专题19 补全对话--【真题荟萃】 2024年中考英语真题分类汇编(含解析)

专题19 补全对话--【真题荟萃】 2024年中考英语真题分类汇编
( Today is June 3. Xiaoming and Linlin are talking about the news on CCTV. )
A: Hello, Xiaoming.
B: 1
A: Did you watch CCTV News last night
B: 2 Any exciting news
A: Yes. It’s about Chang’e-6. It landed on the moon.
B: Wow! When did it land on the moon
A: 3
B: We have got a lot of success in space technology! I want to know more about it.
A: I’ve got some books about space.
B: 4
A: Of course.
B: Thank you.
A: 5
A.No, I didn’t.
B.Hello, Linlin.
C.You’re welcome.
D.Good luck to you.
E.At 6:23 p.m. on June 2.
F.May I borrow the books
Lin Hai: Hey, Ma Hua. I called you last night, but you didn’t answer. 6 at that time
Ma Hua: I was looking after my dog, Lucky. She was ill.
Lin Hai: 7 Have you taken her to the animal hospital
Ma Hua: Yes, I have. By the way, 8
Lin Hai: Not yet. But I’m planning to keep a pet. A cat, maybe.
Ma Hua: 9
Lin Hai: Cats are always lovely, and they don’t need much space since they’re small.
Ma Hua: It’s true. But you still need to be responsible and look after it very carefully.
Lin Hai: 10 Having a pet is far more than just playing with it.
A: Hi, Katherine, you look tired. 11
B: I planted tomatoes in the garden behind the school with my classmates just now.
A: 12 Why did you do that
B: Well, because our teacher asked us to watch how tomatoes grow.
A: That’s meaningful. 13
B: We also planted some carrots, potatoes and so on.
A: It must be a beautiful garden. Will everyone in your class look after them
B: Yes, we take turns to look after them.
A: 14
B: I hope so. It reminds me of a famous saying, “No pains, no gains”.
A: That’s right. Planting is not only a kind of labor practice but also helps us learn a lot.
B: I quite agree with you. 15
A: Sure, I’d love to. I’m looking forward to seeing your garden.
A.Would you like to visit our garden
B.Sounds interesting.
C.What else did you plant
D.I believe you’ll get a lot this autumn.
E.What’s the matter with you
(After Li Hua and Zhang Ming visited the science fair. )
A: How do you like the science fair
B: 16 . There are so many inventions in it.
A: 17
B: I think the AI anchor (主播) interests me most. It looks and speaks just like a real person.
A: You see. Our country is developing so fast. 18
B: I’m going to be a scientist in the future.
A: 19
B: I’m going to study science and maths harder.
A: Hope your dream will come true.
B: Thanks so much.
A: 20 .
(A: Li Hua B: Zhang Ming)
(Li Hua and Zhang Ming are waiting at a bus stop. Li Hua is looking through a magazine.)
A: Zhang Ming, check out this article about recent self-driving cars.
B: No, thanks. 21 I think they’ll make our streets more dangerous.
A: Actually, the writer says that self-driving cars can reduce accidents by 90 percent.
B: 22
A: The new technology helps keep a certain speed when there’s something in the front.
B: 23
A: Well, they are also convenient for the disabled.
B: If so, life for them will be better.
A: By the way, there’s going to be a science fair in Wanda Plaza. 24
B: I’d like to, but I’m busy with my book report.
A: OK, it doesn’t matter. 25
B: Oh, here comes the bus. See you.
A: See you.
A.How can they make it
B.Maybe another time.
C.I can’t agree with you more.
D.Would you like to go with me
E.I don’t really agree to them.
F.What other advantages do they have
A: Mary, have you ever seen a Beijing Opera
B: Of course. 26 I suppose every foreigner would like to see one.
A: Surely. What do you think of Beijing Opera
B: 27
A: So it is. Beijing Opera combines (融合) music, drama, dancing, and acrobatics (杂技).
B: Oh. You are lucky to have such wonderful heritage (遗产).
A: Yes, we are. 28 Many people are worried about its future.
B: 29 But I believe there will always be some people who like it and pass it on to the next generation.
