专题14 阅读理解(新闻报道)--【真题荟萃】 2024年中考英语真题分类汇编(含解析)

专题14 阅读理解(新闻报道)--【真题荟萃】 2024年中考英语真题分类汇编
(2024·贵州·中考真题)Some people are worried about the effect that social media has on the lives of young people. The following text was written by a reporter: He tried to find out whether social media has a positive or negative effect on children.
1. Social media websites are communities where users can share photos and talk to each other online. They are very popular—millions of people use social media every day. Although some people think social media is a positive thing, many are worried about the negative effects it can have on young people.
2. James, a 15-year-old student, thinks that social media has many benefits. “I get very nervous when I talk to people in real life—I find it so much easier to express myself when I use social media. Another advantage is that I hardly ever forget anyone’s birthday now because I can look it up online!” Lots of users agree that social media helps young people stay connected to their friends and make new friends from around the world.
3. However, social media also has many problems. Social media may help young people find friends, but it also makes it easier for bullies to hurt them. Some parents believe that social media makes it harder for families to spend time together. They say their children are so crazy about social media that they ignore (忽视) the rest of their family. Many teachers think social media can distract (使某人分心) their students from schoolwork.
4. There is no doubt that social media has some problems, and it is very important to avoid spending too much time online. However, generally speaking, social media can be a positive thing for young people. It is a way for nervous people to make friends and for young people to stay connected.
1.What docs the underlined word “They” in Paragraph I refer to
A.The photos shared online. B.The social media users. C.The social media websites.
2.What does James think of social media
A.It makes him ignore his family.
B.It distracts him from schoolwork.
C.It helps him express himself better.
3.Which is the correct structure of this text (P1=Paragraph 1)
A. B. C.
4.Which can be the best title for the text
A.Why Is Social Media So Popular
B.Is Social Media Really a Problem
C.What Is the Future of Social Media
(2024·甘肃白银·中考真题)I LOVE CHINESEI
David Brown is a 15-year-old boy from the UK. This summer he is studying Chinese in a summer camp in Gansu Province. This is what he told our interviewer.
What do you think of Gansu
Well, I think it’s fantastic. Summer is the best season to visit Gansu. I enjoy the pleasant weather a lot. Gansu also has many pretty views with a long history.
Is there anything else you especially like about it
Yes, the friendly people and delicious foods.
When we were in Tianshui City 3 days ago, we tried malatang, a traditional spicy hot pot dish. I like it a lot. Beef noodles and niangpizi are also my favorites. I haven’t tried huidouzi. But it seems very tasty.
Where are you staying in Gansu
I’m staying with some very nice families in different cities in Gansu. That’s quite helpful for learning Chinese and experiencing the life and culture here. That’s why I’ve chosen home-stay.
Do you like learning Chinese
I enjoy learning Chinese because it’s interesting and has a rich history. Chinese characters are beautiful, and the language offers many chances. Being able to speak Chinese will be very helpful in the future. I want to be a Chinese teacher when I’m older.
5.What does David Brown do
A.He is a British teacher. B.He is a tour guide.
C.He is an English student. D.He is an America teenager.
6.What food hasn’t David tried in Gansu
A.Beef noodles. B.Malatang. C.Niangpizi. D.Huidouzi.
7.How does David like Gansu
A.He enjoys it a lot. B.He doesn’t mind it.
C.He can’t stand the weather. D.He hates it.
8.Why is David staying with the local families
A.Because he has no other choices.
B.Because his parents ask him to do so.
C.Because it’s helpful for language learning.
D.Because it’s cheaper than staying in hotels.
9.What makes David want to be a Chinese teacher
A.The enjoyment Chinese food brings. B.Chinese friendly people he met.
C.What the interviewer told him. D.Many chances the language will bring.
When Singaporean Tong Weiqiang watched Hong Kong wuxia dramas more than 10 years ago, he was greatly impressed. He then pioneered a local movement to support hanfu, or traditional Chinese clothes, and started the Han Cultural Society of Singapore in 2012 to attract more fans. “Many people in our cultural society first learned about hanfu from these Chinese wuxia dramas,” he told China Daily.
In recent years, with the increased popularity of Chinese culture through dramas and online literature, wuxia-related content has started to regain popularity with viewers all over the world, including those in Southeast Asia, According to China Daily, Wuxiaworld, a web novel site started by Chinese-American Lai Jingping in 2014, attracts millions of page views per day from users in more than 100 countries.
One reason for its popularity is that wuxia works bring them fresh new experiences. The economies (经济) of many Southeast Asian countries are based on agriculture. As China Daily mentioned, what really interests them is the different lifestyles of wuxia heroes they have never experienced.
New thoughts and ideas in wuxia works also help it go a step further abroad. Unlike traditional wuxia, the modern form of wuxia which has gained popularity in Southeast Asia is a broader idea that includes xianxia and xuanhuan.
But there’s one thing that never changes-its core (核心) spirit. Mixing the Chinese characters “wu” and “xia”, these works always keep the spirit of the Chinese heroes fighting against social injustice (不公正) and beating bad people, noted the Interact Kungfu website.
“Although wuxia is a special part of Chinese culture, the core spirit of pursuing (追求) freedom and justice is generally accepted by people all over the world,” Lily Lee, president of You-Cloud which operates AppGrowing, told China Daily.
10.Why does the writer tell the story of Tong Weiqiang
A.To provide the background. B.To raise up the question.
C.To lead into the main topic. D.To introduce the main character.
11.Which of the following is one reason for wuxia’s popularity
A.People’s wishes to change others’ lifestyles.
