so 36 !”
Day after day, the rose never stopped being unfriendly to the cactus. However, the cactus 37 got sad or angry, and he replied calmly every time, “Every life has a purpose to be what it is.”
As summer came, it was hot and 38 . The rose lost a lot of water and became weaker and weaker, but the cactus grew well. He had strong roots(根) system and was good at 39 water in his body.
One day, the rose saw a bird make a small 40 in the cactus. The thirsty bird drank the water inside the cactus through the hole.
“It must hurt,” said the rose.
“Yes,” the cactus replied, “but I don’t want to see my bird friend suffer.”
The rose was so 41 that she asked the cactus for water. The cactus kindly agreed. He asked the bird to carry the water to the rose’s roots.
The rose was ashamed(羞愧的) of what she had said to the cactus in the past. From then on, she 42 judging(评判) others by their looks.
36.A.ugly B.lazy C.strong
37.A.sometimes B.always C.never
38.A.dry B.wet C.dirty
39.A.discovering B.storing C.wasting
40.A.hole B.meal C.house
41.A.shy B.thirsty C.angry
42.A.kept B.began C.stopped
Recently, a video has become popular online. In the video, a man at Beijing’s Summer Palace (颐和园) 43 information about the park’s buildings with visitors. Is the man a tour guide What’s so special about him Well, in fact, he is a 44 at the Summer Palace.
“One day I saw a few visitors. They were reading 45 , but they still couldn’t find the right way, so I offered them some help,” says Zhang Xu, the cleaner. “In addition to(除……以外) our daily cleaning work, we also provide more 46 like answering questions and giving directions.”
For Zhang Xu, the Summer Palace is a special place. As a child, he came here to play. When he 47 up, he began to work here and became a part of it. Zhang started working at the Summer Palace in late 2021. “Every morning when I 48 here and begin my work, I feel like I am one of the stones in the garden,” he says.
Zhang is interested in the Summer Palace. And he wants to 49 everything about it. In his free time, Zhang likes reading books about it and looking for the information online. That 50 him an expert(专家) at the Summer Palace. He often shares information about the buildings with visitors. “I’m very glad to help more people enjoy the beauty(美丽) of the place,” he says.
43.A.loses B.shares C.shuts D.invents
44.A.doctor B.waiter C.cleaner D.driver
45.A.novels B.textbooks C.newspaper D.guidebooks
46.A.services B.food C.money D.chances
47.A.woke B.looked C.grew D.got
48.A.arrive B.leave C.sleep D.remember
49.A.clean B.know C.hurt D.improve
50.A.sends B.gives C.lends D.makes
第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
What represents(代表) China
China has a long history of over 5,000 years. What could represent China in your mind
The Great Wall represents China in my eyes. It is about 21,000 kilometers long and over 2,000 years old. There is a famous Chinese saying, “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man(不到长城非好汉).” I really hope I can visit the fantastic place in the future! Di Xinran, Shenzhen
In my opinion, the colour red can represent China. We can see red every day in our lives, such as at weddings(婚礼), New Year, Lantern Festival and so on. But more importantly, red is the colour of the national flag of our country. Wang Jingqi, Dalian
I think the dragon is the symbol of China. We Chinese always see ourselves as “descendants of the dragon (龙的传人)”. The dragon is a magic al animal. It stands for power in China. Parents hope we can become as successful as “dragons”. Mao Zhanglinxi, Hefei
China is a country. But the word also means porcelain (瓷器). I think porcelain is the symbol of China. In the past, Chinese porcelain was sold abroad. China was called “the nation of porcelain”. The invention of porcelain has greatly influenced the world. Xiong Anni, Nanjing
In China, dumplings represents happiness and reunion (团圆). Families in China always get together and make dumplings during festivals. When they make dumplings, they talk and laugh. The food brings them happiness. Li Qinrui, Tianjin
51.Who thinks the Great Wall represents China
A.Di Xinran. B.Mao Zhanglinxi. C.Li Qinrui.
52.What represents China in Xiong Anni’s opinion
A.The colour red. B.The dragon. C.Porcelain.
53.Which of the following represents happiness and reunion
A.The Great Wall B.Porcelain. C.Dumplings.
54.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text
A.We can only find the colour red during festivals.
B.The dragon can represent power and success.