A: So do I. 30
B: Good idea.
A.Well, it’s amazing.
B.More and more teenagers like it now.
C.Beijing Opera is a symbol of China.
D.That is a common problem for all classic arts.
E.But there are not many fans of Beijing Opera left.
F.Let’s go to see a Beijing Opera together some time!
G.Everyone will try to pass it on to the next generation.
A: Hi, Linda. What are you doing now
B: Hi, Tony. 31
A: What are you going to do this summer
B: 32
A: Really I did that last summer.
B: Oh. 33
A: I did many things, such as washing clothes, sweeping the floor and talking to them. 34
B: That sounds interesting.
A: But a lot of old people are lonely. 35
B: You are right. We are going to be old one day, too.
A: I agree with you.
A.And they told me stories about the past and how things used to be.
B.I am making a plan for the summer vacation.
C.We should take good care of them.
D.What did you do to help them
E.Which is the way to get there
F.I am going to work in an old people’s home.
A: Bob, do you like playing sports
B: Of course I do. Sports are good 36 our health.
A: What sports do you like best
B: I like basketball.
A: How 37 do you play basketball
B: About three times a week. And I also like watching basketball games on TV.
A: Who is your 38 basketball player
B: Yao Ming.
A: Could you 39 me something about him
B: Sure. He is a famous basketball player. And I want to be a star like him. How about you
A: I like science, so I hope to be a 40 just like Deng Jiaxian.
B: That’s cool. I hope our dreams will come true!
David: Hi, Zihan! I’ve been reading a book recently. It mentions a place called Yan’an. 41
Zihan: Yes. Yan’an is my hometown. Let me tell you something about it. Yan’an is a city in Shaanxi Province. It’s one of the revolutionary bases (革命根据地). It’s very important in Chinese history.
David: 42
Zihan: Because great leaders of the CPC once lived and worked there. What they did had a great influence on the founding of the New China. What’s more, the Yan’an Spiri means a lot to the Chinese.
David: 43
Zihan: It’s the spirit of being hard-working and self-supporting. In the past, the spirit supported Chinese people through the hard times. Today, it still encourages us to work hard for a better life.
David: I got it. I think Yan’an is really important to Chinese people.
Zihan: 44 . That’s why more and more people visit Yan’an these years. Maybe next time I can show you around my hometown.
David: Great! I hope to go there one day. Thank you.
Zihan: 45 .
CPC stands for the “Communist Party of China”. It’s “中国共产党” in Chinese.
A: Excuse me.
B: Yes, how can I help you
A: 46
B: OK. The camp will help children learn about themselves and get close to nature.
A: It is wonderful. 47
B: Three weeks, starting from the beginning of July.
A: 48
B: There are eight students. They can easily make new friends in small groups.
A: Great! 49
B: Yes, of course. Students can take part in different activities to learn something new.
A: 50 Summer camping is really good to help children grow up.
B: That’s true.
A.Sounds good.
B.How much is it
C.What should we take
D.And how long does it last
E.Do you plan different activities
F.How many students are there in each group
G.I need some information about the summer camp.
(Tony is talking about the coming summer vacation with his classmate, Li Hua.)
A: Hi, Tony! You look excited!
B: You know what I am looking forward to the summer vacation. But I haven’t decided where to go yet. 51
A: Ummm... Let me see. 52
B: Your hometown
A: Yes. It is Xinxian.
B: 53
A: It is in the south of Henan. Xinxian is a good place with mountain s and rivers. It’s famous as the county of the generals (将军县).
B: 54 . Anything more
A: Some villages are worth visiting. With the help of the government, great changes have taken place in many old villages. They receive a lot of visitors every year.
B: Great! Thank you for your advice.
A: 55 .
(Li Ming is talking with an exchange student Susan. A is for Li Ming; B is for Susan.)
A: Hi, Susan. Have you thought about your future dreams 56
B: That’s wonderful! I dream of becoming a computer programmer.
A: Great! 57
B: We can start by studying hard and getting good grades in science and math.
A: Yes, that’s important. I also think we should read books about famous scientists and learn from their experiences.
B: 58 We can also join in science and computer competitions to improve our skills.
