Starter Unit 2 Keep Tidy Section B【2024人教新版七上英语完全备课(分层练习)】(原卷版+解析版)

Starter Unit 2 Keep Tidy!
Section B Where do you put your things
① 在课桌上 ___________ ② keep your room tidy ________________
③ my new cap _____________ ④ 在盒子里 ______________
⑤ 在椅子下面 _______________ ⑥ on the wall ______________
1. The old man lives _____ the second floor.
A. in B. on C. under D. to
2.My schoolbag is ________ my room, and my pencils are ________ the pencil box.
A.on; in; under C.under; on; in
3.—Where’s my cat
—Look! It’s ________ the hat ________ the floor (地板). So you can’t see it.
A.on; on B.under; in C.on; in D.under; on
4.A: ________ is her ruler
B: It’s ________.
A.Where, in her pencil box B.Where, in her the pencil box
C.Where, under the her book D.Where, on desk
5.You can’t see his books on the desk or under the desk. They’re ________ the desk. B.on C.under
6.— ________ is the notebook
—It’s purple.
A.What B.What color C.How D.Who
1.pencil, where, case, the, is

2.drawer, father’s, my, keys, in, the, are, a, computer, there, the, table, on
4.chair, the, the, is, under, baseball

Dave: Excuse me, I can’t find my schoolbag.
Sally: 1
Dave: It’s blue.
Sally: 2
Dave: No, it is not my schoolbag.
Sally: Is that schoolbag yours
Dave: 3
Sally: What’s in your schoolbag
Dave: A key, a book, a ruler, a pen and my school ID card.
Sally: 4
Dave: My first name is Jim. My family name is Green.
Sally: 5
Dave: 428-6736. Please call me.
Sally: OK. I’ll call you when I find it.
A.No, it isn’t.
B.What’s your telephone number
C.What’s your name
D.What color is it
E.Is this your schoolbag
This is a watch (手表). I 1 Karl. I lost (丢) it 2 the school. It’s brown 3 black. My 4 number is 229-328.
This is a pencil box. It’s blue. Three 5 and a pencil are in it. 6 is Leo’s. And blue is his favorite 7 .
This is 8 English book. It is my English book. 9 name is Eric. Look! 10 is that woman She is my English teacher. C.are
2.A.too D.of
3.A.the B.and C./
4.A.kite C.ruler
5.A.pen B.ruler C.key D.pens
6.A.It B.They C.These D.Those
7.A.number B.color
8.A.a B./ D.the
9.A.My B.His C.Her D.Your
10.A.What B.How C.Who D.What’s
Hello, everyone! My name is Kevin. Please look at the photo. It is a photo of my bedroom. Now I want to tell you about my new bedroom.
My bedroom is very big. When you come in, you can see a blue bed. Next to the bed, there is a desk and a chair. They’re blue, too. It is my favorite color. My pencil box and notebooks are on the desk. And my computer is on it, too! I love it because it helps me a lot.
A nice sofa is in the middle of my bedroom. Next to the sofa is a table. My CD player is on it. What’s under the table Oh, it’s a baseball. You can see a bookcase near the window. There are many books and dictionaries in the bookcase. What are those on the wall Oh, they are some photos of my family.
I clean my bedroom every day, so it is very tidy. I like living in it very much.
1.What color does Kevin like best
A.Black. B.Red. C.Yellow. D.Blue.
2.What does the underlined word “it” refer to
A.The computer. B.The desk.
C.The pencil box. D.The table.
3.Where is the baseball
A.Under the sofa. B.Under the table.
C.Next to the CD player. D.In the bookcase.
4.How is Kevin’s bedroom
A.Big and tidy. B.Small but tidy.
C.Old but big. D.Small and old.
5.What’s the best title for the passage
A.I have many photos. B.I love my family.
C.I love my bedroom. D.I have a good computer.
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
Starter Unit 2 Keep Tidy!
Section B Where do you put your things
① 在课桌上 ___________ ② keep your room tidy ________________
③ my new cap _____________ ④ 在盒子里 ______________
⑤ 在椅子下面 _______________ ⑥ on the wall ______________
【答案】 1. on the desk 2. 保持你的房间整洁 3. 我的新帽子 4. in the box 5. under the chair 6. 在墙上
1. The old man lives _____ the second floor.
A. in B. on C. under D. to
【解析】句意:这个老人住在二楼。on the second floor在二楼,故选B。
2.My schoolbag is ________ my room, and my pencils are ________ the pencil box.
A.on; in; under C.under; on; in
【解析】句意:我的书包在我的房间里,我的铅笔在铅笔盒里。考查介词辨析。on在……上面;in在……里面;under在……下面;to朝着。根据“My schoolbag room... my pencils are...the pencil box”可知,书包应是在房间里,铅笔在铅笔盒里,故选D。
3.—Where’s my cat
—Look! It’s ________ the hat ________ the floor (地板). So you can’t see it.
A.on; on B.under; in C.on; in D.under; on
4.A: ________ is her ruler
B: It’s ________.
A.Where, in her pencil box B.Where, in her the pencil box
C.Where, under the her book D.Where, on desk
【解析】句意:A:她的尺子在哪里?B:它在她的铅笔盒里。考查冠词的用法。当有形容词性物主代词her时,不需加冠词,排除BC;表示“在桌子上”时用on the desk,排除D。故选A。
5.You can’t see his books on the desk or under the desk. They’re ________ the desk. B.on C.under
考查介词辨析。in在……里;on在……上;under在……下面。根据“You can’t see his books on the desk or under the desk”可知,看不到他的书在桌子上或桌子下面,所以是在书桌里,故选A。
6.— ________ is the notebook
—It’s purple.
A.What B.What color C.How D.Who
考查特殊疑问词辨析。what什么;what color什么颜色;how怎样;who谁。根据“It’s purple”可知是询问颜色,故选B。
1.pencil, where, case, the, is