C.In the past, porcelain couldn’t be sold abroad.
55.In what column(专栏) can we find this text
A.Science. B.Culture. C.Sports.
Harry and Annie lived a mile from town, but they walked there to school every day. It was a happy walk around the pond(水塘) on their way to school. In winter, when the ice was thick enough, they went across the pond. But their mother did not like them to do this. She said, “If there’s no one with you, you mustn’t walk across the pond.”
“Don’t go across the pond today, children,” she said, as she kissed them goodbye one morning. “It is beginning to thaw.”
“All right, mother,” said Harry, not very happy, for he liked running and sliding(滑行) on the ice very much.
When they came to the pond, the ice looked hard and safe.
“There,” Harry said to his sister, “let’s slide over it.”
“But you promised mother,” said Annie.
“No, I didn’t, I only said ‘All right’, and it is all right.”
“I didn’t say anything, so I can do what I like,” said Annie.
So they got on the ice and started to go across the pond.
They had not gone far before the ice got broken, and suddenly they fell into the water.
Luckily, a man who was at work near the pond heard the children’s cries. He rushed into the water and saved them successfully. Both of them were nearly drowned (淹死) before the man reached them.
They went home almost frozen(冻僵的) and learned a lesson they would remember for a lifetime.
56.What did Harry and Annie do about the pond in winter
A.Driving along the pond. B.Swimming in the pond. C.Walking across the pond.
57.What does the underlined word “thaw” in paragraph 2 mean
A.融化 B.结冰 C.起雾
58.Why did Annie think she could get on the ice too
A.Because her mother never stopped her. B.Because she didn’t promise her mother.
C.Because her brother didn’t like her to do so.
59.What happened in the end
A.A man managed to save the children. B.Harry saved himself without help.
C.Annie was drowned in the pond.
60.What is the best title for the text
A.Never Make Promises Easily B.Be Calm in the Face of Danger
C.Turning a Deaf Ear Has Costs
Have you ever thought about what goes into making a cartoon Or maybe there is a famous cartoon from another country you like to watch in Chinese But how do you change the language to Chinese This is something called dubbing(配音). To dub means adding sounds or words in a new language to a movie, radio or TV show. Dubbing is usually done to make it easier for people in another country to understand a movie or a show.
For me, I’ve had experience dubbing TV shows and cartoons from Chinese into English. I’ve done dubbing for many kinds of shows, such as love stories, kung fu movies, documentaries(纪录片) and more. However, my favourite ones to dub are cartoons. That’s because with cartoons I can use many different kinds of voices, such as high ones for good guys and low ones for bad guys.
Two of my favourite cartoons that I’ve dubbed were called A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix(《百鸟朝凤》) and The Foolish Old Man Who Removes the Mountains(《愚公移山》). In the first cartoon, I got to play a silly and very proud but well-meaning blackbird. In the second cartoon, I played both the main hero named Qingfeng and the main bad guy named Mountain Spirit Zheng. The hardest part was not reading the written words. But it was acting out(将……演出来) the voices while matching the actions at the same time. Still, it was really fun voicing all of these different roles!
If you enjoy making different voices, then I highly suggest that you try dubbing at least once.
61.Why do people dub foreign movies
A.To show their foreign language skill. B.To increase the movies’ ticket prices.
C.To make the movies easy to understand. D.To add their own opinions in the movies.
62.What is the writer’s favourite type of dubbing
A.Love stories. B.Kung fu movies. C.Documentaries. D.Cartoons.
63.The underlined word “guys” in paragraph 2 means ______ in the text.
A.roles B.voices C.stories D.lifestyles
64.What did the writer dub in A Hundred Birds Paying Homage to the Phoenix
A.A child. B.A bird. C.A mountain spirit. D.An old man.
65.What was the hardest part for the writer in dubbing the second cartoon
A.Dubbing the voice of a blackbird. B.Writing the words for the movies.
C.Reading aloud behind the screen. D.Matching voices and actions well.
第二节(共5 小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
A.This e-bike is also very “smart”. B.So I’m very proud that we never gave up. C.The weight of this new e-bike is just 15kg. D.This material makes it light and friendly to environment. E.It included many years of research, development and failures.
E-bikes usually have a big problem —it is much heavier than common bikes. Recently, a Romanian company has solved this problem. 66 In fact, an adult can even lift it easily.