A: I agree. It’s important to practice and never give up, even when things get hard.
B: Exactly! We should also try to study at universities that offer programs in science and computer programming.
A: That sounds like a good plan. 59
B: Yes! With hard work and a strong heart, we can achieve our goals.
A: I believe in us. 60
B: Together, we can reach for the stars and turn our dreams into reality.
A.Let’s support each other on the way to success.
B.I want to be a scientist like Tu Youyou.
C.That’ s a bit difficult.
D.How can we achieve our dreams
E.We can work hard and stay encouraged to make our dreams come true.
F.That’s a great idea!
G.To be a sportsman is always my dream.
A: Good afternoon. How can I help you
B: Hello. 61
A: Are you thinking about a bus tour or a boat tour
B: A bus tour. 62
A: Outside the hotel.
B: Oh, perfect. 63
A: At 6 o’clock in the morning. The bus leaves every hour. Here’s some more information.
B: Thank you. 64
A: You don’t have to. You can just wait outside the hotel.
B: Got it. 65 Thank you very much.
A: You’re welcome. Enjoy your tour!
A.I’ll just wait there.
B.How about the price
C.Do I have to book a seat
D.When is the earliest bus
E.Where shall I get on the bus
F.I’ve enjoyed the city very much.
G.I’d like to go on a tour of the city.
(William is calling to make an appointment (预约) with the receptionist (接待员) to see Dr. Kim. William=W, receptionist=R)
R: Good morning. Dr. Kim’s office. 66
W: Hello. I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr. Kim.
R: 67
W: William Jenson.
R: 68 Can you come in at 11:15
W: Um...I’d prefer something in the afternoon. I work in the morning.
R: 69 Are you free then
W: Let me see...yes, that’s fine.
R: OK. So your appointment is with Dr. Kim at 15:30 on Friday. 70
W: Great! Thank you!
A.Dr. Kim speaking.
B.How can I help you
C.What is your name, please
D.How about 10:30 on Friday
E.Please come about 15 minutes early.
F.I can get you an appointment this Thursday.
G.Would you be able to come in on Friday at 15:30
(N: Nick T: Taylor)
N: Dr. Taylor, I’m Nick from Popular Science. Nowadays people are easily distracted (分心的). How come
T: It’s “the monkey mind”. You feel it hard to stay focused, like a monkey 71 from thought to thought.
N: Yeah. Many people get mad with 72 for having so many thoughts.
T: It’s 73 to feel like this because humans have around 6,000 thoughts per day. So 74 it and make friends with your monkey mind. What if your monkey mind isn’t a 75 Perhaps it can remind you to be curious and kind towards your mind.
N: Umm, I see. 76 that, what else can we do to calm our brain
T: When the monkey mind is getting busy, give it a job to do. Use your 77 , like watching a flower, listening closely to the birds, smelling the air or taking deep breaths. Notice 78 your thoughts and feelings change.
N: That’s to say, try to focus our attention first. When our mind is calm, we can 79 our work again.
T: That’s true. In the daily life, developing habits helps make your brain stronger. Try drawing, reading, playing chess or else and see what 80 . Then keep practicing to strengthen your brain’s power.
(Rose and Jack are talking about their weekend activities. Rose=R, Jack=J)
J: Hi, Rose. What did you do last weekend
R: Nothing much. How about you
J: 81
R: A field What did you do in the field
J: We grew some vegetables.
R: 82
J: Certainly. First, dig a hole, put a small plant into it. Then, put the earth back. Finally, water the plant.
R: Oh, sounds kind of difficult. Did you feel tired
J: Yes, a little. 83
R: Great! What else did you do
J: 84
R: Wow! How meaningful it was!
J: We plan to go there next weekend. Would you like to join us
R: 85 I can’t wait!
A.Sure. I’d love to.
B.Can you tell me how to grow vegetables
C.But we had fun and learned a lot.
D.I worked in a field with my classmates.
E.We also helped pick grapes and oranges.
A: Hi, Tom. What are you going to do tomorrow
B: 86 But I haven’t decided which one to visit.