B.The economic conditions of different countries.
C.The differences between xianxia and xuanhuan.
D.The acceptance of wuxia's core spirit across the world.
12.What is the best title of this article
A.A Wide World of Wuxia B.A Special Part of Wuxia
C.The Core Spirit of Wuxia D.The New Meaning of Wuxia
Sixteen-year-old Yang Shuncheng of China won in the Artistic Swimming World Cup in Somabay, Egypt on Saturday, May 13, 2023. With the theme of The Cello Song by The Piano Guys, Yang challenge a difficulty sore of 27.0, higher than all other six players, and received 232.5792 points. “I thought about the victory but did not think much. It was my first international competition and I was very nervous before the race. I was lucky to win and feel the taste of gold medals. I expect a more challenging competition tomorrow,” said Yang.
Forty kilometers north of central Chengdu, the Sanxingdui site is rgrded as one of the most imporant dscveries of the 20th century. Visitors can see thousands of treasures dating back to the Shang Dynasty (1600—1046 BC) in Sanxingdui Museum. This one-day Chengdu tour not only takes you to visit the lovely kingdom of giant pandas, but also the mysterious Sanxingdui illizaion. The protected pandas and Sanxingdu’s relis (遗迹) are both considered national treasures.
Yan Yan Gu Shi (Salt and Words Story), a new app (应用程序) for storytellers to share short stories which can be mostly finished in 10 to 20 minutes, appeared for the first time on China’s largest Q & A platform (平台) Zhihu on May 18, 2023. An exhibition (展览), which was held in Bejing Fun in Qianmen Street between May 18 and 28, showed the painted props(道具) of some of the most popular stories on the app, providing visitors with an experience to play the roles.
13.Who got the gold medal in the Artistic Swimming World Cup in Egypt
A.Yang Shuncheng. B.The Piano Guys. C.The six players.
14.Where can visitors see thousands of treasures dating back to the Shang Dynasty
A.In Somabay. B.In Sanxingdui Museum. C.In the kingdom of pandas.
15.What is Yan Yan Gu Shi
A.It’s a new app for storytelling. B.It’s a platform to sell paintings. C.It’s an exhibition in Beijing Fun.
(2023·山东聊城·中考真题)Xie Xiaohua is a special education teacher. She has won the hearts of hundreds of children and is called Mum Xiaohua by many of them.
“It is my greatest happiness to care for them,” said 49-year-old Xie. She has been working at Yiyuan County Special Education School in Zibo, Shandong Province for 27 years.
Xie knows the difference between special education and general education. She takes care of each student according to their physical conditions. And she also helps them with learning and their daily life. She used to help carry a student to restrooms, the dining hall, classrooms and the dormitory for nine years until the student graduated(毕业)from the school.
In 2003, the school set up a rehabilitation(康复)centre and Xie worked harder. To make sure every child received the best training, she made special plans for them. Then she began to teach them patiently the basic skills of taking care of themselves. She also spent lots of time training the children with hearing and speech problems. That often made her throat ache.
2015, the school started offering door-to-door education to students with physical problems. Besides Xie, there are over 30 teachers teaching and helping those students. The teachers have walked over 60, 000 kilometres over the past seven years because many students live in mountain villages.
“Although we feel tired sometimes, we feel our work is valuable after seeing the students’ progress, even just a little bit,” Xie said.
16.Xie Xiaohua began to work at the school at the age of ________.
A.22 B.27 C.29 D.49
17.What does Paragraph 3(第3段)mainly tell us
A.What Xie knows. B.How long Xie helped carry the student.
C.How Xie takes care of the students. D.What the students’ physical conditions are.
18.Xie probably ________ first to help them receive the best training.
A.made some plans for the children
B.taught the children the basic skills
C.set up a rehabilitation centre for the children
D.trained the children with hearing and speech problems
19.Which of the following is true
A.Xie said the teachers always felt tired.
B.Xie thinks their work is useful and important.
C.Each teacher has walked over 60,000 kilometres.
D.The school offered door-to-door education to all the students.
20.What is the best title(题目)for the passage
A.Special students B.A famous school
C.Mountain villages D.Mum Xiaohua
Giant panda Ya Ya came back to China at the end of April. She was born at Beijing Zoo in 2000. She traveled to Memphis Zoo in 2003 as part of a giant panda protection and research program between China and the US. Ya Ya is now old, but panda keepers are taking good care of her.
Cheered by 10,000 home fans, Liaoning team won the CBA championship(冠军) after beating Zhejiang team in the Finals on May 15th, 2023. The club has won the league trophy(联赛奖杯) twice in a row, and its third in total. The head coach Yang Ming took great pride and said, “It’s been a season full of ups and downs. Our teamwork helps us get through the challenging season.”
Recently, Zibo has become so popular not only for its delicious barbecue(烧烤) but also for the warm-hearted people there. When the quarantine(隔离)was over, the local government offered many students who had to stay there a great barbecue dinner. It also invited the students to come back again the next spring. It’s a nice promise between them.
AI education will become more and more important. In 2020, Zhejiang added AI education to textbooks from Grade 5 in primary school all the way to senior high. In Wenzhou, the goverment is planning to build 1, 000 Al schools by 2025. In the future, there will be more jobs that require AI knowledge.
21.Ya Ya is ________ years old this year.
A.23 B.15 C.20 D.8
22.It’s the ________ time that Liaoning team has won the CBA championship.
A.first B.second C.third D.fourth
23.The third news is mainly about ________.