2.drawer, father’s, my, keys, in, the, are, a, computer, there, the, table, on
4.chair, the, the, is, under, baseball

【答案】1.Where is the pencil case
2.The keys are in my father’s drawer.
3.There is a computer on the table.
4.Is the baseball under the chair
Dave: Excuse me, I can’t find my schoolbag.
Sally: 1
Dave: It’s blue.
Sally: 2
Dave: No, it is not my schoolbag.
Sally: Is that schoolbag yours
Dave: 3
Sally: What’s in your schoolbag
Dave: A key, a book, a ruler, a pen and my school ID card.
Sally: 4
Dave: My first name is Jim. My family name is Green.
Sally: 5
Dave: 428-6736. Please call me.
Sally: OK. I’ll call you when I find it.
A.No, it isn’t.
B.What’s your telephone number
C.What’s your name
D.What color is it
E.Is this your schoolbag
This is a watch (手表). I 1 Karl. I lost (丢) it 2 the school. It’s brown 3 black. My 4 number is 229-328.
This is a pencil box. It’s blue. Three 5 and a pencil are in it. 6 is Leo’s. And blue is his favorite 7 .
This is 8 English book. It is my English book. 9 name is Eric. Look! 10 is that woman She is my English teacher. C.are
2.A.too D.of
3.A.the B.and C./
4.A.kite C.ruler
5.A.pen B.ruler C.key D.pens
6.A.It B.They C.These D.Those
7.A.number B.color
8.A.a B./ D.the
9.A.My B.His C.Her D.Your
10.A.What B.How C.Who D.What’s
too也;to到;in在;of……的。in the school“在学习里”。故选C。
the定冠词;and和;/不填;to到。brown and black“棕黑色”。故选B。
pen笔,名词单数;ruler尺子;key钥匙;pens笔,名词复数。根据“This is a pencil box.”可知铅笔盒里有笔,three后加名词复数。故选D。
My我的;His他的;Her她的;Your你的。根据“It is my English book”可知此处指“我的”名字。故选A。
What什么;How怎样;Who谁;What’s是什么。根据“She is my English teacher.”可知此处询问那个人是谁。故选C。
Hello, everyone! My name is Kevin. Please look at the photo. It is a photo of my bedroom. Now I want to tell you about my new bedroom.
My bedroom is very big. When you come in, you can see a blue bed. Next to the bed, there is a desk and a chair. They’re blue, too. It is my favorite color. My pencil box and notebooks are on the desk. And my computer is on it, too! I love it because it helps me a lot.
A nice sofa is in the middle of my bedroom. Next to the sofa is a table. My CD player is on it. What’s under the table Oh, it’s a baseball. You can see a bookcase near the window. There are many books and dictionaries in the bookcase. What are those on the wall Oh, they are some photos of my family.
I clean my bedroom every day, so it is very tidy. I like living in it very much.
1.What color does Kevin like best
A.Black. B.Red. C.Yellow. D.Blue.
2.What does the underlined word “it” refer to
A.The computer. B.The desk.
C.The pencil box. D.The table.
3.Where is the baseball
A.Under the sofa. B.Under the table.
C.Next to the CD player. D.In the bookcase.
4.How is Kevin’s bedroom
A.Big and tidy. B.Small but tidy.
C.Old but big. D.Small and old.
5.What’s the best title for the passage
A.I have many photos. B.I love my family.
C.I love my bedroom. D.I have a good computer.
1.细节理解题。根据“They’re blue, too. It is my favorite color”可知,Kevin最喜欢蓝色,故选D。
2.代词指代题。根据“My pencil box and notebooks are on the desk. And my computer is on it, too”可知,铅笔盒和笔记本在桌子上,电脑也在它上面,所以it指的是桌子,故选B。
3.细节理解题。根据“What’s under the table Oh, it’s a baseball.”可知,棒球在桌子下,故选B。
4.细节理解题。根据“My bedroom is very big”和“I clean my bedroom every day, so it is very tidy.”可知,卧室大而整洁,故选A。
5.最佳标题题。根据“It is a photo of my bedroom. Now I want to tell you about my new bedroom.”可知,文章主要介绍了Kevin的卧室,所以C选项符合,故选C。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)




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