A: How about Chengdu Science Fiction Museum 87 It says it’s a new one.
B: That’s good. Tell me more about it.
A: Look! 88
B: Wow, cool! 89
A: Haha, it’s just like something from another planet.
B: So it is. 90
A: Yes. How amazing!
B: Can’t wait.
A.Is it built on a lake
B.Here’s a photo of it.
C.I plan to visit a museum.
D.I’m just reading an article about it.
E.I’ve never seen a star-shaped building like this.
A: Hi, Dave! 91
B: Not good.
A: 92
B: My right leg began to hurt after I ran this morning.
A: 93
B: No. I forgot it. And I ran 5 kilometers.
A: That’s too much. And it’s not right to run without warm-up exercises.
B: 94 What should I do now
A: You’d better stop running and rest for a few days. If your leg still hurts, go to see a doctor.
B: OK, I will. 95
A: You are welcome.
A.What happened
B.How’s it going
C.Let’s run together.
D.You are probably right.
E.Thanks for your advice.
F.How often do you exercise
G.Did you do any warm-up exercises
1.B 2.A 3.E 4.F 5.C
1.根据“Hello, Xiaoming.”可知,空处应是回应对方的问候,B项“你好,琳琳。”符合语境,故选B。
2.根据“Any exciting news ”可知,空处应是否定回答,A项“不,我没看。”符合语境,故选A。
3.根据“When did it land on the moon ”可知,空处应是回答的时间,E项“6月2日下午6点23分。”符合语境,故选E。
4.根据“I’ve got some books about space.”和“Of course.”可知,空处应是表示请求的句子,与书籍有关,F项“我可以借这些书吗?”符合语境,故选F。
5.根据“Thank you.”可知,空处应回答不客气,C项“不客气。”符合语境,故选C。
6.What were you doing 7.I’m sorry to hear that./That’s/It’s (really) terrible/bad./That/It sounds terrible/bad./Sounds terrible/bad. 8.do you have/keep a pet /do you have/keep pets /have you had/kept/got/gotten a pet (yet) /have you had/kept/got/gotten pets (yet) 9.Why /Why do you want/like to keep a cat /Why do you want/like to keep cats 10.I agree (with you)./You’re right./You are right./I think so./Yes, I couldn’t agree more./You have a point./I think you’re/you are right./That’s/That is right/true./It’s/It is right/true.
6.根据“ I called you last night, but you didn’t answer.”和“I was looking after my dog”可知此处询问昨天打电话的时候正在做什么,用What引导的特殊疑问句,时态是过去进行时。故填What were you doing。
7.根据“She was ill.”可知得知狗狗生病了,应该表达抱歉,惋惜等。故填I’m sorry to hear that./That’s/It’s (really) terrible/bad./That/It sounds terrible/bad./Sounds terrible/bad.
8.根据“Not yet. But I’m planning to keep a pet. A cat, maybe.”可知此处询问对方是否养宠物,时态可用一般现在时或者现在完成时。have a pet表示“有宠物”;keep a pet表示“养宠物”,此处可以用单数或者复数。故填do you have/keep a pet /do you have/keep pets /have you had/kept/got/gotten a pet (yet) /have you had/kept/got/gotten pets (yet)
9.根据“Cats are always lovely, and they don’t need much space since they’re small.”可知此处询问想养猫的原因,用Why引导的特殊疑问句。故填Why /Why do you want/like to keep a cat /Why do you want/like to keep cats 。
10.根据“Having a pet is far more than just playing with it.”可知此处是同意对方的说法,可以说“你是对的/我也这么认为”等等。故填I agree (with you)./You’re right./You are right./I think so./Yes, I couldn’t agree more./You have a point./I think you’re/you are right./That’s/That is right/true./It’s/It is right/true.