A.why people in Zibo are warm-hearted B.why Zibo has become popular
C.what the barbecue is like in Zibo D.how Zibo invited college students
24.The fourth news wants to tell the readers ________.
A.AI education is added to all the textbooks in Zhejiang
B.there has already been 1, 000 AI schools in Wenzhou
C.you can’t find a good job without AI knowledge
D.AI education will be more and more important in the future
25.Where does this passage probably come from
A.A story book. B.A comedy book. C.A play. D.A newspaper.
(2023·辽宁抚顺·中考真题)China has a long history of over 5,000 years. What can stand for (代表) China in foreign students’ eyes The newspaper reporter interviewed some foreign students.
Tom, America The Great Wall is a symbol (象征) of China in my eyes. It’s one of the ancient walls in the world. I went to the Great Wall with my family last year. I enjoyed the beautiful scenery (风景) when we got to the top.
Jill, Canada China is the name of a country. But the word china also means porcelain (瓷器). I think porcelain is the symbol of China. Chinese people invented it, so China is called “the nation of porcelain”. Chinese porcelain is sold at home and abroad. It is so beautiful that all my family like it. I even have a Chinese porcelain vase (花瓶) in my bedroom.
Grace, France In my eyes, chopsticks can stand for China. They are quite different from our tableware (餐具)—forks and knives. It is hard but fun for me to learn how to use chopsticks. I bought some beautiful chopsticks as gifts when I returned to France.
Joe, England When I think of China, dumplings come into my mind. Families in China always get together and make dumplings during festivals. When my family visited China, I learned how to make dumplings from my Chinese friends. We talked and laughed. It was a wonderful experience.
26.In Tom’s eyes, ________ can stand for China.
A.the Great Wall B.porcelain C.chopsticks D.dumplings
27.China is called “the nation of porcelain” because porcelain was ________ in China.
A.painted B.bought C.invented D.liked
28.It is ________ for Grace to learn to use chopsticks.
A.relaxing B.interesting C.meaningful D.impossible
29.It was a wonderful experience for Joe to ________.
A.return to England B.buy porcelain
C.make dumplings D.use chopsticks
30.The passage may come from a ________.
A.storybook B.textbook C.magazine D.newspaper
Time: June 30th. 1948 Event: China’s first colour film Remorse at Death started filming. Yan Heming studied abroad and brought the most developed colour film making technology back to China. He invited Mei Lanfang, a great opera performer to act in this film and Fei Mu, a well-known director to direct the film. The film had great importance in exploring the road to colour film making in China.
Time: June 17th. 1984 Event: Chinese athletes attended the 7th Paralympic Games (残奥会) for the first time. 24 Chinese athletes attended the 7th Paralympic Games. With the great effort from all of them, they won 2 golden medals, 12 silver medals and 8 bronze (铜制的) medals for China in total. Ping Yali won the first golden medal in the long jump event.
Time: June 7th. 2023 Event: Rocket carried 26 satellites (卫星) into space. China has sent a ZK 1A carrier rocket at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China to carry a total of 26 satellites into space, setting a new record for the most satellites sent by one Chinese rocket.
31.Who was invited in Remorse at Death as direct
A.Ping Yali. B.Fei Mu. C.Mei Lanfang. D.Yan Heming.
32.How many medals did Chinese athletes win in the 7th Paralympic Games
A.12 B.14 C.22 D.10
33.What do the three events have in common
A.They all set world records. B.They all happened in June.
C.They all took place in Jiuquan. D.They are all about technology.
(2023·四川内江·中考真题)The Spring Festival holiday runs from Jan. 21 to 27 this year. Influenced by the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, ice-and-snow tours flower among Chinese people during the seven-day holiday.
He Rui spent the first day of the Spring Festival holiday at home. He went to the ski resort (滑雪胜地) in his city early on the second day and was ready to start the Year of the Rabbit on his snowboard.
Since he started skiing two years ago, the 11-year-old has gotten used to getting up early and practicing skiing.
“People used to stay at home during the Spring Festival holiday. But as our society pays more attention to healthy lifestyle, more people want to spend their holiday skiing,” said Chang Yulin, director of a ski resort. “We hold colorful activities here so that visitors can both enjoy skiing and have a special Spring Festival holiday,” said Ren Xiaoqiang, manager of the resort.
For Qiao Jian, a ski lover from Shanxi, skiing has become his new habit to celebrate the Spring Festival. He has flown to Heilongjiang Province (省) and Hebei Province, because there’s more ice and snow.
“Besides taking part in winter sports, we can visit nearby places to experience more local culture,” Qiao said.
The number of snow and ice travelers in China is expected to reach more than 300 million in winter. The number is expected to reach 520 million in three years. And the money from ice-and-snow tours will probably reach 720 billion.
34.What does the underlined word “flower” in the first paragraph mean
A.Become popular. B.Grow slowly. C.Cost much money. D.Develop difficultly.
35.When did He Rui go to the ski resort
A.On January 21. B.On January 22. C.On January 27. D.On January 28.
36.Who has been to other provinces to enjoy skiing
A.He Rui. B.Qiao Jian. C.Chang Yulin. D.Ren Xiaoqiang.
37.Where is this text probably from
A.A tour guide-book. B.An invitation letter. C.A short story. D.A news report.
Ya Ya the giant panda has just arrived in Shanghai, east China on Thursday after 20 years of stay at the Memphis Zoo in the U.S. The flight was around 15.5 hours. Both Chinese and American vets are with Ya Ya. Ya Ya was born at Beijing Zoo on August 3, 2000. She arrived at Memphis Zoo in April, 2003. YaYa has become a bridge of friendship between Chinese and foreign people. She will spend a month in Shanghai before returning to her birthplace, Beijing Zoo. We do hope all pandas that are in foreign countries can be healthy and happy.