The reason for the low weight is the choice of material(材料), which is quite unusual. It uses a frame(车架) made of bamboo. 67 What’s more, the bamboo frame also makes riding more comfortable, because it has good vibration damping (减震).
68 Your smartphone is connected to the e-bike. So you can check your riding information in real time through a special app on your smartphone.
The company manager said, “Creating the bikes was a hard journey. 69 To be honest, I really don’t remember how many times we had to face the failures(失败).”
The manager continued, “But in the end, we succeeded. We have created a bike that is light-weight enough, strong enough and smart enough. 70 And now we have successfully developed these bikes to meet the needs of more people in cities.”
第四部分 写作(共三节,满分50分)
第一节 词汇(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
71.We Chinese often shake hands when we meet visitors, and sometimes we n______ our heads.
72.The two museums both o______ to the public from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
73.Alex w______ the first prize in the city’s invention competition for middle school students last month.
74.Many ______(野生的) animals still don’t have a safe place to live.
75.When you use a ______(地图) on your phone, you will find it is often from the Beidou Navigation Satellite System(北斗卫星导航系统).
76.Today, many young Chinese people have a big ______(梦想) and are serving the country in
many ways.
77.In ______(自然), you can find new and interesting things everywhere with your own eyes.
78.If I can cook some simple meals, my parents will not worry about me when they are ______(繁忙的) with work.
79.The players of the school football team spend two hours in training every ______(星期五).
80.Fan Jinshi ______(计划) and worked on the largest protection program in the history of the Mogao Caves(莫高窟).
第二节 语法填空(共10 小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
I can still remember my primary school homework on animals. I decided 81 (write) about the whale (鲸鱼). I have loved them from a young age.
I’m not quite sure why I love them. It might be something about 82 (they) shape. They have a smooth shape, and their tails look like a heart. They also move so 83 (slow) and beautifully, like a tree dancing in the wind. This way, they seem very clever.
So, of course, one of my best memories 84 (be) when I got to see a type of whale called the Southern Right Whale in Argentina. Watching them moving smoothly in the water, I felt 85 (happy) than ever. They were so beautiful!
And I’m not the only one who loves whales. Different peoples across the world have a special place for whales in their 86 (heart). Take the Maori people in New Zealand as 87 example. Living by the ocean, they see whales as guardians(守护者) of the ocean and talk about them a lot in their 88 (tradition) stories.
Why was I interested in whales like the Maori people 89 they need our protection. That’s what my school homework was about— animals we need to protect. Whales play a big role 90 the ocean. So, protecting whales means protecting the whole ocean.
第三节 书面表达(满分25分)
My Favourite Sport
Our school is holding the activity named “Sports and Health Week”. I’ve got great benefits from sports. So I’d like to share my favourite sport here.
第Ⅰ卷 (满分100分)
第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
1~5 BACAB 6~10 ACCBA 11~15CABAC 16~20 CBCAB
第二部分 英语知识运用(共30小题;每小题1分,满分30分)
21~25 ABCBC 26~30 BACAA 31~35 BCACB
36~40 ACABA 41~45 BCBCD 46~50 ACABD
第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
51~55 ACCBB 56~60 CABAC 61~65 CDABD 66~70 CDAEB
第四部分 写作
第一节 词汇(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
71.nod 72.open 73.won 74.wild 75.map
76.dream 77.nature 78.busy 79.Friday 80.planned
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
81.to write 82.their 83.slowly 84.was 85.happier
86.hearts 87.an 88.traditional 89.Because 90.in
第三节 书面表达(满分25分)
My Favourite Sport
Our school is holding the activity named “Sports and Health Week”. I’ve got great benefits from sports. So I’d like to share my favourite sport here.
My favourite sport is table tennis, which has brought more than pleasure for me. Playing table tennis makes me strong and healthy. Especially, it is good for my eyes. It also helps me reduce my daily stress and relax myself. What’s more, I’m brave enough through playing this game, so I never give up when I face difficulties.
Sports give us so many benefits. I hope all of us take an active part in sports. Let’s enjoy the real fun that sports bring in!



上一篇:【暑期衔接】2023-2024外研版(三起) 英语六升七(小升初)专题复习--09 书面表达(含答案)