11.E 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.A
11.根据“Hi, Katherine, you look tired.”可知,看对方有点累,询问对方怎么了,选项E“你怎么了?”符合语境,故选E。
12.根据“I planted tomatoes in the garden behind the school with my classmates just now.”可知,介绍在学校后面的花园里种了西红柿,此处对此做出评价,选项B“听起来很有趣。”符合语境,故选B。
13.根据“We also planted some carrots, potatoes and so on.”可知,询问还种了什么,选项C“你还种了什么?”符合语境,故选C。
14.根据“I hope so. It reminds me of a famous saying, ‘No pains, no gains’.”可知,此处提到收获,选项D“我相信今年秋天你会收获很多。”符合语境,故选D。
15.根据“Sure, I’d love to. I’m looking forward to seeing your garden.”可知,邀请对方去参观,选项A“你想参观我们的花园吗?”符合语境,故选A。
16.Good/Wonderful/Great/Amazing/Fantastic/It is good/wonderful/great/amazing/fantastic/I like/love it a lot/very much 17.Which one interests you (most)/What interests you (most)/Which one are you interested in/What are you interested in 18.What are you going to be/become/do when you grow up/What do you want to be/become/do when you grow up/What are you going to be/become/do in the future/What do you want to be/become/do in the future 19.How are you going to do that/How are you going to be a scientist/What are you going to do to be a scientist 20.You’re welcome/Not at all/That’s all right/It’s my/a pleasure/My pleasure
16.根据“How do you like the science fair ”和“There are so many inventions in it.”可知,觉得这次科学博览会很好,故填Good/Wonderful/Great/Amazing/Fantastic/It is good/wonderful/great/amazing/fantastic/I like/love it a lot/very much。
17.根据“I think the AI anchor (主播) interests me most. It looks and speaks just like a real person.”可知,询问对方最感兴趣的是什么,故填Which one interests you (most)/What interests you (most)/Which one are you interested in/What are you interested in。
18.根据“I’m going to be a scientist in the future.”可知,此处询问对方长大后想成为什么,故填What are you going to be/become/do when you grow up/What do you want to be/become/do when you grow up/What are you going to be/become/do in the future/What do you want to be/become/do in the future。
19.根据“I’m going to study science and maths harder.”可知,询问对方为了成为科学家打算怎么做,故填How are you going to do that/How are you going to be a scientist/What are you going to do to be a scientist。
20.根据“Thanks so much.”可知,此处应回答“不客气”,故填You’re welcome/Not at all/That’s all right/It’s my/a pleasure/My pleasure。
21.E 22.A 23.F 24.D 25.B
21.根据“Zhang Ming, check out this article about recent self-driving cars.”和“I think they’ll make our streets more dangerous.”可知,不同意对方的观点,选项E“我不太同意他们的观点。”符合语境,故选E。
22.根据“Actually, the writer says that self-driving cars can reduce accidents by 90 percent.”和“The new technology helps keep a certain speed when there’s something in the front.”可知,介绍新技术帮助做到,选项A“他们是怎么做到的?”符合语境,故选A。
23.根据“Well, they are also convenient for the disabled.”可知,此处介绍对残疾人方便这一优势,选项F“它们还有什么其他优势?”符合语境,故选F。
24.根据“I’d like to, but I’m busy with my book report.”可知,此处发出邀请,选项D“你愿意和我一起去吗?”符合语境,故选D。
25.根据“OK, it doesn’t matter.”可知,这次不能一起去,选项B“也许下次吧。”符合语境,故选B。
26.C 27.A 28.E 29.D 30.F