38.Ya Ya had lived in U.S. for ________ years.
A.5 B.10 C. 15 D.20
39.Ya Ya was born in ________.
A.Beijing B.Chengdu C.Shanghai D.Guangzhou
40.What color are new-born pandas
A.Black and white. B.Pink. C.Yellow. D.Gray.
41.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Ya Ya is still a young panda now.
B.Shanghai Zoo is Ya Ya’s final home.
C.Ya Ya had a short flight coming back home.
D.Ya Ya helps foreigners know more about China.
42.This passage is ________.
A.a piece of news B.an ad C.a diary D.a letter
Dinosaur (恐龙) Prints Discovered A diner eating in a restaurant’s outdoor yard, in Sichuan Province, has discovered dinosaur footprints on the ground. After using a 3D scanner (扫描仪), scientists made sure that the footprints are 100 million years old. They belonged to two dinosaurs with long necks and tails.
________________ Marley and Bob say they became interested in archaeology (考古学) from studying history at school, going to museums and watching Human Histories! They also go to the Young Archaeologists’ Club and they do digs at archaeological sites (地点) and carefully research their finds. “You never know what you might discover, and it is a fascinating way to uncover old remains on a real dig. It makes me really happy,” says Bob.
Students Find Ancient Mural A group of student archaeologists have unearthed a 1,000-year-old mural (wall painting). The 30-meter mural shows mysterious scenes, which could reflect what the life was like in ancient Peru. Professor Luis says, “The discovery is the most exciting and important find of recent years.”
43.In which section of the newspaper can we read the news
44.Those dinosaur prints were found ________.
A.through a scanner B.by scientists
C.millions of years ago D.during a meal
45.The best heading for the second piece of news would be ________.
A.Come to Our Club B.Dig and Discover the World
C.Find Out Your Hobby D.Study Human Histories
46.Professor Luis finds the mural very valuable mainly because ________.
A.it’s connected to ancient society B.it shows the birth of the mural
C.it’s the world’s earliest wall painting D.it has a very large size
47.All the news above ________.
A.reports new archaeological finds
B.tells ancestors’ stories
C.describes the history events
D.says hello to the past
48.Ya Ya had lived in U.S. for ________ years.
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20
49.Ya Ya was born in ________.
A.Beijing B.Chengdu C.Shanghai D.Guangzhou
50.What color are new-born pandas
A.Black and white. B.Pink. C.Yellow. D.Gray.
51.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Ya Ya is still a young panda now.
B.Shanghai Zoo is Ya Ya’s final home.
C.Ya Ya had a short flight coming back home.
D.Ya Ya helps foreigners know more about China.
52.This passage is ________.
A.a piece of news B.an ad C.a diary D.a letter
a. Locals Care for Natural WorldGrasslands and lakes in Sanjiangyuan have taken on a new look and many wild animals have come back. On January 24, 2003, China set up Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve to protect the area and the wildlife. Local people joined in the project, picking up waste and protecting the animals.
b. China Successfully Grows Rice in SpaceHow to grow food in space if humans live there one day For nearly 40 years, China has developed over 260 new types of seeds (种子) in space. Recently growing rice at Tiangong Space Station makes a big step forward. It can also solve food problems on Earth.
c. Doctors Sent to West AfricaDoctors are flying to an island off the coast of West Africa after a new flu broke out. They will test different medicines to find a way to deal with it. To get things better, they will also offer medical care and help train local nurses there.
d. ________ A strong earthquake hit Turkey on February 6. More than 8,000 international rescuers (救援人员) around the world went to help, including the Blue Sky Rescue Team from China. They helped save lives and rebuild homes.
e. Scientists Fight against Plastic PollutionA natural material, fungi (真菌), used to break down a type of plastic called polypropylene turned out to be useful. Scientists at the University of Sydney found that after 90 days, between 25% and 27% of polypropylene broke down and after 140 days, polypropylene became completely safe.
53.Which passages are about environmental protection
A.a, b B.a, e C.b, e
54.When did China probably begin to develop seeds in space
A.In the 1980s. B.In the 1990s. C.In the 2000s.
55.What does the underlined word it in Passage c refer to
A.An island. B.A new flu. C.Medical care.
56.Which is the best title for ________
A.Turkey Calling for Help
B.The World Saving Lives in Quake
C.Terrible Situation Faced by Turkey
57.What’s the theme shared by all the passages
A.Challenges and Chances. B.Responsibility and Success. C.Problems and Efforts.
(2023·四川泸州·中考真题)It’s reported that Shenzhou-16 will bring international paintings by teenagers from 10 African countries to the China Space Station.
Jing Haipeng, one of the astronauts for the Shenzhou-16 manned spaceflight mission, shared the information during the Shenzhou-16’s press conference(新闻发布会)at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Northwest China’s Gansu Province on Monday.
These paintings were beautifully drawn by teenagers from 10 African countries including Algeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Egypt, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Nigeria, Somalia, South Africa and Zimbabwe.
“Indeed, we have this special and meaningful purpose, which is to show international paintings for the first time on the China Space Station, and these excellent works are from the winners of ‘Tianhe Award’ for young friends from the 10 African countries,” Jing explained.
“At present, we have not seen the paintings. I believe they will be bright. Exploring the vast universe(宇宙)is the common dream of all human, no matter the race, age, or nationality. We look forward to joining hands with all peace-loving people to create a better tomorrow,” he continued.