26.根据“Mary, have you ever seen a Beijing Opera ”和“I suppose every foreigner would like to see one.”可知,认为外国人想要看京剧,选项C“京剧是中国的象征。”符合语境,故选C。
27.根据“What do you think of Beijing Opera ”和“So it is.”可知,此处是对京剧的评价,选项A“嗯,太神奇了。”符合语境,故选A。
28.根据“Many people are worried about its future.”可知,许多人担心它的未来,此处提到京剧面对的现状,选项E“但是京剧迷已经所剩无几了。”符合语境,故选E。
29.根据“Many people are worried about its future.”和“But I believe there will always be some people who like it and pass it on to the next generation.”可知,许多古典艺术都面临着传承的问题,选项D“这是所有古典艺术的共同问题。”符合语境,故选D。
30.根据“Good idea.”可知,此处提出一个好建议,选项F“我们什么时候一起去看京剧吧!”符合语境,故选F。
31.B 32.F 33.D 34.A 35.C
31.根据“What are you doing now ”可知此处回答自己正在做的事情,选项B“我正在为暑假做计划”符合语境。故选B。
32.根据“What are you going to do this summer ”可知此处回答自己打算暑假做什么,选项F“我要去一家敬老院工作”符合语境。故选F。
33.根据“I did many things”可知此处询问对方做了什么,选项D“你做了什么来帮助他们”符合语境。故选D。
34.根据“I did many things, such as washing clothes, sweeping the floor and talking to them”可知此处介绍那个时候做的事情,选项A“他们给我讲了过去的故事以及过去的情况”符合语境。故选A。
35.根据“But a lot of old people are lonely”可知很多老人很孤独,选项C“我们应该好好照顾他们”符合语境。故选C。
36.for 37.often 38.favorite/favourite 39.tell 40.scientist
36.根据“Sports are good...our health.”可知,运动对我们的健康有好处,be good for“有益于”符合语境,故填for。
37.根据“About three times a week.”可知,此处对频率提问,how often“多久一次”符合语境,故填often。
38.根据“Who is your...basketball player ”可知,询问最喜欢的篮球运动员是谁,favorite/favourite“最喜欢的”符合语境,故填favorite/favourite。
39.根据“Could you...me something about him ”可知,请对方告诉自己一些关于他的情况,tell“告诉”符合语境,故填tell。
40.根据“I like science, so I hope to be a...just like Deng Jiaxian.”可知,想成为像邓稼先一样的科学家,scientist“科学家”符合语境,故填scientist。
41.Do you know that place 42.Why is it very important in Chinese history 43.What is Yan’an Spirit 44.You are right 45.You are welcome
41.根据“It mentions a place called Yan’an.”和“Yes. Yan’an is my hometown.”可知,此处是一个一般疑问句,询问是否了解延安,故填Do you know that place。
42.根据“Because great leaders of the CPC once lived and worked there.”可知,此处询问为什么延安在中国历史上如此重要,故填Why is it very important in Chinese history。
43.根据“It’s the spirit of being hard-working and self-supporting.”可知,此处询问什么是延安精神,故填What is Yan’an Spirit。
44.根据“I think Yan’an is really important to Chinese people.”和“That’s why more and more people visit Yan’an these years.”可知,此处赞同对方说的话,故填You are right。
45.根据“Thank you.”可知,此处应回答“不客气”,故填You are welcome。
46.G 47.D 48.F 49.E 50.A
46.根据“OK. The camp will help children learn about themselves and get close to nature.”可知,此处介绍夏令营的相关信息,选项G“我需要一些关于夏令营的信息。”符合语境,故选G。
47.根据“Three weeks, starting from the beginning of July.”可知,此处介绍时长,选项D“持续多长时间?”符合语境,故选D。
48.根据“There are eight students.”可知,此处介绍学生数量,选项F“每组有多少学生?”符合语境,故选F。
49.根据“Yes, of course. Students can take part in different activities to learn something new.”可知,此处介绍不同的活动,选项E“你会计划不同的活动吗?”符合语境,故选E。
50.根据“Students can take part in different activities to learn something new.”和“Summer camping is really good to help children grow up.”可知,此处对“学生可以参加不同的活动来学习新的东西”做出评价,选项A“听起来不错。”符合语境,故选A。
51.Can/Could you give me some advice
Can/Could you help me
Any places to suggest
Any suggestions/advice/ideas
What’s your advice/suggestion/idea
Do you have any suggestions/advice/ideas
Have you got any suggestions/advice/ideas
… 52.What/How about (going to) my hometown
Why don’t you go to my hometown
Why not go to my hometown
Would you like to go to my hometown
… 53.Where is it
Where is Xinxian
Where is your hometown
… 54.Sounds great/good
Sounds like a good idea/place
I’ve never heard of it
I see
… 55.You’re welcome
That’s all right
No problem
Not at all
It’s a pleasure/My pleasure

51.根据“I am looking forward to the summer vacation. But I haven’t decided where to go yet.”可知,此处寻求对方的建议、请求对方的帮助,故填Can/Could you give me some advice或Can/Could you help me或Any places to suggest或Any suggestions/advice/ideas或What’s your advice/suggestion/idea或Do you have any suggestions/advice/ideas或Have you got any suggestions/advice/ideas…。
52.根据“Your hometown ”可知,此处建议对方去自己的家乡,故填What/How about (going to) my hometown或Why don’t you go to my hometown或Why not go to my hometown或Would you like to go to my hometown...。
53.根据“It is in the south of Henan.”可知,此处询问对方的家乡新县在哪里,故填Where is it或Where is Xinxian或Where is your hometown…。
54.根据“Xinxian is a good place with mountain s and rivers. It’s famous as the county of the generals (将军县).”可知,此处,此处对对方的介绍做出评价,故填Sounds great/good或Sounds like a good idea/place或Great/Wonderful/Fantastic/Perfect/Good/Nice/OK或I’ve never heard of it或I see…。
55.根据“Thank you for your advice.”可知,此处应回答“不客气”,故填You’re welcome或That’s all right或No problem或Not at all或It’s a pleasure/My pleasure…。
56.B 57.D 58.F 59.E 60.A
56.根据“Have you thought about your future dreams ”和“That’s wonderful!”可知,李明介绍自己的梦想,苏珊觉得很棒,选项B“我想成为像屠呦呦一样的科学家。”符合语境,故选B。
57.根据“We can start by studying hard and getting good grades in science and math.”可知,此处介绍如何实现梦想,选项D“我们怎样才能实现我们的梦想?”符合语境,故选D。
58.根据“I also think we should read books about famous scientists and learn from their experiences.”可知,此处对李明的看法做出评价,选项F“那是个好主意!”符合语境,故选F。
59.根据“Yes! With hard work and a strong heart, we can achieve our goals.”可知,此处提到努力工作,选项E“我们可以努力工作,保持鼓励,使我们的梦想成真。”符合语境,故选E。
60.根据“Together, we can reach for the stars and turn our dreams into reality.”可知,此处提到两人一起努力实现梦想,选项A“让我们在成功的道路上相互支持。”符合语境,故选A。
61.G 62.E 63.D 64.C 65.A
61.根据“How can I help you ”以及“Are you thinking about a bus tour or a boat tour ”可知此处表示自己想要游览,选项G“我想去游览这座城市”符合语境。故选G。
62.根据“Outside the hotel.”可知此处询问地点,选项E“我在哪里上车”符合语境。故选E。
63.根据“At 6 o’clock in the morning. The bus leaves every hour.”可知此处询问公交车的时间,选项D“最早的公共汽车是什么时候”符合语境。故选D。
64.根据“You don’t have to. You can just wait outside the hotel.”可知此处询问自己是否必须要做某事,选项C“我必须预订座位吗”符合语境。故选C。
65.根据“You can just wait outside the hotel.”以及“Got it”可知此处表示自己会在旅馆外等待,选项A“我就在那里等着”符合语境。故选A。
66.B 67.C 68.F 69.G 70.E
66.根据“Hello. I’d like to make an appointment to see Dr. Kim.”可知此处是接线员询问有什么能帮忙的,选项B“我能帮你什么”符合语境。故选B。
67.根据“William Jenson.”可知此处询问对方的名字,选项C“请问你叫什么名字”符合语境。故选C。