“We will take the children’s best youth, best friendship, and best dreams into space, plant the seeds(种子)of science, friendship, and dreams on the China Space Station, and let them grow and bear fruit,” Jing hoped.
58.What does Jing Haipeng do
A.A reporter. B.An artist. C.A gardener. D.A spaceman.
59.Where are some of the teenagers mentioned from
A.Egypt, Mauritius and Mexico. B.Mali, Colombia and Zimbabwe.
C.Madagascar, Algeria and Somalia. D.Nigeria, South America and Madagascar.
60.What did Jing Haipeng think of these paintings
A.Wonderful. B.Funny. C.General. D.Fashionable.
61.Which of the following is true
A.The paintings were chosen from Chinese teenagers.
B.The paintings have not been shown before in space.
C.Jing Haipeng has seen the paintings when interviewed.
D.The winners of “Tianhe Award” can get a space ticket.
62.What’s the main theme of the passage
A.Human and nature. B.Peace and friendship.
C.Science and technology. D.Culture and education.
Because of his excellent performance, Hao Yongquan, 58, was chosen as Gansu’s most beautiful forest ranger (护林员) in December, 2023.
Hao has been a forest ranger for 37 years since he stopped serving in the army in 1987. He and his workmates at Guanyin Forest Farm are called the “forests eyes” and “green guardians”.
“Daily work usually starts with patrolling (巡逻). Every morning, we carry necessary equipment after having breakfast and then set off to forests with dry food and water bottles, patrolling until it gets dark,” Hao said.
Rangers have been living in the mountains and forests for years, getting used to difficulties and loneliness. They always go out early and return at sunset during the whole year, and their duty is to protect green mountains and clear waters.
A forest ranger often has to walk more than 12 kilometers a day, and a pair of shoes wears out in two to three months, according to Hao.
Hao Yongquan works at Liuping Forest Management Office. It manages 10,511.6 hectares (公顷).
“Because of poor road conditions, if rangers go to the farthest villages for patrols, they have to walk 30 to 40 kilometers on mountain roads, climb four mountains, and cross more than 10 rivers,” Hao said. “And each patrol takes three to four days.”
When Hao returns from his patrol every day, he writes down the results in the patrol diary, recording his love for mountains and forests.
“The environment is improving day by day, and that makes me feel my work is worth it,” he said.
63.When was Hao Yongquan chosen as Gansu’s most beautiful forest ranger
64.What are Hao Yongquan and his workmates called
65.What is the duty of the forest rangers
66.How many days does the farthest village patrol take
67.Why does Hao Yongquan feel his work is worth it
(2023·湖南株洲·中考真题)Can you imagine how people on a more than 1200-meter-high mountain in Hunan get their letters and parcels Over the past 16 years, YangZhengui, a 60-year-old man, has always been able to help people there to get them in time.
Yang is the only postman there. In order to get to the office from his home on time, which is over 30 kilometers away, he has to get up at around 5 a. m. on workdays. Before leaving, Yang sorts the parcels in his post office. As an experienced postman, Yang can complete his sorting in just about 30 minutes. He has to ride more than 70 kilometers along the mountain road for nearly three hours to complete his work.
When the parcels need to be delivered right away, he will always find a way to deliver them to the villagers, even if he goes there on foot, regardless of the bad weather. In 2007, when Yang was new, the road was not completed, so he had to deliver the parcels on foot for nearly one year. “The bags weighed about 35 to 40 kg and I had to carry them, walking over 30 km a day.” said Yang.
Before Yang started his job, his elder brother and father had also been postmen working there since the late 1990s. Together with Yang, his father and brother have provided delivery services there for over 20 years.
So far, Yang has traveled more than 40,000 kilometers and worn out four motorcycles. Although the trips were hard. Yang said he got such a strong feeling of satisfaction when he saw the smiling faces of the villagers after they received their parcels.
68.How old is Yang Zhengui
69.When does Yang Zhengui have to get up on workdays
70.Why did Yang have to deliver the parcels on foot in 2007
71.How many kilometers has Yang traveled so far
72.What can you learn from Yang
(2024·重庆·中考真题)China is developing rapidly, with its people living a peaceful and happy life. While developing itself, China never fails to offer a helping hand to its friends.
On the Road to Peace
China has now been part of the UN peacekeeping missions (任务) for more than 30 years. UN peacekeeping missions provide different services including protecting civilians (平民).
In April 2023, the Chinese peacekeepers carried out an important task in Sudan. They successfully sent more than 1,100 people to safe places.
Into the Disaster Area (灾区)
In disaster areas, uniforms with “China Rescue (救援)” on the back offer a sign of hope and love. The Chinese rescue team is known for its quick and well-organized search and rescue work.
When earthquakes happened in Afghanistan and Nepal in October 2023, “China Rescue” quickly took action to transport things needed to the disaster areas.
Railway of Friendship
There are many high mountains between China and its neighboring country, Laos. The China-Laos Railway has broken through those barriers. This amazing achievement was made possible by the Lao workers and a large number of Chinese workers. They traveled far from their homes to build 1,035 kilometers of railway lines, including 301 bridges and 167 tunnels (隧道).
The peacekeepers, “China Rescue” and railway workers, are just some of the many thousands of Chinese who have spent all of their time and energy helping others around the world. Their selfless actions and tireless efforts bring honor to their homeland and help to build a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind.
73.When did the earthquakes happen in Afghanistan and Nepal
A.In April 2023. B.In May 2023. C.In September 2023. D.In October 2023.
74.What does the underlined word “barriers” mean in the passage
barrier /’b ri (r)/n.[C] plural barriers
A.A barrier is something such as a rule or law that makes it difficult or impossible for something to happen or be achieved.
B.A barrier is a problem that prevents two people or groups from municating. or working with each other.
C.A barrier is something like a wall that is put in place to prevent people from moving easily from one area to another.
D.A barrier is a natural object that prevents something or someone from moving from one place to another.
75.What is the passage mainly about
A.China’s selfless and tireless railway workers.
B.China’s actions to help people around the world.
C.How the Chinese peacekeepers help people abroad.
D.Why Chinese people can live a peaceful and happy life.
76.In which part of a newspaper can you probably read this passage
A.Science. B.World. C.Sports. D.Travel.
1.C 2.C 3.B 4.B
1.代词指代题。根据“Social media websites are communities where users can share photos and talk to each other online. They are very popular”可知,社交媒体网站是用户可以在线分享照片和相互交谈的社区,它们很受欢迎。此处They指的是“社交媒体网站”,故选C。
2.细节理解题。根据“I find it so much easier to express myself when I use social media.”可知,詹姆斯发现使用社交媒体时,表达自己要容易得多。故选C。
5.C 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.D
5.细节理解题。根据“David Brown is a 15-year-old boy from the UK.”可知,大卫是一个英国学生。故选C。
6.细节理解题。根据“I haven’t tried huidouzi.”可知,大卫在甘肃没有吃过灰豆子。故选D。
7.细节理解题。根据“What do you think of Gansu Well, I think it’s fantastic.”可知,大卫认为甘肃很棒,他很喜欢甘肃。故选A。
8.细节理解题。根据“That’s quite helpful for learning Chinese and experiencing the life and culture here. That’s why I’ve chosen home-stay.”可知,大卫选择民宿的原因是,他认为这样对语言学习很有帮助。故选C。
9.细节理解题。根据“Chinese characters are beautiful, and the language offers many chances. Being able to speak Chinese will be very helpful in the future. I want to be a Chinese teacher when I’m older.”可知,大卫认为汉语很美,将来会提供很多机会,所以大卫想成为一名汉语老师。故选D。
10.C 11.D 12.A
10.推理判断题。根据第一段内容可知,通过例举“Tong Weiqiang”,引出本文要谈论的话题:中国武侠,故选C。
11.细节理解题。根据“Although wuxia is a special part of Chinese culture, the core spirit of pursuing (追求) freedom and justice is generally accepted by people all over the world”可知,武侠的核心精神被全世界所接受,故选D。
12.最佳标题题。根据全文内容以及“New thoughts and ideas in wuxia works also help it go a step further abroad.”可知,本文主要讲述了中国武侠的新思想、新理念以及中国武侠在全世界受到欢迎。故选A。
13.A 14.B 15.A
13.细节理解题。根据“Sixteen-year-old Yang Shuncheng of China won in the Artistic Swimming World Cup in Somabay, Egypt on Saturday, May 13, 2023.”可知杨顺诚在埃及艺术游泳世界杯上获得金牌。故选A。
14.细节理解题。根据“Visitors can see thousands of treasures dating back to the Shang Dynasty (1600—1046 BC) in Sanxingdui Museum.”可知游客可以在三星堆博物馆看到数千件商朝的珍宝。故选B。
15.细节理解题。根据“Yan Yan Gu Shi (Salt and Words Story), a new app (应用程序) for storytellers to share short stories”可知盐言故事是一款讲故事的新应用。故选A。
16.A 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.D
16.推理判断题。根据“‘It is my greatest happiness to care for them,’ said 49-year-old Xie. She has been working at Yiyuan County Special Education School in Zibo, Shandong Province for 27 years.”可知,谢49岁了,而她在山东省淄博市沂源县特殊教育学校已经有27年了,说明她在22岁时开始在学校上班。故选A。
17.段落大意题。根据“She takes care of each student according to their physical conditions. And she also helps them with learning and their daily life. She used to help carry a student to restrooms, the dining hall, classrooms and the dormitory for nine years until the student graduated(毕业)from the school.”可知第3段主要讲述了谢如何照顾这些学生。故选C。
18.细节理解题。根据“To make sure every child received the best training, she made special plans for them.”可知,为了确保每个孩子都能接受最好的训练,她为他们制定了特别的计划。故选A。
19.细节理解题。根据“‘Although we feel tired sometimes, we feel our work is valuable after seeing the students’ progress, even just a little bit,’ Xie said.”可知,谢说,虽然他们有时会感到疲惫,但看到学生们的进步后,他们觉得自己的工作很有价值,哪怕只是一点点。由此可知,谢认为他们的工作是有用且重要的。故选B。
20.最佳标题题。根据“Xie Xiaohua is a special education teacher. She has won the hearts of hundreds of children and is called Mum Xiaohua by many of them.”可知,本文主要讲述了被称为“晓华妈妈”的特殊教育工作者谢晓华的事迹。选项D“晓华妈妈”作为标题最为合适。故选D。
21.A 22.C 23.B 24.D 25.D