68.根据“Can you come in at 11:15 ”可知此处是建议见面的时间,选项F“我可以在这个星期四给你约个时间”符合语境。故选F。
69.根据“I’d prefer something in the afternoon.”和“Are you free then ”可知此处提到下午的一个时间,选项G“你能在星期五15:30来吗”符合语境。故选G。
70.根据“So your appointment is with Dr. Kim at 15:30 on Friday”可知是确定好了时间,选项E“请提前15分钟左右来”符合语境。故选E。
71.jumping 72.themselves 73.normal/common 74.accept 75.problem 76.Besides 77.senses 78.how 79.begin/start 80.works/helps
71.根据“like a monkey…from thought to thought”可知是指就像一个猴子,在想法之间跳跃。jump“跳跃”,此处like的宾语是“a monkey”,因此后接现在分词短语作定语。故填jumping。
72.根据“Nowadays people are easily distracted”以及“Many people get mad with…for having so many thoughts.”可知是指因为有这么多想法而生自己的气。Many people作主语,需用反身代词themselves“他们自己”。故填themselves。
73.根据“because humans have around 6,000 thoughts per day”可知这种感觉很常见,normal“正常的”/common“普遍的”都符合,故填normal/common。
74.根据“make friends with your monkey mind”可知是指接受它,祈使句用动词原形,accept“接受”,故填accept。
75.根据“Perhaps it can remind you to be curious and kind towards your mind.”以及“Nowadays people are easily distracted”可知此处是指如果你的猴子思维不是问题,空前有a,需用单数problem“问题”,故填problem。
76.根据“what else”可知是指除此之外,Besides“除……之外”,故填Besides。
77.根据“watching a flower, listening closely to the birds, smelling the air or taking deep breaths”可知是指运用你的感官,senses“感官”,复数表泛指,故填senses。
78.根据“Notice…your thoughts and feelings change”可知是指注意你的想法和感觉是如何变化的。how“怎样”,故填how。
79.根据“When our mind is calm, we can…our work again.”可知是指我们就可以重新开始工作了。begin/start“开始”,情态动词can后接动词原形。故填begin/start。
80.根据“Try drawing, reading, playing chess or else”可知是指尝试不同的事,看看哪个会起作用/有帮助。时态为一般现在时,主语是what,看作单数,谓语动词用三单形式。works“奏效”/helps“帮助”都符合。故填works/helps。
81.D 82.B 83.C 84.E 85.A
81.根据“How about you ”及“A field ”可知,此处介绍杰克的周末活动,且与“田地”有关。故选项D“我和同学们一起在田里干活。”符合语境。故选D。
82.根据“Certainly. First, dig a hole, put a small plant into it.…”可知,此处是罗斯询问杰克如何种菜。故选项B“你能告诉我怎样种菜吗?”符合语境。故选B。
83.根据“Did you feel tired ”及“Yes, a little.”可知,此处是杰克回复在田地里种菜的感受。故选项C“但我们玩得很开心,学到了很多。”符合语境。故选C。
84.根据“What else did you do ”可知,此处是杰克回复在田地里除了种菜之外还做了什么事情。故选项E“我们还帮忙采摘葡萄和橘子。”符合语境。故选E。
85.根据“Would you like to join us ”可知,杰克邀请罗斯下周一起去,罗斯应回复同意或不同意。故选项A“当然。我很乐意。”符合语境。故选A。
86.C 87.D 88.B 89.E 90.A
86.根据“What are you going to do tomorrow ”可知,此处是A询问汤姆明天的计划,汤姆应介绍自己的打算。故选项C“我计划参观博物馆。”符合语境。故选C。
87.根据“How about Chengdu Science Fiction Museum …It says it’s a new one.”可知,此处是A在“某物”上看到了对成都科幻博物馆的介绍,于是推荐给汤姆。故选项D“我只是在读一篇关于它的文章。”符合语境。故选D。
89.根据“Wow, cool!”可知,此处是汤姆对于博物馆的评价。故选项E“我从来没有见过这样的星形建筑。”符合语境。故选E。
90.根据“Yes. How amazing!”可知,此处应是一般疑问句,汤姆向A询问该博物馆的信息。故选项A“它建在湖上吗?”符合语境。故选A。
91.B 92.A 93.G 94.D 95.E
91.根据“Not good.”可知此处是两人见面询问对方怎么样,B选项“最近怎么样”符合情景。故选B。
92.根据“My right leg began to hurt after I ran this morning.”可知此处询问对方发生了什么,A选项“发生了什么”符合情景。故选A。
93.根据“No. I forgot it.”可知此句是一般疑问句,G选项“你做热身运动了吗”符合情景。故选G。
94.根据“And it’s not right to run without warm-up exercises.”可知此处回应对方的观点,D选项“你可能是对的”符合情景。故选D。
95.根据“You are welcome.”可知此处是表达感谢,E选项“谢谢你的建议”符合情景。故选E。




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