21.细节理解题。根据“She was born at Beijing Zoo in 2000.”可知,大熊猫丫丫2000年出生,今年23岁。故选A。
22.细节理解题。根据“The club has won the league trophy(联赛奖杯) twice in a row, and its third in total.”可知,这是辽宁队第三次CBA夺冠。故选C。
23.段落大意题。根据“Recently, Zibo has become so popular not only for its delicious barbecue(烧烤) but also for the warm-hearted people there.”可知,第三段新闻介绍了淄博烧烤受欢迎、火出圈的原因。故选B。
24.细节理解题。根据“AI education will become more and more important.”可知,人工智能教育在将来会越来越重要。故选D。
26.A 27.C 28.B 29.C 30.D
26.细节理解题。根据“The Great Wall is a symbol (象征) of China in my eyes.”可知,长城在汤姆眼里是中国的象征。故选A。
27.细节理解题。根据“I think porcelain is the symbol of China. Chinese people invented it, so China is called ‘the nation of porcelain’.”可知,因为瓷器是中国人发明的,所以中国被称为“瓷器之国”。故选C。
28.细节理解题。根据“It is hard but fun for me to learn how to use chopsticks.”可知,学习如何使用筷子对格蕾丝来说很难,但很有趣。故选B。
29.细节理解题。根据“When my family visited China, I learned how to make dumplings from my Chinese friends. We talked and laughed. It was a wonderful experience.”可知,当乔的家人访问中国时,从中国朋友那里学会了如何包饺子,大家有说有笑,那是一次美妙的经历。故选C。
30.推理判断题。根据“The newspaper reporter interviewed some foreign students.”可知,报社记者采访了一些外国学生。由此推知可能在报纸上看到这篇文章,故选D。
31.B 32.C 33.B
【导语】本文分享了三个大事件。中国首部彩色电影《Remorse at Death》开拍;中国运动员首次参加了第七届残奥会;火箭将26颗卫星送入太空。
31.细节理解题。根据“He invited Mei Lanfang, a great opera performer to act in this film and Fei Mu, a well-known director to direct the film”可知,费穆执导这部电影,故选B。
32.细节理解题。根据“With the great effort from all of them, they won 2 golden medals, 12 silver medals and 8 bronze (铜制的) medals for China in total”可知,赢得了2枚金牌,12枚银牌,8枚铜牌,一共22枚,故选C。
34.A 35.B 36.B 37.D
34.词义猜测题。根据“Influenced by the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, ice-and-snow tours flower among Chinese people during the seven-day holiday.”可知,受2022年北京冬奥会的影响,春节假期期间冰雪之旅受到了中国人的欢迎,flower意为“变得受欢迎”。故选A。
35.细节理解题。根据“He went to the ski resort in his city early on the second day and was ready to start the Year of the Rabbit on his snowboard.”可知,何瑞第二天去了滑雪胜地,结合“The Spring Festival holiday runs from Jan. 21 to 27 this year.”可知,第二天是1月22日。故选B。
36.细节理解题。根据“For Qiao Jian, a ski-lover from Shanxi, skiing has become his new habit to celebrate the Spring Festival. He has flown to Heilongjiang Province and Hebei Province, because there’s more ice and snow.”可知,乔建去其他省份享受滑雪了。故选B。
38.D 39.A 40.B 41.D 42.A
38.细节理解题。根据“after 20 years of stay at the Memphis Zoo in the U.S.”可知大熊猫“丫丫”在美国待了20年。故选D。
39.细节理解题。根据“Ya Ya was born at Beijing Zoo on August 3, 2000.”可知“丫丫”出生在北京。故选A。
40.细节理解题。根据图片中内容“Baby pandas are born pink...”可知熊猫宝宝出生时是粉红色的。故选B。
41.细节理解题。根据“YaYa has become a bridge of friendship between Chinese and foreign people. (丫丫已经成为中外人民友谊的桥梁。)”可知“丫丫”帮助外国人更多地了解中国。故选D。
42.细节理解题。根据标题“Daily News”可知,最有可能新闻上看到本篇文章。故选A。
43.C 44.D 45.B 46.A 47.D
44.细节理解题。根据“A diner eating in a restaurant’s outdoor yard, in Sichuan Province, has discovered dinosaur footprints on the ground”可知四川省一家餐馆的户外院子里,一名食客在地上发现了恐龙脚印。故选D。
46.细节理解题。根据“The 30-meter mural shows mysterious scenes, which could reflect what the life was like in ancient Peru”可知这幅30米长的壁画展示了神秘的场景,可以反映出古代秘鲁的生活,所以它非常有价值。故选A。
47.推理判断题。根据“scientists made sure that the footprints are 100 million years old”“it is a fascinating way to uncover old remains”以及“reflect what the life was like in ancient Peru”可知这三个新闻都和考古有关,它们都和过去的事物有关。故选D。
48.D 49.A 50.B 51.D 52.A
48.细节理解题。根据“Ya Ya the giant panda has just arrived in Shanghai, east China on Thursday after 20 years of stay at the Memphis Zoo in the U.S.”可知大熊猫丫丫在美国待了20年。故选D。
49.细节理解题。根据“Ya Ya was born at Beijing Zoo on August 3, 2000.”可知丫丫在北京出生的。故选A。
50.细节理解题。根据“Baby pandas are born pink and measure about 15cm”可知新生的熊猫是粉色。故选B。
51.细节理解题。根据“Ya Ya hasbecome a bridge of friendship between Chinese and foreign people.(丫丫已经成为中外人民沟通友谊的桥梁。)”可知丫丫帮助外国人更多地了解中国。故选D。
52.细节理解题。根据标题“Daily News”可知,最有可能新闻上看到本篇文章。故选A。
53.B 54.A 55.B 56.B 57.C
53.细节理解题。根据“Locals Care for Natural World”和“Scientists Fight against Plastic Pollution”可知,a和e两则新闻与环境保护有关,故选B。
54.推理判断题。根据“For nearly 40 years, China has developed over 260 new types of seeds (种子) in space.”可知,近40年来,中国在太空开发了260多种新型种子。由此可知,中国可能是20世纪80年代开始开发太空种子的。故选A。
55.推理判断题。根据“Doctors are flying to an island off the coast of West Africa after a new flu broke out. They will test different medicines to find a way to deal with it.”可知,在一场新的流感爆发后,医生们正飞往西非海岸附近的一个岛屿。他们将测试不同的药物来找到治疗它的方法。此处it指的是新的流感,故选B。
56.最佳标题题。分析“A strong earthquake hit Turkey on February 6. More than 8,000 international rescuers (救援人员) around the world went to help, including the Blue Sky Rescue Team from China. They helped save lives and rebuild homes.”可知,本则新闻介绍土耳其发生强烈地震,来自世界各地的8000多名国际救援人员前往救援,其中包括来自中国的蓝天救援队。他们帮助拯救生命,重建家园。选项B“世界在地震中拯救生命”最适合作本则新闻的标题,故选B。
58.D 59.C 60.A 61.B 62.B
58.细节理解题。根据“Jing Haipeng, one of the astronauts for the Shenzhou-16 manned spaceflight mission”可知,景海鹏是神舟十六号载人航天飞行任务的宇航员之一。故选D。
59.细节理解题。根据“These paintings were beautifully drawn by teenagers from 10 African countries including Algeria, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Egypt, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritius, Nigeria, Somalia, South Africa and Zimbabwe.”可知,这些画作由来自阿尔及利亚、刚果民主共和国、埃及、马达加斯加、马里、毛里求斯、尼日利亚、索马里、南非和津巴布韦等10个非洲国家的青少年绘制而成。故选C。
60.推理判断题。根据“these excellent works are from the winners of ‘Tianhe Award’ for young friends from the 10 African countries”可知,景认为这些是优秀的作品,说明他认为这些画作都很精彩。故选A。
61.细节理解题。根据“It’s reported that Shenzhou-16 will bring international paintings by teenagers from 10 African countries to the China Space Station.”和“At present, we have not seen the paintings.”可知,这些画作将由神州16号的宇航员带到中国空间站,而目前,我们都没有见过这些画。故选B。
62.主旨大意题。根据“We look forward to joining hands with all peace-loving people to create a better tomorrow”可知,景希望,我们期待着与所有爱好和平的人们携手创造更美好的明天。由此可知,本文的主题是和平与友谊。故选B。
63.In December, 2023. 64.They are called the “forests eyes” and “green guardians”. 65.To protect green mountains and clear waters. 66.It takes three to four days. 67.Because the environment is improving day by day.
63.根据第一段“Hao Yongquan, 58, was chosen as Gansu’s most beautiful forest ranger (护林员) in December, 2023.”可知,郝永全于2023年12月被选为甘肃省最美护林员。故填In December, 2023.
64.根据第二段“He and his workmates at Guanyin Forest Farm are called the ‘forests eyes’ and ‘green guardians’.”可知,郝永全及其同事被称为“森林眼睛”和“绿色卫士”。故填They are called the “forests eyes” and “green guardians”.
65.根据第四段“They always go out early and return at sunset during the whole year, and their duty is to protect green mountains and clear waters.”可知,护林员的责任是守护青山绿水。故填To protect green mountains and clear waters.
66.根据倒数第三段“And each patrol takes three to four days.”可知,去最远的村庄巡逻需要3至4天。故填It takes three to four days.
67.根据最后一段“The environment is improving day by day, and that makes me feel my work is worth it”可知,因为环境日益改善,所以郝永全认为自己的工作是值得的。故填Because the environment is improving day by day.
68.Yang Zhengui is 60 years old. 69.Yang Zhengui has to get up at around 5 a. m. on workdays. 70.Because the road was not completed. 71.More than 40,000 kilometers. 72.Being so determined, patient, persistent and diligent.
【导语】本文主要是讲述邮递员Yang Zhengui十六年如一日地为高山上的村民送信件和包裹的事迹。
68.根据“YangZhengui, a 60-year-old man,”可知,Yang Zhengui60岁了,故填Yang Zhengui is 60 years old.
69.根据“he has to get up at around 5 a. m. on workdays.”可知,他得早上五点左右起床,故填Yang Zhengui has to get up at around 5 a. m. on workdays.
70.根据“In 2007, when Yang was new, the road was not completed, so he had to deliver the parcels on foot for nearly one year.”可知,2007年的时候道路还没有修成,所以他得步行去送包裹,故填Because the road was not completed.
71.根据“So far, Yang has traveled more than 40,000 kilometers and worn out four motorcycles.”可知,到目前为止,他已经走了超过40,000公里,故填More than 40,000 kilometers.
72.开放性答案。全文讲述邮递员YangZhengui十六年如一日地为高山上的村民送信件和包裹的事迹,可知,他有决心、有耐心、有毅力,而且勤奋。故填Being so determined, patient, persistent and diligent.
73.D 74.D 75.B 76.B
73.细节理解题。根据“When earthquakes happened in Afghanistan and Nepal in October 2023”可知,2023年10月阿富汗和尼泊尔发生地震,故选D。
74.词句猜测题。根据“There are many high mountains between China and its neighboring country, Laos. The China-Laos Railway has broken through those barriers.”可知,中国和邻国老挝之间有许多高山,所以中老铁路突破了这些障碍,此处指的是高山这些自然障碍。故选D。



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